

下方是對話總覽,接著提供逐步說明。 每個步驟都醒目顯示了適用的最佳做法,以及支援流程的任何特殊設計注意事項。如要為自己的代理程式實作這項設計,請複製並自訂每個步驟的範例酬載。


支援服務對話是與品牌進行更深入的互動,可培養客戶忠誠度的獨特機會。為了建立可能會感到失望的使用者產生和諧關係,服務專員在同理心之間達到平衡。這個對話的基本流程為:(1) 執行訂單查詢;(2) 識別產品問題;(3) 協調退貨流程;(4) 使用正向互動來帶動新的銷售歷程。

而您可以建構的標準流程。舉例來說,您可以整合 OAuth,藉此驗證使用者身分,並在對話中安全地存取使用者帳戶資訊。如需身分驗證的範例流程,請參閱驗證使用者一文。




  1. 使用者開始與代理程式展開對話。
  2. 服務專員會傳送問候語。這個品牌透過對話開場,讓品牌想要強力宣傳。



  3. 使用者輕觸對話開場圖示來管理訂單。


    對這個服務專員來說,「管理訂單」是準確的標籤。 只有在代理程式能夠查詢訂單時,才使用這個詞組,但也能讓使用者編輯、退貨或換貨。

    JSON 有效負載

      "context": {
        "placeId": "",
        "userInfo": {
          "displayName": "Michael",
          "userDeviceLocale": "en-US"
        "resolvedLocale": "en"
      "sendTime": "2022-06-27T23:01:35.437205Z",
      "conversationId": "1111",
      "requestId": "123123333",
      "suggestionResponse": {
        "message": "conversations/1111/messages/2203",
        "postbackData": "manage_order",
        "createTime": "2022-06-27T23:01:34.911212Z",
        "text": "Manage order",
        "type": "REPLY"
      "agent": "brands/3333/agents/4444"

  4. 服務專員請使用者提供訂單號碼。




    JSON 有效負載

      "text": "I’m happy to help with your order 😊. Just tell me your order number. Ready?",
      "fallback": "I'm happy to help with your order. Just tell me your order number. Ready? (You can ask for help to locate your order number.)",
      "suggestions": [
          "reply": {
            "text": "Find order number",
            "postbackData": "option_1"
      "messageId": "2204"

  5. 使用者輸入訂單號碼。

    使用者類型 12341234

    在支援服務對話中,使用者的耐心可能更加輕微。為了給他們好一點,請盡量回答幾個問題,以取得所需資訊。建議您與 OAuth 整合,讓瀏覽過程更加輕鬆。 如此一來,使用者就能在沒有訂單編號的情況下登入帳戶並存取訂單記錄。

    JSON 有效負載

      "message": {
        "name": "conversations/1111/messages/2205",
        "text": "12341234",
        "createTime": "2022-06-27T23:03:22.454713Z",
        "messageId": "2205"
      "context": {
        "placeId": "",
        "userInfo": {
          "displayName": "Michael",
          "userDeviceLocale": "en-US"
        "resolvedLocale": "en"
      "sendTime": "2022-06-27T23:03:22.947287Z",
      "conversationId": "1111",
      "requestId": "123123555",
      "agent": "brands/3333/agents/4444"
  6. 服務專員會確認訂單詳細資料,並詢問你是否需要協助。


    代理程式使用訊息背景資訊依名稱參照使用者。在支援流程中,這種格式尤其適合讓使用者一看就懂。 代理程式會重複執行重要詳細資料,以確認找到的順序正確無誤,然後詢問使用者是否需要協助。「建議回覆」功能可讓你輕鬆回報問題。標籤能設定未來趨勢的語氣:

    • 令人放鬆的「不用了,謝謝!」能讓客戶輕鬆認識品牌。
    • 選擇「問題」而非「問題」時,可能有一些問題可以解決。

      JSON 有效負載

      "text": "Thank you, Michael. I can see your order with the reference number 12341234 arrived on June 1st. Do you need any help with this order?",
      "fallback": "Thank you, Michael. I can see your order with the reference number 12341234 arrived on June 1st. Do you need any help with this order? You can simply say Yes or No.",
      "suggestions": [
        "reply": {
          "text": "No thanks, all good",
          "postbackData": "option_1"
        "reply": {
          "text": "Yes, there's an issue",
          "postbackData": "option_2"
      "messageId": "2206"
  7. 使用者輕觸建議的回覆,即可回報訂單問題。


