Anchor |
Describes a fixed location and orientation in the real world. |
ArCoreApk |
Static methods for managing the status of ARCore on the device. |
AugmentedFace |
Describes a face detected by ARCore and provides methods to access additional center and face region poses as well as face mesh related data. |
AugmentedImage |
Describes the current best knowledge of a real-world augmented image. |
AugmentedImageDatabase |
Database containing a list of images to be detected and tracked by ARCore. |
Camera |
Provides information about the camera that is used to capture images. |
CameraConfig |
Provides details of a camera configuration such as size of the CPU image and GPU texture. |
CameraConfigFilter |
Allows the application to select the camera config filters it needs to enable/disable so that it can obtain the list of camera configs that are supported on the device camera. |
CameraIntrinsics |
Provides information about the physical characteristics of the device camera, for the camera image (CPU) or texture (GPU). |
Config |
Holds settings that are used to configure the session. |
DepthPoint |
On supported devices, represents a depth image based HitResult returned by Frame.hitTest(float, float) . |
Earth |
A Trackable implementation representing the Earth. |
Frame |
Captures the state and changes to the AR system from a call to Session.update() . |
GeospatialPose |
Describes a specific location, elevation, and orientation relative to Earth. |
HitResult |
Defines an intersection between a ray and estimated real-world geometry. |
HostCloudAnchorFuture |
Handle to an async operation launched by Session.hostCloudAnchorAsync(Anchor, int, BiConsumer) . |
ImageFormat |
Image formats produced by ARCore. |
ImageMetadata |
Provides access to metadata from the camera image capture result. |
InstantPlacementPoint |
Trackable Instant Placement point returned by Frame.hitTestInstantPlacement(float, float, float) . |
LightEstimate |
Holds information about the estimated lighting of the real scene. |
Mesh |
Represents a polygon mesh describing geometry. |
Plane |
Describes the current best knowledge of a real-world planar surface. |
Point |
Represents a point in space that ARCore is tracking. |
PointCloud |
Contains a set of observed 3D points and confidence values. |
Pose |
Represents an immutable rigid transformation from one coordinate space to another. |
RecordingConfig |
Configuration related to session recording. |
ResolveAnchorOnRooftopFuture |
Handle to an async operation launched by Earth.resolveAnchorOnRooftopAsync(double, double, double, float, float, float, float, BiConsumer) . |
ResolveAnchorOnTerrainFuture |
Handle to an async operation launched by Earth.resolveAnchorOnTerrainAsync(double, double, double, float, float, float, float, BiConsumer) . |
ResolveCloudAnchorFuture |
Handle to an async operation launched by Session.resolveCloudAnchorAsync(String, BiConsumer) . |
Session |
Manages AR system state and handles the session lifecycle. |
SharedCamera |
The SharedCamera class allows the app to share control of the camera with ARCore and obtain image readers and surfaces for rendering. |
StreetscapeGeometry |
Defines geometry such as terrain, buildings, or other structures obtained from the Streetscape Geometry API. |
Track |
Configuration of a Track for recording data on session recording. |
TrackData |
Data that was recorded to a track. |
VpsAvailabilityFuture |
Handle to an async operation launched by Session.checkVpsAvailabilityAsync(double, double, Consumer) . |
Anchor.CloudAnchorState |
Result of a Cloud Anchor hosting or resolving operation. |
Anchor.RooftopAnchorState |
Describes the Rooftop anchor state of asynchronous operation launched by Earth.resolveAnchorOnRooftopAsync(double, double, double, float, float, float, float, BiConsumer) . |
Anchor.TerrainAnchorState |
Describes the result of a Terrain anchor operation. |
ArCoreApk.Availability |
Describes the current state of ARCore availability on the device. |
ArCoreApk.InstallBehavior |
Controls the behavior of the installation UI. |
ArCoreApk.InstallStatus |
Indicates the outcome of a call to requestInstall() . |
ArCoreApk.UserMessageType |
Controls the message displayed by the installation UI. |
AugmentedFace.RegionType |
Defines face regions to query the pose for. |
AugmentedImage.TrackingMethod |
Indicates whether an image is being tracked using the camera image, or is being tracked based on its last known pose. |
CameraConfig.DepthSensorUsage |
Depth sensor usage. |
CameraConfig.FacingDirection |
Describes the direction a camera looks relative to the device. |
CameraConfig.StereoCameraUsage |
Stereo camera usage. |
CameraConfig.TargetFps |
Target camera capture frame rates. |
Config.AugmentedFaceMode |
Selects the behavior of Augmented Faces subsystem. |
Config.CloudAnchorMode |
Describes the desired behavior of the ARCore Cloud Anchor API. |
Config.DepthMode |
Selects the desired depth mode. |
Config.FlashMode |
Selects the desired behavior of the camera flash subsystem. |
Config.FocusMode |
On supported devices, selects the desired camera focus mode. |
Config.GeospatialMode |
Describes the desired behavior of the ARCore Geospatial API. |
Config.ImageStabilizationMode |
Describes the behavior of the Electronic Image Stabilization (EIS) API. |
Config.InstantPlacementMode |
Select the behavior of Instant Placement. |
Config.LightEstimationMode |
Select the behavior of the lighting estimation subsystem. |
Config.PlaneFindingMode |
Select the behavior of the plane detection subsystem. |
Config.SemanticMode |
Describes the desired behavior of the Scene Semantics API. |
Config.StreetscapeGeometryMode |
Describes the behavior of the Geospatial Streetscape Geometry API. |
Config.TextureUpdateMode |
Describes how ARCore will update the camera texture. |
Config.UpdateMode |
Selects the behavior of Session.update() . |
Coordinates2d |
2D coordinate systems supported by ARCore. |
Coordinates3d |
3D coordinates supported by ARCore. |
Earth.EarthState |
Describes the current state of Earth . |
FutureState |
The state of an asynchronous operation. |
InstantPlacementPoint.TrackingMethod |
Tracking methods for InstantPlacementPoint . |
LightEstimate.State |
Light Estimate States. |
Plane.Type |
Simple summary of the normal vector of a plane, for filtering purposes. |
PlaybackStatus |
Describes the current playback status. |
Point.OrientationMode |
Indicates the point orientation mode. |
RecordingStatus |
Describes the current recording status. |
SemanticLabel |
Defines the labels the Scene Semantics API is able to detect and maps human-readable names to per-pixel semantic labels. |
Session.Feature |
Fundamental session features that can be requested using Session.Session(Context, Set) . |
Session.FeatureMapQuality |
Indicates the quality of the visual features seen by ARCore in the preceding few seconds from a
given camera Pose . |
StreetscapeGeometry.Quality |
Describes the quality of the mesh data. |
StreetscapeGeometry.Type |
Describes the type of a Streetscape Geometry. |
TrackingFailureReason |
Describes possible AR tracking failure reasons. |
TrackingState |
Describes the tracking state of the Trackable. |
VpsAvailability |
Asynchronous result of calling Session.checkVpsAvailabilityAsync(double, double, Consumer) . |