

以下部分介绍的 Python 程序可使用 CP-SAT 或 MIP 求解器来解决此问题。如需了解使用最低费用流求解器的解决方案,请参阅与团队分配部分。

CP-SAT 解决方案

首先,我们来看一下这个问题的 CP-SAT 解决方案。




from ortools.sat.python import cp_model


#include <stdlib.h>

#include <numeric>
#include <vector>

#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "ortools/base/logging.h"
#include "ortools/sat/cp_model.h"
#include "ortools/sat/cp_model.pb.h"
#include "ortools/sat/cp_model_solver.h"


import com.google.ortools.Loader;
import com.google.ortools.sat.CpModel;
import com.google.ortools.sat.CpSolver;
import com.google.ortools.sat.CpSolverStatus;
import com.google.ortools.sat.LinearExpr;
import com.google.ortools.sat.LinearExprBuilder;
import com.google.ortools.sat.Literal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Google.OrTools.Sat;




costs = [
    [90, 76, 75, 70],
    [35, 85, 55, 65],
    [125, 95, 90, 105],
    [45, 110, 95, 115],
    [60, 105, 80, 75],
    [45, 65, 110, 95],
num_workers = len(costs)
num_tasks = len(costs[0])

team1 = [0, 2, 4]
team2 = [1, 3, 5]
# Maximum total of tasks for any team
team_max = 2


const std::vector<std::vector<int>> costs = {{
    {{90, 76, 75, 70}},
    {{35, 85, 55, 65}},
    {{125, 95, 90, 105}},
    {{45, 110, 95, 115}},
    {{60, 105, 80, 75}},
    {{45, 65, 110, 95}},
const int num_workers = static_cast<int>(costs.size());
std::vector<int> all_workers(num_workers);
std::iota(all_workers.begin(), all_workers.end(), 0);

const int num_tasks = static_cast<int>(costs[0].size());
std::vector<int> all_tasks(num_tasks);
std::iota(all_tasks.begin(), all_tasks.end(), 0);

const std::vector<int> team1 = {{0, 2, 4}};
const std::vector<int> team2 = {{1, 3, 5}};
// Maximum total of tasks for any team
const int team_max = 2;


int[][] costs = {
    {90, 76, 75, 70},
    {35, 85, 55, 65},
    {125, 95, 90, 105},
    {45, 110, 95, 115},
    {60, 105, 80, 75},
    {45, 65, 110, 95},
final int numWorkers = costs.length;
final int numTasks = costs[0].length;

final int[] allWorkers = IntStream.range(0, numWorkers).toArray();
final int[] allTasks = IntStream.range(0, numTasks).toArray();

final int[] team1 = {0, 2, 4};
final int[] team2 = {1, 3, 5};
// Maximum total of tasks for any team
final int teamMax = 2;


int[,] costs = {
    { 90, 76, 75, 70 },   { 35, 85, 55, 65 },  { 125, 95, 90, 105 },
    { 45, 110, 95, 115 }, { 60, 105, 80, 75 }, { 45, 65, 110, 95 },
int numWorkers = costs.GetLength(0);
int numTasks = costs.GetLength(1);

int[] allWorkers = Enumerable.Range(0, numWorkers).ToArray();
int[] allTasks = Enumerable.Range(0, numTasks).ToArray();

int[] team1 = { 0, 2, 4 };
int[] team2 = { 1, 3, 5 };
// Maximum total of tasks for any team
int teamMax = 2;




model = cp_model.CpModel()


CpModelBuilder cp_model;


CpModel model = new CpModel();


CpModel model = new CpModel();




x = {}
for worker in range(num_workers):
    for task in range(num_tasks):
        x[worker, task] = model.new_bool_var(f"x[{worker},{task}]")


// x[i][j] is an array of Boolean variables. x[i][j] is true
// if worker i is assigned to task j.
std::vector<std::vector<BoolVar>> x(num_workers,
for (int worker : all_workers) {
  for (int task : all_tasks) {
    x[worker][task] = cp_model.NewBoolVar().WithName(
        absl::StrFormat("x[%d,%d]", worker, task));


Literal[][] x = new Literal[numWorkers][numTasks];
// Variables in a 1-dim array.
for (int worker : allWorkers) {
  for (int task : allTasks) {
    x[worker][task] = model.newBoolVar("x[" + worker + "," + task + "]");


BoolVar[,] x = new BoolVar[numWorkers, numTasks];
foreach (int worker in allWorkers)
    foreach (int task in allTasks)
        x[worker, task] = model.NewBoolVar($"x[{worker},{task}]");

每对工作器和任务都有一个变量。请注意,工作器的编号为 0 - 5,任务的编号为 0 - 3,这与原始示例不同,在原始示例中,所有节点都必须按照最低成本流求解器的要求以不同的方式编号。




# Each worker is assigned to at most one task.
for worker in range(num_workers):
    model.add_at_most_one(x[worker, task] for task in range(num_tasks))

# Each task is assigned to exactly one worker.
for task in range(num_tasks):
    model.add_exactly_one(x[worker, task] for worker in range(num_workers))

# Each team takes at most two tasks.
team1_tasks = []
for worker in team1:
    for task in range(num_tasks):
        team1_tasks.append(x[worker, task])
model.add(sum(team1_tasks) <= team_max)

team2_tasks = []
for worker in team2:
    for task in range(num_tasks):
        team2_tasks.append(x[worker, task])
model.add(sum(team2_tasks) <= team_max)


// Each worker is assigned to at most one task.
for (int worker : all_workers) {
// Each task is assigned to exactly one worker.
for (int task : all_tasks) {
  std::vector<BoolVar> tasks;
  for (int worker : all_workers) {

// Each team takes at most two tasks.
LinearExpr team1_tasks;
for (int worker : team1) {
  for (int task : all_tasks) {
    team1_tasks += x[worker][task];
cp_model.AddLessOrEqual(team1_tasks, team_max);

