
Represents a performance max campaign.


addAdSchedule AdsApp.AdScheduleOperation Creates an ad schedule criterion from an ad schedule object.
addAdSchedule AdsApp.AdScheduleOperation Creates an ad schedule criterion.
addLocation AdsApp.TargetedLocationOperation Creates a location target in this campaign from a location ID.
addLocation AdsApp.TargetedLocationOperation Creates a location target in this campaign from a location.
addLocation AdsApp.TargetedLocationOperation Creates a location target in this campaign from a location JSON.
addLocation AdsApp.TargetedLocationOperation Creates a location target in this campaign from a location ID and bid modifier.
addProximity AdsApp.TargetedProximityOperation Creates a proximity target in this campaign from a proximity object.
addProximity AdsApp.TargetedProximityOperation Creates a proximity target in this campaign.
applyLabel void Applies a label to the performance max campaign.
assetGroups AdsApp.AssetGroupSelector Provides access to the asset groups attached to this performance max campaign.
bidding AdsApp.PerformanceMaxCampaignBidding Provides access to this performance max campaign's bidding fields.
enable void Enables the performance max campaign.
excludeLocation AdsApp.ExcludedLocationOperation Creates a location exclusion in this campaign.
excludeLocation AdsApp.ExcludedLocationOperation Creates a location exclusion in this campaign.
excludeLocation AdsApp.ExcludedLocationOperation Creates a location exclusion in this campaign.
getBiddingStrategyType String Returns the bidding strategy type of the performance max campaign.
getBudget AdsApp.Budget Returns the budget of the performance max campaign.
getEndDate AdsApp.GoogleAdsDate Returns the performance max campaign's end date, or null if there is no end date.
getEntityType String Returns the type of this entity as a String, in this case, "PerformanceMaxCampaign".
getId String Returns the ID of the performance max campaign.
getName String Returns the name of the performance max campaign.
getResourceName String Returns the resource name of the performance max campaign.
getStartDate AdsApp.GoogleAdsDate Returns the performance max campaign's start date.
getStatsFor AdsApp.Stats Returns stats for the specified date range.
getStatsFor AdsApp.Stats Returns stats for the specified custom date range.
isDeleted boolean Returns true if the performance max campaign is deleted.
isEnabled boolean Returns true if the performance max campaign is enabled.
isPaused boolean Returns true if the performance max campaign is paused.
labels AdsApp.LabelSelector Creates a selector of all labels applied to the performance max campaign.
pause void Pauses the performance max campaign.
removeLabel void Removes a label from the performance max campaign.
setEndDate void Sets the performance max campaign's end date from either an object containing year, month, and day fields, or an 8-digit string in YYYYMMDD format.
setName void Sets the name of the performance max campaign.
setStartDate void Sets the performance max campaign's start date from either an object containing year, month, and day fields, or an 8-digit string in YYYYMMDD format.
targeting AdsApp.CampaignTargeting Provides access to campaign-level targeting criteria: device targeting, ad scheduling, location targeting, and audiences.
urls AdsApp.CampaignUrls Provides access to this performance max campaign's URL fields.


Creates an ad schedule criterion from an ad schedule object. Once created, the performance max campaign will start showing ads during the specified time.

When called with one argument, addAdSchedule supports two kinds of input:

  • Existing AdSchedule objects, perhaps from another campaign:
    var campaigns = AdsApp.campaigns().get();
    var campaign1 =;
    var campaign2 =;
    var schedule = campaign1.targeting().adSchedules().get().next();
  • Plain JavaScript objects describing an ad schedule. For instance, this will create an ad schedule covering Saturday mornings:
    var campaign = AdsApp.campaigns().get().next();
      dayOfWeek: "SATURDAY",
      startHour: 7,
      startMinute: 0,
      endHour: 11,
      endMinute: 0,
      bidModifier: 1.1
    This will look at the following properties of the given object:
    • dayOfWeek: Required. Must be one of "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY", or "SUNDAY".
    • startHour and startMinute: Required. The starting time of this segment of the ad schedule. startHour must be an integer between 0 and 23, and startMinute must be either 0, 15, 30, or 45. For instance, a startHour of 18 and a startMinute of 30 would result in an ad schedule starting at 6:30PM. Acceptable starting times range from 00:00 to 23:45.
    • endHour and endMinute: Required. The ending time of this segment of the ad schedule. endHour must be an integer between 0 and 24, and endMinute must be either 0, 15, 30, or 45. For instance, a endHour of 18 and a endMinute of 30 would result in an ad schedule ending at 6:30PM. Acceptable ending times range from 00:15 to 24:00.
    • bidModifier: Optional. The bid modifier for this segment of the ad schedule.

