직원이 여러 교대 근무를 하는 조직은 각 일일 교대 근무자 수 일반적으로 일정에는 제약이 있으며 예: "어떤 직원도 연속으로 두 교대 근무를 해서는 안 됩니다." 나에게 맞는 모든 제약 조건을 충족하는지 확인하는 것은 계산이 어려울 수 있습니다.
다음 섹션에서는 직원 일정 관리 문제의 두 가지 예를 보여줍니다. CP-SAT 솔버를 사용하여 푸는 방법을 보여줍니다.
더 정교한 예는 다음을 참조하세요. 교대 근무 일정 관리 프로그램 를 참조하세요.
간호사 일정 예약 문제
다음 예에서 병원 관리자는 이 4번 환자가 되기 위해 다음 조건을 충족하는 경우 3일 동안 간호사에게 광고를 게재할 수 있습니다.
- 매일은 8시간씩 3회의 교대 근무로 나뉩니다.
- 매일 각 교대 근무자는 한 명의 간호사에게 배정되며, 더 이상 일하는 간호사는 없습니다. 한 번 더 사용합니다.
- 각 간호사는 3일 동안 최소 2회의 교대로 배정됩니다.
다음 섹션에서는 간호사 일정 예약 문제에 대한 솔루션을 보여줍니다.
라이브러리 가져오기
다음 코드는 필요한 라이브러리를 가져옵니다.
from ortools.sat.python import cp_model
#include <stdlib.h> #include <atomic> #include <map> #include <numeric> #include <string> #include <tuple> #include <vector> #include "absl/strings/str_format.h" #include "ortools/base/logging.h" #include "ortools/sat/cp_model.h" #include "ortools/sat/cp_model.pb.h" #include "ortools/sat/cp_model_solver.h" #include "ortools/sat/model.h" #include "ortools/sat/sat_parameters.pb.h" #include "ortools/util/time_limit.h"
import com.google.ortools.Loader; import com.google.ortools.sat.CpModel; import com.google.ortools.sat.CpSolver; import com.google.ortools.sat.CpSolverSolutionCallback; import com.google.ortools.sat.CpSolverStatus; import com.google.ortools.sat.LinearExpr; import com.google.ortools.sat.LinearExprBuilder; import com.google.ortools.sat.Literal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.stream.IntStream;
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using Google.OrTools.Sat;
예시의 데이터
다음 코드는 예시용 데이터를 생성합니다.
num_nurses = 4 num_shifts = 3 num_days = 3 all_nurses = range(num_nurses) all_shifts = range(num_shifts) all_days = range(num_days)
const int num_nurses = 4; const int num_shifts = 3; const int num_days = 3; std::vector<int> all_nurses(num_nurses); std::iota(all_nurses.begin(), all_nurses.end(), 0); std::vector<int> all_shifts(num_shifts); std::iota(all_shifts.begin(), all_shifts.end(), 0); std::vector<int> all_days(num_days); std::iota(all_days.begin(), all_days.end(), 0);
final int numNurses = 4; final int numDays = 3; final int numShifts = 3; final int[] allNurses = IntStream.range(0, numNurses).toArray(); final int[] allDays = IntStream.range(0, numDays).toArray(); final int[] allShifts = IntStream.range(0, numShifts).toArray();
const int numNurses = 4; const int numDays = 3; const int numShifts = 3; int[] allNurses = Enumerable.Range(0, numNurses).ToArray(); int[] allDays = Enumerable.Range(0, numDays).ToArray(); int[] allShifts = Enumerable.Range(0, numShifts).ToArray();
모델 만들기
다음 코드는 모델을 만듭니다.
model = cp_model.CpModel()
CpModelBuilder cp_model;
CpModel model = new CpModel();
CpModel model = new CpModel(); model.Model.Variables.Capacity = numNurses * numDays * numShifts;
변수 만들기
다음 코드는 변수 배열을 생성합니다.
shifts = {} for n in all_nurses: for d in all_days: for s in all_shifts: shifts[(n, d, s)] = model.new_bool_var(f"shift_n{n}_d{d}_s{s}")
std::map<std::tuple<int, int, int>, BoolVar> shifts; for (int n : all_nurses) { for (int d : all_days) { for (int s : all_shifts) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); shifts[key] = cp_model.NewBoolVar().WithName( absl::StrFormat("shift_n%dd%ds%d", n, d, s)); } } }
Literal[][][] shifts = new Literal[numNurses][numDays][numShifts]; for (int n : allNurses) { for (int d : allDays) { for (int s : allShifts) { shifts[n][d][s] = model.newBoolVar("shifts_n" + n + "d" + d + "s" + s); } } }
Dictionary<(int, int, int), BoolVar> shifts = new Dictionary<(int, int, int), BoolVar>(numNurses * numDays * numShifts); foreach (int n in allNurses) { foreach (int d in allDays) { foreach (int s in allShifts) { shifts.Add((n, d, s), model.NewBoolVar($"shifts_n{n}d{d}s{s}")); } } }
배열은 간호사 교대 근무의 배정을 다음과 같이 정의합니다.
교대 근무 s가 d일에 n 간호사에게 할당되면 shifts[(n, d, s)]
은 1이고 0은 0입니다.
교대 근무 간호사 배정
다음으로, 다음과 같은 제약조건에 따라 교대 근무에 간호사를 배정하는 방법을 보여드리겠습니다.
- 각 교대 근무는 하루에 간호사 한 명에게 배정됩니다.
- 각 간호사는 하루에 최대 한 교대로 근무합니다.
다음은 첫 번째 조건을 만드는 코드입니다.
for d in all_days: for s in all_shifts: model.add_exactly_one(shifts[(n, d, s)] for n in all_nurses)
for (int d : all_days) { for (int s : all_shifts) { std::vector<BoolVar> nurses; for (int n : all_nurses) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); nurses.push_back(shifts[key]); } cp_model.AddExactlyOne(nurses); } }
for (int d : allDays) { for (int s : allShifts) { List<Literal> nurses = new ArrayList<>(); for (int n : allNurses) { nurses.add(shifts[n][d][s]); } model.addExactlyOne(nurses); } }
List<ILiteral> literals = new List<ILiteral>(); foreach (int d in allDays) { foreach (int s in allShifts) { foreach (int n in allNurses) { literals.Add(shifts[(n, d, s)]); } model.AddExactlyOne(literals); literals.Clear(); } }
마지막 줄에는 각 교대 근무에 대해 배정된 간호사 수의 합계가 Shift는 1입니다.
다음으로 각 간호사가 근무당 최대 한 교대로 일해야 하는 코드입니다 있습니다.
for n in all_nurses: for d in all_days: model.add_at_most_one(shifts[(n, d, s)] for s in all_shifts)
for (int n : all_nurses) { for (int d : all_days) { std::vector<BoolVar> work; for (int s : all_shifts) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); work.push_back(shifts[key]); } cp_model.AddAtMostOne(work); } }
for (int n : allNurses) { for (int d : allDays) { List<Literal> work = new ArrayList<>(); for (int s : allShifts) { work.add(shifts[n][d][s]); } model.addAtMostOne(work); } }
foreach (int n in allNurses) { foreach (int d in allDays) { foreach (int s in allShifts) { literals.Add(shifts[(n, d, s)]); } model.AddAtMostOne(literals); literals.Clear(); } }
각 간호사의 경우 해당 간호사에게 할당된 교대 근무 횟수의 합계는 최대 1회 왜냐하면 간호사는 쉬는 날이 있기 때문이죠.)
교대 근무를 균등하게 할당
다음으로 간호사에게 가능한 한 교대 근무를 균등하게 할당하는 방법을 알아봅니다. 3일 동안 교대 근무 횟수가 9회이므로 2회 근무를 배정할 수 있습니다. 네 명의 간호사에게 말이죠. 그 후 교대 1회가 남게 되며, 이는 어느 간호사에게나 배정할 수 있습니다.
다음 코드를 사용하면 각 간호사가 3일 동안 측정됩니다.
