[null,null,["最后更新时间 (UTC):2023-09-14。"],[[["Display & Video 360 API v1 is no longer available."],["Video players can be categorized into four sizes: small, large, HD, and unknown, with specific dimension criteria for desktop and mobile."],["The `VIDEO_PLAYER_SIZE_UNSPECIFIED` enum is a placeholder and does not represent an actual video player size."]]],["The Display & Video 360 API v1 is no longer available. The content defines video player size options using enums: `VIDEO_PLAYER_SIZE_UNSPECIFIED` (default), `VIDEO_PLAYER_SIZE_SMALL` (less than 400x300 desktop or up to 20% mobile), `VIDEO_PLAYER_SIZE_LARGE` (400x300 to 1280x720 desktop or 20-90% mobile), `VIDEO_PLAYER_SIZE_HD` (1280x720+ desktop or over 90% mobile), and `VIDEO_PLAYER_SIZE_UNKNOWN` (unknown dimensions). Each enum corresponds to specific size ranges for desktop and mobile displays.\n"]]