تاريخ التعديل الأخير: 2023-09-14 (حسب التوقيت العالمي المتفَّق عليه)
[null,null,["تاريخ التعديل الأخير: 2023-09-14 (حسب التوقيت العالمي المتفَّق عليه)"],[[["Display & Video 360 API v1 is no longer available."],["Entities within Display & Video 360 can hold various statuses, such as active, archived, draft, paused, or scheduled for deletion, each impacting their functionality and ability to bid and spend."],["The default status for an entity is `ENTITY_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED` when the status is unknown or not defined."],["Archived entities are disabled and can be deleted, after which they cannot be recovered."]]],[]]