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API Reference - ARCore Extensions for AR Foundation


ARAnchorManagerExtensions Extensions to AR Foundation's ARAnchorManager class.
ARCloudAnchor The ARCloudAnchor is an ARCore Extensions object that provides a similar service to AR Foundation's ARAnchor as an anchor for game objects in your scene.
ARCoreExtensions ARCore Extensions, this script allows an app to specify and provide access to AR Foundation object instances that should be used by ARCore Extensions.
ARCoreExtensionsCameraConfigFilter The ARCoreExtensionsCameraConfigFilter class is used by the camera manager to derive a list of camera configurations available on the device at runtime.
ARCoreExtensionsConfig Holds settings that are used to configure the ARCore Extensions.
ARCoreRecordingConfig Configuration to record camera and sensor data from an ARCore session.
AREarthManager Provides localization in Earth-relative coordinates.
ARGeospatialAnchor The ARGeospatialAnchor is an ARCore Extensions object that provides a similar service to AR Foundation's ARAnchor as an anchor for game objects in your scene.
ARPlaybackManager Provides access to session playback functionality.
ARRaycastManagerExtensions Extensions to AR Foundation's ARRaycastManager class.
ARRecordingManager Provides access to session recording functionality.
ARSemanticManager Provides access to the Scene Semantics API.
ARStreetscapeGeometriesChangedEventArgs Event arguments for the ARStreetscapeGeometryManager.StreetscapeGeometriesChanged event.
ARStreetscapeGeometry Defines geometry such as terrain, buildings, or other structures obtained from the Streetscape Geometry API.
ARStreetscapeGeometryManager Provides ARCore Geospatial Streetscape Geometry APIs.
ARGeospatialCreatorAnchor A representation of a Geospatial Anchor that was created using the Geospatial Creator tool.
ARGeospatialCreatorOrigin Provides a Geospatial Creator Origin that has both a lat/lon and gamespace coordinates.
GeospatialPose Describes a specific location, elevation, and compass heading relative to Earth.
HostCloudAnchorPromise An InterruptiblePromise launched by ARAnchorManagerExtensions.HostCloudAnchorAsync(this ARAnchorManager, ARAnchor, int) with result type HostCloudAnchorResult.
HostCloudAnchorResult Result object from HostCloudAnchorPromise containing the hosted Cloud Anchor ID and final state.
InterruptiblePromise< T > Promises represent the eventual completion of an asynchronous operation.
ResolveAnchorOnRooftopPromise An InterruptiblePromise launched by ARAnchorManagerExtensions.ResolveAnchorOnRooftopAsync(this ARAnchorManager, double, double, double, UnityEngine.Quaternion) with result type ResolveAnchorOnRooftopResult.
ResolveAnchorOnRooftopResult Contains the result of a ResolveAnchorOnRooftopPromise.
ResolveAnchorOnTerrainPromise An InterruptiblePromise launched by ARAnchorManagerExtensions.ResolveAnchorOnTerrainAsync(this ARAnchorManager, double, double, double, UnityEngine.Quaternion) with result type ResolveAnchorOnTerrainResult.
ResolveAnchorOnTerrainResult Contains the result of a ResolveAnchorOnTerrainPromise.
ResolveCloudAnchorPromise An InterruptiblePromise launched by ARAnchorManagerExtensions.ResolveCloudAnchorAsync(this ARAnchorManager, string) with result type ResolveCloudAnchorResult.
ResolveCloudAnchorResult Result object from ResolveCloudAnchorPromise containing the resolved Cloud Anchor and Anchor state.
Track Definition of a track to record on.
TrackData Data that was recorded to an external Track.
VersionInfo Provides access to information about the current ARCore Extensions package runtime.
VpsAvailabilityPromise An InterruptiblePromise launched by AREarthManager.CheckVpsAvailabilityAsync(double, double) with result type VpsAvailability.
XRCameraConfigurationExtensions Extensions to AR Subsystem's XRCameraConfiguration struct.
XRCameraFrameExtensions Extensions to AR Subsystem's XRCameraFrame struct.
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