このチュートリアルでは、複数のソースのデータを Google マップで表示する方法について説明します。たとえば、下記の階級区分図では、2 種類のソースを使用して米国のさまざまな州をハイライト表示し、州ごとのデータを表示します。
この地図では、GeoJSON ファイルのデータを使用して、米国の州の境界線を定めるポリゴンを表示します。US Census API に対するシミュレーション クエリから取得した情報を基に、各州に対応する地図にデータを表示することもできます。
コントロールのプルダウン メニューからデータのカテゴリを選択して、地図上のポリゴンを更新します。州のポリゴンにカーソルが合わせられたときに、地図上のデータボックス コントロールに州ごとの情報を表示することもできます。
const mapStyle: google.maps.MapTypeStyle[] = [ { stylers: [{ visibility: "off" }], }, { featureType: "landscape", elementType: "geometry", stylers: [{ visibility: "on" }, { color: "#fcfcfc" }], }, { featureType: "water", elementType: "geometry", stylers: [{ visibility: "on" }, { color: "#bfd4ff" }], }, ]; let map: google.maps.Map; let censusMin = Number.MAX_VALUE, censusMax = -Number.MAX_VALUE; function initMap(): void { // load the map map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map") as HTMLElement, { center: { lat: 40, lng: -100 }, zoom: 4, styles: mapStyle, }); // set up the style rules and events for google.maps.Data map.data.setStyle(styleFeature); map.data.addListener("mouseover", mouseInToRegion); map.data.addListener("mouseout", mouseOutOfRegion); // wire up the button const selectBox = document.getElementById( "census-variable" ) as HTMLSelectElement; google.maps.event.addDomListener(selectBox, "change", () => { clearCensusData(); loadCensusData(selectBox.options[selectBox.selectedIndex].value); }); // state polygons only need to be loaded once, do them now loadMapShapes(); } /** Loads the state boundary polygons from a GeoJSON source. */ function loadMapShapes() { // load US state outline polygons from a GeoJson file map.data.loadGeoJson( "https://storage.googleapis.com/mapsdevsite/json/states.js", { idPropertyName: "STATE" } ); // wait for the request to complete by listening for the first feature to be // added google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(map.data, "addfeature", () => { google.maps.event.trigger( document.getElementById("census-variable") as HTMLElement, "change" ); }); } /** * Loads the census data from a simulated API call to the US Census API. * * @param {string} variable */ function loadCensusData(variable: string) { // load the requested variable from the census API (using local copies) const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", variable + ".json"); xhr.onload = function () { const censusData = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText) as any; censusData.shift(); // the first row contains column names censusData.forEach((row: string) => { const censusVariable = parseFloat(row[0]); const stateId = row[1]; // keep track of min and max values if (censusVariable < censusMin) { censusMin = censusVariable; } if (censusVariable > censusMax) { censusMax = censusVariable; } const state = map.data.getFeatureById(stateId); // update the existing row with the new data if (state) { state.setProperty("census_variable", censusVariable); } }); // update and display the legend (document.getElementById("census-min") as HTMLElement).textContent = censusMin.toLocaleString(); (document.getElementById("census-max") as HTMLElement).textContent = censusMax.toLocaleString(); }; xhr.send(); } /** Removes census data from each shape on the map and resets the UI. */ function clearCensusData() { censusMin = Number.MAX_VALUE; censusMax = -Number.MAX_VALUE; map.data.forEach((row) => { row.setProperty("census_variable", undefined); }); (document.getElementById("data-box") as HTMLElement).style.display = "none"; (document.getElementById("data-caret") as HTMLElement).style.display = "none"; } /** * Applies a gradient style based on the 'census_variable' column. * This is the callback passed to data.setStyle() and is called for each row in * the data set. Check out the docs for Data.StylingFunction. * * @param {google.maps.Data.Feature} feature */ function styleFeature(feature: google.maps.Data.Feature) { const low = [5, 69, 54]; // color of smallest datum const high = [151, 83, 34]; // color of largest datum let censusVariable = feature.getProperty("census_variable") as number; // delta represents where the value sits between the min and max const delta = (censusVariable - censusMin) / (censusMax - censusMin); const color: number[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // calculate an integer color based on the delta color.push((high[i] - low[i]) * delta + low[i]); } // determine whether to show this shape or not let