common |
ActivityCityInfo |
The city where the travel activity is available. |
ActivityCountryInfo |
The country where the travel activity is available. |
ActivityIdInfo |
Advertiser-specific activity ID. |
ActivityRatingInfo |
Rating of the activity as a number 1 to 5, where 5 is the best. |
ActivityStateInfo |
The state where the travel activity is available. |
AdAssetPolicySummary |
Contains policy information for an asset inside an ad. |
AdCallToActionAsset |
A call to action asset used inside an ad. |
AdDemandGenCarouselCardAsset |
A Demand Gen carousel card asset used inside an ad. |
AdImageAsset |
An image asset used inside an ad. |
AdMediaBundleAsset |
A media bundle asset used inside an ad. |
AdScheduleInfo |
Represents an AdSchedule criterion. AdSchedule is specified as the day of the week and a time interval within which ads will be shown. No more than six AdSchedules can be added for the same day. |
AdTextAsset |
A text asset used inside an ad. |
AdVideoAsset |
A video asset used inside an ad. |
AdVideoAssetInfo |
Contains info fields for AdVideoAssets. |
AdVideoAssetInventoryPreferences |
YouTube Video Asset inventory preferences. |
AddressInfo |
Address for proximity criterion. |
AffiliateLocationFeedItem |
Represents an affiliate location extension. |
AgeDimension |
Dimension specifying users by their age. |
AgeRangeInfo |
An age range criterion. |
AgeSegment |
Contiguous age range. |
AppAdInfo |
An app ad. |
AppEngagementAdInfo |
App engagement ads allow you to write text encouraging a specific action in the app, like checking in, making a purchase, or booking a flight. They allow you to send users to a specific part of your app where they can find what they're looking for easier and faster. |
AppFeedItem |
Represents an App extension. |
AppPaymentModelInfo |
An app payment model criterion. |
AppPreRegistrationAdInfo |
App pre-registration ads link to your app or game listing on Google Play, and can run on Google Play, on YouTube (in-stream only), and within other apps and mobile websites on the Display Network. It will help capture people's interest in your app or game and generate an early install base for your app or game before a launch. |
AssetDisapproved |
Details related to AssetLinkPrimaryStatusReasonPB.ASSET_DISAPPROVED |
AssetInteractionTarget |
An AssetInteractionTarget segment. |
AssetLinkPrimaryStatusDetails |
Provides the detail of a PrimaryStatus. Each asset link has a PrimaryStatus value (e.g. NOT_ELIGIBLE, meaning not serving), and list of corroborating PrimaryStatusReasons (e.g. [ASSET_DISAPPROVED]). Each reason may have some additional details annotated with it. For instance, when the reason is ASSET_DISAPPROVED, the details field will contain additional information about the offline evaluation errors which led to the asset being disapproved. |
AssetUsage |
Contains the usage information of the asset. |
AudienceDimension |
Positive dimension specifying user's audience. |
AudienceExclusionDimension |
Negative dimension specifying users to exclude from the audience. |
AudienceInfo |
An audience criterion. |
AudienceSegment |
Positive audience segment. |
AudienceSegmentDimension |
Dimension specifying users by their membership in other audience segments. |
BasicUserListInfo |
User list targeting as a collection of conversions or remarketing actions. |
BookOnGoogleAsset |
A Book on Google asset. Used to redirect user to book through Google. Book on Google will change the redirect url to book directly through Google. |
BrandInfo |
Represents a Brand Criterion used for targeting based on commercial knowledge graph. |
BrandListInfo |
A Brand List Criterion is used to specify a list of brands. The list is represented as a SharedSet id type BRAND_HINT. A criterion of this type can be either targeted or excluded. |
BudgetCampaignAssociationStatus |
A BudgetCampaignAssociationStatus segment. |
BudgetSimulationPoint |
Projected metrics for a specific budget amount. |
BudgetSimulationPointList |
A container for simulation points for simulations of type BUDGET. |
BusinessNameFilter |
Represents a business name filter on locations in a FeedItemSet. |
BusinessProfileBusinessNameFilter |
Business Profile location group business name filter. |
