Menambahkan bagian area duduk untuk tempat makan

Restoran biasanya memiliki area tempat duduk yang berbeda seperti bar atau teras dan pengalaman yang berbeda, seperti menu mencicipi lima hidangan atau mencicipi anggur. Pusat Tindakan mendukung perbedaan ini dan memungkinkan pengguna menentukan area untuk memesan meja.

Slot ketersediaan dengan nama kamar

Gambar 1: Contoh pemilihan slot untuk restoran dengan bagian tempat duduk

Pemisahan inventaris ini dapat digunakan dengan menetapkan kolom room_id, room_name, dan dalam pesan resources dari slot Ketersediaan. Untuk menyertakan deskripsi ruangan, gunakan kolom room_description di dalam pesan Resource.

// A resource is used to disambiguate availability slots from one another when
// different staff, room or party_size values are part of the service.
// Multiple slots for the same service and time interval can co-exist when they
// have different resources.
message Resources {
  // One of staff_id, room_id, or party_size must be set.

  // Optional ID for a staff member providing the service. This field identifies
  // the staff member across all merchants, services, and availability records.
  // It also needs to be stable over time to allow correlation with past
  // bookings. (optional but required if staff_name is present)
  string staff_id = 1;

  // Optional name of a staff member providing the service. This field will be
  // displayed to users making a booking, and should be human-readable, as
  // opposed to an opaque identifier. (optional but required if staff_id is
  // present)
  string staff_name = 2;

  // An optional ID for the room the service is located in. This field
  // identifies the room across all merchants, services, and availability
  // records. It also needs to be stable over time to allow correlation with
  // past bookings. (optional but required if room_name is present)
  string room_id = 3;

  // An optional name for the room the service is located in or experience of
  // of the service. This field will be displayed to users making a booking,
  // and should be human readable, as opposed to an opaque identifier.
  // A room name should only be used for seating areas or prepaid experiences.
  // Examples of room names include "Bar", "Patio", "Dining Room". Examples of
  // dining experiences using room names include "Five-Course Tasting Menu",
  // "Chef Omakase". It is strongly recommended that the default seating area
  // does not have a room associated with it.
  string room_name = 4;

  // Applicable only for Dining: The party size that can be accommodated
  // during this time slot. A restaurant can be associated with multiple Slots
  // for the same time, each specifying a different party_size, if for instance
  // 2, 3, or 4 people can be seated with a reservation. (optional)
  int32 party_size = 5;

  // Localized room description with a limit of 500 characters. If set,
  // a default value must be provided, it is preferred to use the common
  // languages for the merchant's locale.
  Text room_description = 7;

Informasi ini merupakan bagian integral dari definisi slot dan harus disertakan dalam feed serta semua operasi pemesanan dan pembaruan real-time. Anda dapat melihat contoh room_id dan room_name yang ditentukan dalam contoh Feed Khusus Vertikal, Makan.

Slot Ketersediaan menggunakan Nama Ruang untuk Pengalaman

Jika telah menerapkan atau sedang dalam proses menerapkan Pemindahan Pembayaran Reservasi, Anda dapat menggunakan room_name dan room_descriptions untuk mendukung pengalaman makan prabayar. Screenshot berikut menjelaskan cara pengalaman ditampilkan di web.

Gambar 1: Contoh pemilihan slot untuk restoran dengan bagian tempat duduk termasuk deskripsi ruangan

Contoh Ruang

  "availability": [{
    "merchant_id": "dining-A",
    "service_id": "reservation",
    "start_sec": 1535853600,
    "duration_sec": 2700,
    "spots_total": 2,
    "spots_open": 2,
    "resources": {
      "room_id": "A-dining-room",
      "room_name": "Bar",
      "party_size": 2,

Contoh Pengalaman

  "availability": [{
    "merchant_id": "dining-A",
    "service_id": "reservation",
    "start_sec": 1535853600,
    "duration_sec": 2700,
    "spots_total": 2,
    "spots_open": 2,
    "resources": {
      "room_id": "A-dining-room",
      "room_name": "Wine Tasting Menu Pair",
      "description": "This Wine Tasting Menu Pair showcases American cuisine rooted in the nostalgic flavors of the 20th century American experience. Each experience is hand-crafted, with a progression from small bites to more substantial plates.",
      "party_size": 2,