Overview of Programs API

Programs let you control the promotion of your products and enhance the features of your account across various Google surfaces.

A typical example of this is the free product listings program, which enables products from your online store to be shown across Google with no charge.

Programs API lets you retrieve and update your participation in all available shopping programs.

To retrieve, enable, and disable programs, you can use the following methods:

List all programs

To retrieve all programs for the account, use the accounts.programs.list method.

Here's a sample request:

GET https://merchantapi.googleapis.com/accounts/v1beta/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/programs

Here's a sample response from a successful request:

  "programs": [
      "name": "accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/programs/free-listings",
      "documentationUri": "{URI}",
      "state": "{ACCOUNT_STATE}",
      "unmetRequirements": [
          "title": "{TITLE}",
          "documentationUri": "{URI}",
          "affectedRegionCodes": [

Retrieve a single program

To retrieve a specific program, use the accounts.programs.get method.

Here's a sample request:

GET https://merchantapi.googleapis.com/accounts/v1beta/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/programs/free-listings

Here's a sample response from a successful request:

  "name": "accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/programs/free-listings",
  "documentationUri": "{URI}",
  "state": "{ACCOUNT_STATE}",
  "unmetRequirements": [
      "title": "{TITLE}",
      "documentationUri": "{URI}",
      "affectedRegionCodes": [

Enable a program

To enable participation in the specified program for the account, use the accounts.programs.enable method. You must have administrator access to run this permission.

Here's a sample request:

POST https://merchantapi.googleapis.com/accounts/v1beta/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/programs/free-listings:enable

Here's a sample response from a successful request:

  "name": "accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/programs/free-listings",
  "documentationUri": "{URI}",
  "state": "{ACCOUNT_STATE}",
  "unmetRequirements": [
      "title": "{TITLE}",
      "documentationUri": "{URI}",
      "affectedRegionCodes": [

Disable a program

To disable participation in the specified program for the account, use the accounts.programs.disable method. You must have administrator access to run this permission.

Here's a sample request:

POST https://merchantapi.googleapis.com/accounts/v1beta/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/programs/free-listings:disable

Here's a sample response from a successful request:

  "name": "accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/programs/free-listings",
  "documentationUri": "{URI}",
  "state": "{ACCOUNT_STATE}"