Structured Data - v8 - Insertion Order

See the overview for an explanation of format.

Io IdRequired only when editing existing insertion ordersintegerNoNumeric ID value of the insertion order. If left blank, a new Insertion Order ID will be created and a unique ID will be assigned. Optionally, when creating a new Insertion Order, you can use a custom identifier for the purpose of assigning Line Items to the new Insertion Order. The format for a custom identifier is "ext[custom identifier]", for example, ext123. When the file is uploaded and processed, all custom identifiers will be replaced with DBM-assigned IDs and the objects will be associated (for example, Line Item to Insertion Order) based on the custom identifiers.
Campaign IdNointegerNoNumeric ID value of the campaign. You can specify a custom identifier (for example, "ext[custom campaign identifier]") for a campaign that you are creating at the same time as this insertion order.
NameYesstringYesThe name of the entry.
TimestampRequired when editing existing entriesintegerNoThe timestamp for the entry, this is used by the system to verify that the entry has not changed between downloading and uploading.
StatusYesstringYesThe status setting for the entry.
  • Active
  • Paused
  • Draft
  • Archived
Io TypeYesstringYesThe type of the insertion order. Only settable on creation.
  • standard
Io SubtypeYesstringYesField required for Insertion Orders to distinguish between different formats. If the field is left empty 'default' value will be used'
  • Default
  • Regular Over The Top
Io ObjectiveNostringYesThe objective of the Insertion Order.

This field is in beta and currently only available to participating clients. This column will always be empty for customers not participating in the beta.
  • Brand Awareness
  • Click
  • Conversion
  • Custom
  • No Objective
FeesNostring, list of listsYesAll fees for this entry. List format = (Fee category; Fee amount; Fee type; Invoiced;).
  • Fee category
    • CPM
    • Media
  • Fee amount
    • Float
    • Pct as float
  • Fee type
    • (string, see table in fees)
  • Invoiced
    • True
    • False
    • blank

Example '(CPM; 2; Display & Video 360 Fee; False) ; (Media; 13; Default; True);'
Acceptable values are provided in the following table:

Fee categoryFee TypeInvoiced option
CPM/MediaDefaultNot permitted (leave blank)
CPM/MediaThird-Party Ad ServerNot permitted (leave blank)
CPM/MediaDoubleVerifyPermitted (True/False)
CPM/MediaAdsafeNot permitted (leave blank)
CPM/MediaAdxposeNot permitted (leave blank)
CPM/MediaVizuNot permitted (leave blank)
CPM/MediaAggregate KnowledgeNot permitted (leave blank)
CPM/MediaTeracentNot permitted (leave blank)
CPM/MediaEvidonNot permitted (leave blank)
CPM/MediaAgency Trading Desk FeeNot permitted (leave blank)
CPM/MediaAdlooxPermitted (True/False)
CPMShopLocalRequired (True)
CPMTrustMetricsNot permitted (leave blank)
CPMIntegral Ad Science VideoPermitted (True/False)
CPMMOAT VideoNot permitted (leave blank)
MediaDisplay & Video 360 FeeRequired (True)
MediaMedia Cost DataNot permitted (leave blank)
MediaScibids FeeRequired (True)
Integration CodeNostringYesAn optional code for tracking purposes.
DetailsNostringYesEntry details in string format.
PacingYesstringYesThe time period used to spend to the pacing amount.
  • Daily
  • Monthly
  • Flight
Pacing RateYesstringYesThe rate of pacing for this entry.
  • ASAP
  • Even
  • Ahead