showRow = true; if ( censusVariable == null || isNaN(censusVariable) ) { showRow = false; } let outlineWeight = 0.5, zIndex = 1; if (feature.getProperty("state") === "hover") { outlineWeight = zIndex = 2; } return { strokeWeight: outlineWeight, strokeColor: "#fff", zIndex: zIndex, fillColor: "hsl(" + color[0] + "," + color[1] + "%," + color[2] + "%)", fillOpacity: 0.75, visible: showRow, }; } /** * Responds to the mouse-in event on a map shape (state). * * @param {?google.maps.MapMouseEvent} e */ function mouseInToRegion(e: any) { // set the hover state so the setStyle function can change the border e.feature.setProperty("state", "hover"); const percent = ((e.feature.getProperty("census_variable") - censusMin) / (censusMax - censusMin)) * 100; // update the label (document.getElementById("data-label") as HTMLElement).textContent = e.feature.getProperty("NAME"); (document.getElementById("data-value") as HTMLElement).textContent = e.feature .getProperty("census_variable") .toLocaleString(); (document.getElementById("data-box") as HTMLElement).style.display = "block"; (document.getElementById("data-caret") as HTMLElement).style.display = "block"; (document.getElementById("data-caret") as HTMLElement).style.paddingLeft = percent + "%"; } /** * Responds to the mouse-out event on a map shape (state). * */ function mouseOutOfRegion(e: any) { // reset the hover state, returning the border to normal e.feature.setProperty("state", "normal"); } declare global { interface Window { initMap: () => void; } } window.initMap = initMap;
const mapStyle = [ { stylers: [{ visibility: "off" }], }, { featureType: "landscape", elementType: "geometry", stylers: [{ visibility: "on" }, { color: "#fcfcfc" }], }, { featureType: "water", elementType: "geometry", stylers: [{ visibility: "on" }, { color: "#bfd4ff" }], }, ]; let map; let censusMin = Number.MAX_VALUE, censusMax = -Number.MAX_VALUE; function initMap() { // load the map map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), { center: { lat: 40, lng: -100 }, zoom: 4, styles: mapStyle, }); // set up the style rules and events for google.maps.Data map.data.setStyle(styleFeature); map.data.addListener("mouseover", mouseInToRegion); map.data.addListener("mouseout", mouseOutOfRegion); // wire up the button const selectBox = document.getElementById("census-variable"); google.maps.event.addDomListener(selectBox, "change", () => { clearCensusData(); loadCensusData(selectBox.options[selectBox.selectedIndex].value); }); // state polygons only need to be loaded once, do them now loadMapShapes(); } /** Loads the state boundary polygons from a GeoJSON source. */ function loadMapShapes() { // load US state outline polygons from a GeoJson file map.data.loadGeoJson( "https://storage.googleapis.com/mapsdevsite/json/states.js", { idPropertyName: "STATE" }, ); // wait for the request to complete by listening for the first feature to be // added google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(map.data, "addfeature", () => { google.maps.event.trigger( document.getElementById("census-variable"), "change", ); }); } /** * Loads the census data from a simulated API call to the US Census API. * * @param {string} variable */ function loadCensusData(variable) { // load the requested variable from the census API (using local copies) const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", variable + ".json"); xhr.onload = function () { const censusData = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); censusData.shift(); // the first row contains column names censusData.forEach((row) => { const censusVariable = parseFloat(row[0]); const stateId = row[1]; // keep track of min and max values if (censusVariable < censusMin) { censusMin = censusVariable; } if (censusVariable > censusMax) { censusMax = censusVariable; } const state = map.data.getFeatureById(stateId); // update the existing row with the new data if (state) { state.setProperty("census_variable", censusVariable); } }); // update and display the legend document.getElementById("census-min").textContent = censusMin.toLocaleString(); document.getElementById("census-max").textContent = censusMax.toLocaleString(); }; xhr.send(); } /** Removes census data from each shape on the map and resets the UI. */ function clearCensusData() { censusMin = Number.MAX_VALUE; censusMax = -Number.MAX_VALUE; map.data.forEach((row) => { row.setProperty("census_variable", undefined); }); document.getElementById("data-box").