LinearExpr team2_tasks;
for (int worker : team2) {
  for (int task : all_tasks) {
    team2_tasks += x[worker][task];
cp_model.AddLessOrEqual(team2_tasks, team_max);


// Each worker is assigned to at most one task.
for (int worker : allWorkers) {
  List<Literal> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
  for (int task : allTasks) {

// Each task is assigned to exactly one worker.
for (int task : allTasks) {
  List<Literal> workers = new ArrayList<>();
  for (int worker : allWorkers) {

// Each team takes at most two tasks.
LinearExprBuilder team1Tasks = LinearExpr.newBuilder();
for (int worker : team1) {
  for (int task : allTasks) {
model.addLessOrEqual(team1Tasks, teamMax);

LinearExprBuilder team2Tasks = LinearExpr.newBuilder();
for (int worker : team2) {
  for (int task : allTasks) {
model.addLessOrEqual(team2Tasks, teamMax);


// Each worker is assigned to at most one task.
foreach (int worker in allWorkers)
    List<ILiteral> tasks = new List<ILiteral>();
    foreach (int task in allTasks)
        tasks.Add(x[worker, task]);

// Each task is assigned to exactly one worker.
foreach (int task in allTasks)
    List<ILiteral> workers = new List<ILiteral>();
    foreach (int worker in allWorkers)
        workers.Add(x[worker, task]);

// Each team takes at most two tasks.
List<IntVar> team1Tasks = new List<IntVar>();
foreach (int worker in team1)
    foreach (int task in allTasks)
        team1Tasks.Add(x[worker, task]);
model.Add(LinearExpr.Sum(team1Tasks.ToArray()) <= teamMax);

List<IntVar> team2Tasks = new List<IntVar>();
foreach (int worker in team2)
    foreach (int task in allTasks)
        team2Tasks.Add(x[worker, task]);
model.Add(LinearExpr.Sum(team2Tasks.ToArray()) <= teamMax);




objective_terms = []
for worker in range(num_workers):
    for task in range(num_tasks):
        objective_terms.append(costs[worker][task] * x[worker, task])


LinearExpr total_cost;
for (int worker : all_workers) {
  for (int task : all_tasks) {
    total_cost += x[worker][task] * costs[worker][task];


LinearExprBuilder obj = LinearExpr.newBuilder();
for (int worker : allWorkers) {
  for (int task : allTasks) {
    obj.addTerm(x[worker][task], costs[worker][task]);


LinearExprBuilder obj = LinearExpr.NewBuilder();
foreach (int worker in allWorkers)
    foreach (int task in allTasks)
        obj.AddTerm(x[worker, task], costs[worker, task]);

目标函数的值是求解器赋值 1 的所有变量的总费用。




solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
status = solver.solve(model)


const CpSolverResponse response = Solve(cp_model.Build());


CpSolver solver = new CpSolver();
CpSolverStatus status = solver.solve(model);


CpSolver solver = new CpSolver();
CpSolverStatus status = solver.Solve(model);
Console.WriteLine($"Solve status: {status}");




if status == cp_model.OPTIMAL or status == cp_model.FEASIBLE:
    print(f"Total cost = {solver.objective_value}\n")
    for worker in range(num_workers):
        for task in range(num_tasks):
            if solver.boolean_value(x[worker, task]):
                    f"Worker {worker} assigned to task {task}."
                    + f" Cost = {costs[worker][task]}"
    print("No solution found.")


if (response.status() == CpSolverStatus::INFEASIBLE) {
  LOG(FATAL) << "No solution found.";
LOG(INFO) << "Total cost: " << response.objective_value();
for (int worker : all_workers) {
  for (int task : all_tasks) {
    if (SolutionBooleanValue(response, x[worker][task])) {
      LOG(INFO) << "Worker " << worker << " assigned to task " << task
                << ".  Cost: " << costs[worker][task];


// Check that the problem has a feasible solution.
if (status == CpSolverStatus.OPTIMAL || status == CpSolverStatus.FEASIBLE) {
  System.out.println("Total cost: " + solver.objectiveValue() + "\n");
  for (int worker : allWorkers) {
    for (int task : allTasks) {
      if (solver.booleanValue(x[worker][task])) {
        System.out.println("Worker " + worker + " assigned to task " + task
            + ".  Cost: " + costs[worker][task]);
} else {
  System.err.println("No solution found.");


// Check that the problem has a feasible solution.
if (status == CpSolverStatus.Optimal || status == CpSolverStatus.Feasible)
    Console.WriteLine($"Total cost: {solver.ObjectiveValue}\n");
    foreach (int worker in allWorkers)
        foreach (int task in allTasks)
            if (solver.Value(x[worker, task]) > 0.5)
                Console.WriteLine($"Worker {worker} assigned to task {task}. " +
                                  $"Cost: {costs[worker, task]}");
    Console.WriteLine("No solution found.");


Total cost:  250
Worker 0 assigned to task 2. Cost = 75
Worker 1 assigned to task 0. Cost = 35
Worker 4 assigned to task 3. Cost = 75
Worker 5 assigned to task 1. Cost = 65
Time =  6  milliseconds




"""Solves a simple assignment problem."""
from ortools.sat.python import cp_model

def main() -> None:
    # Data
    costs = [
        [90, 76, 75, 70],
        [35, 85, 55, 65],
        [125, 95, 90, 105],
        [45, 110, 95, 115],
        [60, 105, 80, 75],
        [45, 65, 110, 95],
    num_workers = len(costs)
    num_tasks = len(costs[0])

    team1 = [0, 2, 4]
    team2 = [1, 3, 5]
    # Maximum total of tasks for any team
    team_max = 2

    # Model
    model = cp_model.CpModel()

    # Variables
    x = {}
    for worker in range(num_workers):
        for task in range(num_tasks):
            x[worker, task] = model.new_bool_var(f"x[{worker},{task}]")

