- Integrate the Native ad format.
Native ads provide access to a GADMediaContent
class that is used to get
information about media content which could be a video or an image. It is also
used to control the video ad playback listen for playback events. You can access
the media content object via the .mediaContent
property on the ad.
object contains information such as the aspect ratio and duration of video. The
snippet below shows how to get the aspect ratio and duration of a native ad.
if myNativeAd.mediaContent.hasVideoContent { let mediaAspectRatio = CGFloat(myNativeAd.mediaContent.aspectRatio) let duration = myNativeAd.mediaContent.duration }
if(myNativeAd.mediaContent.hasVideoContent) { CGFloat mediaAspectRatio = myNativeAd.mediaContent.aspectRatio; NSTimeInterval duration = myNativeAd.mediaContent.duration; }
The GADMediaContent
object has a reference to a
object. The GADVideoController
object allows publishers to respond to video
Ads served through line items can
also be controlled with the GADVideoController
This GADVideoController
object can be obtained by calling
Callbacks for video events
To handle specific video events you need to write a class that implements the
protocol. The methods of the protocol are all optional.
The following example shows how to implement the delegate protocol:
class ViewController: NativeAdLoaderDelegate, VideoControllerDelegate { private var adLoader: AdLoader? func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let videoOptions = VideoOptions() videoOptions.customControlsRequested = true adLoader = AdLoader( adUnitID: "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/3986624511", rootViewController: self, adTypes: [.native], options: [videoOptions]) adLoader?.delegate = self adLoader?.load(AdManagerRequest) } func adLoader( _ adLoader: AdLoader?, didReceive nativeAd: NativeAd? ) { // Set the videoController's delegate to be notified of video events. nativeAd?.mediaContent.videoController.delegate = self } // VideoControllerDelegate methods func videoControllerDidPlayVideo(_ videoController: VideoController) { // Implement this method to receive a notification when the video controller // begins playing the ad. } func videoControllerDidPauseVideo(_ videoController: VideoController) { // Implement this method to receive a notification when the video controller // pauses the ad. } func videoControllerDidEndVideoPlayback(_ videoController: VideoController) { // Implement this method to receive a notification when the video controller // stops playing the ad. } func videoControllerDidMuteVideo(_ videoController: VideoController) { // Implement this method to receive a notification when the video controller // mutes the ad. } func videoControllerDidUnmuteVideo(_ videoController: VideoController) { // Implement this method to receive a notification when the video controller // unmutes the ad. } }
@interface ViewController () <GADNativeAdLoaderDelegate, GADVideoControllerDelegate> @property(nonatomic, strong) GADAdLoader *adLoader; @end @implementation ViewController - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; GADVideoOptions *videoOptions = [[GADVideoOptions alloc] init]; videoOptions.customControlsRequested = YES; self.adLoader = [[GADAdLoader alloc] initWithAdUnitID:@"ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/3986624511" rootViewController:self adTypes:@[ GADAdLoaderAdTypeNative ] options:@[ videoOptions ]]; self.adLoader.delegate = self; [self.adLoader loadRequest:[GAMRequest request]]; } - (void)adLoader:(GADAdLoader *)adLoader didReceiveNativeAd:(GADNativeAd *)nativeAd { // Set the videoController's delegate to be notified of video events. nativeAd.mediaContent.videoController.delegate = self; } // GADVideoControllerDelegate methods - (void)videoControllerDidPlayVideo:(nonnull GADVideoController *)videoController { // Implement this method to receive a notification when the video controller // begins playing the ad. } - (void)videoControllerDidPauseVideo:(nonnull GADVideoController *)videoController { // Implement this method to receive a notification when the video controller // pauses the ad. } - (void)videoControllerDidEndVideoPlayback:(nonnull GADVideoController *)videoController { // Implement this method to receive a notification when the video controller // stops playing the ad. } - (void)videoControllerDidMuteVideo:(nonnull GADVideoController *)videoController { // Implement this method to receive a notification when the video controller // mutes the ad. } - (void)videoControllerDidUnmuteVideo:(nonnull GADVideoController *)videoController { // Implement this method to receive a notification when the video controller // unmutes the ad. } @end
Read the Native ads policies and guidelines for more guidance on how to render your native ads.