On November 5, 2024, 'ASAP' will no longer be compatible with 'Flight' pacing. This value will be updated from 'ASAP' to 'Ahead' if 'Pacing' is set to 'Flight'.
Pacing AmountYesfloatYesThe amount to spend per the time period set by the pacing type.
Frequency EnabledYesstringYesEnables/disables impression-based frequency capping on the insertion order.
  • TRUE
Frequency ExposuresRequired when "Frequency Enabled" is "TRUE"integerYesA positive integer amount for the number of impressions in a given Frequency Amount, that is, the x in 'Show x impressions over y period'.
Frequency PeriodRequired when "Frequency Enabled" is "TRUE"stringYesSpecifies the time period unit for the frequency cap.
  • Minutes
  • Hours
  • Days
  • Weeks
  • Months
  • Lifetime
Frequency AmountRequired when "Frequency Enabled" is "TRUE"integerYesA positive integer amount for length of time of the Frequency Period type, that is, the y in 'Show x impressions over y period'.
Kpi TypeYesstringYesThe KPI unit for the insertion order
  • CPM
  • CPA
  • CPC
  • CPV
  • CTR
  • % Viewability
  • CPE
  • Click CVR
  • Impression CVR
  • VCPM
  • VTR
  • Audio CR
  • Video CR
  • CPCL
  • CPCV
  • TOS10
  • Maximize Pacing
  • Custom impression value / cost
  • None
  • Other
Kpi ValueYesstringYesThe KPI value in currency (CPM, CPA, CPC, CPV, CPIAVC, CPE, VCPM), percentage (% Viewability, CTR, Click CVR, Impression CVR, VTR, Audio CR, Video CR, CPCL, CPCA, TOS10), unitless (Custom impression value / cost), or as a string (Other). If the provided KPI type is 'Maximize Pacing' or 'None' then this column is ignored.
Kpi Algorithm IdRequired when "Kpi Type" is "Custom impression value / cost"integerYesThe custom bidding algorithm ID associated with the Kpi if the Kpi type is CUSTOM_BIDDING_VALUE_COST. Otherwise, this column is ignored.
Measure DARYesstringYesEnables/disables audience measurement using Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings
  • TRUE
Measure DAR ChannelRequired when "Measure DAR" is "TRUE"integerYes

The channel to measure with Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings.

This column uses the Display & Video 360 API Channel resource ID.

Format = Channel.channelId

Budget TypeYesstringYesSpecifies the type of budget in terms of an amount of "revenue" to spend (amount) or a number of impressions (impressions) to purchase.
  • Amount
  • Impressions
Budget SegmentsYesstring, list of listsYesSpecifies the specific budget segments. List format = (Budget, Start Date, End Date, Campaign Budget ID, Description). Budget is in currency floating format. Dates are in MM/DD/YYYY format. Campaign Budget ID is empty if not specified. Description cannot be empty for any budget segments. If an existing budget segment has an empty description, a description will need to be provided for the row to be uploaded. Example: "(100.50;01/01/2016;03/31/2016;12345;budget segment 1;);(200.00;04/01/2016;06/30/2016;;updated budget segment 1;);"
Auto Budget AllocationYesstringYesEnables/disables auto-budget allocation
  • TRUE
Geography Targeting - IncludeNostring, listYes

List of geographies to include in targeting.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API TargetingOption resource IDs for targeting type TARGETING_TYPE_GEO_REGION.

List format = (TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order.

Geography Targeting - ExcludeNostring, listYes

List of geographies to exclude in targeting.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API TargetingOption resource IDs for targeting type TARGETING_TYPE_GEO_REGION.

List format = (TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order.

Proximity TargetingNostring, list of listsYesList of proximity targets each in the format "(Latitude; Longitude; Radius; Unit; FullAddress;);". Latitude is between -90 and 90 degrees (inclusive); Longitude is between -180 and 180 degrees (inclusive); Radius is a distance between 1 and 500 (inclusive) in Unit; Unit can be "mi" or "km"; FullAddress is optional. For example: "(38.907192; -77.03687; 1.0; mi; Washington D.C., DC, USA;); (40.712775; -74.005972; 20.5; km; 40.712775, -74.005972;); (20.000234; -56.675423; 5.0; mi; ;);".
Proximity Location List TargetingNostring, list of listsYesList of proximity list targets for insertion orders or Non-TrueView line items, each in the format "(ProximityListId; Radius; Unit; );". ProximityListId is a location list id under an advertiser's resources. Radius is a distance between 1 and 500 (inclusive) in Unit; Unit can be "mi" or "km"; There is a limit of targeting two location lists per entity along with Geography Regional Location Lists. For example: "(10041691678; 20.0; mi;); (10038858567; 20.5; km;);".
Language Targeting - IncludeNostring, listYes

List of languages to include in targeting.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API TargetingOption resource IDs for targeting type TARGETING_TYPE_LANGUAGE.

