Pelajari cara menggunakan Instant Placement API di aplikasi Anda sendiri.
Pastikan Anda memahami konsep AR dasar dan cara mengonfigurasi sesi ARCore sebelum melanjutkan.
Mengonfigurasi sesi baru dengan Penempatan Instan
Dalam sesi ARCore baru, aktifkan mode Penempatan Instan.
// Create the ARCore session.
public void createSession() {
session = new Session(applicationContext);
Config config = new Config(session);
// Set the Instant Placement mode.
// Create the ARCore session.
fun createSession() {
session = Session(applicationContext);
val config = Config(session)
// Set the Instant Placement mode.
config.instantPlacementMode = Config.InstantPlacementMode.LOCAL_Y_UP
Tempatkan objek
Gunakan Frame.hitTestInstantPlacement()
untuk membuat titik Penempatan Instan yang dapat dilacak berdasarkan posisi ketuk layar.
Ambil pose saat ini dengan metode getPose()
private placementIsDone = false;
public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl) {
Frame frame = session.update();
// Place an object on tap.
if (!placementIsDone && didUserTap()) {
// Use estimated distance from the user's device to the real world, based
// on expected user interaction and behavior.
float approximateDistanceMeters = 2.0f;
// Performs a ray cast given a screen tap position.
List<HitResult> results =
frame.hitTestInstantPlacement(tapX, tapY, approximateDistanceMeters);
if (!results.isEmpty()) {
InstantPlacementPoint point = (InstantPlacementPoint) results.get(0).getTrackable();
// Create an Anchor from the point's pose.
Anchor anchor = point.createAnchor(point.getPose());
placementIsDone = true;
var placementIsDone = false;
fun onDrawFrame(gl: GL10) {
val frame = session.update();
// Place an object on tap.
if (!placementIsDone && didUserTap()) {
// Use estimated distance from the user's device to the real world, based
// on expected user interaction and behavior.
val approximateDistanceMeters = 2.0f;
// Performs a ray cast given a screen tap position.
val results = frame.hitTestInstantPlacement(tapX, tapY, approximateDistanceMeters)
if (results.isNotEmpty()) {
val point = results[0].trackable as InstantPlacementPoint
// Create an Anchor from the point's pose.
val anchor = point.createAnchor(point.pose)
placementIsDone = true
Penempatan Instan mendukung
pelacakan ruang layar dengan perkiraan jarak,
yang secara otomatis beralih ke pelacakan penuh setelah titik Penempatan Instan
ditancapkan di dunia nyata. Ambil pose saat ini dengan
Mendapatkan metode pelacakan saat ini dengan
Meskipun ARCore dapat melakukan hit test Penempatan Instan terhadap permukaan platform orientasi, hasil hit akan selalu mengembalikan pose dengan +Y ke atas, terhadap arah gravitasi. Pada permukaan horizontal, hit test menampilkan data akurat posisi jauh lebih cepat.
Memuluskan transisi metode pelacakan
Saat kedalaman sebenarnya tersedia, ARCore akan mengubah metode pelacakan InstantPlacementPoint
Pose titik juga akan berubah untuk mencerminkan kedalaman sebenarnya.
Hal ini dapat menyebabkan objek yang muncul tiba-tiba membesar atau menyusut.
Untuk menghindari perubahan mendadak ini, tambahkan wrapper InstantPlacementPoint
// Wrapper class to track state to reduce sudden visual changes in object size
class WrappedInstantPlacement {
public InstantPlacementPoint point;
public InstantPlacementPoint.TrackingMethod previousTrackingMethod;
public float previousDistanceToCamera;
public float scaleFactor = 1.0f;
public WrappedInstantPlacement(
InstantPlacementPoint point,
InstantPlacementPoint.TrackingMethod previousTrackingMethod,
float previousDistanceToCamera) {
this.point = point;
this.previousTrackingMethod = previousTrackingMethod;
this.previousDistanceToCamera = previousDistanceToCamera;
// Wrapper class to track state to reduce sudden visual changes in object size
class WrappedInstantPlacement(
var point: InstantPlacementPoint,
var previousTrackingMethod: InstantPlacementPoint.TrackingMethod,
var previousDistanceToCamera: Float,
var scaleFactor: Float = 1.0f
Kemudian, tambahkan kode berikut ke aktivitas Anda.
List<WrappedInstantPlacement> wrappedPoints = new ArrayList<>();
public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl) {
Frame frame = session.update();
Camera camera = frame.getCamera();
// Place an object on tap.
if (didUserTap()) {
// Instant Placement should only be applied if no results are available through hitTest.