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("data-caret").style.display = "none"; } /** * Applies a gradient style based on the 'census_variable' column. * This is the callback passed to data.setStyle() and is called for each row in * the data set. Check out the docs for Data.StylingFunction. * * @param {google.maps.Data.Feature} feature */ function styleFeature(feature) { const low = [5, 69, 54]; // color of smallest datum const high = [151, 83, 34]; // color of largest datum let censusVariable = feature.getProperty("census_variable"); // delta represents where the value sits between the min and max const delta = (censusVariable - censusMin) / (censusMax - censusMin); const color = []; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // calculate an integer color based on the delta color.push((high[i] - low[i]) * delta + low[i]); } // determine whether to show this shape or not let showRow = true; if (censusVariable == null || isNaN(censusVariable)) { showRow = false; } let outlineWeight = 0.5, zIndex = 1; if (feature.getProperty("state") === "hover") { outlineWeight = zIndex = 2; } return { strokeWeight: outlineWeight, strokeColor: "#fff", zIndex: zIndex, fillColor: "hsl(" + color[0] + "," + color[1] + "%," + color[2] + "%)", fillOpacity: 0.75, visible: showRow, }; } /** * Responds to the mouse-in event on a map shape (state). * * @param {?google.maps.MapMouseEvent} e */ function mouseInToRegion(e) { // set the hover state so the setStyle function can change the border e.feature.setProperty("state", "hover"); const percent = ((e.feature.getProperty("census_variable") - censusMin) / (censusMax - censusMin)) * 100; // update the label document.getElementById("data-label").textContent = e.feature.getProperty("NAME"); document.getElementById("data-value").textContent = e.feature .getProperty("census_variable") .toLocaleString(); document.getElementById("data-box").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("data-caret").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("data-caret").style.paddingLeft = percent + "%"; } /** * Responds to the mouse-out event on a map shape (state). * */ function mouseOutOfRegion(e) { // reset the hover state, returning the border to normal e.feature.setProperty("state", "normal"); } window.initMap = initMap;
html, body, #map { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; } .nicebox { position: absolute; text-align: center; font-family: "Roboto", "Arial", sans-serif; font-size: 13px; z-index: 5; box-shadow: 0 4px 6px -4px #333; padding: 5px 10px; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgb(255, 255, 255) 0%, rgb(245, 245, 245) 100%); border: rgb(229, 229, 229) 1px solid; } #controls { top: 10px; left: 110px; width: 360px; height: 45px; } #data-box { top: 10px; left: 500px; height: 45px; line-height: 45px; display: none; } #census-variable { width: 360px; height: 20px; } #legend { display: flex; display: -webkit-box; padding-top: 7px; } .color-key { background: linear-gradient(to right, hsl(5, 69%, 54%) 0%, hsl(29, 71%, 51%) 17%, hsl(54, 74%, 47%) 33%, hsl(78, 76%, 44%) 50%, hsl(102, 78%, 41%) 67%, hsl(127, 81%, 37%) 83%, hsl(151, 83%, 34%) 100%); flex: 1; -webkit-box-flex: 1; margin: 0 5px; text-align: left; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1em; } #data-value { font-size: 2em; font-weight: bold; } #data-label { font-size: 2em; font-weight: normal; padding-right: 10px; } #data-label:after { content: ":"; } #data-caret { margin-left: -5px; display: none; font-size: 14px; width: 14px; }
<html> <head> <title>Mashups with google.maps.Data</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./style.css" /> <script type="module" src="./index.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="controls" class="nicebox"> <div> <select id="census-variable"> <option value="https://storage.googleapis.com/mapsdevsite/json/DP02_0066PE" > Percent of population over 25 that completed high school </option> <option value="https://storage.googleapis.com/mapsdevsite/json/DP05_0017E" > Median age </option> <option value="https://storage.googleapis.com/mapsdevsite/json/DP05_0001E" > Total population </option> <option value="https://storage.googleapis.com/mapsdevsite/json/DP02_0016E" > Average family size </option> <option value="https://storage.googleapis.com/mapsdevsite/json/DP03_0088E" > Per-capita income </option> </select> </div> <div id="legend"> <div id="census-min">min</div> <div class="color-key"><span id="data-caret">◆</span></div> <div id="census-max">max</div> </div> </div> <div id="data-box" class="nicebox"> <label id="data-label" for="data-value"></label> <span id="data-value"></span> </div> <div id="map"></div> <!