# Try to distribute the shifts evenly, so that each nurse works # min_shifts_per_nurse shifts. If this is not possible, because the total # number of shifts is not divisible by the number of nurses, some nurses will # be assigned one more shift. min_shifts_per_nurse = (num_shifts * num_days) // num_nurses if num_shifts * num_days % num_nurses == 0: max_shifts_per_nurse = min_shifts_per_nurse else: max_shifts_per_nurse = min_shifts_per_nurse + 1 for n in all_nurses: shifts_worked = [] for d in all_days: for s in all_shifts: shifts_worked.append(shifts[(n, d, s)]) model.add(min_shifts_per_nurse <= sum(shifts_worked)) model.add(sum(shifts_worked) <= max_shifts_per_nurse)
// Try to distribute the shifts evenly, so that each nurse works // min_shifts_per_nurse shifts. If this is not possible, because the total // number of shifts is not divisible by the number of nurses, some nurses will // be assigned one more shift. int min_shifts_per_nurse = (num_shifts * num_days) / num_nurses; int max_shifts_per_nurse; if ((num_shifts * num_days) % num_nurses == 0) { max_shifts_per_nurse = min_shifts_per_nurse; } else { max_shifts_per_nurse = min_shifts_per_nurse + 1; } for (int n : all_nurses) { std::vector<BoolVar> shifts_worked; for (int d : all_days) { for (int s : all_shifts) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); shifts_worked.push_back(shifts[key]); } } cp_model.AddLessOrEqual(min_shifts_per_nurse, LinearExpr::Sum(shifts_worked)); cp_model.AddLessOrEqual(LinearExpr::Sum(shifts_worked), max_shifts_per_nurse); }
// Try to distribute the shifts evenly, so that each nurse works // minShiftsPerNurse shifts. If this is not possible, because the total // number of shifts is not divisible by the number of nurses, some nurses will // be assigned one more shift. int minShiftsPerNurse = (numShifts * numDays) / numNurses; int maxShiftsPerNurse; if ((numShifts * numDays) % numNurses == 0) { maxShiftsPerNurse = minShiftsPerNurse; } else { maxShiftsPerNurse = minShiftsPerNurse + 1; } for (int n : allNurses) { LinearExprBuilder shiftsWorked = LinearExpr.newBuilder(); for (int d : allDays) { for (int s : allShifts) { shiftsWorked.add(shifts[n][d][s]); } } model.addLinearConstraint(shiftsWorked, minShiftsPerNurse, maxShiftsPerNurse); }
// Try to distribute the shifts evenly, so that each nurse works // minShiftsPerNurse shifts. If this is not possible, because the total // number of shifts is not divisible by the number of nurses, some nurses will // be assigned one more shift. int minShiftsPerNurse = (numShifts * numDays) / numNurses; int maxShiftsPerNurse; if ((numShifts * numDays) % numNurses == 0) { maxShiftsPerNurse = minShiftsPerNurse; } else { maxShiftsPerNurse = minShiftsPerNurse + 1; } List<IntVar> shiftsWorked = new List<IntVar>(); foreach (int n in allNurses) { foreach (int d in allDays) { foreach (int s in allShifts) { shiftsWorked.Add(shifts[(n, d, s)]); } } model.AddLinearConstraint(LinearExpr.Sum(shiftsWorked), minShiftsPerNurse, maxShiftsPerNurse); shiftsWorked.Clear(); }
일정 기간에 총 num_shifts * num_days
회의 근무조가 발생했으므로
최소 (num_shifts * num_days) // num_nurses
개를 할당할 수 있음
각 간호사에게 교대로 근무하지만 일부 교대 근무는 그대로 남아 있을 수 있습니다. 여기서 //
는 Python입니다.
정수 나누기 연산자가 있습니다.)
지정된 num_nurses = 4
, num_shifts = 3
, num_days = 3
값의 경우
표현식 min_shifts_per_nurse
의 값이 (3 * 3 // 4) = 2
각 간호사에게 최소 두 개의 교대 근무를 할당할 수 있습니다. 이는
제약조건 (여기 Python)
model.add(min_shifts_per_nurse <= sum(shifts_worked))
3일 동안 총 9회의 변동이 있었으므로 각 간호사에게 2개의 교대 근무가 배정되었습니다. 추가 근무 시간은 간호사에게 배정할 수 있습니다
마지막 줄 (여기 Python)
model.add(sum(shifts_worked) <= max_shifts_per_nurse)
두 번 이상 교대 근무를 배정받지 않습니다.
이 경우에는 추가 속성이 하나뿐이므로 제약 조건이 필요하지 않습니다. 있습니다. 그러나 다른 매개변수 값의 경우 몇 가지 추가 이동이 있을 수 있습니다. 이 경우 제약조건이 필요합니다.
문제 해결사 매개변수 업데이트
최적화가 아닌 모델에서는 모든 솔루션에 대해 검색을 사용 설정할 수 있습니다.
solver = cp_model.CpSolver() solver.parameters.linearization_level = 0 # Enumerate all solutions. solver.parameters.enumerate_all_solutions = True
Model model; SatParameters parameters; parameters.set_linearization_level(0); // Enumerate all solutions. parameters.set_enumerate_all_solutions(true); model.Add(NewSatParameters(parameters));
CpSolver solver = new CpSolver(); solver.getParameters().setLinearizationLevel(0); // Tell the solver to enumerate all solutions. solver.getParameters().setEnumerateAllSolutions(true);
CpSolver solver = new CpSolver(); // Tell the solver to enumerate all solutions. solver.StringParameters += "linearization_level:0 " + "enumerate_all_solutions:true ";
솔루션 콜백 등록
각 테스트에서 호출될 솔버에 콜백을 등록해야 합니다. 솔루션을 제공합니다
class NursesPartialSolutionPrinter(cp_model.CpSolverSolutionCallback): """Print intermediate solutions.""" def __init__(self, shifts, num_nurses, num_days, num_shifts, limit): cp_model.CpSolverSolutionCallback.__init__(self) self._shifts = shifts self._num_nurses = num_nurses self._num_days = num_days self._num_shifts = num_shifts self._solution_count = 0 self._solution_limit = limit def on_solution_callback(self): self._solution_count += 1 print(f"Solution {self._solution_count}") for d in range(self._num_days): print(f"Day {d}") for n in range(self._num_nurses): is_working = False for s in range(self._num_shifts): if self.value(self._shifts[(n, d, s)]): is_working = True print(f" Nurse {n} works shift {s}") if not is_working: print(f" Nurse {n} does not work") if self._solution_count >= self._solution_limit: print(f"Stop search after {self._solution_limit} solutions") self.stop_search() def solutionCount(self): return self._solution_count # Display the first five solutions. solution_limit = 5 solution_printer = NursesPartialSolutionPrinter( shifts, num_nurses, num_days, num_shifts, solution_limit )
// Create an atomic Boolean that will be periodically checked by the limit. std::atomic<bool> stopped(false); model.GetOrCreate<TimeLimit>()->RegisterExternalBooleanAsLimit(&stopped); const int kSolutionLimit = 5; int num_solutions = 0; model.Add(NewFeasibleSolutionObserver([&](const CpSolverResponse& r) { LOG(INFO) << "Solution " << num_solutions; for (int d : all_days) { LOG(INFO) << "Day " << std::to_string(d); for (int n : all_nurses) { bool is_working = false; for (int s : all_shifts) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); if (SolutionIntegerValue(r, shifts[key])) { is_working = true; LOG(INFO) << " Nurse " << std::to_string(n) << " works shift " << std::to_string(s); } } if (!is_working) { LOG(INFO) << " Nurse " << std::to_string(n) << " does not work"; } } } num_solutions++; if (num_solutions >= kSolutionLimit) { stopped = true; LOG(INFO) << "Stop search after " << kSolutionLimit << " solutions."; } }));
final int solutionLimit = 5; class VarArraySolutionPrinterWithLimit extends CpSolverSolutionCallback { public VarArraySolutionPrinterWithLimit( int[] allNurses, int[] allDays, int[] allShifts, Literal[][][] shifts, int limit) { solutionCount = 0; this.allNurses = allNurses; this.allDays = allDays; this.allShifts = allShifts; this.shifts = shifts; solutionLimit = limit; } @Override public void onSolutionCallback() { System.out.printf("Solution #%d:%n", solutionCount); for (int d : allDays) { System.out.printf("Day %d%n", d); for (int n : allNurses) { boolean isWorking = false; for (int s : allShifts) { if (booleanValue(shifts[n][d][s])) { isWorking = true; System.out.printf(" Nurse %d work shift %d%n", n, s); } } if (!isWorking) { System.out.printf(" Nurse %d does not work%n", n); } } } solutionCount++; if (solutionCount >= solutionLimit) { System.out.printf("Stop search after %d solutions%n", solutionLimit); stopSearch(); } } public int getSolutionCount() { return solutionCount; } private int solutionCount; private final int[] allNurses; private final int[] allDays; private final int[] allShifts; private final Literal[][][] shifts; private final int solutionLimit; } VarArraySolutionPrinterWithLimit cb = new VarArraySolutionPrinterWithLimit(allNurses, allDays, allShifts, shifts, solutionLimit);
먼저 SolutionPrinter
클래스를 정의합니다.