List format = (TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order.

Language Targeting - ExcludeNostring, listYes

List of languages to exclude in targeting.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API TargetingOption resource IDs for targeting type TARGETING_TYPE_LANGUAGE.

List format = (TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order.

Device Targeting - IncludeNostring, listYes

List of devices to include in targeting.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API TargetingOption resource IDs for the following targeting types:


List format = (TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order.

Device Targeting - ExcludeNostring, listYes

List of devices to exclude in targeting.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API TargetingOption resource IDs for the following targeting types:


List format = (TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order.

Browser Targeting - IncludeNostring, listYes

List of browsers to include in targeting.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API TargetingOption resource IDs for targeting type TARGETING_TYPE_BROWSER.

List format = (TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order.

Browser Targeting - ExcludeNostring, listYes

List of browsers to exclude in targeting.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API TargetingOption resource IDs for targeting type TARGETING_TYPE_BROWSER.

List format = (TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order.

Digital Content Labels - ExcludeNostring, listYesList of the digital content labels to exclude. List format = (G;PG; etc.).
  • G
  • PG
  • T
  • MA
  • ?
Brand Safety Sensitivity SettingNostringYesChoose the sensitivity setting to block inventory based on the subject matter of its surrounding content.
  • Do not block
  • Use Campaign Manager 360 Verification
  • Use custom
Brand Safety Custom SettingsRequired when "Brand Safety Custom Setting" is "Use Custom"string, listYesIf the Brand Safety Sensitivity Setting is 'Use custom', specify the list of standard content classifiers. For example, (Sexual;Alcohol;Tobacco;etc.).
  • Sexual
  • Derogatory
  • Downloads & Sharing
  • Weapons
  • Gambling
  • Violence
  • Suggestive
  • Profanity
  • Alcohol
  • Drugs
  • Tobacco
  • Politics
  • Religion
  • Tragedy
  • Transportation Accidents
  • Sensitive social issues
  • Shocking
Third Party Verification ServicesNostringYesThird party verification services provider.
  • None
  • Integral Ad Science
  • DoubleVerify
  • Adloox
Third Party Verification LabelsNostring, listYesIf Third Party Verification Services is not "None", specify a list of labels supported by the selected provider.
Channel Targeting - IncludeNostring, listYes

List of channels to include in targeting.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API Channel resource IDs.

List format = (Channel.channelId; Channel.channelId; etc.).

Channel Targeting - ExcludeNostring, listYes

List of channels to exclude in targeting.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API Channel resource IDs.

List format = (Channel.channelId; Channel.channelId; etc.).

Site Targeting - IncludeNostring, listYes

List of sites to include in targeting. The list is strings of URLs.

List format = (;; etc.). This list is generated in ascending alphabetical order.

Site Targeting - ExcludeNostring, listYes

List of sites to exclude in targeting. The list is strings of URLs.

List format = (;; etc.). This list is generated in ascending alphabetical order.

App Targeting - IncludeNostring, listYes

List of apps to include in targeting. The list is concatenated strings of app platform and app platform ID.

The following values are used to define the app platform:

  • APP (This encompasses both Android Play store and Apple App store platforms)
The ID is provided by the relevant platform, such as a bundle ID from Android's Play store (example: or a App ID from Apple's App store (example: 422689480).

The concatenated string of app platform and ID is separated by a colon, for example:

List format = (; APP:422689480; etc.). This list is generated in ascending alphabetical order.

App Targeting - ExcludeNostring, listYes

List of apps to exclude in targeting. The list is concatenated strings of app platform and app platform ID.

The following values are used to define the app platform:

  • APP (This encompasses both Android Play store and Apple App store platforms)
The ID is provided by the relevant platform, such as a bundle ID from Android's Play store (example: or a App ID from Apple's App store (example: 422689480).

The concatenated string of app platform and ID is separated by a colon, for example:

List format = (; APP:422689480; etc.). This list is generated in ascending alphabetical order.

App Collection Targeting - IncludeNostring, listYes

List of app collections to include in targeting.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API TargetingOption resource IDs for targeting type TARGETING_TYPE_APP_CATEGORY.