-- The `defer` attribute causes the script to execute after the full HTML document has been parsed. For non-blocking uses, avoiding race conditions, and consistent behavior across browsers, consider loading using Promises. See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/load-maps-js-api for more information. --> <script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyB41DRUbKWJHPxaFjMAwdrzWzbVKartNGg&callback=initMap&v=weekly" defer ></script> </body> </html>
このチュートリアルのコードを使用して、自分用の階級区分図を作成できます。そのためには、まずテキスト エディタで新しいファイルを作成し、index.html
このセクションでは、基本的な地図を構成するコードについて説明します。これは、Maps JavaScript API のスタートガイドで紹介している地図の作成方法と似ています。
以下のコードを index.html
ファイルにコピーします。このコードは、Maps JavaScript API を読み込み、地図を全画面に表示します。
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <title>Mashups with google.maps.Data</title> <style> #map { height: 100%; } /* Optional: Makes the sample page fill the window. */ html, body { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="map"></div> <script> function initMap() { // load the map map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), { center: {lat: 40, lng: -100}, zoom: 4, styles: mapStyle }); var mapStyle = [{ 'featureType': 'all', 'elementType': 'all', 'stylers': [{'visibility': 'off'}] }, { 'featureType': 'landscape', 'elementType': 'geometry', 'stylers': [{'visibility': 'on'}, {'color': '#fcfcfc'}] }, { 'featureType': 'water', 'elementType': 'labels', 'stylers': [{'visibility': 'off'}] }, { 'featureType': 'water', 'elementType': 'geometry', 'stylers': [{'visibility': 'on'}, {'hue': '#5f94ff'}, {'lightness': 60}] }]; } </script> <script defer src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR_API_KEY &callback=initMap"> </script> </body> </html>
最初のスクリプトタグ内のコードは、地図オブジェクトを初期化する initMap
上記のコードのスタイラは、道路、スポット、風景、行政区域、すべての elementTypes
など、地図上のすべての featureTypes
と elementType
に使用できる値の一覧については、JSON スタイルのリファレンスをご覧ください。
コードサンプルの YOUR_API_KEY
をクリックするか、こちらの手順に沿って API キーを取得します。
をご自身のアプリケーションの API キーに置き換えます。API を完全に読み込むと、HTML ファイルの以下の script タグに指定されたコールバック パラメータによって initMap()
<script> defer src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR_API_KEY &callback=initMap" </script>
- 5 種類のデータ オプションで構成されるプルダウン メニューがあるコントロール。
- 地図の凡例。
- 州ごとのデータを含むデータボックス(ポリゴンにカーソルを合わせたときに表示されます)。
<div id="controls" class="nicebox"> <div> <select id="census-variable"> <option value="https://storage.googleapis.com/mapsdevsite/json/DP02_0066PE">Percent of population over 25 that completed high school</option> <option value="https://storage.googleapis.com/mapsdevsite/json/DP05_0017E">Median age</option> <option value="https://storage.googleapis.com/mapsdevsite/json/DP05_0001E">Total population</option> <option value="https://storage.googleapis.com/mapsdevsite/json/DP02_0016E">Average family size</option> <option value="https://storage.googleapis.com/mapsdevsite/json/DP03_0088E">Per-capita income</option> </select> </div> <div id="legend"> <div id="census-min">min</div> <div class="color-key"><span id="data-caret">◆</span></div> <div id="census-max">max</div> </div> </div> <div id="data-box" class="nicebox"> <label id="data-label" for="data-value"></label> <span id="data-value"></span> </div>
<style> html, body, #map { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; } .nicebox { position: absolute; text-align: center; font-family: "Roboto", "Arial", sans-serif; font-size: 13px; z-index: 5; box-shadow: 0 4px 6px -4px #333; padding: 5px 10px; background: rgb(255,255,255); background: linear-gradient(to bottom,rgba(255,255,255,1) 0%,rgba(245,245,245,1) 100%); border: rgb(229, 229, 229) 1px solid; } #controls { top: 10px; left: 110px; width: 360px; height: 45px; } #data-box { top: 10px; left: 500px; height: 45px; line-height: 45px; display: none; } #census-variable { width: 360px; height: 20px; } #legend { display: flex; display: -webkit-box; padding-top: 7px } .color-key { background: linear-gradient(to right, hsl(5, 69%, 54%) 0%, hsl(29, 71%, 51%) 17%, hsl(54, 74%, 47%) 33%, hsl(78, 76%, 44%) 50%, hsl(102, 78%, 41%) 67%, hsl(127, 81%, 37%) 83%, hsl(151, 83%, 34%) 100%); flex: 1; -webkit-box-flex: 1; margin: 0 5px; text-align: left; font-size: 1.0em; line-height: 1.0em; } #data-value { font-size: 2.0em; font-weight: bold } #data-label { font-size: 2.0em; font-weight: normal; padding-right: 10px; } #data-label:after { content: ':' } #data-caret { margin-left: -5px; display: none; font-size: 14px; width: 14px} </style>
