Kecuali dinyatakan lain, konten di halaman ini dilisensikan berdasarkan Lisensi Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, sedangkan contoh kode dilisensikan berdasarkan Lisensi Apache 2.0. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat Kebijakan Situs Google Developers. Java adalah merek dagang terdaftar dari Oracle dan/atau afiliasinya.
Terakhir diperbarui pada 2024-11-07 UTC.
[null,null,["Terakhir diperbarui pada 2024-11-07 UTC."],[[["This guide explains how to use test ads during development to test clickthrough behavior without affecting campaign stats or charging advertisers."],["You can quickly enable testing using Google-provided demo ad units, or configure your device as a test device and use your own ad unit IDs."],["iOS simulators are automatically configured as test devices, while physical devices require adding the device ID programmatically for testing."],["When using test ads, a \"Test mode\" label will appear on Google ads (except mediated ads), ensuring clicks are safe and won't affect reporting."],["For mediation testing, enable test mode for each network to avoid invalid activity flags; refer to individual mediation guides for network-specific instructions."]]],[]]