    # Constraints
    # Each worker is assigned to at most one task.
    for worker in range(num_workers):
        model.add_at_most_one(x[worker, task] for task in range(num_tasks))

    # Each task is assigned to exactly one worker.
    for task in range(num_tasks):
        model.add_exactly_one(x[worker, task] for worker in range(num_workers))

    # Each team takes at most two tasks.
    team1_tasks = []
    for worker in team1:
        for task in range(num_tasks):
            team1_tasks.append(x[worker, task])
    model.add(sum(team1_tasks) <= team_max)

    team2_tasks = []
    for worker in team2:
        for task in range(num_tasks):
            team2_tasks.append(x[worker, task])
    model.add(sum(team2_tasks) <= team_max)

    # Objective
    objective_terms = []
    for worker in range(num_workers):
        for task in range(num_tasks):
            objective_terms.append(costs[worker][task] * x[worker, task])

    # Solve
    solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
    status = solver.solve(model)

    # Print solution.
    if status == cp_model.OPTIMAL or status == cp_model.FEASIBLE:
        print(f"Total cost = {solver.objective_value}\n")
        for worker in range(num_workers):
            for task in range(num_tasks):
                if solver.boolean_value(x[worker, task]):
                        f"Worker {worker} assigned to task {task}."
                        + f" Cost = {costs[worker][task]}"
        print("No solution found.")

if __name__ == "__main__":


// Solve a simple assignment problem.
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <numeric>
#include <vector>

#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "ortools/base/logging.h"
#include "ortools/sat/cp_model.h"
#include "ortools/sat/cp_model.pb.h"
#include "ortools/sat/cp_model_solver.h"

namespace operations_research {
namespace sat {

void AssignmentTeamsSat() {
  // Data
  const std::vector<std::vector<int>> costs = {{
      {{90, 76, 75, 70}},
      {{35, 85, 55, 65}},
      {{125, 95, 90, 105}},
      {{45, 110, 95, 115}},
      {{60, 105, 80, 75}},
      {{45, 65, 110, 95}},
  const int num_workers = static_cast<int>(costs.size());
  std::vector<int> all_workers(num_workers);
  std::iota(all_workers.begin(), all_workers.end(), 0);

  const int num_tasks = static_cast<int>(costs[0].size());
  std::vector<int> all_tasks(num_tasks);
  std::iota(all_tasks.begin(), all_tasks.end(), 0);

  const std::vector<int> team1 = {{0, 2, 4}};
  const std::vector<int> team2 = {{1, 3, 5}};
  // Maximum total of tasks for any team
  const int team_max = 2;

  // Model
  CpModelBuilder cp_model;

  // Variables
  // x[i][j] is an array of Boolean variables. x[i][j] is true
  // if worker i is assigned to task j.
  std::vector<std::vector<BoolVar>> x(num_workers,
  for (int worker : all_workers) {
    for (int task : all_tasks) {
      x[worker][task] = cp_model.NewBoolVar().WithName(
          absl::StrFormat("x[%d,%d]", worker, task));

  // Constraints
  // Each worker is assigned to at most one task.
  for (int worker : all_workers) {
  // Each task is assigned to exactly one worker.
  for (int task : all_tasks) {
    std::vector<BoolVar> tasks;
    for (int worker : all_workers) {

  // Each team takes at most two tasks.
  LinearExpr team1_tasks;
  for (int worker : team1) {
    for (int task : all_tasks) {
      team1_tasks += x[worker][task];
  cp_model.AddLessOrEqual(team1_tasks, team_max);

  LinearExpr team2_tasks;
  for (int worker : team2) {
    for (int task : all_tasks) {
      team2_tasks += x[worker][task];
  cp_model.AddLessOrEqual(team2_tasks, team_max);

  // Objective
  LinearExpr total_cost;
  for (int worker : all_workers) {
    for (int task : all_tasks) {
      total_cost += x[worker][task] * costs[worker][task];

  // Solve
  const CpSolverResponse response = Solve(cp_model.Build());

  // Print solution.
  if (response.status() == CpSolverStatus::INFEASIBLE) {
    LOG(FATAL) << "No solution found.";
  LOG(INFO) << "Total cost: " << response.objective_value();
  for (int worker : all_workers) {
    for (int task : all_tasks) {
      if (SolutionBooleanValue(response, x[worker][task])) {
        LOG(INFO) << "Worker " << worker << " assigned to task " << task
                  << ".  Cost: " << costs[worker][task];
}  // namespace sat
}  // namespace operations_research

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;


// CP-SAT example that solves an assignment problem.
package com.google.ortools.sat.samples;
import com.google.ortools.Loader;
import com.google.ortools.sat.CpModel;
import com.google.ortools.sat.CpSolver;
import com.google.ortools.sat.CpSolverStatus;
import com.google.ortools.sat.LinearExpr;
import com.google.ortools.sat.LinearExprBuilder;
import com.google.ortools.sat.Literal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;

/** Assignment problem. */
public class AssignmentTeamsSat {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Data
    int[][] costs = {
        {90, 76, 75, 70},
        {35, 85, 55, 65},
        {125, 95, 90, 105},
        {45, 110, 95, 115},
        {60, 105, 80, 75},
        {45, 65, 110, 95},
    final int numWorkers = costs.length;
    final int numTasks = costs[0].length;

    final int[] allWorkers = IntStream.range(0, numWorkers).toArray();
    final int[] allTasks = IntStream.range(0, numTasks).toArray();

    final int[] team1 = {0, 2, 4};
    final int[] team2 = {1, 3, 5};
    // Maximum total of tasks for any team
    final int teamMax = 2;

    // Model
    CpModel model = new CpModel();

    // Variables
    Literal[][] x = new Literal[numWorkers][numTasks];
    // Variables in a 1-dim array.
    for (int worker : allWorkers) {
      for (int task : allTasks) {
        x[worker][task] = model.newBoolVar("x[" + worker + "," + task + "]");