List format = (TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.).

App Collection Targeting - ExcludeNostring, listYes

List of app collections to exclude in targeting.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API TargetingOption resource IDs for targeting type TARGETING_TYPE_APP_CATEGORY.

List format = (TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.).

Category Targeting - IncludeNostring, listYes

List of categories to include in targeting. This column uses Display & Video 360 API TargetingOption resource IDs for targeting type TARGETING_TYPE_CATEGORY.

List format = (TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order.

Category Targeting - ExcludeNostring, listYesList of categories to exclude in targeting. This column uses Display & Video 360 API TargetingOption resource IDs for targeting type TARGETING_TYPE_CATEGORY.

List format = (TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order.

Content Genre Targeting - IncludeNostring, listYes

List of content genres to include in targeting.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API TargetingOption resource IDs for targeting type TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_GENRE

List format = (TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order.

Content Genre Targeting - ExcludeNostring, listYes

List of content genres to exclude in targeting.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API TargetingOption resource IDs for targeting type TARGETING_TYPE_CONTENT_GENRE

List format = (TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order.

Keyword Targeting - IncludeNostring, listYes

List of keyword strings to include in targeting.

This list is generated in ascending alphabetical order.

Keyword Targeting - ExcludeNostring, listYes

List of keyword strings to exclude in targeting.

This list is generated in ascending alphabetical order.

Keyword List Targeting - ExcludeNostring, listYes

List of negative keyword lists to exclude in targeting.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API NegativeKeywordList resource IDs.

List format = (NegativeKeywordList.negativeKeywordListId; NegativeKeywordList.negativeKeywordListId; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order.

Audience Targeting - IncludeNostring, list of list of pairsYes

List of audience lists to include in targeting.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API FirstAndThirdPartyAudience resource IDs.

For first-party audience lists, each audience is listed as a pair of FirstAndThirdPartyAudience.firstAndThirdPartyAudienceId and recency setting. A pair is (1;1d;), where 1d is a sample recency representing 1 day recency. Recency is not available for third-party audiences, so the list format is (3;);(4;);. To "AND" and "OR" groups of audiences, follow this example: To combine pairs with and without recency: '((1;1d;);(2;365d;));((3;);(4;5m;);(5;all;));'. This means (list 1 with 1 day recency OR list 2 with 365day recency ) AND (list 3 without a specified recency OR list 4 with 5 minute recency OR list 5 with all users).

Valid recency values are:

  • all
  • 1m
  • 5m
  • 10m
  • 15m
  • 30m
  • 1h
  • 2h
  • 3h
  • 6h
  • 12h
  • 1d
  • 2d
  • 3d
  • 5d
  • 7d
  • 10d
  • 14d
  • 15d
  • 21d
  • 28d
  • 30d
  • 45d
  • 60d
  • 90d
  • 120d
  • 180d
  • 270d
  • 365d
Audience Targeting - ExcludeNostring, list of list of pairsYes

List of audience lists to exclude in targeting.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API FirstAndThirdPartyAudience resource IDs.

Each audience is listed as a pair of FirstAndThirdPartyAudience.firstAndThirdPartyAudienceId and recency setting, if the audience list is a 1P audience list. A pair is (1;1d;), where 1d is a sample recency representing 1 day recency. However, for 3P audiences, recency is not available, so the list format is (3;);(4;);.

List format = ((FirstAndThirdPartyAudience.firstAndThirdPartyAudienceId; recency optional;); (FirstAndThirdPartyAudience.firstAndThirdPartyAudienceId; recency optional;);)
Example: "(1;1d;);(2;);".

Valid recency values are:

  • all
  • 1m
  • 5m
  • 10m
  • 15m
  • 30m
  • 1h
  • 2h
  • 3h
  • 6h
  • 12h
  • 1d
  • 2d
  • 3d
  • 5d
  • 7d
  • 10d
  • 14d
  • 15d
  • 21d
  • 28d
  • 30d
  • 45d
  • 60d
  • 90d
  • 120d
  • 180d
  • 270d
  • 365d
Affinity & In Market Targeting - IncludeNostring, listYes

List of affinity and/or in-market audience lists to include.

Audience list IDs can be retrieved from the Display & Video 360 interface.