BusinessProfileLocation |
Business Profile location data synced from the linked Business Profile account. |
BusinessProfileLocationGroup |
Information about a Business Profile dynamic location group. Only applicable if the sync level AssetSet's type is LOCATION_SYNC and sync source is Business Profile. |
BusinessProfileLocationSet |
Data used to configure a location set populated from Google Business Profile locations. Different types of filters are AND'ed together, if they are specified. |
CallAdInfo |
A call ad. |
CallAsset |
A Call asset. |
CallFeedItem |
Represents a Call extension. |
CallToActionAsset |
A call to action asset. |
CalloutAsset |
A Callout asset. |
CalloutFeedItem |
Represents a callout extension. |
CarrierInfo |
Represents a Carrier Criterion. |
ChainFilter |
One chain level filter on location in a feed item set. The filtering logic among all the fields is AND. |
ChainLocationGroup |
Represents information about a Chain dynamic location group. Only applicable if the sync level AssetSet's type is LOCATION_SYNC and sync source is chain. |
ChainSet |
Data used to configure a location set populated with the specified chains. |
ClickLocation |
Location criteria associated with a click. |
CombinedAudienceInfo |
A combined audience criterion. |
Commission |
Commission is an automatic bidding strategy in which the advertiser pays a certain portion of the conversion value. |
ConceptGroup |
The concept group for the keyword concept. |
Consent |
Consent |
ContentLabelInfo |
Content Label for category exclusion. |
CpcBidSimulationPoint |
Projected metrics for a specific CPC bid amount. |
CpcBidSimulationPointList |
A container for simulation points for simulations of type CPC_BID. |
CpvBidSimulationPoint |
Projected metrics for a specific CPV bid amount. |
CpvBidSimulationPointList |
A container for simulation points for simulations of type CPV_BID. |
CriterionCategoryAvailability |
Information of category availability, per advertising channel. |
CriterionCategoryChannelAvailability |
Information of advertising channel type and subtypes a category is available in. |
CriterionCategoryLocaleAvailability |
Information about which locales a category is available in. |
CrmBasedUserListInfo |
UserList of CRM users provided by the advertiser. |
CustomAffinityInfo |
A custom affinity criterion. A criterion of this type is only targetable. |
CustomAudienceInfo |
A custom audience criterion. |
CustomAudienceSegment |
Custom audience segment. |
CustomIntentInfo |
A custom intent criterion. A criterion of this type is only targetable. |
CustomParameter |
A mapping that can be used by custom parameter tags in a |
CustomerMatchUserListMetadata |
Metadata for customer match user list. |
CustomizerValue |
A customizer value that is referenced in customizer linkage entities like CustomerCustomizer, CampaignCustomizer, etc. |
DateRange |
A date range. |
DemandGenCarouselAdInfo |
A Demand Gen carousel ad. |
DemandGenCarouselCardAsset |
A Demand Gen Carousel Card asset. |
DemandGenMultiAssetAdInfo |
A Demand Gen multi asset ad. |
DemandGenProductAdInfo |
A Demand Gen product ad. |
DemandGenVideoResponsiveAdInfo |
A Demand Gen video responsive ad. |
DetailedDemographicSegment |
Detailed demographic segment. |
DeviceInfo |
A device criterion. |
DisplayUploadAdInfo |
A generic type of display ad. The exact ad format is controlled by the |
DynamicAffiliateLocationSetFilter |
Represents a filter on affiliate locations in a FeedItemSet. Only applicable if the parent Feed of the FeedItemSet is an AFFILIATE_LOCATION feed. |
DynamicBusinessProfileLocationGroupFilter |
Represents a filter on Business Profile locations in an asset set. If multiple filters are provided, they are AND'ed together. |
DynamicCustomAsset |
A dynamic custom asset. |
DynamicEducationAsset |
A Dynamic Education asset. |
DynamicFlightsAsset |
A dynamic flights asset. |
DynamicHotelsAndRentalsAsset |
A dynamic hotels and rentals asset. |
DynamicJobsAsset |
A dynamic jobs asset. |
DynamicLocalAsset |
A dynamic local asset. |
DynamicLocationSetFilter |
Represents a filter on locations in a feed item set. Only applicable if the parent Feed of the FeedItemSet is a LOCATION feed. |
DynamicRealEstateAsset |
