
Geocoder class

google.maps.Geocoder class

A service for converting between an address and a LatLng.

Access by calling const {Geocoder} = await google.maps.importLibrary("geocoding").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

Parameters:  None
Creates a new instance of a Geocoder that sends geocode requests to Google servers.
geocode(request[, callback])
Return Value:  Promise<GeocoderResponse>
Geocode a request.

GeocoderRequest interface

google.maps.GeocoderRequest interface

The specification for a geocoding request to be sent to the Geocoder.

address optional
Type:  string optional
Address to geocode. One, and only one, of address, location and placeId must be supplied.
bounds optional
LatLngBounds within which to search. Optional.
componentRestrictions optional
Components are used to restrict results to a specific area. A filter consists of one or more of: route, locality, administrativeArea, postalCode, country. Only the results that match all the filters will be returned. Filter values support the same methods of spelling correction and partial matching as other geocoding requests. Optional.
BetaextraComputations optional
Type:  Array<ExtraGeocodeComputation> optional
A list of extra computations which may be used to complete the request. Note: These extra computations may return extra fields on the response.
fulfillOnZeroResults optional
Type:  boolean optional
Fulfill the promise on a ZERO_RESULT status in the response. This may be desired because even with zero geocoding results there may still be additional response level fields returned.
language optional
Type:  string optional
A language identifier for the language in which results should be returned, when possible. See the list of supported languages.
location optional
Type:  LatLng|LatLngLiteral optional
LatLng (or LatLngLiteral) for which to search. The geocoder performs a reverse geocode. See Reverse Geocoding for more information. One, and only one, of address, location and placeId must be supplied.
placeId optional
Type:  string optional
The place ID associated with the location. Place IDs uniquely identify a place in the Google Places database and on Google Maps. Learn more about place IDs in the Places API developer guide. The geocoder performs a reverse geocode. See Reverse Geocoding for more information. One, and only one, of address, location and placeId must be supplied.
region optional
Type:  string optional
Country code used to bias the search, specified as a two-character (non-numeric) Unicode region subtag / CLDR identifier. Optional. See Google Maps Platform Coverage Details for supported regions.

GeocoderComponentRestrictions interface

google.maps.GeocoderComponentRestrictions interface

GeocoderComponentRestrictions represents a set of filters that resolve to a specific area. For details on how this works, see Geocoding Component Filtering.

administrativeArea optional
Type:  string optional
Matches all the administrative_area levels. Optional.
country optional
Type:  string optional
Matches a country name or a two letter ISO 3166-1 country code. Optional.
locality optional
Type:  string optional
Matches against both locality and sublocality types. Optional.
postalCode optional
Type:  string optional
Matches postal_code and postal_code_prefix. Optional.
route optional
Type:  string optional
Matches the long or short name of a route. Optional.

ExtraGeocodeComputation constants

google.maps.ExtraGeocodeComputation constants

Extra computations to perform while completing a geocoding request.

Access by calling const {ExtraGeocodeComputation} = await google.maps.importLibrary("geocoding").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

ADDRESS_DESCRIPTORS Generate an address descriptor.

GeocoderStatus constants

google.maps.GeocoderStatus constants

The status returned by the Geocoder on the completion of a call to geocode(). Specify these by value, or by using the constant's name. For example, 'OK' or google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK.

Access by calling const {GeocoderStatus} = await google.maps.importLibrary("geocoding").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

ERROR There was a problem contacting the Google servers.
INVALID_REQUEST This GeocoderRequest was invalid.
OK The response contains a valid GeocoderResponse.
OVER_QUERY_LIMIT The webpage has gone over the requests limit in too short a period of time.
REQUEST_DENIED The webpage is not allowed to use the geocoder.
UNKNOWN_ERROR A geocoding request could not be processed due to a server error. The request may succeed if you try again.
ZERO_RESULTS No result was found for this GeocoderRequest.

GeocoderResponse interface

google.maps.GeocoderResponse interface

A Geocoder response returned by the Geocoder containing the list of GeocoderResults.

The list of GeocoderResults.
Betaaddress_descriptor optional
Type:  AddressDescriptor optional
A relational description of a location. Includes a ranked set of nearby landmarks and the areas containing the target location. It is only populated for reverse geocoding requests and only when ExtraGeocodeComputation.ADDRESS_DESCRIPTORS is enabled.
plus_code optional
Type:  PlacePlusCode optional
The plus code associated with the location.

GeocoderResult interface

google.maps.GeocoderResult interface

A single geocoder result retrieved from the geocode server. A geocode request may return multiple result objects. Note that though this result is "JSON-like," it is not strictly JSON, as it indirectly includes a LatLng object.