public class SolutionPrinter : CpSolverSolutionCallback { public SolutionPrinter(int[] allNurses, int[] allDays, int[] allShifts, Dictionary<(int, int, int), BoolVar> shifts, int limit) { solutionCount_ = 0; allNurses_ = allNurses; allDays_ = allDays; allShifts_ = allShifts; shifts_ = shifts; solutionLimit_ = limit; } public override void OnSolutionCallback() { Console.WriteLine($"Solution #{solutionCount_}:"); foreach (int d in allDays_) { Console.WriteLine($"Day {d}"); foreach (int n in allNurses_) { bool isWorking = false; foreach (int s in allShifts_) { if (Value(shifts_[(n, d, s)]) == 1L) { isWorking = true; Console.WriteLine($" Nurse {n} work shift {s}"); } } if (!isWorking) { Console.WriteLine($" Nurse {d} does not work"); } } } solutionCount_++; if (solutionCount_ >= solutionLimit_) { Console.WriteLine($"Stop search after {solutionLimit_} solutions"); StopSearch(); } } public int SolutionCount() { return solutionCount_; } private int solutionCount_; private int[] allNurses_; private int[] allDays_; private int[] allShifts_; private Dictionary<(int, int, int), BoolVar> shifts_; private int solutionLimit_; }그런 다음 다음을 사용하여 인스턴스화합니다.
const int solutionLimit = 5; SolutionPrinter cb = new SolutionPrinter(allNurses, allDays, allShifts, shifts, solutionLimit);
솔버 호출
다음 코드는 솔버를 호출하고 처음 5개의 솔루션을 표시합니다.
solver.solve(model, solution_printer)
const CpSolverResponse response = SolveCpModel(cp_model.Build(), &model);
CpSolverStatus status = solver.solve(model, cb); System.out.println("Status: " + status); System.out.println(cb.getSolutionCount() + " solutions found.");
CpSolverStatus status = solver.Solve(model, cb); Console.WriteLine($"Solve status: {status}");
처음 5개 솔루션은 다음과 같습니다.
Solution 0
Day 0
Nurse 0 does not work
Nurse 1 works shift 0
Nurse 2 works shift 1
Nurse 3 works shift 2
Day 1
Nurse 0 works shift 2
Nurse 1 does not work
Nurse 2 works shift 1
Nurse 3 works shift 0
Day 2
Nurse 0 works shift 2
Nurse 1 works shift 1
Nurse 2 works shift 0
Nurse 3 does not work
Solution 1
Day 0
Nurse 0 works shift 0
Nurse 1 does not work
Nurse 2 works shift 1
Nurse 3 works shift 2
Day 1
Nurse 0 does not work
Nurse 1 works shift 2
Nurse 2 works shift 1
Nurse 3 works shift 0
Day 2
Nurse 0 works shift 2
Nurse 1 works shift 1
Nurse 2 works shift 0
Nurse 3 does not work
Solution 2
Day 0 Nurse 0 works shift 0
Nurse 1 does not work
Nurse 2 works shift 1
Nurse 3 works shift 2
Day 1
Nurse 0 works shift 1
Nurse 1 works shift 2
Nurse 2 does not work
Nurse 3 works shift 0
Day 2
Nurse 0 works shift 2
Nurse 1 works shift 1
Nurse 2 works shift 0
Nurse 3 does not work
Solution 3
Day 0 Nurse 0 does not work
Nurse 1 works shift 0
Nurse 2 works shift 1
Nurse 3 works shift 2
Day 1
Nurse 0 works shift 1
Nurse 1 works shift 2
Nurse 2 does not work
Nurse 3 works shift 0
Day 2
Nurse 0 works shift 2
Nurse 1 works shift 1
Nurse 2 works shift 0
Nurse 3 does not work
Solution 4
Day 0
Nurse 0 does not work
Nurse 1 works shift 0
Nurse 2 works shift 1
Nurse 3 works shift 2
Day 1
Nurse 0 works shift 2
Nurse 1 works shift 1
Nurse 2 does not work
Nurse 3 works shift 0
Day 2
Nurse 0 works shift 2
Nurse 1 works shift 1
Nurse 2 works shift 0
Nurse 3 does not work
- conflicts : 5
- branches : 142
- wall time : 0.002484 s
- solutions found: 5
총 솔루션 수는 5,184개입니다. 다음 집계 인수에 그 이유가 설명되어 있습니다.
첫째, 추가 교대 근무를 하는 간호사 한 명에게는 네 가지 선택지가 있습니다. 해당 간호사를 선택하면 3개의 교대 근무를 배정할 수 있습니다. 3일마다 한 번씩 반복해야 하므로 추가 시프트는 4 · 33 = 108입니다. 이 간호사를 배정한 후, 매일 두 번의 미할당 교대 근무가 남아 있습니다.
나머지 3명의 간호사 중 한 명은 0일 차와 1일 차, 한 명은 0일 차와 2일 차에 근무했고 첫 번째 날과 둘째 날은 효과가 있습니다. 세 가지입니다. = 다음 그림에 표시된 것처럼 요즘 간호사를 배정하는 6가지 방법 참조하세요. (세 명의 간호사는 A, B, C로 되어 있는데 배정할 수 있습니다.)
Day 0 Day 1 Day 2
위 다이어그램의 각 행에는 다음과 같은 23 = 8가지 방법이 있습니다. 간호사에게 나머지 교대 근무 시간을 배정합니다 (매일 2가지 선택). 따라서 가능한 할당의 총합은 108·6·8 = 5184개입니다.
전체 프로그램
간호사 일정 예약 문제에 대한 전체 프로그램입니다.
"""Example of a simple nurse scheduling problem.""" from ortools.sat.python import cp_model def main() -> None: # Data. num_nurses = 4 num_shifts = 3 num_days = 3 all_nurses = range(num_nurses) all_shifts = range(num_shifts) all_days = range(num_days) # Creates the model. model = cp_model.CpModel() # Creates shift variables. # shifts[(n, d, s)]: nurse 'n' works shift 's' on day 'd'. shifts = {} for n in all_nurses: for d in all_days: for s in all_shifts: shifts[(n, d, s)] = model.new_bool_var(f"shift_n{n}_d{d}_s{s}") # Each shift is assigned to exactly one nurse in the schedule period. for d in all_days: for s in all_shifts: model.add_exactly_one(shifts[(n, d, s)] for n in all_nurses) # Each nurse works at most one shift per day. for n in all_nurses: for d in all_days: model.add_at_most_one(shifts[(n, d, s)] for s in all_shifts) # Try to distribute the shifts evenly, so that each nurse works # min_shifts_per_nurse shifts. If this is not possible, because the total # number of shifts is not divisible by the number of nurses, some nurses will # be assigned one more shift. min_shifts_per_nurse = (num_shifts * num_days) // num_nurses if num_shifts * num_days % num_nurses == 0: max_shifts_per_nurse = min_shifts_per_nurse else: max_shifts_per_nurse = min_shifts_per_nurse + 1 for n in all_nurses: shifts_worked = [] for d in all_days: for s in all_shifts: shifts_worked.append(shifts[(n, d, s)]) model.add(min_shifts_per_nurse <= sum(shifts_worked)) model.add(sum(shifts_worked) <= max_shifts_per_nurse) # Creates the solver and solve. solver = cp_model.CpSolver() solver.parameters.linearization_level = 0 # Enumerate all solutions. solver.parameters.enumerate_all_solutions = True class NursesPartialSolutionPrinter(cp_model.CpSolverSolutionCallback): """Print intermediate solutions.""" def __init__(self, shifts, num_nurses, num_days, num_shifts, limit): cp_model.CpSolverSolutionCallback.__init__(self) self._shifts = shifts self._num_nurses = num_nurses self._num_days = num_days self._num_shifts = num_shifts self._solution_count = 0 self._solution_limit = limit def on_solution_callback(self): self._solution_count += 1 print(f"Solution {self._solution_count}") for d in range(self._num_days): print(f"Day {d}") for n in range(self._num_nurses): is_working = False for s in range(self._num_shifts): if self.value(self._shifts[(n, d, s)]): is_working = True print(f" Nurse {n} works shift {s}") if not is_working: print(f" Nurse {n} does not work") if self._solution_count >= self._solution_limit: print(f"Stop search after {self._solution_limit} solutions") self.stop_search() def solutionCount(self): return self._solution_count # Display the first five solutions. solution_limit = 5 solution_printer = NursesPartialSolutionPrinter( shifts, num_nurses, num_days, num_shifts, solution_limit ) solver.solve(model, solution_printer) # Statistics. print("\nStatistics") print(f" - conflicts : {solver.num_conflicts}") print(f" - branches : {solver.num_branches}") print(f" - wall time : {solver.wall_time} s") print(f" - solutions found: {solution_printer.solutionCount()}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