A dynamic real estate asset. |
DynamicTravelAsset |
A dynamic travel asset. |
EnhancedCpc |
An automated bidding strategy that raises bids for clicks that seem more likely to lead to a conversion and lowers them for clicks where they seem less likely. This bidding strategy is deprecated and cannot be created anymore. Use ManualCpc with enhanced_cpc_enabled set to true for equivalent functionality. |
EventAttribute |
Advertiser defined events and their attributes. All the values in the nested fields are required. |
EventItemAttribute |
Event Item attributes of the Customer Match. |
ExclusionSegment |
An audience segment to be excluded from an audience. |
ExpandedDynamicSearchAdInfo |
An expanded dynamic search ad. |
ExpandedTextAdInfo |
An expanded text ad. |
FinalAppUrl |
A URL for deep linking into an app for the given operating system. |
FixedCpm |
Fixed CPM (cost per thousand impression) bidding strategy. A manual bidding strategy with a fixed CPM. |
FixedCpmTargetFrequencyGoalInfo |
Target frequency bidding goal details for Fixed CPM bidding strategy. Only relevant if the goal of the bidding strategy is |
FlexibleRuleOperandInfo |
Flexible rule that wraps the common rule and a lookback window. |
FlexibleRuleUserListInfo |
Flexible rule representation of visitors with one or multiple actions. The flexible user list is defined by two lists of operands – inclusive_operands and exclusive_operands; each operand represents a set of users based on actions they took in a given timeframe. These lists of operands are combined with the AND_NOT operator, so that users represented by the inclusive operands are included in the user list, minus the users represented by the exclusive operands. |
FrequencyCapEntry |
A rule specifying the maximum number of times an ad (or some set of ads) can be shown to a user over a particular time period. |
FrequencyCapKey |
A group of fields used as keys for a frequency cap. There can be no more than one frequency cap with the same key. |
GenderDimension |
Dimension specifying users by their gender. |
GenderInfo |
A gender criterion. |
GeoPointInfo |
Geo point for proximity criterion. |
HistoricalMetricsOptions |
Historical metrics options. |
HotelAdInfo |
A hotel ad. |
HotelAdvanceBookingWindowInfo |
Criterion for number of days prior to the stay the booking is being made. |
HotelCalloutAsset |
An asset representing a hotel callout. |
HotelCalloutFeedItem |
Represents a hotel callout extension. |
HotelCheckInDateRangeInfo |
Criterion for a check-in date range. |
HotelCheckInDayInfo |
Criterion for day of the week the booking is for. |
HotelCityInfo |
City the hotel is located in. |
HotelClassInfo |
Class of the hotel as a number of stars 1 to 5. |
HotelCountryRegionInfo |
Country or Region the hotel is located in. |
HotelDateSelectionTypeInfo |
Criterion for hotel date selection (default dates versus user selected). |
HotelIdInfo |
Advertiser-specific hotel ID. |
HotelLengthOfStayInfo |
Criterion for length of hotel stay in nights. |
HotelPropertyAsset |
A hotel property asset. |
HotelStateInfo |
State the hotel is located in. |
HouseholdIncomeDimension |
Dimension specifying users by their household income. |
ImageAdInfo |
An image ad. |
ImageAsset |
An Image asset. |
ImageDimension |
Metadata for an image at a certain size, either original or resized. |
ImageFeedItem |
Represents an advertiser provided image extension. |
InFeedVideoAdInfo |
Representation of In-feed video ad format. |
IncomeRangeInfo |
An income range criterion. |
InteractionTypeInfo |
Criterion for Interaction Type. |
IpBlockInfo |
An IpBlock criterion used for IP exclusions. We allow: - IPv4 and IPv6 addresses - individual addresses ( - masks for individual addresses ( - masks for Class C networks ( |
ItemAttribute |
Item attributes of the transaction. |
Keyword |
A Keyword criterion segment. |
KeywordAnnotations |
The annotations for the keyword plan keywords. |
KeywordConcept |
The concept for the keyword. |
KeywordInfo |
A keyword criterion. |
KeywordPlanAggregateMetricResults |
The aggregated historical metrics for keyword plan keywords. |
KeywordPlanAggregateMetrics |
The aggregate metrics specification of the request. |
KeywordPlanDeviceSearches |
