Announced Deprecations

This page lists the deprecation and sunset dates for API versions and individual features in the Display & Video 360 API.

Deprecations and sunset dates for the API will also be announced on the Google Ads developer blog.

Version Deprecations

Display & Video 360 API versions are released, deprecated, and sunset regularly. These steps are defined as follows:

  • Release: The version exits any alpha or beta status and is considered stable. Feature additions may still be released for the version.
  • Deprecation: The version is being retired and an end of support (sunset) date is announced. Users must migrate to a newer version before the sunset date. Feature additions will no longer be released for the version.
  • Sunset: The version is no longer supported. Requests made to the version return an error.

The table below lists all existing core Display & Video 360 API versions, their release dates, and their deprecation and sunset dates, if announced.

API Version Release Date Deprecation Date Sunset Date Migration Guide
v3 October 31, 2023
v2 December 6, 2022 February 15, 2024 September 3, 2024 Migrate from v2 to v3
v1 March 9, 2020 March 13, 2023 September 14, 2023 Migrate from v1 to v2

Feature Deprecations

Follow our Google Ads developer blog for announcements of upcoming significant feature deprecations.

The table below lists all announced feature deprecations, providing the initial effective date and a description of the deprecation with recommended actions and links to relevant documentation:

Feature Initial Effective Date Description
Targeting Expansion March 25, 2023 Replacement of the targeting expansion feature with optimized targeting, rolled out gradually from March 25, 2023 to early May 2023. Relevant changes to Display & Video 360 API and Structured Data Files behavior as well as recommended actions were announced in a blog post.
Manual Triggers May 17, 2023


  • May 17, 2023: Line items using manual triggers will stop serving in Display & Video 360. If you activate a manual trigger linked to an active line item after this date, the line item won't serve ads.
  • August 1, 2023: advertisers.manualTriggers service in DV360 API v1 and v2, LINE_ITEM_FLIGHT_DATE_TYPE_TRIGGER enum value in DV360 API v1, and the LineItemFlight.triggerId field in DV360 API v1 will sunset. After this date, requests made to these services or to these fields will return an error.

Recommended actions:

Installed App and New Mobile Devices GoogleAudience Types May 20, 2023


  • May 20, 2023: You will no longer be able to assign GoogleAudience resources with a GoogleAudienceType of GOOGLE_AUDIENCE_TYPE_INSTALLED_APPS or GOOGLE_AUDIENCE_TYPE_NEW_MOBILE_DEVICES to line item or insertion order audience targeting. Requests assigning these audiences to a line item's audience targeting will return an error. This includes advertisers.lineItems.duplicate and advertisers.lineItems.generateDefault requests, if the created line item would include deprecated audiences in its audience targeting.
  • June 8, 2023: Impacted audiences will be removed from all line item and insertion order targeting and from all combined audiences. If a line item is not able to serve ads when these audiences are removed, they will be paused. On this date, these audiences will also no longer be retrievable using the googleAudiences service.

Recommended Tasks:

  • We recommend that you immediately stop using impacted audiences when making future updates to your line item targeting.
  • Remove all impacted audiences from existing line item and insertion order targeting. Read about updating audience targeting in our Target Audiences guide.
Activity Based and Frequency Cap FirstAndThirdPartyAudience Types May 20, 2023


  • May 20, 2023: You will no longer be able to assign FirstAndThirdPartyAudience resources with a AudienceType of ACTIVITY_BASED or FREQUENCY_CAP to line item or insertion order audience targeting. Requests assigning these audiences to a line item's audience targeting will return an error. This includes advertisers.lineItems.duplicate and advertisers.lineItems.generateDefault requests, if the created line item would include deprecated audiences in its audience targeting.
  • June 8, 2023: Impacted audiences will be removed from all line item and insertion order targeting and from all combined audiences. If a line item is not able to serve ads when these audiences are removed, they will be paused. On this date, these audiences will also no longer be retrievable using the firstAndThirdPartyAudiences service.