One thing to keep in mind is that, by default, campaigns have no ad schedule criteria and hence serve ads at all times. Adding the first ad schedule to a campaign will cause ads to be shown during that time only.


adSchedule Object The schedule to create.

Return values:

AdsApp.AdScheduleOperation The associated ad schedule operation.

addAdSchedule(dayOfWeek, startHour, startMinute, endHour, endMinute, bidModifier)

Creates an ad schedule criterion. Once created, the performance max campaign will start showing ads during the specified time.

For instance, this will create an ad schedule covering Saturday mornings:

var campaign = AdsApp.campaigns().get().next();
campaign.addAdSchedule("SATURDAY", 7, 0, 11, 0);

This will create the same schedule, but with a bid modifier of 1.1:

var campaign = AdsApp.campaigns().get().next();
campaign.addAdSchedule("SATURDAY", 7, 0, 11, 0, 1.1);

One thing to keep in mind is that, by default, campaigns have no ad schedule criteria and hence serve ads at all times. Adding the first ad schedule to a campaign will cause ads to be shown during that time only.


dayOfWeek String The day of week. Must be one of "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY", or "SUNDAY".
startHour int The start hour. Must be an integer between 0 and 23. Acceptable starting times range from 00:00 to 23:45.
startMinute int The start minute. Must be either 0, 15, 30, or 45. Acceptable starting times range from 00:00 to 23:45.
endHour int The end hour. Must be an integer between 0 and 24. Acceptable ending times range from 00:15 to 24:00.
endMinute int The end minute. Must be either 0, 15, 30, or 45. Acceptable ending times range from 00:15 to 24:00.
bidModifier double Optional. The bid modifier to use for the newly created ad schedule.

Return values:

AdsApp.AdScheduleOperation The associated ad schedule operation.


Creates a location target in this campaign from a location ID. Once created, the campaign will start showing ads to the location with the given location ID.

You must specify a location ID. For a list of locations and their corresponding IDs, see the API documentation on geotargeting.


locationId int The location ID to target.

Return values:

AdsApp.TargetedLocationOperation The associated targeted location operation.


Creates a location target in this campaign from a location. Once created, the campaign will start showing ads to the location with the given location ID.

You must specify an existing TargetedLocation object, perhaps from another campaign:

var campaigns = AdsApp.campaigns().get();
var campaign1 =;
var campaign2 =;
var location = campaign1.targeting().targetedLocations().get().next();


location AdsApp.TargetedLocation The location to target.

Return values:

AdsApp.TargetedLocationOperation The associated targeted location operation.


Creates a location target in this campaign from a location JSON. Once created, the campaign will start showing ads to the location with the given location ID.

You must specify a plain JavaScript object describing a location. For instance, this would create a location target for Tennessee:

var campaign = AdsApp.campaigns().get().next();
  id: 21175,
  bidModifier: 1.2,
This will look at the following properties of the given object:
  • id: Required. The ID of the location to target. For a list of locations and their corresponding IDs, see the API documentation on geotargeting.
  • bidModifier: Optional. The bid modifier for this location.


location Object JSON representation of the location to target.

Return values:

AdsApp.TargetedLocationOperation The associated targeted location operation.

addLocation(locationId, bidModifier)

Creates a location target in this campaign from a location ID and bid modifier. Once created, the campaign will start showing ads to the location with the given location ID.

For instance, this will create a location target for Tennessee with a bid modifier of 1.15:

var campaign = AdsApp.campaigns().get().next();
campaign.addLocation(21175, 1.15);


locationId int The ID of the location to target. For a list of locations and their corresponding IDs, see the API documentation on geotargeting.
bidModifier double The desired bid modifier for the new location target.

Return values:

AdsApp.TargetedLocationOperation The associated targeted location operation.


Creates a proximity target in this campaign from a proximity object. Once created, the performance max campaign will start showing ads to geographical points within the specified radius of the specified central point.

