[null,null,["最后更新时间 (UTC):2024-08-21。"],[[["Display & Video 360 API v1 is sunset and this documentation details the process to generate a new line item with inherited settings from the insertion order."],["The new line item is created with an `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` status and default values based on insertion order type, automation type, and the given line item type."],["A successful request returns the newly created line item and requires authorization with the `https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video` scope."],["The request body must include the insertion order ID, display name, line item type, and optionally, details about a promoted mobile app."]]],["This content outlines how to generate a default line item via the Display & Video API. It utilizes a `POST` request to `https://displayvideo.googleapis.com/v1/advertisers/{advertiserId}/lineItems:generateDefault`, requiring an `advertiserId`. The request body needs `insertionOrderId`, `displayName`, and `lineItemType`; `mobileApp` is needed if the `lineItemType` is for mobile app installs. This will generate the line item inherited from the insertion order and return a new line item with `ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT` if successful. The operation needs the `https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video` authorization scope.\n"]]