// Example of a simple nurse scheduling problem. #include <stdlib.h> #include <atomic> #include <map> #include <numeric> #include <string> #include <tuple> #include <vector> #include "absl/strings/str_format.h" #include "ortools/base/logging.h" #include "ortools/sat/cp_model.h" #include "ortools/sat/cp_model.pb.h" #include "ortools/sat/cp_model_solver.h" #include "ortools/sat/model.h" #include "ortools/sat/sat_parameters.pb.h" #include "ortools/util/time_limit.h" namespace operations_research { namespace sat { void NurseSat() { const int num_nurses = 4; const int num_shifts = 3; const int num_days = 3; std::vector<int> all_nurses(num_nurses); std::iota(all_nurses.begin(), all_nurses.end(), 0); std::vector<int> all_shifts(num_shifts); std::iota(all_shifts.begin(), all_shifts.end(), 0); std::vector<int> all_days(num_days); std::iota(all_days.begin(), all_days.end(), 0); // Creates the model. CpModelBuilder cp_model; // Creates shift variables. // shifts[(n, d, s)]: nurse 'n' works shift 's' on day 'd'. std::map<std::tuple<int, int, int>, BoolVar> shifts; for (int n : all_nurses) { for (int d : all_days) { for (int s : all_shifts) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); shifts[key] = cp_model.NewBoolVar().WithName( absl::StrFormat("shift_n%dd%ds%d", n, d, s)); } } } // Each shift is assigned to exactly one nurse in the schedule period. for (int d : all_days) { for (int s : all_shifts) { std::vector<BoolVar> nurses; for (int n : all_nurses) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); nurses.push_back(shifts[key]); } cp_model.AddExactlyOne(nurses); } } // Each nurse works at most one shift per day. for (int n : all_nurses) { for (int d : all_days) { std::vector<BoolVar> work; for (int s : all_shifts) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); work.push_back(shifts[key]); } cp_model.AddAtMostOne(work); } } // Try to distribute the shifts evenly, so that each nurse works // min_shifts_per_nurse shifts. If this is not possible, because the total // number of shifts is not divisible by the number of nurses, some nurses will // be assigned one more shift. int min_shifts_per_nurse = (num_shifts * num_days) / num_nurses; int max_shifts_per_nurse; if ((num_shifts * num_days) % num_nurses == 0) { max_shifts_per_nurse = min_shifts_per_nurse; } else { max_shifts_per_nurse = min_shifts_per_nurse + 1; } for (int n : all_nurses) { std::vector<BoolVar> shifts_worked; for (int d : all_days) { for (int s : all_shifts) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); shifts_worked.push_back(shifts[key]); } } cp_model.AddLessOrEqual(min_shifts_per_nurse, LinearExpr::Sum(shifts_worked)); cp_model.AddLessOrEqual(LinearExpr::Sum(shifts_worked), max_shifts_per_nurse); } Model model; SatParameters parameters; parameters.set_linearization_level(0); // Enumerate all solutions. parameters.set_enumerate_all_solutions(true); model.Add(NewSatParameters(parameters)); // Display the first five solutions. // Create an atomic Boolean that will be periodically checked by the limit. std::atomic<bool> stopped(false); model.GetOrCreate<TimeLimit>()->RegisterExternalBooleanAsLimit(&stopped); const int kSolutionLimit = 5; int num_solutions = 0; model.Add(NewFeasibleSolutionObserver([&](const CpSolverResponse& r) { LOG(INFO) << "Solution " << num_solutions; for (int d : all_days) { LOG(INFO) << "Day " << std::to_string(d); for (int n : all_nurses) { bool is_working = false; for (int s : all_shifts) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); if (SolutionIntegerValue(r, shifts[key])) { is_working = true; LOG(INFO) << " Nurse " << std::to_string(n) << " works shift " << std::to_string(s); } } if (!is_working) { LOG(INFO) << " Nurse " << std::to_string(n) << " does not work"; } } } num_solutions++; if (num_solutions >= kSolutionLimit) { stopped = true; LOG(INFO) << "Stop search after " << kSolutionLimit << " solutions."; } })); const CpSolverResponse response = SolveCpModel(cp_model.Build(), &model); // Statistics. LOG(INFO) << "Statistics"; LOG(INFO) << CpSolverResponseStats(response); LOG(INFO) << "solutions found : " << std::to_string(num_solutions); } } // namespace sat } // namespace operations_research int main() { operations_research::sat::NurseSat(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
package com.google.ortools.sat.samples; import com.google.ortools.Loader; import com.google.ortools.sat.CpModel; import com.google.ortools.sat.CpSolver; import com.google.ortools.sat.CpSolverSolutionCallback; import com.google.ortools.sat.CpSolverStatus; import com.google.ortools.sat.LinearExpr; import com.google.ortools.sat.LinearExprBuilder; import com.google.ortools.sat.Literal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.stream.IntStream; /** Nurses problem. */ public class NursesSat { public static void main(String[] args) { Loader.loadNativeLibraries(); final int numNurses = 4; final int numDays = 3; final int numShifts = 3; final int[] allNurses = IntStream.range(0, numNurses).toArray(); final int[] allDays = IntStream.range(0, numDays).toArray(); final int[] allShifts = IntStream.range(0, numShifts).toArray(); // Creates the model. CpModel model = new CpModel(); // Creates shift variables. // shifts[(n, d, s)]: nurse 'n' works shift 's' on day 'd'. Literal[][][] shifts = new Literal[numNurses][numDays][numShifts]; for (int n : allNurses) { for (int d : allDays) { for (int s : allShifts) { shifts[n][d][s] = model.newBoolVar("shifts_n" + n + "d" + d + "s" + s); } } } // Each shift is assigned to exactly one nurse in the schedule period. for (int d : allDays) { for (int s : allShifts) { List<Literal> nurses = new ArrayList<>(); for (int n : allNurses) { nurses.add(shifts[n][d][s]); } model.addExactlyOne(nurses); } } // Each nurse works at most one shift per day. for (int n : allNurses) { for (int d : allDays) { List<Literal> work = new ArrayList<>(); for (int s : allShifts) { work.add(shifts[n][d][s]); } model.addAtMostOne(work); } } // Try to distribute the shifts evenly, so that each nurse works // minShiftsPerNurse shifts. If this is not possible, because the total // number of shifts is not divisible by the number of nurses, some nurses will // be assigned one more shift. int minShiftsPerNurse = (numShifts * numDays) / numNurses; int maxShiftsPerNurse; if ((numShifts * numDays) % numNurses == 0) { maxShiftsPerNurse = minShiftsPerNurse; } else { maxShiftsPerNurse = minShiftsPerNurse + 1; } for (int n : allNurses) { LinearExprBuilder shiftsWorked = LinearExpr.newBuilder(); for (int d : allDays) { for (int s : allShifts) { shiftsWorked.add(shifts[n][d][s]); } } model.addLinearConstraint(shiftsWorked, minShiftsPerNurse, maxShiftsPerNurse); } CpSolver solver = new CpSolver(); solver.getParameters().setLinearizationLevel(0); // Tell the solver to enumerate all solutions. solver.getParameters().setEnumerateAllSolutions(true); // Display the first five solutions. final int solutionLimit = 5; class VarArraySolutionPrinterWithLimit extends CpSolverSolutionCallback { public VarArraySolutionPrinterWithLimit( int[] allNurses, int[] allDays, int[] allShifts, Literal[][][] shifts, int limit) { solutionCount = 0; this.allNurses = allNurses; this.allDays = allDays; this.allShifts = allShifts; this.shifts = shifts; solutionLimit = limit; } @Override public void onSolutionCallback() { System.out.printf("Solution #%d:%n", solutionCount); for (int d : allDays) { System.out.printf("Day %d%n", d); for (int n : allNurses) { boolean isWorking = false; for (int s : allShifts) { if (booleanValue(shifts[n][d][s])) { isWorking = true; System.out.printf(" Nurse %d work shift %d%n", n, s); } } if (!isWorking) { System.out.printf(" Nurse %d does not work%n", n); } } } solutionCount++; if (solutionCount >= solutionLimit) { System.out.printf("Stop search after %d solutions%n", solutionLimit); stopSearch(); } } public int getSolutionCount() { return solutionCount; } private int solutionCount; private final int[] allNurses; private final int[] allDays; private final int[] allShifts; private final Literal[][][] shifts; private final int solutionLimit; } VarArraySolutionPrinterWithLimit cb = new VarArraySolutionPrinterWithLimit(allNurses, allDays, allShifts, shifts, solutionLimit); // Creates a solver and solves the model. CpSolverStatus status = solver.solve(model, cb); System.out.println("Status: " + status); System.out.println(cb.getSolutionCount() + " solutions found."); // Statistics. System.out.println("Statistics"); System.out.printf(" conflicts: %d%n", solver.numConflicts()); System.out.printf(" branches : %d%n", solver.numBranches()); System.out.printf(" wall time: %f s%n", solver.wallTime()); } private NursesSat() {} }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using Google.OrTools.Sat; public class NursesSat { public class SolutionPrinter : CpSolverSolutionCallback { public SolutionPrinter(int[] allNurses, int[] allDays, int[] allShifts, Dictionary<(int, int, int), BoolVar> shifts, int limit) { solutionCount_ = 0; allNurses_ = allNurses; allDays_ = allDays; allShifts_ = allShifts; shifts_ = shifts; solutionLimit_ = limit; } public override void OnSolutionCallback() { Console.WriteLine($"Solution #{solutionCount_}:"); foreach (int d in allDays_) { Console.WriteLine($"Day {d}"); foreach (int n in allNurses_) { bool isWorking = false; foreach (int s in allShifts_) { if (Value(shifts_[(n, d, s)]) == 1L) { isWorking = true; Console.WriteLine($" Nurse {n} work shift {s}"); } } if (!isWorking) { Console.WriteLine($" Nurse {d} does not work"); } } } solutionCount_++; if (solutionCount_ >= solutionLimit_) { Console.WriteLine($"Stop search after {solutionLimit_} solutions"); StopSearch(); } } public int SolutionCount() { return solutionCount_; } private int solutionCount_; private int[] allNurses_; private int[] allDays_; private int[] allShifts_; private Dictionary<(int, int, int), BoolVar> shifts_; private int solutionLimit_; } public static void Main(String[] args) { const int numNurses = 4; const int numDays = 3; const int numShifts = 3; int[] allNurses = Enumerable.Range(0, numNurses).ToArray(); int[] allDays = Enumerable.Range(0, numDays).ToArray(); int[] allShifts = Enumerable.Range(0, numShifts).ToArray(); // Creates the model. CpModel model = new CpModel(); model.Model.Variables.Capacity = numNurses * numDays * numShifts; // Creates shift variables. // shifts[(n, d, s)]: nurse 'n' works shift 's' on day 'd'. Dictionary<(int, int, int), BoolVar> shifts = new Dictionary<(int, int, int), BoolVar>(numNurses * numDays * numShifts); foreach (int n in allNurses) { foreach (int d in allDays) { foreach (int s in allShifts) { shifts.Add((n, d, s), model.NewBoolVar($"shifts_n{n}d{d}s{s}")); } } } // Each shift is assigned to exactly one nurse in the schedule period. List<ILiteral> literals = new List<ILiteral>(); foreach (int d in allDays) { foreach (int s in allShifts) { foreach (int n in allNurses) { literals.Add(shifts[(n, d, s)]); } model.AddExactlyOne(literals); literals.Clear(); } } // Each nurse works at most one shift per day. foreach (int n in allNurses) { foreach (int d in allDays) { foreach (int s in allShifts) { literals.Add(shifts[(n, d, s)]); } model.AddAtMostOne(literals); literals.Clear(); } } // Try to distribute the shifts evenly, so that each nurse works // minShiftsPerNurse shifts. If this is not possible, because the total // number of shifts is not divisible by the number of nurses, some nurses will // be assigned one more shift. int minShiftsPerNurse = (numShifts * numDays) / numNurses; int maxShiftsPerNurse; if ((numShifts * numDays) % numNurses == 0) { maxShiftsPerNurse = minShiftsPerNurse; } else { maxShiftsPerNurse = minShiftsPerNurse + 1; } List<IntVar> shiftsWorked = new List<IntVar>(); foreach (int n in allNurses) { foreach (int d in allDays) { foreach (int s in allShifts) { shiftsWorked.Add(shifts[(n, d, s)]); } } model.AddLinearConstraint(LinearExpr.Sum(shiftsWorked), minShiftsPerNurse, maxShiftsPerNurse); shiftsWorked.Clear(); } CpSolver solver = new CpSolver(); // Tell the solver to enumerate all solutions. solver.StringParameters += "linearization_level:0 " + "enumerate_all_solutions:true "; // Display the first five solutions. const int solutionLimit = 5; SolutionPrinter cb = new SolutionPrinter(allNurses, allDays, allShifts, shifts, solutionLimit); // Solve CpSolverStatus status = solver.Solve(model, cb); Console.WriteLine($"Solve status: {status}"); Console.WriteLine("Statistics"); Console.WriteLine($" conflicts: {solver.NumConflicts()}"); Console.WriteLine($" branches : {solver.NumBranches()}"); Console.WriteLine($" wall time: {solver.WallTime()}s"); } }
교대 근무 요청을 통한 일정 예약
이 섹션에서는 앞선 예시를 바탕으로 간호사 요청을 추가합니다. 확인할 수 있습니다 그런 다음 충족되는 요청 수를 극대화하는 일정을 찾습니다. 대부분의 일정 예약 문제에서는 목표 함수를 최적화하는 것이 가장 좋습니다. 가능한 모든 일정을 출력하는 것은 실용적이지 않은 경우가 많습니다.
이 예에는 이전 예와 동일한 제약 조건이 있습니다.
라이브러리 가져오기
다음 코드는 필요한 라이브러리를 가져옵니다.
from typing import Union from ortools.sat.python import cp_model
#include <stdlib.h> #include <cstdint> #include <map> #include <numeric> #include <string> #include <tuple> #include <vector> #include "absl/strings/str_format.h" #include "ortools/base/logging.h" #include "ortools/sat/cp_model.h" #include "ortools/sat/cp_model.pb.h" #include "ortools/sat/cp_model_solver.h"
import com.google.ortools.Loader; import com.google.ortools.sat.CpModel; import com.google.ortools.sat.CpSolver; import com.google.ortools.sat.CpSolverStatus; import com.google.ortools.sat.LinearExpr; import com.google.ortools.sat.LinearExprBuilder; import com.google.ortools.sat.Literal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.stream.IntStream;
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Google.OrTools.Sat;
예시의 데이터
이 예의 데이터는 이후에 표시됩니다.
num_nurses = 5 num_shifts = 3 num_days = 7 all_nurses = range(num_nurses) all_shifts = range(num_shifts) all_days = range(num_days) shift_requests = [ [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]], [[0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]], [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]], ]
const int num_nurses = 5; const int num_days = 7; const int num_shifts = 3; std::vector<int> all_nurses(num_nurses); std::iota(all_nurses.begin(), all_nurses.end(), 0); std::vector<int> all_days(num_days); std::iota(all_days.begin(), all_days.end(), 0); std::vector<int> all_shifts(num_shifts); std::iota(all_shifts.begin(), all_shifts.end(), 0); std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>> shift_requests = { { {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, }, { {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, }, { {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, }, { {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, }, { {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, }, };
final int numNurses = 5; final int numDays = 7; final int numShifts = 3; final int[] allNurses = IntStream.range(0, numNurses).toArray(); final int[] allDays = IntStream.range(0, numDays).toArray(); final int[] allShifts = IntStream.range(0, numShifts).toArray(); final int[][][] shiftRequests = new int[][][] { { {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, }, { {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, }, { {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, }, { {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, }, { {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, }, };
const int numNurses = 5; const int numDays = 7; const int numShifts = 3; int[] allNurses = Enumerable.Range(0, numNurses).ToArray(); int[] allDays = Enumerable.Range(0, numDays).ToArray(); int[] allShifts = Enumerable.Range(0, numShifts).ToArray(); int[,,] shiftRequests = new int[,,] { { { 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }, }, { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }, }, { { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, }, { { 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, }, { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, }, };
모델 만들기
다음 코드는 모델을 만듭니다.
model = cp_model.CpModel()
CpModelBuilder cp_model;
CpModel model = new CpModel();
CpModel model = new CpModel();
변수 만들기
다음 코드는 문제에 대한 변수 배열입니다.
이전 예의 변수 외에도 데이터에는 이는 하루 3회의 교대에 해당하는 3줄입니다. 이 triple은 0 또는 1로, 이동이 요청되었는지 여부를 나타냅니다. 예를 들어 1행의 다섯 번째 위치에 있는 트리플 [0, 0, 1] 은 간호사 1이 5일차에 근무하고 있습니다.
shifts = {} for n in all_nurses: for d in all_days: for s in all_shifts: shifts[(n, d, s)] = model.new_bool_var(f"shift_n{n}_d{d}_s{s}")
std::map<std::tuple<int, int, int>, BoolVar> shifts; for (int n : all_nurses) { for (int d : all_days) { for (int s : all_shifts) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); shifts[key] = cp_model.NewBoolVar().WithName( absl::StrFormat("shift_n%dd%ds%d", n, d, s)); } } }
Literal[][][] shifts = new Literal[numNurses][numDays][numShifts]; for (int n : allNurses) { for (int d : allDays) { for (int s : allShifts) { shifts[n][d][s] = model.newBoolVar("shifts_n" + n + "d" + d + "s" + s); } } }
Dictionary<Tuple<int, int, int>, IntVar> shifts = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int, int>, IntVar>(); foreach (int n in allNurses) { foreach (int d in allDays) { foreach (int s in allShifts) { shifts.Add(Tuple.Create(n, d, s), model.NewBoolVar($"shifts_n{n}d{d}s{s}")); } } }
제약조건 만들기
다음 코드는 문제의 제약 조건을 생성합니다.
