除非另有註明,否則本頁面中的內容是採用創用 CC 姓名標示 4.0 授權,程式碼範例則為阿帕契 2.0 授權。詳情請參閱《Google Developers 網站政策》。Java 是 Oracle 和/或其關聯企業的註冊商標。
上次更新時間:2024-11-08 (世界標準時間)。
[null,null,["上次更新時間:2024-11-08 (世界標準時間)。"],[[["This guide explains how to use test ads during development to test clickthrough behavior without affecting campaign stats or charging advertisers."],["You can quickly enable testing using Google-provided demo ad units, or configure your device as a test device and use your own ad unit IDs."],["iOS simulators are automatically configured as test devices, while physical devices require adding the device ID programmatically for testing."],["When using test ads, a \"Test mode\" label will appear on Google ads (except mediated ads), ensuring clicks are safe and won't affect reporting."],["For mediation testing, enable test mode for each network to avoid invalid activity flags; refer to individual mediation guides for network-specific instructions."]]],[]]