Recommended Tasks:

  • We recommend that you immediately stop using impacted audiences when making future updates to your line item targeting.
  • Remove all impacted audiences from existing line item and insertion order targeting. Read about updating audience targeting in our Target Audiences guide.
Existing API Quota Limits May 30, 2023

On May 30, 2023, existing usage limits will be replaced with a hybrid quota structure that does the following:

  1. Eliminates the requests per day per project quota.
  2. Institutes a requests per minute per advertiser per project quota for qualifying methods.

These new limits will allow greater flexibility in API usage and enable parallelization of requests across advertisers. Details of this change are in our existing quota limit documentation.

OR operator usage between restrictions of different fields in LIST filters

June 21, 2023

On June 21, 2023, LIST request filter parameters will no longer allow OR logical operators to be used between restrictions of different fields.

For example, resources identified with filter string lineItemType="LINE_ITEM_TYPE_DISPLAY_DEFAULT" OR insertionOrderId="123" must instead be retrieved using two LIST requests with the following filter strings:

  • insertionOrderId="123"

Reference our how-to guide on filtering LIST requests for more details on the restrictions of logical operators.

Review the filter query parameters of all your existing LIST calls and verify that they are using the OR logical operator correctly before June 21, 2023 to avoid an interruption of service.

Ability to filter or order list requests by budget.budget_segments.date_range.end_date and flight.dateRange.endDate fields

Initial Effective Date updated

June 21, 2023

On June 21, 2023, budget.budget_segments.date_range.end_date and flight.dateRange.endDate will no longer be accepted fields in advertisers.insertionOrders.list and advertisers.lineItems.list filter and orderBy query parameters, respectively. After this date, requests using these fields in the filter and orderBy query parameters will return an error.

Remove all filter and order logic using these two fields before June 21, 2023 to avoid an interruption of service.

Ability to filter advertisers.lineItems.list requests by four additional fields June 21, 2023

On June 21, 2023, advertisers.lineItems.list will no longer support filtering by the following fields:

  • flight.triggerId
  • targetedChannelId
  • targetedNegativeKeywordListId
  • warningMessages

Remove all filter logic using these four fields before June 21, 2023 to avoid an interruption of service.

Outcome based buying August 1, 2023

On August 1, 2023, insertion orders using outcome based buying, defined by a billableOutcome field value of BILLABLE_OUTCOME_PAY_PER_CLICK or BILLABLE_OUTCOME_PAY_PER_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSION, and their child line items will be archived.

This change will affect the following requests:

publisherReviewStatuses field in creative resources June 26, 2024

Starting on June 26, 2024, the publisherReviewStatuses field will sunset and will be empty when retrieving Creative resources.

Content targeting for YouTube & Partners line items September 30, 2024

On September 30, 2024, the following values for the identified targeting types will sunset for YouTube & Partners line items:

Sunset targeting options will automatically be removed from existing line item targeting. These values will still be available for use in advertiser-level targeting.

To avoid any interruption of service, remove this targeting from any existing YouTube & Partners line items before the sunset date.

Oracle first- and third-party audiences September 30, 2024

On September 30, 2024, FirstAndThirdPartyAudience resources sources from Oracle will sunset. Upon sunset, these audiences will be removed from any existing resource targeting and combined audience. If a line item either only targets sunset audiences or negatively targets any sunset audiences, this update will automatically pause that line item.

To avoid any interruption of service, identify and remove any Oracle audiences from existing line item audience targeting and combined audiences before the sunset date.

Line item optimized targeting for a subset of bid strategies September 30, 2024

On September 30, 2024, LineItem resources using a subset of bid strategies will no longer be compatible with optimized targeting. With this change, LineItem resources with targetingExpansion.enableOptimizedTargeting set to True and bidStrategy.maximizeSpendAutoBid.performanceGoalType set to BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_CIVA, BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_IVO_TEN, or BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_AV_VIEWED or bidStrategy.performanceGoalAutoBid.performanceGoalType set to BIDDING_STRATEGY_PERFORMANCE_GOAL_TYPE_VIEWABLE_CPM will be updated to set targetingExpansion.enableOptimizedTargeting to False.

To avoid any interruption of service, update and verify that your line items using these bid strategies don't have optimized targeting turned on.