for d in all_days: for s in all_shifts: model.add_exactly_one(shifts[(n, d, s)] for n in all_nurses)
for (int d : all_days) { for (int s : all_shifts) { std::vector<BoolVar> nurses; for (int n : all_nurses) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); nurses.push_back(shifts[key]); } cp_model.AddExactlyOne(nurses); } }
for (int d : allDays) { for (int s : allShifts) { List<Literal> nurses = new ArrayList<>(); for (int n : allNurses) { nurses.add(shifts[n][d][s]); } model.addExactlyOne(nurses); } }
foreach (int d in allDays) { foreach (int s in allShifts) { IntVar[] x = new IntVar[numNurses]; foreach (int n in allNurses) { var key = Tuple.Create(n, d, s); x[n] = shifts[key]; } model.Add(LinearExpr.Sum(x) == 1); } }
for n in all_nurses: for d in all_days: model.add_at_most_one(shifts[(n, d, s)] for s in all_shifts)
for (int n : all_nurses) { for (int d : all_days) { std::vector<BoolVar> work; for (int s : all_shifts) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); work.push_back(shifts[key]); } cp_model.AddAtMostOne(work); } }
for (int n : allNurses) { for (int d : allDays) { List<Literal> work = new ArrayList<>(); for (int s : allShifts) { work.add(shifts[n][d][s]); } model.addAtMostOne(work); } }
foreach (int n in allNurses) { foreach (int d in allDays) { IntVar[] x = new IntVar[numShifts]; foreach (int s in allShifts) { var key = Tuple.Create(n, d, s); x[s] = shifts[key]; } model.Add(LinearExpr.Sum(x) <= 1); } }
# Try to distribute the shifts evenly, so that each nurse works # min_shifts_per_nurse shifts. If this is not possible, because the total # number of shifts is not divisible by the number of nurses, some nurses will # be assigned one more shift. min_shifts_per_nurse = (num_shifts * num_days) // num_nurses if num_shifts * num_days % num_nurses == 0: max_shifts_per_nurse = min_shifts_per_nurse else: max_shifts_per_nurse = min_shifts_per_nurse + 1 for n in all_nurses: num_shifts_worked: Union[cp_model.LinearExpr, int] = 0 for d in all_days: for s in all_shifts: num_shifts_worked += shifts[(n, d, s)] model.add(min_shifts_per_nurse <= num_shifts_worked) model.add(num_shifts_worked <= max_shifts_per_nurse)
// Try to distribute the shifts evenly, so that each nurse works // min_shifts_per_nurse shifts. If this is not possible, because the total // number of shifts is not divisible by the number of nurses, some nurses will // be assigned one more shift. int min_shifts_per_nurse = (num_shifts * num_days) / num_nurses; int max_shifts_per_nurse; if ((num_shifts * num_days) % num_nurses == 0) { max_shifts_per_nurse = min_shifts_per_nurse; } else { max_shifts_per_nurse = min_shifts_per_nurse + 1; } for (int n : all_nurses) { LinearExpr num_worked_shifts; for (int d : all_days) { for (int s : all_shifts) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); num_worked_shifts += shifts[key]; } } cp_model.AddLessOrEqual(min_shifts_per_nurse, num_worked_shifts); cp_model.AddLessOrEqual(num_worked_shifts, max_shifts_per_nurse); }
// Try to distribute the shifts evenly, so that each nurse works // minShiftsPerNurse shifts. If this is not possible, because the total // number of shifts is not divisible by the number of nurses, some nurses will // be assigned one more shift. int minShiftsPerNurse = (numShifts * numDays) / numNurses; int maxShiftsPerNurse; if ((numShifts * numDays) % numNurses == 0) { maxShiftsPerNurse = minShiftsPerNurse; } else { maxShiftsPerNurse = minShiftsPerNurse + 1; } for (int n : allNurses) { LinearExprBuilder numShiftsWorked = LinearExpr.newBuilder(); for (int d : allDays) { for (int s : allShifts) { numShiftsWorked.add(shifts[n][d][s]); } } model.addLinearConstraint(numShiftsWorked, minShiftsPerNurse, maxShiftsPerNurse); }
// Try to distribute the shifts evenly, so that each nurse works // minShiftsPerNurse shifts. If this is not possible, because the total // number of shifts is not divisible by the number of nurses, some nurses will // be assigned one more shift. int minShiftsPerNurse = (numShifts * numDays) / numNurses; int maxShiftsPerNurse; if ((numShifts * numDays) % numNurses == 0) { maxShiftsPerNurse = minShiftsPerNurse; } else { maxShiftsPerNurse = minShiftsPerNurse + 1; } foreach (int n in allNurses) { IntVar[] numShiftsWorked = new IntVar[numDays * numShifts]; foreach (int d in allDays) { foreach (int s in allShifts) { var key = Tuple.Create(n, d, s); numShiftsWorked[d * numShifts + s] = shifts[key]; } } model.AddLinearConstraint(LinearExpr.Sum(numShiftsWorked), minShiftsPerNurse, maxShiftsPerNurse); }
예시의 목표
다음 목적 함수를 최적화하려고 합니다.
model.maximize( sum( shift_requests[n][d][s] * shifts[(n, d, s)] for n in all_nurses for d in all_days for s in all_shifts ) )
LinearExpr objective_expr; for (int n : all_nurses) { for (int d : all_days) { for (int s : all_shifts) { if (shift_requests[n][d][s] == 1) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); objective_expr += shifts[key] * shift_requests[n][d][s]; } } } } cp_model.Maximize(objective_expr);
LinearExprBuilder obj = LinearExpr.newBuilder(); for (int n : allNurses) { for (int d : allDays) { for (int s : allShifts) { obj.addTerm(shifts[n][d][s], shiftRequests[n][d][s]); } } } model.maximize(obj);
IntVar[] flatShifts = new IntVar[numNurses * numDays * numShifts]; int[] flatShiftRequests = new int[numNurses * numDays * numShifts]; foreach (int n in allNurses) { foreach (int d in allDays) { foreach (int s in allShifts) { var key = Tuple.Create(n, d, s); flatShifts[n * numDays * numShifts + d * numShifts + s] = shifts[key]; flatShiftRequests[n * numDays * numShifts + d * numShifts + s] = shiftRequests[n, d, s]; } } } model.Maximize(LinearExpr.WeightedSum(flatShifts, flatShiftRequests));
근무 시간 s
이(가) 할당된 경우 shift_requests[n][d][s] * shifts[(n, d, s)
은(는) 1입니다.
에 n
간호사를 했으며 해당 간호사는 교대 근무를 요청했습니다 (그렇지 않으면 0).
목표는 요청에 맞는 할당 수를 이동하는 것입니다.
솔버 호출
다음 코드는 솔버를 호출합니다.
solver = cp_model.CpSolver() status = solver.solve(model)
const CpSolverResponse response = Solve(cp_model.Build());
CpSolver solver = new CpSolver(); CpSolverStatus status = solver.solve(model);
CpSolver solver = new CpSolver(); CpSolverStatus status = solver.Solve(model); Console.WriteLine($"Solve status: {status}");
결과 표시
다음 코드는 최적의 (유일하지 않을 수도 있음) 출력은 인코더-디코더 아키텍처를 할당된 요청 수 및 충족된 요청 수를 확인할 수 있습니다.
if status == cp_model.OPTIMAL: print("Solution:") for d in all_days: print("Day", d) for n in all_nurses: for s in all_shifts: if solver.value(shifts[(n, d, s)]) == 1: if shift_requests[n][d][s] == 1: print("Nurse", n, "works shift", s, "(requested).") else: print("Nurse", n, "works shift", s, "(not requested).") print() print( f"Number of shift requests met = {solver.objective_value}", f"(out of {num_nurses * min_shifts_per_nurse})", ) else: print("No optimal solution found !")
if (response.status() == CpSolverStatus::OPTIMAL) { LOG(INFO) << "Solution:"; for (int d : all_days) { LOG(INFO) << "Day " << std::to_string(d); for (int n : all_nurses) { for (int s : all_shifts) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); if (SolutionIntegerValue(response, shifts[key]) == 1) { if (shift_requests[n][d][s] == 1) { LOG(INFO) << " Nurse " << std::to_string(n) << " works shift " << std::to_string(s) << " (requested)."; } else { LOG(INFO) << " Nurse " << std::to_string(n) << " works shift " << std::to_string(s) << " (not requested)."; } } } } LOG(INFO) << ""; } LOG(INFO) << "Number of shift requests met = " << response.objective_value() << " (out of " << num_nurses * min_shifts_per_nurse << ")"; } else { LOG(INFO) << "No optimal solution found !"; }
if (status == CpSolverStatus.OPTIMAL || status == CpSolverStatus.FEASIBLE) { System.out.printf("Solution:%n"); for (int d : allDays) { System.out.printf("Day %d%n", d); for (int n : allNurses) { for (int s : allShifts) { if (solver.booleanValue(shifts[n][d][s])) { if (shiftRequests[n][d][s] == 1) { System.out.printf(" Nurse %d works shift %d (requested).%n", n, s); } else { System.out.printf(" Nurse %d works shift %d (not requested).%n", n, s); } } } } } System.out.printf("Number of shift requests met = %f (out of %d)%n", solver.objectiveValue(), numNurses * minShiftsPerNurse); } else { System.out.printf("No optimal solution found !"); }
if (status == CpSolverStatus.Optimal || status == CpSolverStatus.Feasible) { Console.WriteLine("Solution:"); foreach (int d in allDays) { Console.WriteLine($"Day {d}"); foreach (int n in allNurses) { bool isWorking = false; foreach (int s in allShifts) { var key = Tuple.Create(n, d, s); if (solver.Value(shifts[key]) == 1L) { if (shiftRequests[n, d, s] == 1) { Console.WriteLine($" Nurse {n} work shift {s} (requested)."); } else { Console.WriteLine($" Nurse {n} work shift {s} (not requested)."); } } } } } Console.WriteLine( $"Number of shift requests met = {solver.ObjectiveValue} (out of {numNurses * minShiftsPerNurse})."); } else { Console.WriteLine("No solution found."); }
프로그램을 실행하면 다음과 같은 출력이 표시됩니다.