An array of GeocoderAddressComponents
Type:  string
A string containing the human-readable address of this location.
A GeocoderGeometry object
Type:  string
The place ID associated with the location. Place IDs uniquely identify a place in the Google Places database and on Google Maps. Learn more about Place IDs in the Places API developer guide.
Type:  Array<string>
An array of strings denoting the type of the returned geocoded element. For a list of possible strings, refer to the Address Component Types section of the Developer's Guide.
Betaaddress_descriptor optional
Type:  AddressDescriptor optional
A relational description of the location associated with this geocode. Includes a ranked set of nearby landmarks and the areas containing the target location. This will only be populated for forward geocoding and place ID lookup requests, only when ExtraGeocodeComputation.ADDRESS_DESCRIPTORS is enabled, and only for certain localized places.
partial_match optional
Type:  boolean optional
Whether the geocoder did not return an exact match for the original request, though it was able to match part of the requested address. If an exact match, the value will be undefined.
plus_code optional
Type:  PlacePlusCode optional
The plus code associated with the location.
postcode_localities optional
Type:  Array<string> optional
An array of strings denoting all the localities contained in a postal code. This is only present when the result is a postal code that contains multiple localities.

AddressDescriptor interface

google.maps.AddressDescriptor interface

A relational description of a location. Includes a ranked set of nearby landmarks and the areas containing the target location.

Type:  Array<Area>
A ranked list of containing or adjacent areas. The most useful (recognizable and precise) areas are ranked first.
Type:  Array<Landmark>
A ranked list of nearby landmarks. The most useful (recognizable and nearby) landmarks are ranked first.

GeocoderAddressComponent interface

google.maps.GeocoderAddressComponent interface

A single address component within a GeocoderResult. A full address may consist of multiple address components.

Type:  string
The full text of the address component
Type:  string
The abbreviated, short text of the given address component
Type:  Array<string>
An array of strings denoting the type of this address component. A list of valid types can be found here

GeocoderGeometry interface

google.maps.GeocoderGeometry interface

Geometry information about this GeocoderResult

Type:  LatLng
The latitude/longitude coordinates of this result
The type of location returned in location
Type:  LatLngBounds
The bounds of the recommended viewport for displaying this GeocoderResult
bounds optional
Type:  LatLngBounds optional
The precise bounds of this GeocoderResult, if applicable

GeocoderLocationType constants

google.maps.GeocoderLocationType constants

Describes the type of location returned from a geocode. Specify these by value, or by using the constant's name. For example, 'ROOFTOP' or google.maps.GeocoderLocationType.ROOFTOP.

Access by calling const {GeocoderLocationType} = await google.maps.importLibrary("geocoding").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

APPROXIMATE The returned result is approximate.
GEOMETRIC_CENTER The returned result is the geometric center of a result such a line (e.g. street) or polygon (region).
RANGE_INTERPOLATED The returned result reflects an approximation (usually on a road) interpolated between two precise points (such as intersections). Interpolated results are generally returned when rooftop geocodes are unavailable for a street address.
ROOFTOP The returned result reflects a precise geocode.

Landmark interface

google.maps.Landmark interface

A place that represents a point of reference for the address.

Type:  string
The name for the landmark.
Type:  string
The language of the name for the landmark.
Type:  string
The Place ID of the underlying establishment serving as the landmark. Can be used to resolve more information about the landmark through Place Details or Place Id Lookup.
Defines the spatial relationship between the target location and the landmark.
Type:  number
The straight line distance between the target location and the landmark.
Type:  Array<string>
One or more values indicating the type of the returned result. Please see Types for more detail.
travel_distance_meters optional
Type:  number optional
The travel distance along the road network between the target location and the landmark. This can be unpopulated if the landmark is disconnected from the part of the road network the target is closest to OR if the target location was not actually considered to be on the road network.

Area interface

google.maps.Area interface

A place that is a small region, such as a neighborhood, sublocality, or large complex that contains the target location.

Type:  Containment
Defines the spatial relationship between the target location and the area.
Type:  string
The name for the area.
Type:  string
The language of the name for the area.
Type:  string
The Place ID of the underlying area. Can be used to resolve more information about the area through Place Details or Place ID Lookup.

Containment constants

google.maps.Containment constants

An enum representing the spatial relationship between the area and the target location.

Access by calling const {Containment} = await google.maps.importLibrary("geocoding").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

NEAR The target location is outside the area region, but close by.
OUTSKIRTS The target location is within the area region, close to the edge.
WITHIN The target location is within the area region, close to the center.

SpatialRelationship constants

google.maps.SpatialRelationship constants

An enum representing the relationship in space between the landmark and the target.

Access by calling const {SpatialRelationship} = await google.maps.importLibrary("geocoding").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

ACROSS_THE_ROAD The target is directly opposite the landmark on the other side of the road.
AROUND_THE_CORNER Not on the same route as the landmark but a single turn away.
BEHIND Close to the landmark's structure but further away from its access point.
BESIDE The target is directly adjacent to the landmark.
DOWN_THE_ROAD On the same route as the landmark but not besides or across.
NEAR This is the default relationship when nothing more specific below applies.
WITHIN The landmark has a spatial geometry and the target is within its bounds.