
如果自适应横幅广告无法满足您的需求,Google 移动广告 SDK 支持固定广告尺寸。


尺寸(宽 x 高,以 dp 为单位) 说明 可用性 AdSize 常量
320x50 横幅 手机和平板电脑 GADAdSizeBanner
320x100 大型横幅广告 手机和平板电脑 GADAdSizeLargeBanner
300x250 IAB 中矩形 手机和平板电脑 GADAdSizeMediumRectangle
468x60 IAB 全尺寸横幅广告 平板电脑 GADAdSizeFullBanner
728x90 IAB 页首横幅广告 平板电脑 GADAdSizeLeaderboard

如需指定自定义横幅广告尺寸,请使用 GADAdSizeFromCGSize 设置尺寸:

let adSize = GADAdSizeFromCGSize(CGSize(width: 250, height: 250))
GADAdSize size = GADAdSizeFromCGSize(CGSizeMake(250, 250));


Swift Objective-C


除了标准广告单元之外,Google Ad Manager 允许您在应用中投放任意尺寸的广告单元。为广告请求设定的广告尺寸(宽度、高度)应与应用中展示的广告视图 (GAMBannerView) 的尺寸相匹配。如需设置自定义尺寸,请使用 GADAdSizeFromCGSize

// Define custom GADAdSize of 250x250 for GAMBannerView.
let customAdSize = GADAdSizeFromCGSize(CGSize(width: 250, height: 250))
bannerView = GAMBannerView(adSize: customAdSize)
// Define custom GADAdSize of 250x250 for GAMBannerView
GADAdSize customAdSize = GADAdSizeFromCGSize(CGSizeMake(250, 250));
self.bannerView = [[GAMBannerView alloc] initWithAdSize:customAdSize];


Ad Manager 允许您指定多个可能适合投放到 GAMBannerView 的广告尺寸。使用此功能需要执行以下三个步骤:

  1. 在 Ad Manager 界面中,创建一个订单项,并定位到多个不同尺寸广告素材所关联的同一个广告单元。

  2. 在您应用中的 GAMBannerView 上设置 validAdSizes 属性:

    // Define an optional array of GADAdSize to specify all valid sizes that are appropriate
    // for this slot. Never create your own GADAdSize directly. Use one of the
    // predefined standard ad sizes (such as GADAdSizeBanner), or create one using
    // the GADAdSizeFromCGSize method.
    // Note: Ensure that the allocated GAMBannerView is defined with an ad size. Also note
    // that all desired sizes should be included in the validAdSizes array.
    bannerView.validAdSizes = [NSValueFromGADAdSize(GADAdSizeBanner),
        NSValueFromGADAdSize(GADAdSizeFromCGSize(CGSize(width: 120, height: 20)))]
    // Define an optional array of GADAdSize to specify all valid sizes that are appropriate
    // for this slot. Never create your own GADAdSize directly. Use one of the
    // predefined standard ad sizes (such as GADAdSizeBanner), or create one using
    // the GADAdSizeFromCGSize method.
    // Note: Ensure that the allocated GAMBannerView is defined with an ad size. Also note
    // that all desired sizes should be included in the validAdSizes array.
    self.bannerView.validAdSizes = @[
        NSValueFromGADAdSize(GADAdSizeFromCGSize(CGSizeMake(120, 20)))
  3. 实现 GADAdSizeDelegate 方法,以检测广告尺寸更改。

    public func bannerView(_ bannerView: GADBannerView, willChangeAdSizeTo size: GADAdSize)
    - (void)bannerView:(GAMBannerView *)view willChangeAdSizeTo:(GADAdSize)size;


    bannerView.adSizeDelegate = self
    self.bannerView.adSizeDelegate = self;


Swift Objective-C