Maintenir les informations régionales à jour

Vous pouvez utiliser l'API pour les marchands afin de conserver des informations régionales pour vos produits en ligne. produits à jour. Cela inclut la mise à jour du prix et de la disponibilité, et la suppression dans lesquelles un produit n'est plus vendu.

Si vous êtes une plate-forme d'e-commerce, vous pouvez utiliser l'API Merchant Center pour créer interface permettant aux marchands de mettre à jour la tarification et la disponibilité régionales de leurs produits.

Mettre à jour le prix et la disponibilité par région

Utilisez regionalInventories.insert pour mettre à jour les informations régionales d'un produit. Cet appel remplace l'intégralité RegionalInventory Assurez-vous donc d'inclure tous les champs. Consultez la section Ajouter des informations régionales aux des produits en ligne exemple de code et plus de détails.

Afficher vos régions existantes

Cette section explique comment afficher les régions associées à un produit ou Google Cloud.

Par produit

Utilisez regionalInventories.list pour lister tous les inventaires régionaux associés à un produit spécifique dans votre Google Cloud. Utilisez le champ region pour identifier la région de chaque inventaire régional. auquel il fait référence.

Voici un exemple permettant de lister les inventaires régionaux d'un produit:


  public static void listRegionalInventories(Config config, String productId) throws Exception {
    GoogleCredentials credential = new Authenticator().authenticate();

    RegionalInventoryServiceSettings regionalInventoryServiceSettings =

    String parent = getParent(config.getMerchantId().toString(), productId);

    try (RegionalInventoryServiceClient regionalInventoryServiceClient =
        RegionalInventoryServiceClient.create(regionalInventoryServiceSettings)) {

      //  The parent product has the format: accounts/{account}/products/{product}
      ListRegionalInventoriesRequest request =

      System.out.println("Sending list regional inventory request:");
      ListRegionalInventoriesPagedResponse response =

      int count = 0;

      // Iterates over all rows in all pages and prints the regional inventory
      // in each row.
      for (RegionalInventory element : response.iterateAll()) {
      System.out.print("The following count of elements were returned: ");
    } catch (Exception e) {


  curl --location
  '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>'


class ListRegionalInventories

    // ENSURE you fill in the merchant account and product ID for the sample to
    // work.
    private const PARENT = 'accounts/[INSERT_ACCOUNT_HERE]/products/[INSERT_PRODUCT_HERE]';

     * Lists all the regional inventories of a given product.
     * @param string $parent The `name` of the parent product to list `RegionalInventory`
     *     resources for.
     *     Format: `accounts/{account}/products/{product}`
    function listRegionalInventoriesSample(string $parent): void
        // Gets the OAuth credentials to make the request.
        $credentials = Authentication::useServiceAccountOrTokenFile();

        // Creates options config containing credentials for the client to use.
        $options = ['credentials' => $credentials];

        // Creates a client.
        $regionalInventoryServiceClient = new RegionalInventoryServiceClient($options);

        // Calls the API and catches and prints any network failures/errors.
        try {
            // Page size is set to the default value. If you are returned more
            // responses than your page size, this code will automatically
            // re-call the service with the `pageToken` until all responses
            // are returned.
            $parameters = ['pageSize' => 25000];

            /** @var PagedListResponse $response */
            $response =
                $regionalInventoryServiceClient->listRegionalInventories($parent, $parameters);

            /** @var RegionalInventory $element */
            foreach ($response as $element) {
                printf('RegionalInventory data: %s%s', $element->serializeToJsonString(), PHP_EOL);
        } catch (ApiException $ex) {
            printf('Call failed with message: %s%s', $ex->getMessage(), PHP_EOL);

    // Helper to execute the sample.
    function callSample(): void
        // Lists all the regional inventories of the parent product.


from examples.authentication import generate_user_credentials
from import merchant_inventories_v1beta

# ENSURE you fill in the merchant account and product ID for the sample to
# work.
_PARENT = f"accounts/{_ACCOUNT}/products/{_PRODUCT}"

def list_regional_inventories():
  """Lists the `RegionalInventory` resources for the given product.

  The response might contain fewer items than specified by
  `pageSize`. If `pageToken` was returned in previous request, it can be
  used to obtain additional results.

  `RegionalInventory` resources are listed per product for a given account.