    JSON 有效負載

      "context": {
        "placeId": "",
        "userInfo": {
          "displayName": "Michael",
          "userDeviceLocale": "en-US"
        "resolvedLocale": "en"
      "sendTime": "2022-06-27T23:05:40.604784Z",
      "conversationId": "1111",
      "requestId": "123123777",
      "suggestionResponse": {
        "message": "conversations/1111/messages/2207",
        "postbackData": "option_2",
        "createTime": "2022-06-27T23:05:40.034552Z",
        "text": "Yes, there's an issue",
        "type": "REPLY"
      "agent": "brands/3333/agents/4444"

  8. 服務專員詢問使用者的問題類型。


    這是回應式 (非機器人) 訊息。 簡單來說,「糟糕!」可展現同理心,並確認服務專員的理解。 代理程式會醒目顯示主要為瞭解決常見問題而立即提供的常見問題。並確保使用者享有專人支援服務。「建議回覆」可讓您輕鬆定義問題。 即時代理程式要求建議可以讓使用者視需要與真人即時通訊。

    JSON 有效負載

      "text": "Oh no! Let’s see if I can solve it right now. Here are some things I can help with. If you can’t find what you're looking for, I can connect you to a Puzzle Pro.",
      "fallback": "Oh no! Let’s see if I can solve it right now. Here are some things I can help with: missing order, product issues, return order. If you can’t find what you're looking for, just say "Chat with a Puzzle Pro." You can also say "Back to menu."",
      "suggestions": [
          "reply": {
            "text": "Missing order",
            "postbackData": "option_1"
          "reply": {
            "text": "Product issues",
            "postbackData": "option_2"
          "reply": {
            "text": "Return order",
            "postbackData": "option_3"
          "action": {
            "text": "Chat with Puzzle Pro",
            "postbackData": "Option_4",
            "openUrlAction": {
              "url": "https://www.mysite.com"
          "reply": {
            "text": "Back to menu",
            "postbackData": "option_5"
      "messageId": "2208"

  9. 使用者輕觸建議即可退回訂單。


    JSON 有效負載

      "context": {
        "placeId": "",
        "userInfo": {
          "displayName": "Michael",
          "userDeviceLocale": "en-US"
        "resolvedLocale": "en"
      "sendTime": "2022-06-27T23:07:41.041188Z",
      "conversationId": "1111",
      "requestId": "123123999",
      "suggestionResponse": {
        "message": "conversations/1111/messages/2209",
        "postbackData": "option_3",
        "createTime": "2022-06-27T23:07:40.412888Z",
        "text": "Return order",
        "type": "REPLY"
      "agent": "brands/3333/agents/4444"
  10. 服務專員會提供安排退貨時間。


    這個代理程式提供良好的道理,可代表使用者的情況、展現同理心,並將對話向前移。這個過渡性詞組 (「但是...– 好消息!」) 品牌反應熱度上升, 隨著該品牌的道歉逐漸轉向解決。代理程式會根據步驟 6 的訂單查詢,確認可以免費退貨。代理程式會自動顯示問題並建議回覆內容,而非自動啟動退貨程序。

    JSON 有效負載

      "text": "Sorry to hear the puzzle isn't what you were looking for. But–good news–you're still in the 2-week window for free returns! Do you want to schedule a return pickup?",
      "fallback": "Sorry to hear the puzzle isn't what you were looking for. But–good news–you're still in the 2-week window for free returns! Do you want to schedule a return pickup? You can say Yes or ask for more options.",
      "suggestions": [
          "reply": {
            "text": "Yes",
            "postbackData": "option_1"
          "reply": {
            "text": "What are other options?",
            "postbackData": "option_2"
      "messageId": "2210"

  11. 使用者輕觸建議以安排退貨時間。


    JSON 有效負載

      "context": {
        "placeId": "",
        "userInfo": {
          "displayName": "Michael",
          "userDeviceLocale": "en-US"
        "resolvedLocale": "en"
      "sendTime": "2022-06-27T23:08:11.865939Z",
      "conversationId": "1111",
      "requestId": "123123011",
      "suggestionResponse": {
        "message": "conversations/1111/messages2211",
        "postbackData": "option_1",
        "createTime": "2022-06-27T23:08:11.394266Z",
        "text": "Yes",
        "type": "REPLY"
      "agent": "brands/3333/agents/4444"
  12. 服務專員請使用者選取取貨時間。


    服務專員使用符合使用者需求的語言 (「為您推薦」、「以最佳方式提供」) 來滿足使用者的需求和便利性。加入第二行的「let's」可增添更多吸引力這有助於與使用者建立和諧關係,即使在物流方面需要處理。「表情符號」在對話中適當的時間新增視覺興趣。在調解階段,這個有趣手勢比較有可能讓使用者感到不快。