Day 0
Nurse 1 works shift 0 (not requested).
Nurse 2 works shift 1 (requested).
Nurse 3 works shift 2 (requested).
Day 1
Nurse 0 works shift 0 (not requested).
Nurse 2 works shift 1 (requested).
Nurse 4 works shift 2 (requested).
Day 2
Nurse 1 works shift 2 (not requested).
Nurse 3 works shift 0 (requested).
Nurse 4 works shift 1 (requested).
Day 3
Nurse 2 works shift 0 (requested).
Nurse 3 works shift 1 (requested).
Nurse 4 works shift 2 (not requested).
Day 4
Nurse 0 works shift 2 (requested).
Nurse 1 works shift 0 (requested).
Nurse 4 works shift 1 (not requested).
Day 5
Nurse 0 works shift 2 (not requested).
Nurse 2 works shift 1 (requested).
Nurse 3 works shift 0 (requested).
Day 6
Nurse 0 works shift 1 (not requested).
Nurse 1 works shift 2 (requested).
Nurse 4 works shift 0 (not requested).
- Number of shift requests met = 13 (out of 20 )
- wall time : 0.003571 s
전체 프로그램
다음은 교대근무 요청이 있는 일정 예약을 위한 전체 프로그램입니다.
"""Nurse scheduling problem with shift requests.""" from typing import Union from ortools.sat.python import cp_model def main() -> None: # This program tries to find an optimal assignment of nurses to shifts # (3 shifts per day, for 7 days), subject to some constraints (see below). # Each nurse can request to be assigned to specific shifts. # The optimal assignment maximizes the number of fulfilled shift requests. num_nurses = 5 num_shifts = 3 num_days = 7 all_nurses = range(num_nurses) all_shifts = range(num_shifts) all_days = range(num_days) shift_requests = [ [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]], [[0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]], [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]], ] # Creates the model. model = cp_model.CpModel() # Creates shift variables. # shifts[(n, d, s)]: nurse 'n' works shift 's' on day 'd'. shifts = {} for n in all_nurses: for d in all_days: for s in all_shifts: shifts[(n, d, s)] = model.new_bool_var(f"shift_n{n}_d{d}_s{s}") # Each shift is assigned to exactly one nurse in . for d in all_days: for s in all_shifts: model.add_exactly_one(shifts[(n, d, s)] for n in all_nurses) # Each nurse works at most one shift per day. for n in all_nurses: for d in all_days: model.add_at_most_one(shifts[(n, d, s)] for s in all_shifts) # Try to distribute the shifts evenly, so that each nurse works # min_shifts_per_nurse shifts. If this is not possible, because the total # number of shifts is not divisible by the number of nurses, some nurses will # be assigned one more shift. min_shifts_per_nurse = (num_shifts * num_days) // num_nurses if num_shifts * num_days % num_nurses == 0: max_shifts_per_nurse = min_shifts_per_nurse else: max_shifts_per_nurse = min_shifts_per_nurse + 1 for n in all_nurses: num_shifts_worked: Union[cp_model.LinearExpr, int] = 0 for d in all_days: for s in all_shifts: num_shifts_worked += shifts[(n, d, s)] model.add(min_shifts_per_nurse <= num_shifts_worked) model.add(num_shifts_worked <= max_shifts_per_nurse) model.maximize( sum( shift_requests[n][d][s] * shifts[(n, d, s)] for n in all_nurses for d in all_days for s in all_shifts ) ) # Creates the solver and solve. solver = cp_model.CpSolver() status = solver.solve(model) if status == cp_model.OPTIMAL: print("Solution:") for d in all_days: print("Day", d) for n in all_nurses: for s in all_shifts: if solver.value(shifts[(n, d, s)]) == 1: if shift_requests[n][d][s] == 1: print("Nurse", n, "works shift", s, "(requested).") else: print("Nurse", n, "works shift", s, "(not requested).") print() print( f"Number of shift requests met = {solver.objective_value}", f"(out of {num_nurses * min_shifts_per_nurse})", ) else: print("No optimal solution found !") # Statistics. print("\nStatistics") print(f" - conflicts: {solver.num_conflicts}") print(f" - branches : {solver.num_branches}") print(f" - wall time: {solver.wall_time}s") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
// Nurse scheduling problem with shift requests. #include <stdlib.h> #include <cstdint> #include <map> #include <numeric> #include <string> #include <tuple> #include <vector> #include "absl/strings/str_format.h" #include "ortools/base/logging.h" #include "ortools/sat/cp_model.h" #include "ortools/sat/cp_model.pb.h" #include "ortools/sat/cp_model_solver.h" namespace operations_research { namespace sat { void ScheduleRequestsSat() { const int num_nurses = 5; const int num_days = 7; const int num_shifts = 3; std::vector<int> all_nurses(num_nurses); std::iota(all_nurses.begin(), all_nurses.end(), 0); std::vector<int> all_days(num_days); std::iota(all_days.begin(), all_days.end(), 0); std::vector<int> all_shifts(num_shifts); std::iota(all_shifts.begin(), all_shifts.end(), 0); std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>> shift_requests = { { {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, }, { {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, }, { {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, }, { {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, }, { {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, }, }; // Creates the model. CpModelBuilder cp_model; // Creates shift variables. // shifts[(n, d, s)]: nurse 'n' works shift 's' on day 'd'. std::map<std::tuple<int, int, int>, BoolVar> shifts; for (int n : all_nurses) { for (int d : all_days) { for (int s : all_shifts) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); shifts[key] = cp_model.NewBoolVar().WithName( absl::StrFormat("shift_n%dd%ds%d", n, d, s)); } } } // Each shift is assigned to exactly one nurse in the schedule period. for (int d : all_days) { for (int s : all_shifts) { std::vector<BoolVar> nurses; for (int n : all_nurses) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); nurses.push_back(shifts[key]); } cp_model.AddExactlyOne(nurses); } } // Each nurse works at most one shift per day. for (int n : all_nurses) { for (int d : all_days) { std::vector<BoolVar> work; for (int s : all_shifts) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); work.push_back(shifts[key]); } cp_model.AddAtMostOne(work); } } // Try to distribute the shifts evenly, so that each nurse works // min_shifts_per_nurse shifts. If this is not possible, because the total // number of shifts is not divisible by the number of nurses, some nurses will // be assigned one more shift. int min_shifts_per_nurse = (num_shifts * num_days) / num_nurses; int max_shifts_per_nurse; if ((num_shifts * num_days) % num_nurses == 0) { max_shifts_per_nurse = min_shifts_per_nurse; } else { max_shifts_per_nurse = min_shifts_per_nurse + 1; } for (int n : all_nurses) { LinearExpr num_worked_shifts; for (int d : all_days) { for (int s : all_shifts) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); num_worked_shifts += shifts[key]; } } cp_model.AddLessOrEqual(min_shifts_per_nurse, num_worked_shifts); cp_model.AddLessOrEqual(num_worked_shifts, max_shifts_per_nurse); } LinearExpr objective_expr; for (int n : all_nurses) { for (int d : all_days) { for (int s : all_shifts) { if (shift_requests[n][d][s] == 1) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); objective_expr += shifts[key] * shift_requests[n][d][s]; } } } } cp_model.Maximize(objective_expr); const CpSolverResponse response = Solve(cp_model.Build()); if (response.status() == CpSolverStatus::OPTIMAL) { LOG(INFO) << "Solution:"; for (int d : all_days) { LOG(INFO) << "Day " << std::to_string(d); for (int n : all_nurses) { for (int s : all_shifts) { auto key = std::make_tuple(n, d, s); if (SolutionIntegerValue(response, shifts[key]) == 1) { if (shift_requests[n][d][s] == 1) { LOG(INFO) << " Nurse " << std::to_string(n) << " works shift " << std::to_string(s) << " (requested)."; } else { LOG(INFO) << " Nurse " << std::to_string(n) << " works shift " << std::to_string(s) << " (not requested)."; } } } } LOG(INFO) << ""; } LOG(INFO) << "Number of shift requests met = " << response.objective_value() << " (out of " << num_nurses * min_shifts_per_nurse << ")"; } else { LOG(INFO) << "No optimal solution found !"; } // Statistics. LOG(INFO) << "Statistics"; LOG(INFO) << CpSolverResponseStats(response); } } // namespace sat } // namespace operations_research int main() { operations_research::sat::ScheduleRequestsSat(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
