Manage Merchant Center email notifications

This guide explains how to use the EmailPreferences resource to manage your Merchant Center email notifications, and see which types of emails your account's users receive. For the full list of email notification types, see the EmailPreferences reference.

You can only use the Merchant API to manage email notifications for accounts where you're added as a user.

To view or update email notifications, you need the following values:

  • The email address of the user that receives the emails. You can find their email address in the name field of the User resource.
  • The merchant ID of the account to start or stop receiving emails about. If the merchant account is an advanced account, and the user has access to the advanced account, use the merchant ID of the advanced account.

Opt in or out of notifications

To update the email notification settings for a specific merchant account, call accounts.v1beta.accounts.users.updateEmailPreference with the merchantId of the account and the email address of the user.

Use the following values to control the email notifications the user receives:

  • OPTED_IN: Receive email notifications for the account.
  • OPTED_OUT: Don't receive email notifications for the account.

Here's a sample request to opt a user out of email notifications for a specific merchant account:


  "newsAndTips": "OPTED_OUT"

View existing notifications

To see the current email notification settings for a specific user, call accounts.v1beta.accounts.users.getEmailPreferences.

Here's a sample request, where the merchantId is the merchant ID of the account the email notifications are about, and the emailAddress is the email address of the user that receives the emails.


Here's a sample response from a successful call:

  "name": "accounts/merchantId/users/emailAddress/emailPreferences",
  "newsAndTips": "OPTED_IN"

For more information about email notifications, see Change your Merchant Center email preferences.