US Census API からデータをインポートする
以下のコードでは、米国国勢調査局に対してクエリを実行して、米国の全州の最新調査データを JSON 形式で取得します。
function loadCensusData(variable) { // load the requested variable from the census API var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', 'http://api.census.gov/data/2012/acs5/profile?get=' + variable + '&for=state:*&key=YOUR_API_KEY '); xhr.onload = function() { var censusData = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); censusData.shift(); // the first row contains column names censusData.forEach(function(row) { var censusVariable = parseFloat(row[0]); var stateId = row[1]; // keep track of min and max values if (censusVariable < censusMin) { censusMin = censusVariable; } if (censusVariable > censusMax) { censusMax = censusVariable; } // update the existing row with the new data map.data .getFeatureById(stateId) .setProperty('census_variable', censusVariable); }); // update and display the legend document.getElementById('census-min').textContent = censusMin.toLocaleString(); document.getElementById('census-max').textContent = censusMax.toLocaleString(); }; xhr.send(); }
// set up the style rules and events for google.maps.Data map.data.setStyle(styleFeature); function styleFeature(feature) { var low = [5, 69, 54]; // color of smallest datum var high = [151, 83, 34]; // color of largest datum // delta represents where the value sits between the min and max var delta = (feature.getProperty('census_variable') - censusMin) / (censusMax - censusMin); var color = []; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // calculate an integer color based on the delta color[i] = (high[i] - low[i]) * delta + low[i]; } // determine whether to show this shape or not var showRow = true; if (feature.getProperty('census_variable') == null || isNaN(feature.getProperty('census_variable'))) { showRow = false; } var outlineWeight = 0.5, zIndex = 1; if (feature.getProperty('state') === 'hover') { outlineWeight = zIndex = 2; } return { strokeWeight: outlineWeight, strokeColor: '#fff', zIndex: zIndex, fillColor: 'hsl(' + color[0] + ',' + color[1] + '%,' + color[2] + '%)', fillOpacity: 0.75, visible: showRow }; }
以下のコードでは、ポリゴンの色の設定に加えて、マウス アクティビティに反応するイベントを追加してインタラクティブな要素を作成します。ポリゴンにカーソルを合わせると、州の境界線がハイライト表示され、それと同時に地図上のデータボックス コントロールが更新されます。
// set up the style rules and events for google.maps.Data map.data.addListener('mouseover', mouseInToRegion); map.data.addListener('mouseout', mouseOutOfRegion); /** * Responds to the mouse-in event on a map shape (state). * * @param {?google.maps.MapMouseEvent} e */ function mouseInToRegion(e) { // set the hover state so the setStyle function can change the border e.feature.setProperty('state', 'hover'); var percent = (e.feature.getProperty('census_variable') - censusMin) / (censusMax - censusMin) * 100; // update the label document.getElementById('data-label').textContent = e.feature.getProperty('NAME'); document.getElementById('data-value').textContent = e.feature.getProperty('census_variable').toLocaleString(); document.getElementById('data-box').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('data-caret').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('data-caret').style.paddingLeft = percent + '%'; } /** * Responds to the mouse-out event on a map shape (state). * * @param {?google.maps.MapMouseEvent} e */ function mouseOutOfRegion(e) { // reset the hover state, returning the border to normal e.feature.setProperty('state', 'normal'); }
メソッドを使用して、GeoJSON ファイルから米国の州の境界線のポリゴンを読み込みます。
/** Loads the state boundary polygons from a GeoJSON source. */ function loadMapShapes() { // load US state outline polygons from a GeoJSON file map.data.loadGeoJson('https://storage.googleapis.com/mapsdevsite/json/states.js', { idPropertyName: 'STATE' });
// state polygons only need to be loaded once, do them now loadMapShapes();
地図上のコントロールのプルダウン メニューからデータソース オプションを選択すると、US Census Data API に対してクエリが実行され、指定された変数が照会されます。国勢調査データをシェイプ データに接続するため、コードは idPropertyName
を「STATE」に設定します。これは、国勢調査データと GeoJson プロパティの両方で共通のキーになります。
このデモでは Census Bureau Data API を使用していますが、国勢調査局が推奨または認定しているものではありません。