The total searches for the device type during the specified time period. |
KeywordPlanHistoricalMetrics |
Historical metrics specific to the targeting options selected. Targeting options include geographies, network, and so on. Refer to https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/3022575 for more details. |
KeywordThemeInfo |
A Smart Campaign keyword theme. |
LanguageInfo |
A language criterion. |
LeadFormAsset |
A Lead Form asset. |
LeadFormCustomQuestionField |
One custom question input field instance within a form. |
LeadFormDeliveryMethod |
A configuration of how leads are delivered to the advertiser. |
LeadFormField |
One input field instance within a form. |
LeadFormSingleChoiceAnswers |
Defines possible answers for a single choice question, usually presented as a single-choice drop-down list. |
LegacyAppInstallAdInfo |
A legacy app install ad that only can be used by a few select customers. |
LegacyResponsiveDisplayAdInfo |
A legacy responsive display ad. Ads of this type are labeled 'Responsive ads' in the Google Ads UI. |
LifeEventSegment |
Live event segment. |
LifecycleGoalValueSettings |
Lifecycle goal value settings. |
ListingDimensionInfo |
Listing dimensions for listing group criterion. |
ListingDimensionPath |
The path of dimensions defining a listing group. |
ListingGroupInfo |
A listing group criterion. |
ListingScopeInfo |
A listing scope criterion. |
LocalAdInfo |
A local ad. |
LocalServiceIdInfo |
A Local Services Ads service ID. Represents a service type (such as install_faucet) that a Local Services Campaign can target. |
LocalServicesDocumentReadOnly |
A Local Services Document with read only accessible data. |
LocationAsset |
A location asset. |
LocationFeedItem |
Represents a location extension. |
LocationGroupInfo |
A radius around a list of locations specified through a feed or assetSet. |
LocationInfo |
A location criterion. |
LocationSet |
Data related to location set. One of the Google Business Profile (previously known as Google My Business) data, Chain data, and map location data need to be specified. |
LogicalUserListInfo |
Represents a user list that is a custom combination of user lists. |
LogicalUserListOperandInfo |
Operand of logical user list that consists of a user list. |
LookalikeUserListInfo |
LookalikeUserlist, composed of users similar to those of a configurable seed (set of UserLists) |
ManualCpa |
Manual bidding strategy that allows advertiser to set the bid per advertiser-specified action. |
ManualCpc |
Manual click-based bidding where user pays per click. |
ManualCpm |
Manual impression-based bidding where user pays per thousand impressions. |
ManualCpv |
View based bidding where user pays per video view. |
MapsLocationInfo |
Wrapper for place ids |
MapsLocationSet |
Wrapper for multiple maps location sync data |
MatchingFunction |
Matching function associated with a CustomerFeed, CampaignFeed, or AdGroupFeed. The matching function is used to filter the set of feed items selected. |
MaximizeConversionValue |
An automated bidding strategy to help get the most conversion value for your campaigns while spending your budget. |
MaximizeConversions |
An automated bidding strategy to help get the most conversions for your campaigns while spending your budget. |
MediaBundleAsset |
A MediaBundle asset. |
MetricGoal |
A metric goal for an experiment. |
Metrics |
Metrics data. |
MobileAppAsset |
An asset representing a mobile app. |
MobileAppCategoryInfo |
A mobile app category criterion. |
MobileApplicationInfo |
A mobile application criterion. |
MobileDeviceInfo |
A mobile device criterion. |
Money |
Represents a price in a particular currency. |
MonthlySearchVolume |
Monthly search volume. |
NegativeKeywordListInfo |
A Negative Keyword List criterion. Represents a shared set of negative keywords that can be excluded at the account-level. Only one negative keyword list criterion can be attached per account. |
OfflineUserAddressInfo |
Address identifier of offline data. |
Operand |
An operand in a matching function. |
Operand.ConstantOperand |
A constant operand in a matching function. |
Operand.FeedAttributeOperand |
A feed attribute operand in a matching function. Used to represent a feed attribute in feed. |
Operand.FunctionOperand |