    JSON 有效負載

      "text": "Perfect. I can arrange the return pickup for you. Let's make sure you're home to hand off your package 📦. What time suits you best?",
      "fallback": "Perfect. I can arrange the return pickup for you. Let's make sure you're home to hand off your package. What time suits you best? You can choose from these suggestions or ask for more times: Tue 8-10 am, Wed 1-3 pm, Thu 8-10 am.",
      "suggestions": [
          "reply": {
            "text": "Tue 8-10 am",
            "postbackData": "option_1"
          "reply": {
            "text": "Wed 1-3 pm",
            "postbackData": "option_2"
          "reply": {
            "text": "Thu 8-10 am",
            "postbackData": "option_3"
          "reply": {
            "text": "More times",
            "postbackData": "option_4"
      "messageId": "2212"

  13. 使用者輕觸取貨時間的建議。

    建議回覆 (星期三下午 1 點 - 3 點)

    JSON 有效負載

      "context": {
        "placeId": "",
        "userInfo": {
          "displayName": "Michael",
          "userDeviceLocale": "en-US"
        "resolvedLocale": "en"
      "sendTime": "2022-06-27T23:08:50.878539Z",
      "conversationId": "1111",
      "requestId": "123123013",
      "suggestionResponse": {
        "message": "conversations/1111/messages2213",
        "postbackData": "option_2",
        "createTime": "2022-06-27T23:08:50.422088Z",
        "text": "Wed 1-3 pm",
        "type": "REPLY"
      "agent": "brands/3333/agents/4444"
  14. 服務專員會提供取貨詳細資料。



    JSON 有效負載

      "text": "Got it ✔️. Someone will collect your package on Wednesday, June 7th from 1-3 pm at Apartment 1, Your Road, Example City 12345. Is that correct?",
      "fallback": "Got it! Someone will collect your package on Wednesday, June 7th from 1-3 pm at Apartment 1, Your Road, Example City 12345. Is that correct? Say "Correct" to confirm, or tell me to change the address, change the time, or go back to the menu.",
      "suggestions": [
          "reply": {
            "text": "Correct",
            "postbackData": "option_1"
          "reply": {
            "text": "Change address",
            "postbackData": "option_2"
          "reply": {
            "text": "Change time",
            "postbackData": "option_3"
          "reply": {
            "text": "Back to menu",
            "postbackData": "option_4"
      "messageId": "2214"

  15. 使用者確認取貨詳細資訊。


    JSON 有效負載

      "context": {
        "placeId": "",
        "userInfo": {
          "displayName": "Michael",
          "userDeviceLocale": "en-US"
        "resolvedLocale": "en"
      "sendTime": "2022-06-27T23:09:24.535388Z",
      "conversationId": "1111",
      "requestId": "123123015",
      "suggestionResponse": {
        "message": "conversations/1111/messages/2215",
        "postbackData": "option_1",
        "createTime": "2022-06-27T23:09:24.148091Z",
        "text": "Correct",
        "type": "REPLY"
      "agent": "brands/3333/agents/4444"
  16. 服務專員摘要說明問題解決方式。



    JSON 有效負載

      "text": "Great! Expect a pickup on Wednesday from 1-3 pm, and do make sure you're home 🏠. Is there anything else I can do for you, Michael?",
      "fallback": "Great! Expect a pickup on Wednesday from 1-3 pm, and do make sure you're home. Is there anything else I can do for you, Michael? I can show you sales or new arrivals, or take you back to the menu to choose your own adventure!",
      "suggestions": [
          "reply": {
            "text": "Show me sales",
            "postbackData": "option_1"
          "reply": {
            "text": "Show me new arrivals",
            "postbackData": "option_2"
          "reply": {
            "text": "Back to menu",
            "postbackData": "option_3"
      "messageId": "2216"

  17. 使用者輕觸建議即可查看產品。

    已輕觸 [回覆我的新回覆] 建議回覆


    JSON 有效負載

      "context": {
        "placeId": "",
        "userInfo": {
          "displayName": "Michael",
          "userDeviceLocale": "en-US"
        "resolvedLocale": "en"
      "sendTime": "2022-06-27T23:10:13.109037Z",
      "conversationId": "1111",
      "requestId": "123123017",
      "suggestionResponse": {
        "message": "conversations/1111/messages2217",
        "postbackData": "option_2",
        "createTime": "2022-06-27T23:10:12.763903Z",
        "text": "Show me new arrivals",
        "type": "REPLY"
      "agent": "brands/3333/agents/4444"