List<HitResult> results = frame.hitTest(tapX, tapY);
if (results.isEmpty()) {
// Use the estimated distance from the user's device to the closest
// available surface, based on expected user interaction and behavior.
float approximateDistanceMeters = 2.0f;
// Returns a single result if the hit test was successful.
results =
frame.hitTestInstantPlacement(tapX, tapY, approximateDistanceMeters);
if (!results.isEmpty()) {
// Instant placement was successful.
InstantPlacementPoint point = (InstantPlacementPoint) results.get(0).getTrackable();
wrappedPoints.add(new WrappedInstantPlacement(point, point.getTrackingMethod(),
distance(camera.getPose(), point.getPose())));
} else {
// results contain valid hit tests which can be used directly, so instant placement is not required.
for (WrappedInstantPlacement wrappedPoint : wrappedPoints) {
InstantPlacementPoint point = wrappedPoint.point;
if (point.getTrackingState() == TrackingState.STOPPED) {
if (point.getTrackingState() == TrackingState.PAUSED) {
if (point.getTrackingMethod() == TrackingMethod.SCREENSPACE_WITH_APPROXIMATE_DISTANCE) {
// Continue to use the estimated depth and pose. Record the distance to
// the camera for use in the next frame if the transition to full
// tracking happens.
wrappedPoint.previousDistanceToCamera = distance(point.getPose(), camera.getPose());
else if (point.getTrackingMethod() == TrackingMethod.FULL_TRACKING) {
if (wrappedPoint.previousTrackingMethod == TrackingMethod.SCREENSPACE_WITH_APPROXIMATE_DISTANCE) {
// Change from the estimated pose to the accurate pose. Adjust the
// object scale to counteract the apparent change due to pose jump.
wrappedPoint.scaleFactor = distance(point.getPose(), camera.getPose()) /
// Apply the scale factor to the model.
// ...
wrappedPoint.previousTrackingMethod = TrackingMethod.FULL_TRACKING;
float distance(Pose p, Pose q) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p.tx() - q.tx(), 2) + Math.pow(p.ty() - q.ty(), 2) + Math.pow( -, 2));
var wrappedPoints = mutableListOf<WrappedInstantPlacement>()
fun onDrawFrame(gl: GL10?) {
val frame = session.update()
val camera =
// Place an object on tap.
if (didUserTap()) {
// Instant Placement should only be applied if no results are available through hitTest.
var results = frame.hitTest(tapX, tapY);
if (results.isEmpty()) {
// Use the estimated distance from the user's device to the closest
// available surface, based on expected user interaction and behavior.
val approximateDistanceMeters = 2.0f;
// Returns a single result if the hit test was successful.
results = frame.hitTestInstantPlacement(tapX, tapY, approximateDistanceMeters);
if (results.isNotEmpty()) {
// Instant placement was successful.
val point = results[0].trackable as InstantPlacementPoint
val wrapped = WrappedInstantPlacement(point, point.trackingMethod, point.pose.distance(camera.pose))
} else {
// Results contain valid hit tests which can be used directly, so Instant Placement
// is not required.
loop@ for (wrappedPoint in wrappedPoints) {
val point = wrappedPoint.point
when {
point.trackingState == TrackingState.STOPPED -> {
point.trackingState == TrackingState.PAUSED -> continue@loop
point.trackingMethod == TrackingMethod.SCREENSPACE_WITH_APPROXIMATE_DISTANCE -> {
// Continue to use the estimated depth and pose. Record the distance to
// the camera for use in the next frame if the transition to full
// tracking happens.
wrappedPoint.previousDistanceToCamera = point.pose.distance(camera.pose)
wrappedPoint.previousTrackingMethod == TrackingMethod.SCREENSPACE_WITH_APPROXIMATE_DISTANCE &&
point.trackingMethod == TrackingMethod.FULL_TRACKING -> {
// Change from the estimated pose to the accurate pose. Adjust the
// object scale to counteract the apparent change due to pose jump.
wrappedPoint.scaleFactor =
point.pose.distance(camera.pose) / wrappedPoint.previousDistanceToCamera
// Apply the scale factor to the model.
// ...
wrappedPoint.previousTrackingMethod = TrackingMethod.FULL_TRACKING
fun Pose.distance(other: Pose) = sqrt(
(tx() - other.tx()).pow(2.0f) + (ty() - other.ty()).pow(2.0f) + (tz() -
Meningkatkan efisiensi setelah penempatan objek
Nonaktifkan Penempatan Instan saat objek ditempatkan dengan benar untuk menyimpan siklus CPU dan daya.
void disableInstantPlacement() {
Config config = new Config(session);
fun disableInstantPlacement() {
val config = Config(session)
// Set the Instant Placement mode.
config.instantPlacementMode = Config.InstantPlacementMode.DISABLED