




  1. 创建一个管理器类,用于先加载广告,以备需要展示时使用。
  2. 在应用进入前台事件期间展示广告。
  3. 处理展示回调。




对于开屏广告,加载测试广告最简便的方法就是使用下面的测试专用广告单元 ID:


该测试广告单元 ID 已经过专门配置,可确保每个请求返回的都是测试广告。您可以在自己应用的编码、测试和调试过程中随意使用该测试广告单元 ID。只需确保您会在发布应用前用自己的广告单元 ID 替换该测试广告单元 ID 即可。

如需详细了解移动广告 SDK 的测试广告如何运作,请参阅测试广告

实现 Manager 类


创建一个名为 AppOpenAdManager 的新单例类并在其中添加相关代码,如下所示:

class AppOpenAdManager: NSObject {
  var appOpenAd: GADAppOpenAd?
  var isLoadingAd = false.
  var isShowingAd = false

  static let shared = AppOpenAdManager()

  private func loadAd() async {
    // TODO: Implement loading an ad.

  func showAdIfAvailable() {
    // TODO: Implement showing an ad.

  private func isAdAvailable() -> Bool {
    // Check if ad exists and can be shown.
    return appOpenAd != nil
@interface AppOpenAdManager ()
@property(nonatomic, strong) GADAppOpenAd *appOpenAd;
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL isLoadingAd;
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL isShowingAd;


@implementation AppOpenAdManager

+ (nonnull AppOpenAdManager *)sharedInstance {
  static AppOpenAdManager *instance = nil;
  static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
  dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
    instance = [[AppOpenAdManager alloc] init];
  return instance;

- (void)loadAd {
  // TODO: Implement loading an ad.

// Add this method to the .h file.
- (void)showAdIfAvailable {
  // TODO: Implement showing an ad.

- (BOOL)isAdAvailable {
  // Check if ad exists and can be shown.
  return self.appOpenAd != nil;



下一步是填充 loadAd() 方法。

private func loadAd() async {
  // Do not load ad if there is an unused ad or one is already loading.
  if isLoadingAd || isAdAvailable() {
  isLoadingAd = true

  do {
    appOpenAd = try await GADAppOpenAd.load(
      withAdUnitID: "/21775744923/example/app-open", request: GAMRequest())
  } catch {
    print("App open ad failed to load with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
  isLoadingAd = false
- (void)loadAd {
  // Do not load ad if there is an unused ad or one is already loading.
  if (self.isLoadingAd || [self isAdAvailable]) {
  self.isLoadingAd = YES;

  [GADAppOpenAd loadWithAdUnitID:@"/21775744923/example/app-open"
                       request:[GAMRequest request]
             completionHandler:^(GADAppOpenAd *_Nullable appOpenAd, NSError *_Nullable error) {
               self.isLoadingAd = NO;
               if (error) {
                 NSLog(@"Failed to load app open ad: %@", error);
               self.appOpenAd = appOpenAd;


下一步是填充 showAdIfAvailable() 方法。如果没有可展示的广告,该方法会尝试加载广告。

func showAdIfAvailable() {
  // If the app open ad is already showing, do not show the ad again.
  guard !isShowingAd else { return }

  // If the app open ad is not available yet but is supposed to show, load
  // a new ad.
  if !isAdAvailable() {
    Task {
      await loadAd()

  if let ad = appOpenAd {
    isShowingAd = true
    ad.present(fromRootViewController: nil)
- (void)showAdIfAvailable {
  // If the app open ad is already showing, do not show the ad again.
  if (self.isShowingAd) {

  // If the app open ad is not available yet but is supposed to show, load a
  // new ad.
  if (![self isAdAvailable]) {
    [self loadAd];

  self.isShowingAd = YES;
  [self.appOpenAd presentFromRootViewController:nil];


当应用变为活跃状态时,调用 showAdIfAvailable() 以显示广告(如果有)或加载新广告。

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
  // ...

  func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) {
    // Show the app open ad when the app is foregrounded.

@implementation AppDelegate
// ...

- (void) applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application {
  // Show the app open ad when the app is foregrounded.
  [AppOpenAdManager.sharedInstance showAdIfAvailable];



当应用展示开屏广告时,您应借助 GADFullScreenContentDelegate 处理某些展示事件。具体而言,您需要在第一个开屏广告展示完毕时请求下一个开屏广告。

AppOpenAdManager 类中,添加以下代码:

class AppOpenAdManager: NSObject, GADFullScreenContentDelegate {
  // ...

  private func loadAd() async {
    // Do not load ad if there is an unused ad or one is already loading.
    if isLoadingAd || isAdAvailable() {
    isLoadingAd = true

    do {
      appOpenAd = try await GADAppOpenAd.load(
        withAdUnitID: "/21775744923/example/app-open", request: GAMRequest())
      appOpenAd?.fullScreenContentDelegate = self
    } catch {
      print("App open ad failed to load with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
    isLoadingAd = false

  // ...

  // MARK: - GADFullScreenContentDelegate methods

  func adWillPresentFullScreenContent(_ ad: GADFullScreenPresentingAd) {
    print("App open ad will be presented.")

  func adDidDismissFullScreenContent(_ ad: GADFullScreenPresentingAd) {
    appOpenAd = nil
    isShowingAd = false
    // Reload an ad.
    Task {
      await loadAd()

  func ad(
    _ ad: GADFullScreenPresentingAd,
    didFailToPresentFullScreenContentWithError error: Error
  ) {
    appOpenAd = nil
    isShowingAd = false
    // Reload an ad.
    Task {
      await loadAd()
@interface AppOpenAdManager () <GADFullScreenContentDelegate>
@property(nonatomic, strong) GADAppOpenAd *appOpenAd
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL isLoadingAd;
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL isShowingAd;


@implementation AppOpenAdManager

// ...