List format = (Audience ID; Audience ID; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order.

Affinity & In Market Targeting - ExcludeNostring, listYes

List of affinity and/or in-market audience lists to exclude.

Audience list IDs can be retrieved from the Display & Video 360 interface.

List format = (Audience ID; Audience ID; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order.

Custom List TargetingNostring, listYes

List of custom lists to target.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API CustomList resource IDs.

List format = (CustomList.customListId; CustomList.customListId; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order.

Inventory Source Targeting - Authorized Seller OptionsRequired when "Type" is "Display" or "Video" or "Audio"stringYesSetting to target authorized direct sellers, authorized direct seller and resellers, or authorized seller + unknown. "Authorized Direct" means only authorized sellers will be targeted. "Authorized Direct Sellers And Resellers" means targeting the authorized sellers and resellers. "Authorized and Non-Participating Publisher" means it will target authorized sellers, resellers, and unknown sellers.
  • Authorized Direct Sellers
  • Authorized Direct Sellers And Resellers
  • Authorized and Non-Participating Publisher
Inventory Source Targeting - IncludeNostring, listYes

List of inventory sources, exchanges, and sub-exchanges to include in targeting.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API InventorySource resource IDs, published exchange IDs, and Display & Video 360 API TargetingOption resource IDs of targeting type TARGETING_TYPE_SUB_EXCHANGE.

List format = (InventorySource.inventorySourceId; exchangeId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.)

Inventory Source Targeting - ExcludeNostring, listYes

List of inventory sources, exchanges, and sub-exchanges to exclude in targeting.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API InventorySource resource IDs, published exchange IDs, and Display & Video 360 API TargetingOption resource IDs of targeting type TARGETING_TYPE_SUB_EXCHANGE.

List format = (InventorySource.inventorySourceId; exchangeId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.)

Inventory Source Targeting - Target New ExchangesNostringYesSetting to target new exchanges.
  • True
  • False
Daypart TargetingNostring, listYes

List of IDs, where each daypart ID is constructed in the following format:
daypart_id = base_dayparting_id
+ days_since_monday * 10000
+ start * 100
+ end

base_dayparting_id = 300000
days_since_monday: 0=Monday, 1=Tuesday, ..., 6=Sunday
start: 0..95 (00:00--23:45) an integer from 0-95, representing 15min slots
end: 1..96 (00:15--24:00); an integer from 0-95, representing 15min slots
start < end
For new entities, times will be set in the timezone of your users(i.e., "Local"). For existing entities, the timezone will not be changed.

This list is generated in ascending numerical order.

Daypart Targeting Time ZoneRequired when "Daypart Targeting" is included.stringYesTimezone to use for daypart targeting.
  • Local
  • Advertiser
Environment TargetingNostring, listYesList of environments to target. Select one or more of the acceptable values. Please note that 'Web Not Optimized' cannot be selected without selecting 'Web'.
  • Web
  • Web Not Optimized
  • App
Viewability Omid Targeting EnabledNostringYesEnables targeting only impressions that are measurable through the open Measurement standard.
  • TRUE
Viewability Targeting Active ViewNostringYesTarget predicted viewability percentages. Percentages are represented as floats. One of {0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9}
Position Targeting - Display On ScreenNostring, listYesOn screen display ad positions targeting. Select one or more of the acceptable values:
  • Above the fold
  • Below the fold
  • Unknown
Position Targeting - Video On ScreenNostring, listYesOn screen video ad positions targeting. Select one or more of the acceptable values:
  • Above the fold
  • Below the fold
  • Unknown
Position Targeting - Display Position In ContentNostring, listYesDisplay ad content positions to target. Select one or more of the acceptable values:
  • In-Article
  • In-Feed
  • In-Banner
  • Interstitial
  • Unknown
Position Targeting - Video Position In ContentNostring, listYesVideo ad content positions to target. Select one or more of the acceptable values:
  • In-Article
  • In-Feed
  • In-Banner
  • Interstitial
  • Unknown Out-Stream
  • Pre-Roll
  • Mid-Roll
  • Post-Roll
  • Unknown In-Stream
Position Targeting - Audio Position In ContentNostring, listYesAudio ad content positions to target. Select one or more of the acceptable values:
  • Pre-Roll
  • Mid-Roll
  • Post-Roll
  • Unknown
Video Player Size TargetingNostring, listYesList of video ad player size to target. Select one or more of the acceptable values:
  • unknown
  • small
  • large
  • HD
Content Duration TargetingNostring, listYesList of content durations to target. Unit value is minutes. Select one or more of the acceptable values:
  • 0-1
  • 1-5
  • 5-15
  • 15-30
  • 30-60
  • 60+
  • unknown
Content Stream Type TargetingNostring, listYesList of content stream types to target. Select one or more of the acceptable values:
  • livestream
  • on-demand
Audio Content Type TargetingNostring, listYesList of audio content type to target. Select one or more of the acceptable values:
  • unknown
  • online radio
  • streaming music
  • podcasts
Demographic Targeting GenderNostring, listYesList of genders to target. Select one or more of the acceptable values:
  • Female
  • Male
  • Unknown
Demographic Targeting AgeNostring, listYesTarget to a user age range. Specify a from/to range by selecting a single From age and a single To age and whether to include unknown ages true/false. See the list of acceptable From/To ages.
Example 1: to target 18-55 and include unknown ages, specify the format {From; To ; Include unknown True/False} = 18;55;true;
Example 2: to target only users >35 years old and exclude unknown ages, specify the following = 35;+;false;.
Acceptable values for From:
  • 18
  • 25
  • 35
  • 45
  • 55
  • 65