    // Constraints
    // Each worker is assigned to at most one task.
    for (int worker : allWorkers) {
      List<Literal> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
      for (int task : allTasks) {

    // Each task is assigned to exactly one worker.
    for (int task : allTasks) {
      List<Literal> workers = new ArrayList<>();
      for (int worker : allWorkers) {

    // Each team takes at most two tasks.
    LinearExprBuilder team1Tasks = LinearExpr.newBuilder();
    for (int worker : team1) {
      for (int task : allTasks) {
    model.addLessOrEqual(team1Tasks, teamMax);

    LinearExprBuilder team2Tasks = LinearExpr.newBuilder();
    for (int worker : team2) {
      for (int task : allTasks) {
    model.addLessOrEqual(team2Tasks, teamMax);

    // Objective
    LinearExprBuilder obj = LinearExpr.newBuilder();
    for (int worker : allWorkers) {
      for (int task : allTasks) {
        obj.addTerm(x[worker][task], costs[worker][task]);

    // Solve
    CpSolver solver = new CpSolver();
    CpSolverStatus status = solver.solve(model);

    // Print solution.
    // Check that the problem has a feasible solution.
    if (status == CpSolverStatus.OPTIMAL || status == CpSolverStatus.FEASIBLE) {
      System.out.println("Total cost: " + solver.objectiveValue() + "\n");
      for (int worker : allWorkers) {
        for (int task : allTasks) {
          if (solver.booleanValue(x[worker][task])) {
            System.out.println("Worker " + worker + " assigned to task " + task
                + ".  Cost: " + costs[worker][task]);
    } else {
      System.err.println("No solution found.");

  private AssignmentTeamsSat() {}


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Google.OrTools.Sat;

public class AssignmentTeamsSat
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        // Data.
        int[,] costs = {
            { 90, 76, 75, 70 },   { 35, 85, 55, 65 },  { 125, 95, 90, 105 },
            { 45, 110, 95, 115 }, { 60, 105, 80, 75 }, { 45, 65, 110, 95 },
        int numWorkers = costs.GetLength(0);
        int numTasks = costs.GetLength(1);

        int[] allWorkers = Enumerable.Range(0, numWorkers).ToArray();
        int[] allTasks = Enumerable.Range(0, numTasks).ToArray();

        int[] team1 = { 0, 2, 4 };
        int[] team2 = { 1, 3, 5 };
        // Maximum total of tasks for any team
        int teamMax = 2;

        // Model.
        CpModel model = new CpModel();

        // Variables.
        BoolVar[,] x = new BoolVar[numWorkers, numTasks];
        foreach (int worker in allWorkers)
            foreach (int task in allTasks)
                x[worker, task] = model.NewBoolVar($"x[{worker},{task}]");

        // Constraints
        // Each worker is assigned to at most one task.
        foreach (int worker in allWorkers)
            List<ILiteral> tasks = new List<ILiteral>();
            foreach (int task in allTasks)
                tasks.Add(x[worker, task]);

        // Each task is assigned to exactly one worker.
        foreach (int task in allTasks)
            List<ILiteral> workers = new List<ILiteral>();
            foreach (int worker in allWorkers)
                workers.Add(x[worker, task]);

        // Each team takes at most two tasks.
        List<IntVar> team1Tasks = new List<IntVar>();
        foreach (int worker in team1)
            foreach (int task in allTasks)
                team1Tasks.Add(x[worker, task]);
        model.Add(LinearExpr.Sum(team1Tasks.ToArray()) <= teamMax);

        List<IntVar> team2Tasks = new List<IntVar>();
        foreach (int worker in team2)
            foreach (int task in allTasks)
                team2Tasks.Add(x[worker, task]);
        model.Add(LinearExpr.Sum(team2Tasks.ToArray()) <= teamMax);

        // Objective
        LinearExprBuilder obj = LinearExpr.NewBuilder();
        foreach (int worker in allWorkers)
            foreach (int task in allTasks)
                obj.AddTerm(x[worker, task], costs[worker, task]);

        // Solve
        CpSolver solver = new CpSolver();
        CpSolverStatus status = solver.Solve(model);
        Console.WriteLine($"Solve status: {status}");

        // Print solution.
        // Check that the problem has a feasible solution.
        if (status == CpSolverStatus.Optimal || status == CpSolverStatus.Feasible)
            Console.WriteLine($"Total cost: {solver.ObjectiveValue}\n");
            foreach (int worker in allWorkers)
                foreach (int task in allTasks)
                    if (solver.Value(x[worker, task]) > 0.5)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Worker {worker} assigned to task {task}. " +
                                          $"Cost: {costs[worker, task]}");
            Console.WriteLine("No solution found.");

        Console.WriteLine($"  - conflicts : {solver.NumConflicts()}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  - branches  : {solver.NumBranches()}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  - wall time : {solver.WallTime()}s");

MIP 解决方案

接下来,我们将介绍使用 MIP 求解器针对此分配问题的解决方案。




from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp


#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>

#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "ortools/base/logging.h"
#include "ortools/linear_solver/linear_solver.h"


import com.google.ortools.Loader;
import com.google.ortools.linearsolver.MPConstraint;
import com.google.ortools.linearsolver.MPObjective;
import com.google.ortools.linearsolver.MPSolver;
import com.google.ortools.linearsolver.MPVariable;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Google.OrTools.LinearSolver;




costs = [
    [90, 76, 75, 70],
    [35, 85, 55, 65],
    [125, 95, 90, 105],
    [45, 110, 95, 115],
    [60, 105, 80, 75],
    [45, 65, 110, 95],
num_workers = len(costs)
num_tasks = len(costs[0])

team1 = [0, 2, 4]
team2 = [1, 3, 5]
# Maximum total of tasks for any team
team_max = 2


