Obtain the device camera's Geospatial transform

Once you have configured your app's settings to use the Geospatial API, you can obtain the device camera's GAREarth.cameraGeospatialTransform. This transform, managed in a GAREarth object, contains the following information:

  • Location, expressed in latitude and longitude
  • Altitude
  • An orientation approximating the direction the user is facing in the EUS coordinate system with X+ pointing east, Y+ pointing up, and Z+ pointing south

Adjust the pose for accuracy

When the device is upright in the default orientation, the pitch (X+) and roll (Z+) angles tend to be precise due to a natural alignment with AR tracking. However, the yaw (Y+) angles can vary depending on VPS data availability and temporal conditions at the location. Your app may have to make adjustments for accuracy.

GARGeospatialTransform.orientationYawAccuracy provides the radius of uncertainty for GARGeospatialTransform.eastUpSouthQTarget, measured in degrees. This value indicates the standard deviation of the estimate for the local-level yaw (Y+) angle.

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