




Result status of a Cloud Anchor hosting or resolving operation.


Resolving failed, because the ARCore Cloud Anchor service could not find the provided cloud anchor ID.


Hosting failed, because the server could not successfully process the dataset for the given anchor.

The developer should try again after the device has gathered more data from the environment.


The ARCore Cloud Anchor service was unreachable.

This can happen because of a number of reasons. For example, the device is in airplane mode or has no working network connection. A request sent to the server could have timed out with no response, there could be a bad network connection, DNS unavailability, firewall issues, or anything that could affect the device's ability to connect to the ARCore Cloud Anchor service.


Internal error.

No recommended mitigation.


The operation failed due to an authentication or authorization error.

This may occur due to a number of reasons:

  • The Google Cloud project may not have enabled the ARCore API.
  • If the session was created with an API Key, the API Key may be invalid or deleted, or restricted to exclude the app's bundle Id.
  • If the session was not created with an API Key, a token may not have been provided, or the provided token may be invalid.
  • The requested operation may not be permitted.


The server could not match the visual features provided by ARCore against the localization dataset of the requested cloud anchor ID.

This means that the anchor being requested was likely not created in the user's surroundings.

Deprecated. This error will no longer occur in ARCore SDK 1.12 or later.


The anchor could not be resolved because the SDK used to host the anchor was older than and incompatible with this one.


The anchor could not be resolved because the SDK used to host the anchor was newer than and incompatible with this one.


The application has exhausted the request quota allotted to its Google Cloud project.

The developer should request additional quota for the project from the Google Developers Console.


The ARCore Cloud Anchor service was unreachable.

This can happen because of a number of reasons. A request sent to the server could have timed out with no response, there could be a bad network connection, DNS unavailability, firewall issues, or anything that could affect the device's ability to connect to the ARCore Cloud Anchor service.

Deprecated. This error will no longer occur in ARCore SDK 1.12 or later. For hosted anchors, the new GARCloudAnchorStateErrorHostingServiceUnavailable state will be used instead.


Not a valid value for a Cloud Anchor hosting or resolving operation.


This anchor has been hosted or has resolved successfully.

The GARAnchor.cloudIdentifier property should now be valid.


This anchor has started the process of hosting or resolving, but it is not complete.