const std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> costs = {{
    {{90, 76, 75, 70}},
    {{35, 85, 55, 65}},
    {{125, 95, 90, 105}},
    {{45, 110, 95, 115}},
    {{60, 105, 80, 75}},
    {{45, 65, 110, 95}},
const int num_workers = costs.size();
std::vector<int> all_workers(num_workers);
std::iota(all_workers.begin(), all_workers.end(), 0);

const int num_tasks = costs[0].size();
std::vector<int> all_tasks(num_tasks);
std::iota(all_tasks.begin(), all_tasks.end(), 0);

const std::vector<int64_t> team1 = {{0, 2, 4}};
const std::vector<int64_t> team2 = {{1, 3, 5}};
// Maximum total of tasks for any team
const int team_max = 2;


double[][] costs = {
    {90, 76, 75, 70},
    {35, 85, 55, 65},
    {125, 95, 90, 105},
    {45, 110, 95, 115},
    {60, 105, 80, 75},
    {45, 65, 110, 95},
int numWorkers = costs.length;
int numTasks = costs[0].length;

final int[] allWorkers = IntStream.range(0, numWorkers).toArray();
final int[] allTasks = IntStream.range(0, numTasks).toArray();

final int[] team1 = {0, 2, 4};
final int[] team2 = {1, 3, 5};
// Maximum total of tasks for any team
final int teamMax = 2;


int[,] costs = {
    { 90, 76, 75, 70 },   { 35, 85, 55, 65 },  { 125, 95, 90, 105 },
    { 45, 110, 95, 115 }, { 60, 105, 80, 75 }, { 45, 65, 110, 95 },
int numWorkers = costs.GetLength(0);
int numTasks = costs.GetLength(1);

int[] allWorkers = Enumerable.Range(0, numWorkers).ToArray();
int[] allTasks = Enumerable.Range(0, numTasks).ToArray();

int[] team1 = { 0, 2, 4 };
int[] team2 = { 1, 3, 5 };
// Maximum total of tasks for any team
int teamMax = 2;




# Create the mip solver with the SCIP backend.
solver = pywraplp.Solver.CreateSolver("SCIP")
if not solver:


// Create the mip solver with the SCIP backend.
std::unique_ptr<MPSolver> solver(MPSolver::CreateSolver("SCIP"));
if (!solver) {
  LOG(WARNING) << "SCIP solver unavailable.";


// Create the linear solver with the SCIP backend.
MPSolver solver = MPSolver.createSolver("SCIP");
if (solver == null) {
  System.out.println("Could not create solver SCIP");


Solver solver = Solver.CreateSolver("SCIP");
if (solver is null)




# x[i, j] is an array of 0-1 variables, which will be 1
# if worker i is assigned to task j.
x = {}
for worker in range(num_workers):
    for task in range(num_tasks):
        x[worker, task] = solver.BoolVar(f"x[{worker},{task}]")


// x[i][j] is an array of 0-1 variables, which will be 1
// if worker i is assigned to task j.
std::vector<std::vector<const MPVariable*>> x(
    num_workers, std::vector<const MPVariable*>(num_tasks));
for (int worker : all_workers) {
  for (int task : all_tasks) {
    x[worker][task] =
        solver->MakeBoolVar(absl::StrFormat("x[%d,%d]", worker, task));


// x[i][j] is an array of 0-1 variables, which will be 1
// if worker i is assigned to task j.
MPVariable[][] x = new MPVariable[numWorkers][numTasks];
for (int worker : allWorkers) {
  for (int task : allTasks) {
    x[worker][task] = solver.makeBoolVar("x[" + worker + "," + task + "]");


// x[i, j] is an array of 0-1 variables, which will be 1
// if worker i is assigned to task j.
Variable[,] x = new Variable[numWorkers, numTasks];
foreach (int worker in allWorkers)
    foreach (int task in allTasks)
        x[worker, task] = solver.MakeBoolVar($"x[{worker},{task}]");




# Each worker is assigned at most 1 task.
for worker in range(num_workers):
    solver.Add(solver.Sum([x[worker, task] for task in range(num_tasks)]) <= 1)

# Each task is assigned to exactly one worker.
for task in range(num_tasks):
    solver.Add(solver.Sum([x[worker, task] for worker in range(num_workers)]) == 1)

# Each team takes at most two tasks.
team1_tasks = []
for worker in team1:
    for task in range(num_tasks):
        team1_tasks.append(x[worker, task])
solver.Add(solver.Sum(team1_tasks) <= team_max)

team2_tasks = []
for worker in team2:
    for task in range(num_tasks):
        team2_tasks.append(x[worker, task])
solver.Add(solver.Sum(team2_tasks) <= team_max)


// Each worker is assigned to at most one task.
for (int worker : all_workers) {
  LinearExpr worker_sum;
  for (int task : all_tasks) {
    worker_sum += x[worker][task];
  solver->MakeRowConstraint(worker_sum <= 1.0);
// Each task is assigned to exactly one worker.
for (int task : all_tasks) {
  LinearExpr task_sum;
  for (int worker : all_workers) {
    task_sum += x[worker][task];
  solver->MakeRowConstraint(task_sum == 1.0);

// Each team takes at most two tasks.
LinearExpr team1_tasks;
for (int worker : team1) {
  for (int task : all_tasks) {
    team1_tasks += x[worker][task];
solver->MakeRowConstraint(team1_tasks <= team_max);

LinearExpr team2_tasks;
for (int worker : team2) {
  for (int task : all_tasks) {
    team2_tasks += x[worker][task];
solver->MakeRowConstraint(team2_tasks <= team_max);


// Each worker is assigned to at most one task.
for (int worker : allWorkers) {
  MPConstraint constraint = solver.makeConstraint(0, 1, "");
  for (int task : allTasks) {
    constraint.setCoefficient(x[worker][task], 1);
// Each task is assigned to exactly one worker.
for (int task : allTasks) {
  MPConstraint constraint = solver.makeConstraint(1, 1, "");
  for (int worker : allWorkers) {
    constraint.setCoefficient(x[worker][task], 1);