- (void)loadAd {
  // Do not load ad if there is an unused ad or one is already loading.
  if (self.isLoadingAd || [self isAdAvailable]) {
  self.isLoadingAd = YES;

  [GADAppOpenAd loadWithAdUnitID:@"/21775744923/example/app-open"
                       request:[GAMRequest request]
             completionHandler:^(GADAppOpenAd *_Nullable appOpenAd, NSError *_Nullable error) {
              self.isLoadingAd = NO;
               if (error) {
                 NSLog(@"Failed to load app open ad: %@", error);
               self.appOpenAd = appOpenAd;
               self.appOpenAd.fullScreenContentDelegate = self;

- (BOOL)isAdAvailable {
  // Check if ad exists and can be shown.
  return self.appOpenAd != nil;

// ...

#pragma mark - GADFullScreenContentDelegate methods

- (void)adWillPresentFullScreenContent:(nonnull id<GADFullScreenPresentingAd>)ad {
  NSLog(@"App open ad is will be presented.");

- (void)adDidDismissFullScreenContent:(nonnull id<GADFullScreenPresentingAd>)ad {
  self.appOpenAd = nil;
  self.isShowingAd = NO;
  // Reload an ad.
  [self loadAd];

- (void)ad:(nonnull id<GADFullScreenPresentingAd>)ad
    didFailToPresentFullScreenContentWithError:(nonnull NSError *)error {
  self.appOpenAd = nil;
  self.isShowingAd = NO;
  // Reload an ad.
  [self loadAd];




AppOpenAdManager 中,添加一个名为 loadTimeDate 属性,并在广告加载时设置该属性。接下来,您可以添加一个方法,该方法会在广告加载后经过的时间少于一定的小时数时返回 true。请务必先检查广告引用的有效性,然后再尝试展示广告。

class AppOpenAdManager: NSObject, GADFullScreenContentDelegate {
  var appOpenAd: GADAppOpenAd?
  var isLoadingAd = false.
  var isShowingAd = false
  var loadTime: Date?
  let fourHoursInSeconds = TimeInterval(3600 * 4)

  // ...

  private func loadAd() async {
    // Do not load ad if there is an unused ad or one is already loading.
    if isLoadingAd || isAdAvailable() {
    isLoadingAd = true

    do {
      appOpenAd = try await GADAppOpenAd.load(
        withAdUnitID: "/21775744923/example/app-open", request: GAMRequest())
      appOpenAd?.fullScreenContentDelegate = self
      loadTime = Date()
    } catch {
      print("App open ad failed to load with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
    isLoadingAd = false

  private func wasLoadTimeLessThanFourHoursAgo() -> Bool {
    guard let loadTime = loadTime else { return false }
    // Check if ad was loaded more than four hours ago.
    return Date().timeIntervalSince(loadTime) < fourHoursInSeconds

  private func isAdAvailable() -> Bool {
    // Check if ad exists and can be shown.
    return appOpenAd != nil && wasLoadTimeLessThanFourHoursAgo()
static NSTimeInterval const fourHoursInSeconds = 3600 * 4;

@interface AppOpenAdManager () <GADFullScreenContentDelegate>
@property(nonatomic, strong) GADAppOpenAd *appOpenAd
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL isLoadingAd;
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL isShowingAd;
@property(weak, nonatomic) NSDate *loadTime;


@implementation AppOpenAdManager

// ...

- (void)loadAd {
  // Do not load ad if there is an unused ad or one is already loading.
  if (self.isLoadingAd || [self isAdAvailable]) {
  self.isLoadingAd = YES;

  [GADAppOpenAd loadWithAdUnitID:@"/21775744923/example/app-open"
                       request:[GAMRequest request]
             completionHandler:^(GADAppOpenAd *_Nullable appOpenAd, NSError *_Nullable error) {
              self.isLoadingAd = NO;
               if (error) {
                 NSLog(@"Failed to load app open ad: %@", error);
               self.appOpenAd = appOpenAd;
               self.appOpenAd.fullScreenContentDelegate = self;
               self.loadTime = [NSDate date];

- (BOOL)wasLoadTimeLessThanFourHoursAgo {
  // Check if ad was loaded more than four hours ago.
  return [[NSDate Date] timeIntervalSinceDate:self.loadTime] < fourHoursInSeconds;

- (BOOL)isAdAvailable {
  // Check if ad exists and can be shown.
  return self.appOpenAd != nil && [self wasLoadTimeLessThanFourHoursAgo];







借助 Google 打造的开屏广告,您可以通过应用的加载屏幕创收。不过,还请务必考虑一些最佳实践,以便让用户喜欢使用您的应用。请务必遵循以下做法:

  • 等待用户使用几次您的应用后,再展示第一个开屏广告。
  • 利用用户等待您应用加载的那段时间,展示开屏广告。
  • 如果有加载屏幕位于开屏广告之下,并且加载屏幕在用户关闭广告之前已加载完毕,您可能需要通过 adDidDismissFullScreenContent 方法关闭加载屏幕。

GitHub 上的完整示例

Swift Objective-C