Acceptable values for To:
  • 25
  • 35
  • 45
  • 55
  • 65
  • +
Demographic Targeting Household IncomeNostring, listYesTarget a household income range. Specify a from/to range by selecting a single Top_of_Range income range and a single Bottom_of_Range income range and whether to include households with unknown income true/false. See the list of acceptable Top_of_Range/Bottom_of_Range ranges.
Example 1: to target the top 10% to 50% of households and include households with unknown income, specify the format {Top_of_Range; Bottom_of_Range; Include unknown True/False} = Top 10%;41-50%;true;
Example 2: to target only the lower 50% of households and exclude households with unknown income, specify the format {Top_of_Range; Bottom_of_Range; Include unknown True/False} = Lower 50%;Lower 50%;true;
Acceptable values for Top_of_Range/Bottom_of_Range:
  • Top 10%
  • 11-20%
  • 21-30%
  • 31-40%
  • 41-50%
  • Lower 50%

Demographic Targeting Parental StatusYesstring, listYesList of parental status to target. Select one or more of the acceptable values.
  • Parent
  • Not a parent
  • Unknown
Connection Speed TargetingNostringYesTarget to a specific connection speed. Select one of the acceptable values:
  • All
  • 2G
  • 3G
  • DSL
  • 4G
Carrier Targeting - IncludeNostring, listYes

List of ISPs or Carriers to target.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API TargetingOption resource IDs for targeting type TARGETING_TYPE_CARRIER_AND_ISP.

List format = (TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order.

Carrier Targeting - ExcludeNostring, listYes

List of ISPs or Carriers to exclude.

This column uses Display & Video 360 API TargetingOption resource IDs for targeting type TARGETING_TYPE_CARRIER_AND_ISP.

List format = (TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; TargetingOption.targetingOptionId; etc.). This list is generated in ascending numerical order.

Insertion Order OptimizationYesstringYesEnables/disables insertion order optimization
  • TRUE
Bid Strategy UnitRequired when "Insertion Order Optimization" is "True"stringYesSelect bid strategy unit to optimize bidding:
  • CPA
  • CPC
  • custom impr. value/cost
  • CIVA
Bid Strategy Do Not ExceedRequired when "Insertion Order Optimization" is "True"floatYesSet a 'do not exceed' CPM value. If 0, 'do not exceed' is not enabled.
Apply Floor Price For DealsRequired when "Insertion Order Optimization" is "True"stringYesWhether to prioritize deals over open auction inventory
  • TRUE
Algorithm IdRequired when 'Bid Strategy Unit' custom impr. value/cost .integerYesThis corresponding algorithm ID must be used when Bid Strategy Unit is set to custom impr. value/cost.