// Each team takes at most two tasks.
MPConstraint team1Tasks = solver.makeConstraint(0, teamMax, "");
for (int worker : team1) {
  for (int task : allTasks) {
    team1Tasks.setCoefficient(x[worker][task], 1);

MPConstraint team2Tasks = solver.makeConstraint(0, teamMax, "");
for (int worker : team2) {
  for (int task : allTasks) {
    team2Tasks.setCoefficient(x[worker][task], 1);


// Each worker is assigned to at most one task.
foreach (int worker in allWorkers)
    Constraint constraint = solver.MakeConstraint(0, 1, "");
    foreach (int task in allTasks)
        constraint.SetCoefficient(x[worker, task], 1);
// Each task is assigned to exactly one worker.
foreach (int task in allTasks)
    Constraint constraint = solver.MakeConstraint(1, 1, "");
    foreach (int worker in allWorkers)
        constraint.SetCoefficient(x[worker, task], 1);

// Each team takes at most two tasks.
Constraint team1Tasks = solver.MakeConstraint(0, teamMax, "");
foreach (int worker in team1)
    foreach (int task in allTasks)
        team1Tasks.SetCoefficient(x[worker, task], 1);

Constraint team2Tasks = solver.MakeConstraint(0, teamMax, "");
foreach (int worker in team2)
    foreach (int task in allTasks)
        team2Tasks.SetCoefficient(x[worker, task], 1);




objective_terms = []
for worker in range(num_workers):
    for task in range(num_tasks):
        objective_terms.append(costs[worker][task] * x[worker, task])


MPObjective* const objective = solver->MutableObjective();
for (int worker : all_workers) {
  for (int task : all_tasks) {
    objective->SetCoefficient(x[worker][task], costs[worker][task]);


MPObjective objective = solver.objective();
for (int worker : allWorkers) {
  for (int task : allTasks) {
    objective.setCoefficient(x[worker][task], costs[worker][task]);


Objective objective = solver.Objective();
foreach (int worker in allWorkers)
    foreach (int task in allTasks)
        objective.SetCoefficient(x[worker, task], costs[worker, task]);




print(f"Solving with {solver.SolverVersion()}")
status = solver.Solve()


const MPSolver::ResultStatus result_status = solver->Solve();


MPSolver.ResultStatus resultStatus = solver.solve();


Solver.ResultStatus resultStatus = solver.Solve();




if status == pywraplp.Solver.OPTIMAL or status == pywraplp.Solver.FEASIBLE:
    print(f"Total cost = {solver.Objective().Value()}\n")
    for worker in range(num_workers):
        for task in range(num_tasks):
            if x[worker, task].solution_value() > 0.5:
                    f"Worker {worker} assigned to task {task}."
                    + f" Cost = {costs[worker][task]}"
    print("No solution found.")
print(f"Time = {solver.WallTime()} ms")


// Check that the problem has a feasible solution.
if (result_status != MPSolver::OPTIMAL &&
    result_status != MPSolver::FEASIBLE) {
  LOG(FATAL) << "No solution found.";
LOG(INFO) << "Total cost = " << objective->Value() << "\n\n";
for (int worker : all_workers) {
  for (int task : all_tasks) {
    // Test if x[i][j] is 0 or 1 (with tolerance for floating point
    // arithmetic).
    if (x[worker][task]->solution_value() > 0.5) {
      LOG(INFO) << "Worker " << worker << " assigned to task " << task
                << ".  Cost: " << costs[worker][task];


// Check that the problem has a feasible solution.
if (resultStatus == MPSolver.ResultStatus.OPTIMAL
    || resultStatus == MPSolver.ResultStatus.FEASIBLE) {
  System.out.println("Total cost: " + objective.value() + "\n");
  for (int worker : allWorkers) {
    for (int task : allTasks) {
      // Test if x[i][j] is 0 or 1 (with tolerance for floating point
      // arithmetic).
      if (x[worker][task].solutionValue() > 0.5) {
        System.out.println("Worker " + worker + " assigned to task " + task
            + ".  Cost: " + costs[worker][task]);
} else {
  System.err.println("No solution found.");


// Check that the problem has a feasible solution.
if (resultStatus == Solver.ResultStatus.OPTIMAL || resultStatus == Solver.ResultStatus.FEASIBLE)
    Console.WriteLine($"Total cost: {solver.Objective().Value()}\n");
    foreach (int worker in allWorkers)
        foreach (int task in allTasks)
            // Test if x[i, j] is 0 or 1 (with tolerance for floating point
            // arithmetic).
            if (x[worker, task].SolutionValue() > 0.5)
                Console.WriteLine($"Worker {worker} assigned to task {task}. Cost: {costs[worker, task]}");
    Console.WriteLine("No solution found.");


Minimum cost assignment:  250.0
Worker 0 assigned to task 2. Cost = 75
Worker 1 assigned to task 0. Cost = 35
Worker 4 assigned to task 3. Cost = 75
Worker 5 assigned to task 1. Cost = 65
Time =  6  milliseconds




"""MIP example that solves an assignment problem."""
from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp

def main():
    # Data
    costs = [
        [90, 76, 75, 70],
        [35, 85, 55, 65],
        [125, 95, 90, 105],
        [45, 110, 95, 115],
        [60, 105, 80, 75],
        [45, 65, 110, 95],
    num_workers = len(costs)
    num_tasks = len(costs[0])

    team1 = [0, 2, 4]
    team2 = [1, 3, 5]
    # Maximum total of tasks for any team
    team_max = 2

    # Solver
    # Create the mip solver with the SCIP backend.
    solver = pywraplp.Solver.CreateSolver("SCIP")
    if not solver:

    # Variables
    # x[i, j] is an array of 0-1 variables, which will be 1
    # if worker i is assigned to task j.
    x = {}
    for worker in range(num_workers):
        for task in range(num_tasks):
            x[worker, task] = solver.BoolVar(f"x[{worker},{task}]")