Flight ASAP Pacing for insertion orders November 5, 2024

On November 5, 2024, PACING_TYPE_ASAP will no longer be compatible with PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT when setting the insertion order pacing field. The pacingType for all existing insertion orders with this configuration will be updated to PACING_TYPE_AHEAD.

To avoid any interruption of service, update the pacing of any existing insertion orders using PACING_TYPE_ASAP and PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT.

Frequency cap period over 30 days February 28, 2025

On February 28, 2025:

  • Requests creating or updating LineItem, InsertionOrder, and Campaign resources to use a FrequencyCap object with either a timeUnit field set to TIME_UNIT_LIFETIME or a timeUnit field set to TIME_UNIT_MONTH and a timeUnitCount field set to 2 will return a 400 error.
  • Entries in Line Item, Insertion Order, and Campaign Structured Data Files with either the "Frequency Period" column value of "Lifetime" or the "Frequency Period" column value of "Months" and "Frequency Amount" column value of "2" will fail to create or update on file upload.
  • Existing campaigns, insertion orders, and line items will be updated to use a frequency cap period 30 days or less.

To avoid any interruption of service:

  • Update existing campaign, insertion order, and line item resources that use a frequency cap period over 30 days to be 30 days or less.
  • Verify that your integration is not setting a frequency cap period over 30 days when creating or updating campaign, insertion order, or line item resources using Display & Video 360 API or Structured Data Files.
Optimized targeting for line items using fixed bidding March 6, 2025

On March 6, 2025:

  • Requests creating or updating LineItem resources to set the BiddingStrategy field fixedBid and the TargetingExpansionConfig field enableOptimizedTargeting to true will return a 400 error.
  • Entries in Line Item Structured Data Files with the "Bid Strategy Type" column value of "Fixed" and the "Optimized Targeting" column value of "True" will fail to create or update on file upload.
  • Existing line items using fixed bidding will be updated to turn off optimized targeting.

To avoid any interruption of service:

  • Update existing line item resources that use both fixed bidding and optimized targeting.
  • Verify that your integration is not setting a fixed bidding strategy and optimized targeting when creating or updating line item resources using Display & Video 360 API or Structured Data Files.
Update to firstAndThirdPartyAudiences.list default page size March 6, 2025

On March 6, 2025, the default page size for firstAndThirdPartyAudiences.list requests will be updated from 100 to 5000.

To avoid an interruption of service, update your integration to set the pageSize query parameter of your firstAndThirdPartyAudiences.list requests to your preferred page size.

New sdfdownloadtasks.create partner/adveritser mismatch error March 6, 2025

On March 6, 2025, sdfdownloadtasks.create requests that use a parent entity filter to filter by advertisers that are not children of the set partnerId will start to return a 400 error.

Mismatched custom bidding algorithm and floodlight activities April 1, 2025

On April 1, 2025:

To avoid any interruption of service, update your integration to:

  • Verify that the relevant floodlight activities are assigned to a line item before or at the same time as the assigning of a custom bidding algorithm.
  • Existing custom bidding algorithms are unassigned from all line items before attempting to be updated.

Infinite membership duration for first-party audiences April 7, 2025

On April 7, 2025, FirstAndThirdPartyAudience resources will no longer allow infinite audience membership duration. firstAndThirdPartyAudiences.create and firstAndThirdPartyAudiences.patch requests setting the membershipDurationDays field value to 10,000 will return a 400 error. Existing audiences with a membershipDurationDays field value of 10,000 will be updated to 540 and the new membership duration will be retroactively applied to existing memberships. This will expire all memberships older than 540 days.

To avoid any interruption of service:

  • Verify that your integration is not setting the membershipDurationDays field value of new or existing audiences to 10,000.
  • Refresh the memberships of your existing Customer Match audiences using firstAndThirdPartyAudiences.editCustomerMatchMembers.
  • Regularly refresh your Customer Match audience memberships to make sure that the list size of your audiences don't get smaller unintentionally.

In v4, this change is reflected in FirstPartyAndPartnerAudience resources.

"Bid Multipliers" column in Line Item Structured Data Files May 1, 2025

On May 1, 2025, entries in Line Item Structured Data Files that attempt to set the "Bid Multipliers" column will fail to create or update resource on file upload.