  # Gets OAuth Credentials.
  credentials = generate_user_credentials.main()

  # Creates a client.
  client = merchant_inventories_v1beta.RegionalInventoryServiceClient(

  # Creates the request.
  # Page size is set to the default value.
  request = merchant_inventories_v1beta.ListRegionalInventoriesRequest(

    # Makes the request and catch and print any error messages.
    # If you are returned more responses than your page size, this code
    # will automatically re-call the service with the `pageToken` until all
    # responses are returned.
    page_result = client.list_regional_inventories(request=request)

    # Print the response.
    for response in page_result:

  except Exception as e:
    print("List failed")

Par compte

Vous pouvez utiliser Méthode regions.list dans Content API for Shopping pour afficher toutes les régions de votre compte.

Supprimer des régions

Pour supprimer les régions dans lesquelles vous ne vendez plus de produits, procédez comme suit :

À partir des produits

Si un produit n'est plus vendu dans une région spécifique, vous devez le supprimer sur l'inventaire régional du produit. Vous pouvez utiliser regionalInventories.delete pour supprimer une entrée d'inventaire régional spécifique d'un produit.

Voici un exemple permettant de supprimer une entrée d'inventaire régional d'un produit:


  public static void deleteRegionalInventory(Config config, String productId, String regionId)
      throws Exception {
    // TODO(brothman): Please add more line comments to explain what each significant step is doing.
    // For example:
    // Obtains OAuth tokens based on the configuration.
    // Creates service settings using the credentials above. Etc

    GoogleCredentials credential = new Authenticator().authenticate();

    RegionalInventoryServiceSettings regionalInventoryServiceSettings =

    String name =

    try (RegionalInventoryServiceClient regionalInventoryServiceClient =
        RegionalInventoryServiceClient.create(regionalInventoryServiceSettings)) {
      DeleteRegionalInventoryRequest request =

      System.out.println("Sending deleteRegionalInventory request");
          request); // no response returned on success
          "Delete successful, note that it may take up to 30 minutes for the delete to update in"
              + " the system.");
    } catch (Exception e) {


  curl --location --request DELETE
  '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>'


class DeleteRegionalInventory

    // ENSURE you fill in the merchant account, product, and region ID for the
    // sample to work.
    private const ACCOUNT = 'INSERT_ACCOUNT_ID_HERE';
    private const PRODUCT = 'INSERT_PRODUCT_ID_HERE';
    private const REGION = 'INSERT_REGION_ID_HERE';

     * Deletes a specific regional inventory of a given product.
     * @param string $formattedName The name of the `RegionalInventory` resource
     * to delete.
     *     Format: `accounts/{account}/products/{product}/regionalInventories/{region}`
     *     Please see {@see RegionalInventoryServiceClient::regionalInventoryName()}
     *     for help formatting this field.
    function deleteRegionalInventorySample(string $formattedName): void
         // Gets the OAuth credentials to make the request.
         $credentials = Authentication::useServiceAccountOrTokenFile();

         // Creates options config containing credentials for the client to use.
         $options = ['credentials' => $credentials];

         // Creates a client.
         $regionalInventoryServiceClient = new RegionalInventoryServiceClient($options);

         // Calls the API and catches and prints any network failures/errors.
         try {
             print 'Delete call completed successfully.' . PHP_EOL;
         } catch (ApiException $ex) {
             printf('Call failed with message: %s%s', $ex->getMessage(), PHP_EOL);

     * Helper to execute the sample.
    function callSample(): void
        // These variables are defined at the top of the file.
        $formattedName = RegionalInventoryServiceClient::regionalInventoryName(

        // Deletes the specific regional inventory of the parent product.


from examples.authentication import generate_user_credentials
from import merchant_inventories_v1beta

# ENSURE you fill in the merchant account and product ID and region ID
# for the sample to work.
_NAME = f"accounts/{_ACCOUNT}/products/{_PRODUCT}/regionalInventories/{_REGION}"

def delete_regional_inventory():
  """Deletes the specified `RegionalInventory` resource from the given product.

  It might take up to an hour for the `RegionalInventory` to be deleted
  from the specific product. Once you have received a successful delete
  response, wait for that period before attempting a delete again.

  # Gets OAuth Credentials.
  credentials = generate_user_credentials.main()

  # Creates a client.
  client = merchant_inventories_v1beta.RegionalInventoryServiceClient(

  # Creates the request.
  request = merchant_inventories_v1beta.DeleteRegionalInventoryRequest(

  # Makes the request and catch and print any error messages.
    print("Delete successful")
  except Exception as e:
    print("Delete failed")

La suppression d'une entrée RegionalInventory peut prendre jusqu'à 30 minutes. d'un produit.

Cet appel supprime des informations uniquement pour le region spécifié, uniquement dans le product spécifié.

À partir des comptes

Vous pouvez utiliser Méthode regions.delete dans Content API for Shopping afin de supprimer les régions dans lesquelles vous ne vendez plus de l'ensemble de votre compte marchand.