    # Constraints
    # Each worker is assigned at most 1 task.
    for worker in range(num_workers):
        solver.Add(solver.Sum([x[worker, task] for task in range(num_tasks)]) <= 1)

    # Each task is assigned to exactly one worker.
    for task in range(num_tasks):
        solver.Add(solver.Sum([x[worker, task] for worker in range(num_workers)]) == 1)

    # Each team takes at most two tasks.
    team1_tasks = []
    for worker in team1:
        for task in range(num_tasks):
            team1_tasks.append(x[worker, task])
    solver.Add(solver.Sum(team1_tasks) <= team_max)

    team2_tasks = []
    for worker in team2:
        for task in range(num_tasks):
            team2_tasks.append(x[worker, task])
    solver.Add(solver.Sum(team2_tasks) <= team_max)

    # Objective
    objective_terms = []
    for worker in range(num_workers):
        for task in range(num_tasks):
            objective_terms.append(costs[worker][task] * x[worker, task])

    # Solve
    print(f"Solving with {solver.SolverVersion()}")
    status = solver.Solve()

    # Print solution.
    if status == pywraplp.Solver.OPTIMAL or status == pywraplp.Solver.FEASIBLE:
        print(f"Total cost = {solver.Objective().Value()}\n")
        for worker in range(num_workers):
            for task in range(num_tasks):
                if x[worker, task].solution_value() > 0.5:
                        f"Worker {worker} assigned to task {task}."
                        + f" Cost = {costs[worker][task]}"
        print("No solution found.")
    print(f"Time = {solver.WallTime()} ms")

if __name__ == "__main__":


// Solve a simple assignment problem.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>

#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "ortools/base/logging.h"
#include "ortools/linear_solver/linear_solver.h"

namespace operations_research {
void AssignmentTeamsMip() {
  // Data
  const std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> costs = {{
      {{90, 76, 75, 70}},
      {{35, 85, 55, 65}},
      {{125, 95, 90, 105}},
      {{45, 110, 95, 115}},
      {{60, 105, 80, 75}},
      {{45, 65, 110, 95}},
  const int num_workers = costs.size();
  std::vector<int> all_workers(num_workers);
  std::iota(all_workers.begin(), all_workers.end(), 0);

  const int num_tasks = costs[0].size();
  std::vector<int> all_tasks(num_tasks);
  std::iota(all_tasks.begin(), all_tasks.end(), 0);

  const std::vector<int64_t> team1 = {{0, 2, 4}};
  const std::vector<int64_t> team2 = {{1, 3, 5}};
  // Maximum total of tasks for any team
  const int team_max = 2;

  // Solver
  // Create the mip solver with the SCIP backend.
  std::unique_ptr<MPSolver> solver(MPSolver::CreateSolver("SCIP"));
  if (!solver) {
    LOG(WARNING) << "SCIP solver unavailable.";

  // Variables
  // x[i][j] is an array of 0-1 variables, which will be 1
  // if worker i is assigned to task j.
  std::vector<std::vector<const MPVariable*>> x(
      num_workers, std::vector<const MPVariable*>(num_tasks));
  for (int worker : all_workers) {
    for (int task : all_tasks) {
      x[worker][task] =
          solver->MakeBoolVar(absl::StrFormat("x[%d,%d]", worker, task));

  // Constraints
  // Each worker is assigned to at most one task.
  for (int worker : all_workers) {
    LinearExpr worker_sum;
    for (int task : all_tasks) {
      worker_sum += x[worker][task];
    solver->MakeRowConstraint(worker_sum <= 1.0);
  // Each task is assigned to exactly one worker.
  for (int task : all_tasks) {
    LinearExpr task_sum;
    for (int worker : all_workers) {
      task_sum += x[worker][task];
    solver->MakeRowConstraint(task_sum == 1.0);

  // Each team takes at most two tasks.
  LinearExpr team1_tasks;
  for (int worker : team1) {
    for (int task : all_tasks) {
      team1_tasks += x[worker][task];
  solver->MakeRowConstraint(team1_tasks <= team_max);

  LinearExpr team2_tasks;
  for (int worker : team2) {
    for (int task : all_tasks) {
      team2_tasks += x[worker][task];
  solver->MakeRowConstraint(team2_tasks <= team_max);

  // Objective.
  MPObjective* const objective = solver->MutableObjective();
  for (int worker : all_workers) {
    for (int task : all_tasks) {
      objective->SetCoefficient(x[worker][task], costs[worker][task]);

  // Solve
  const MPSolver::ResultStatus result_status = solver->Solve();

  // Print solution.
  // Check that the problem has a feasible solution.
  if (result_status != MPSolver::OPTIMAL &&
      result_status != MPSolver::FEASIBLE) {
    LOG(FATAL) << "No solution found.";
  LOG(INFO) << "Total cost = " << objective->Value() << "\n\n";
  for (int worker : all_workers) {
    for (int task : all_tasks) {
      // Test if x[i][j] is 0 or 1 (with tolerance for floating point
      // arithmetic).
      if (x[worker][task]->solution_value() > 0.5) {
        LOG(INFO) << "Worker " << worker << " assigned to task " << task
                  << ".  Cost: " << costs[worker][task];
}  // namespace operations_research

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;


package com.google.ortools.linearsolver.samples;
import com.google.ortools.Loader;
import com.google.ortools.linearsolver.MPConstraint;
import com.google.ortools.linearsolver.MPObjective;
import com.google.ortools.linearsolver.MPSolver;
import com.google.ortools.linearsolver.MPVariable;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;

/** MIP example that solves an assignment problem. */
public class AssignmentTeamsMip {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Data
    double[][] costs = {
        {90, 76, 75, 70},
        {35, 85, 55, 65},
        {125, 95, 90, 105},
        {45, 110, 95, 115},
        {60, 105, 80, 75},
        {45, 65, 110, 95},
    int numWorkers = costs.length;
    int numTasks = costs[0].length;

    final int[] allWorkers = IntStream.range(0, numWorkers).toArray();
    final int[] allTasks = IntStream.range(0, numTasks).toArray();

    final int[] team1 = {0, 2, 4};
    final int[] team2 = {1, 3, 5};
    // Maximum total of tasks for any team
    final int teamMax = 2;