When called with one argument, addProximity supports two kinds of input:

  • Existing TargetedProximity objects, perhaps from another campaign:
    var campaigns = AdsApp.campaigns().get();
    var campaign1 =;
    var campaign2 =;
    var proximity = campaign1.targeting().targetedProximities().get().next();
  • Plain JavaScript objects describing a proximity. For instance, this would create a proximity targeting 20km around Google headquarters:
    var campaign = AdsApp.campaigns().get().next();
      latitude: 37.423021,
      longitude: -122.083739,
      radius: 20,
      radiusUnits: "KILOMETERS",
      bidModifier: 0.75,
      address: {
        streetAddress: "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway",
        cityName: "Mountain View",
        provinceName: "California",
        provinceCode: "CA",
        postalCode: "94043",
        countryCode: "US"
    This will look at the following properties of the given object:
    • latitude and longitude: Required. The central geographic point of the proximity to target.
    • radius and radiusUnits: Required. The radius around the central point to target. radiusUnits must be either "MILES" or "KILOMETERS".
    • bidModifier: Optional. The bid modifier for this proximity.
    • address: Optional. The address associated with the central geographical point.

      If present, this is expected to be an object, which contains any of streetAddress, streetAddress2, cityName, provinceName, provinceCode, postalCode, and countryCode as properties with string values. This corresponds to the Address objects returned by existing proximity targets.

      There is no validation to check that the address actually belongs to the given latitude and longitude. It has no functionality except to change what shows up in the Campaign Management interface.


proximity Object The proximity to target.

Return values:

AdsApp.TargetedProximityOperation The associated targeted proximity operation.

addProximity(latitude, longitude, radius, radiusUnits, optArgs)

Creates a proximity target in this campaign. Once created, the performance max campaign will start showing ads to geographical points within the specified radius of the specified central point.

For instance, this will create a proximity targeting 20km around Google headquarters:

var campaign = AdsApp.campaigns().get().next();
campaign.addProximity(37.423021, -122.083739, 20, "KILOMETERS");
Similarly, to create the same proximity target with a bid modifier and address:
campaign.addProximity(37.423021, -122.083739, 20, "KILOMETERS", {
  bidModifier: 1.15,
  address: {
    streetAddress: "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway",
    cityName: "Mountain View",
    provinceName: "California",
    provinceCode: "CA",
    postalCode: "94043",
    countryCode: "US"


latitude double The latitude of the central point.
longitude double The longitude of the central point.
radius double The radius of the proximity target.
radiusUnits String The units of the radius, either "MILES" or "KILOMETERS".
optArgs Object Optional. Either a number, which will be interpreted as the desired bid modifier for the proximity, or an object containing extra additional arguments.

For TargetedProximities, there are two supported optional arguments:

  • bidModifier: The bid modifier for this proximity.
  • address: The address associated with the central geographical point.

    If present, this is expected to be an object, which contains any of streetAddress, streetAddress2, cityName, provinceName, provinceCode, postalCode, and countryCode as properties with string values. This corresponds to the Address objects returned by existing proximity targets.

    There is no validation to check that the address actually belongs to the given latitude and longitude. It has no functionality except to change what shows up in the Campaign Management interface.

Return values:

AdsApp.TargetedProximityOperation The associated targeted proximity operation.


Applies a label to the performance max campaign. name of the label is case-sensitive. Operation will fail if the label with the specified name does not already exist in the account.

Note that the performance max campaign cannot have more than 50 labels.

Returns nothing.


name String Name of the label to apply.


Provides access to the asset groups attached to this performance max campaign.

Return values:

AdsApp.AssetGroupSelector A selector of asset groups attached to this performance max campaign.


Provides access to this performance max campaign's bidding fields.

Return values:

AdsApp.PerformanceMaxCampaignBidding Access to this performance max campaign's bidding fields.


Enables the performance max campaign.

Returns nothing.


Creates a location exclusion in this campaign. Once created, the campaign will not show ads to the location with the given location ID.

You must specify a location ID. For a list of locations and their corresponding IDs, see the API documentation on geotargeting:

var campaign = AdsApp.campaigns().get().next();


locationId int The ID of the location to exclude.

Return values:

AdsApp.ExcludedLocationOperation The associated excluded location operation.


Creates a location exclusion in this campaign. Once created, the campaign will not show ads to the location with the given location ID.

You must specify a plain JavaScript object describing a location. For instance, this would create a location exclusion for Tennessee:

var campaign = AdsApp.campaigns().get().next();
  id: 21175
The only field of the object which will be looked at is id, which represents the location ID.


location Object JSON representation of the location to exclude.

Return values:

AdsApp.ExcludedLocationOperation The associated excluded location operation.


Creates a location exclusion in this campaign. Once created, the campaign will not show ads to the location with the given location ID.

You must specify an existing ExcludedLocation object, perhaps from another campaign:

var campaigns = AdsApp.campaigns().get();
var campaign1 =;
var campaign2 =;
var location = campaign1.targeting().excludedLocations().get().next();


location AdsApp.ExcludedLocation The location to exclude.