package com.google.ortools.sat.samples; import com.google.ortools.Loader; import com.google.ortools.sat.CpModel; import com.google.ortools.sat.CpSolver; import com.google.ortools.sat.CpSolverStatus; import com.google.ortools.sat.LinearExpr; import com.google.ortools.sat.LinearExprBuilder; import com.google.ortools.sat.Literal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.stream.IntStream; /** Nurses problem with schedule requests. */ public class ScheduleRequestsSat { public static void main(String[] args) { Loader.loadNativeLibraries(); final int numNurses = 5; final int numDays = 7; final int numShifts = 3; final int[] allNurses = IntStream.range(0, numNurses).toArray(); final int[] allDays = IntStream.range(0, numDays).toArray(); final int[] allShifts = IntStream.range(0, numShifts).toArray(); final int[][][] shiftRequests = new int[][][] { { {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, }, { {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, }, { {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, }, { {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, }, { {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, }, }; // Creates the model. CpModel model = new CpModel(); // Creates shift variables. // shifts[(n, d, s)]: nurse 'n' works shift 's' on day 'd'. Literal[][][] shifts = new Literal[numNurses][numDays][numShifts]; for (int n : allNurses) { for (int d : allDays) { for (int s : allShifts) { shifts[n][d][s] = model.newBoolVar("shifts_n" + n + "d" + d + "s" + s); } } } // Each shift is assigned to exactly one nurse in the schedule period. for (int d : allDays) { for (int s : allShifts) { List<Literal> nurses = new ArrayList<>(); for (int n : allNurses) { nurses.add(shifts[n][d][s]); } model.addExactlyOne(nurses); } } // Each nurse works at most one shift per day. for (int n : allNurses) { for (int d : allDays) { List<Literal> work = new ArrayList<>(); for (int s : allShifts) { work.add(shifts[n][d][s]); } model.addAtMostOne(work); } } // Try to distribute the shifts evenly, so that each nurse works // minShiftsPerNurse shifts. If this is not possible, because the total // number of shifts is not divisible by the number of nurses, some nurses will // be assigned one more shift. int minShiftsPerNurse = (numShifts * numDays) / numNurses; int maxShiftsPerNurse; if ((numShifts * numDays) % numNurses == 0) { maxShiftsPerNurse = minShiftsPerNurse; } else { maxShiftsPerNurse = minShiftsPerNurse + 1; } for (int n : allNurses) { LinearExprBuilder numShiftsWorked = LinearExpr.newBuilder(); for (int d : allDays) { for (int s : allShifts) { numShiftsWorked.add(shifts[n][d][s]); } } model.addLinearConstraint(numShiftsWorked, minShiftsPerNurse, maxShiftsPerNurse); } LinearExprBuilder obj = LinearExpr.newBuilder(); for (int n : allNurses) { for (int d : allDays) { for (int s : allShifts) { obj.addTerm(shifts[n][d][s], shiftRequests[n][d][s]); } } } model.maximize(obj); // Creates a solver and solves the model. CpSolver solver = new CpSolver(); CpSolverStatus status = solver.solve(model); if (status == CpSolverStatus.OPTIMAL || status == CpSolverStatus.FEASIBLE) { System.out.printf("Solution:%n"); for (int d : allDays) { System.out.printf("Day %d%n", d); for (int n : allNurses) { for (int s : allShifts) { if (solver.booleanValue(shifts[n][d][s])) { if (shiftRequests[n][d][s] == 1) { System.out.printf(" Nurse %d works shift %d (requested).%n", n, s); } else { System.out.printf(" Nurse %d works shift %d (not requested).%n", n, s); } } } } } System.out.printf("Number of shift requests met = %f (out of %d)%n", solver.objectiveValue(), numNurses * minShiftsPerNurse); } else { System.out.printf("No optimal solution found !"); } // Statistics. System.out.println("Statistics"); System.out.printf(" conflicts: %d%n", solver.numConflicts()); System.out.printf(" branches : %d%n", solver.numBranches()); System.out.printf(" wall time: %f s%n", solver.wallTime()); } private ScheduleRequestsSat() {} }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Google.OrTools.Sat; public class ScheduleRequestsSat { public static void Main(String[] args) { const int numNurses = 5; const int numDays = 7; const int numShifts = 3; int[] allNurses = Enumerable.Range(0, numNurses).ToArray(); int[] allDays = Enumerable.Range(0, numDays).ToArray(); int[] allShifts = Enumerable.Range(0, numShifts).ToArray(); int[,,] shiftRequests = new int[,,] { { { 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }, }, { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }, }, { { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, }, { { 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, }, { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, }, }; // Creates the model. CpModel model = new CpModel(); // Creates shift variables. // shifts[(n, d, s)]: nurse 'n' works shift 's' on day 'd'. Dictionary<Tuple<int, int, int>, IntVar> shifts = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int, int>, IntVar>(); foreach (int n in allNurses) { foreach (int d in allDays) { foreach (int s in allShifts) { shifts.Add(Tuple.Create(n, d, s), model.NewBoolVar($"shifts_n{n}d{d}s{s}")); } } } // Each shift is assigned to exactly one nurse in the schedule period. foreach (int d in allDays) { foreach (int s in allShifts) { IntVar[] x = new IntVar[numNurses]; foreach (int n in allNurses) { var key = Tuple.Create(n, d, s); x[n] = shifts[key]; } model.Add(LinearExpr.Sum(x) == 1); } } // Each nurse works at most one shift per day. foreach (int n in allNurses) { foreach (int d in allDays) { IntVar[] x = new IntVar[numShifts]; foreach (int s in allShifts) { var key = Tuple.Create(n, d, s); x[s] = shifts[key]; } model.Add(LinearExpr.Sum(x) <= 1); } } // Try to distribute the shifts evenly, so that each nurse works // minShiftsPerNurse shifts. If this is not possible, because the total // number of shifts is not divisible by the number of nurses, some nurses will // be assigned one more shift. int minShiftsPerNurse = (numShifts * numDays) / numNurses; int maxShiftsPerNurse; if ((numShifts * numDays) % numNurses == 0) { maxShiftsPerNurse = minShiftsPerNurse; } else { maxShiftsPerNurse = minShiftsPerNurse + 1; } foreach (int n in allNurses) { IntVar[] numShiftsWorked = new IntVar[numDays * numShifts]; foreach (int d in allDays) { foreach (int s in allShifts) { var key = Tuple.Create(n, d, s); numShiftsWorked[d * numShifts + s] = shifts[key]; } } model.AddLinearConstraint(LinearExpr.Sum(numShiftsWorked), minShiftsPerNurse, maxShiftsPerNurse); } IntVar[] flatShifts = new IntVar[numNurses * numDays * numShifts]; int[] flatShiftRequests = new int[numNurses * numDays * numShifts]; foreach (int n in allNurses) { foreach (int d in allDays) { foreach (int s in allShifts) { var key = Tuple.Create(n, d, s); flatShifts[n * numDays * numShifts + d * numShifts + s] = shifts[key]; flatShiftRequests[n * numDays * numShifts + d * numShifts + s] = shiftRequests[n, d, s]; } } } model.Maximize(LinearExpr.WeightedSum(flatShifts, flatShiftRequests)); // Solve CpSolver solver = new CpSolver(); CpSolverStatus status = solver.Solve(model); Console.WriteLine($"Solve status: {status}"); if (status == CpSolverStatus.Optimal || status == CpSolverStatus.Feasible) { Console.WriteLine("Solution:"); foreach (int d in allDays) { Console.WriteLine($"Day {d}"); foreach (int n in allNurses) { bool isWorking = false; foreach (int s in allShifts) { var key = Tuple.Create(n, d, s); if (solver.Value(shifts[key]) == 1L) { if (shiftRequests[n, d, s] == 1) { Console.WriteLine($" Nurse {n} work shift {s} (requested)."); } else { Console.WriteLine($" Nurse {n} work shift {s} (not requested)."); } } } } } Console.WriteLine( $"Number of shift requests met = {solver.ObjectiveValue} (out of {numNurses * minShiftsPerNurse})."); } else { Console.WriteLine("No solution found."); } Console.WriteLine("Statistics"); Console.WriteLine($" conflicts: {solver.NumConflicts()}"); Console.WriteLine($" branches : {solver.NumBranches()}"); Console.WriteLine($" wall time: {solver.WallTime()}s"); } }