Modify toolboxes

The application may change the blocks available in the toolbox at any time with a single function call:


As was the case during initial configuration, newTree may either be a tree of nodes, a string representation, or a JSON object. The only restriction is that the mode cannot be changed; that is if there were categories in the initially-defined toolbox then the new toolbox must also have categories (though the categories may change). Likewise, if the initially-defined toolbox did not have any categories, then the new toolbox may not have any categories.

The contents of a single category can be updated by:

var category = workspace.getToolbox().getToolboxItems()[0];

Where flyoutContents can be a list of blocks defined using JSON, a tree of nodes, or a string representation.

Be aware that at this time updating the toolbox causes some minor UI resets:

  • In a toolbox without categories, any fields changed by the user (such as a dropdown) will revert to the default.

Here is a live demo of a tree with categories and block groups.