Return values:

AdsApp.ExcludedLocationOperation The associated excluded location operation.


Returns the bidding strategy type of the performance max campaign. Possible return values:


Return values:

String The bidding strategy type of the performance max campaign.


Returns the budget of the performance max campaign. In order to change the performance max campaign's budget, use Budget.setAmount(double).

Return values:

AdsApp.Budget Budget of the performance max campaign.


Returns the performance max campaign's end date, or null if there is no end date.

For instance, if a campaign ended on May 3, 2013, this would return the following object: {year: 2013, month: 5, day: 3}.

Return values:

AdsApp.GoogleAdsDate The performance max campaign's end date, or null if there's no end date.


Returns the type of this entity as a String, in this case, "PerformanceMaxCampaign".

Return values:

String Type of this entity: "PerformanceMaxCampaign".


Returns the ID of the performance max campaign.

Return values:

String The ID of the performance max campaign.


Returns the name of the performance max campaign.

Return values:

String The name of the performance max campaign.


Returns the resource name of the performance max campaign.

Return values:

String The resource name of the performance max campaign.


Returns the performance max campaign's start date.

For instance, if a campaign started on May 3, 2013, this would return the following object: {year: 2013, month: 5, day: 3}.

Return values:

AdsApp.GoogleAdsDate The performance max campaign's start date.


Returns stats for the specified date range. Supported values:



var stats = performanceMaxCampaign.getStatsFor("THIS_MONTH");


dateRange String Date range for which the stats are requested.

Return values:

AdsApp.Stats The stats for the specified date range.

getStatsFor(dateFrom, dateTo)

Returns stats for the specified custom date range. Both parameters can be either an object containing year, month, and day fields, or an 8-digit string in YYYYMMDD form. For instance, March 24th, 2013 is represented as either {year: 2013, month: 3, day: 24} or "20130324". The date range is inclusive on both ends, so forDateRange("20130324", "20130324") defines a range of a single day.


dateFrom Object Start date of the date range. Must be either a string in YYYYMMDD form, or an object with year, month and day properties.
dateTo Object End date of the date range. Must be either a string in YYYYMMDD form, or an object with year, month and day properties.

Return values:

AdsApp.Stats The stats for the specified date range.


Returns true if the performance max campaign is deleted.

Return values:

boolean true if the performance max campaign is deleted.


Returns true if the performance max campaign is enabled.

Return values:

boolean true if the performance max campaign is enabled.


Returns true if the performance max campaign is paused.

Return values:

boolean true if the performance max campaign is paused.


Creates a selector of all labels applied to the performance max campaign.

Return values:

AdsApp.LabelSelector Selector of all labels applied to the performance max campaign.


Pauses the performance max campaign.

Returns nothing.


Removes a label from the performance max campaign. name of the label is case-sensitive. Operation will fail if the label with the specified name does not already exist in the account.

Returns nothing.


name String Name of the label.


Sets the performance max campaign's end date from either an object containing year, month, and day fields, or an 8-digit string in YYYYMMDD format.

For instance, campaign.setEndDate("20130503"); is equivalent to campaign.setEndDate({year: 2013, month: 5, day: 3});.

The change will fail and report an error if:

  • the given date is invalid (e.g., {year: 2013, month: 5, day: 55}),
  • it's a date in the past, or
  • it's a date after the latest allowed end date of December 30, 2037.

Returns nothing.


date Object The new campaign end date.


Sets the name of the performance max campaign.

Returns nothing.


name String The new name for the performance max campaign.


Sets the performance max campaign's start date from either an object containing year, month, and day fields, or an 8-digit string in YYYYMMDD format.

For instance, campaign.setStartDate("20130503"); is equivalent to campaign.setStartDate({year: 2013, month: 5, day: 3});.

The change will fail and report an error if:

  • the performance max campaign has already started,
  • the given date is invalid (e.g., {year: 2013, month: 5, day: 55}),
  • the given date is after the performance max campaign's end date,
  • it's a date in the past, or
  • it's a date after the latest allowed end date of December 30, 2037.

Returns nothing.


date Object The new campaign end date.


Provides access to campaign-level targeting criteria: device targeting, ad scheduling, location targeting, and audiences.

Return values:

AdsApp.CampaignTargeting Access to certain kinds of targeting criteria in this campaign.


Provides access to this performance max campaign's URL fields. See Final URL for more information.

Return values:

AdsApp.CampaignUrls Access to this performance max campaign's URL fields.