
FrequencyCaps provides access to each of the frequency cap.


getEntityType String Returns the type of this entity as a String, in this case, "FrequencyCaps".
getFrequencyCapFor AdsApp.FrequencyCap Get the frequency cap for the chosen event type and time unit.
newFrequencyCapBuilder AdsApp.FrequencyCapBuilder Returns a new frequency cap builder for the campaign that the frequency caps belong to.
removeFrequencyCapFor void Remove the frequency cap for the chosen event type and time unit.


Returns the type of this entity as a String, in this case, "FrequencyCaps".

Return values:

String Type of this entity: "FrequencyCaps".

getFrequencyCapFor(eventType, timeUnit)

Get the frequency cap for the chosen event type and time unit.


eventType String The type of event that the cap applies to.
timeUnit String The unit of time that the cap applies to. If unspecified, the function returns the first frequency cap applied to the event type.

Return values:

AdsApp.FrequencyCap The corresponding frequency cap with the event type and time unit or null if one does not exist.


Returns a new frequency cap builder for the campaign that the frequency caps belong to. When is called, a frequency cap will be added in this campaign.

Return values:

AdsApp.FrequencyCapBuilder Frequency cap builder used to create a new frequency cap in the campaign.

removeFrequencyCapFor(eventType, timeUnit)

Remove the frequency cap for the chosen event type and time unit.

Returns nothing.


eventType String The type of event that the cap applies to. The value can be either IMPRESSION or VIDEO_VIEW.
timeUnit String The unit of time that the cap applies to. If unspecified, the function removes all frequency caps applied to the event type.