    // Solver
    // Create the linear solver with the SCIP backend.
    MPSolver solver = MPSolver.createSolver("SCIP");
    if (solver == null) {
      System.out.println("Could not create solver SCIP");

    // Variables
    // x[i][j] is an array of 0-1 variables, which will be 1
    // if worker i is assigned to task j.
    MPVariable[][] x = new MPVariable[numWorkers][numTasks];
    for (int worker : allWorkers) {
      for (int task : allTasks) {
        x[worker][task] = solver.makeBoolVar("x[" + worker + "," + task + "]");

    // Constraints
    // Each worker is assigned to at most one task.
    for (int worker : allWorkers) {
      MPConstraint constraint = solver.makeConstraint(0, 1, "");
      for (int task : allTasks) {
        constraint.setCoefficient(x[worker][task], 1);
    // Each task is assigned to exactly one worker.
    for (int task : allTasks) {
      MPConstraint constraint = solver.makeConstraint(1, 1, "");
      for (int worker : allWorkers) {
        constraint.setCoefficient(x[worker][task], 1);

    // Each team takes at most two tasks.
    MPConstraint team1Tasks = solver.makeConstraint(0, teamMax, "");
    for (int worker : team1) {
      for (int task : allTasks) {
        team1Tasks.setCoefficient(x[worker][task], 1);

    MPConstraint team2Tasks = solver.makeConstraint(0, teamMax, "");
    for (int worker : team2) {
      for (int task : allTasks) {
        team2Tasks.setCoefficient(x[worker][task], 1);

    // Objective
    MPObjective objective = solver.objective();
    for (int worker : allWorkers) {
      for (int task : allTasks) {
        objective.setCoefficient(x[worker][task], costs[worker][task]);

    // Solve
    MPSolver.ResultStatus resultStatus = solver.solve();

    // Print solution.
    // Check that the problem has a feasible solution.
    if (resultStatus == MPSolver.ResultStatus.OPTIMAL
        || resultStatus == MPSolver.ResultStatus.FEASIBLE) {
      System.out.println("Total cost: " + objective.value() + "\n");
      for (int worker : allWorkers) {
        for (int task : allTasks) {
          // Test if x[i][j] is 0 or 1 (with tolerance for floating point
          // arithmetic).
          if (x[worker][task].solutionValue() > 0.5) {
            System.out.println("Worker " + worker + " assigned to task " + task
                + ".  Cost: " + costs[worker][task]);
    } else {
      System.err.println("No solution found.");

  private AssignmentTeamsMip() {}


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Google.OrTools.LinearSolver;

public class AssignmentTeamsMip
    static void Main()
        // Data.
        int[,] costs = {
            { 90, 76, 75, 70 },   { 35, 85, 55, 65 },  { 125, 95, 90, 105 },
            { 45, 110, 95, 115 }, { 60, 105, 80, 75 }, { 45, 65, 110, 95 },
        int numWorkers = costs.GetLength(0);
        int numTasks = costs.GetLength(1);

        int[] allWorkers = Enumerable.Range(0, numWorkers).ToArray();
        int[] allTasks = Enumerable.Range(0, numTasks).ToArray();

        int[] team1 = { 0, 2, 4 };
        int[] team2 = { 1, 3, 5 };
        // Maximum total of tasks for any team
        int teamMax = 2;

        // Solver.
        Solver solver = Solver.CreateSolver("SCIP");
        if (solver is null)

        // Variables.
        // x[i, j] is an array of 0-1 variables, which will be 1
        // if worker i is assigned to task j.
        Variable[,] x = new Variable[numWorkers, numTasks];
        foreach (int worker in allWorkers)
            foreach (int task in allTasks)
                x[worker, task] = solver.MakeBoolVar($"x[{worker},{task}]");

        // Constraints
        // Each worker is assigned to at most one task.
        foreach (int worker in allWorkers)
            Constraint constraint = solver.MakeConstraint(0, 1, "");
            foreach (int task in allTasks)
                constraint.SetCoefficient(x[worker, task], 1);
        // Each task is assigned to exactly one worker.
        foreach (int task in allTasks)
            Constraint constraint = solver.MakeConstraint(1, 1, "");
            foreach (int worker in allWorkers)
                constraint.SetCoefficient(x[worker, task], 1);

        // Each team takes at most two tasks.
        Constraint team1Tasks = solver.MakeConstraint(0, teamMax, "");
        foreach (int worker in team1)
            foreach (int task in allTasks)
                team1Tasks.SetCoefficient(x[worker, task], 1);

        Constraint team2Tasks = solver.MakeConstraint(0, teamMax, "");
        foreach (int worker in team2)
            foreach (int task in allTasks)
                team2Tasks.SetCoefficient(x[worker, task], 1);

        // Objective
        Objective objective = solver.Objective();
        foreach (int worker in allWorkers)
            foreach (int task in allTasks)
                objective.SetCoefficient(x[worker, task], costs[worker, task]);

        // Solve
        Solver.ResultStatus resultStatus = solver.Solve();

        // Print solution.
        // Check that the problem has a feasible solution.
        if (resultStatus == Solver.ResultStatus.OPTIMAL || resultStatus == Solver.ResultStatus.FEASIBLE)
            Console.WriteLine($"Total cost: {solver.Objective().Value()}\n");
            foreach (int worker in allWorkers)
                foreach (int task in allTasks)
                    // Test if x[i, j] is 0 or 1 (with tolerance for floating point
                    // arithmetic).
                    if (x[worker, task].SolutionValue() > 0.5)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Worker {worker} assigned to task {task}. Cost: {costs[worker, task]}");
            Console.WriteLine("No solution found.");