A function operand in a matching function. Used to represent nested functions. |
Operand.RequestContextOperand |
An operand in a function referring to a value in the request context. |
OperatingSystemVersionInfo |
Represents an operating system version to be targeted. |
PageFeedAsset |
A Page Feed asset. |
ParentalStatusDimension |
Dimension specifying users by their parental status. |
ParentalStatusInfo |
A parental status criterion. |
PercentCpc |
A bidding strategy where bids are a fraction of the advertised price for some good or service. |
PercentCpcBidSimulationPoint |
Projected metrics for a specific percent CPC amount. Only Hotel advertising channel type supports this field. |
PercentCpcBidSimulationPointList |
A container for simulation points for simulations of type PERCENT_CPC_BID. |
PlacementInfo |
A placement criterion. This can be used to modify bids for sites when targeting the content network. |
PolicySummary |
Contains policy summary information. |
PolicyTopicConstraint |
Describes the effect on serving that a policy topic entry will have. |
PolicyTopicConstraint.CountryConstraint |
Indicates that a resource's ability to serve in a particular country is constrained. |
PolicyTopicConstraint.CountryConstraintList |
A list of countries where a resource's serving is constrained. |
PolicyTopicConstraint.ResellerConstraint |
Indicates that a policy topic was constrained due to disapproval of the website for reseller purposes. |
PolicyTopicEntry |
Policy finding attached to a resource (for example, alcohol policy associated with a site that sells alcohol). Each PolicyTopicEntry has a topic that indicates the specific ads policy the entry is about and a type to indicate the effect that the entry will have on serving. It may optionally have one or more evidences that indicate the reason for the finding. It may also optionally have one or more constraints that provide details about how serving may be restricted. |
PolicyTopicEvidence |
Additional information that explains a policy finding. |
PolicyTopicEvidence.DestinationMismatch |
Evidence of mismatches between the URLs of a resource. |
PolicyTopicEvidence.DestinationNotWorking |
Evidence details when the destination is returning an HTTP error code or isn't functional in all locations for commonly used devices. |
PolicyTopicEvidence.DestinationTextList |
A list of strings found in a destination page that caused a policy finding. |
PolicyTopicEvidence.TextList |
A list of fragments of text that violated a policy. |
PolicyTopicEvidence.WebsiteList |
A list of websites that caused a policy finding. Used for ONE_WEBSITE_PER_AD_GROUP policy topic, for example. In case there are more than five websites, only the top five (those that appear in resources the most) will be listed here. |
PolicyValidationParameter |
Parameter for controlling how policy exemption is done. |
PolicyViolationKey |
Key of the violation. The key is used for referring to a violation when filing an exemption request. |
PriceAsset |
An asset representing a list of price offers. |
PriceFeedItem |
Represents a Price extension. |
PriceOffer |
Represents one price offer in a price extension. |
PriceOffering |
A single price offering within a PriceAsset. |
ProductBrandInfo |
Brand of the product. |
ProductCategoryInfo |
Category of a product offer. |
ProductChannelExclusivityInfo |
Availability of a product offer. |
ProductChannelInfo |
Locality of a product offer. |
ProductConditionInfo |
Condition of a product offer. |
ProductCustomAttributeInfo |
Custom attribute of a product offer. |
ProductGroupingInfo |
Grouping of a product offer. This listing dimension is deprecated and it is supported only in Display campaigns. |
ProductItemIdInfo |
Item id of a product offer. |
ProductLabelsInfo |
Labels of a product offer. This listing dimension is deprecated and it is supported only in Display campaigns. |
ProductLegacyConditionInfo |
Legacy condition of a product offer. This listing dimension is deprecated and it is supported only in Display campaigns. |
ProductTypeFullInfo |
Full type of a product offer. This listing dimension is deprecated and it is supported only in Display campaigns. |
ProductTypeInfo |
Type of a product offer. |
PromotionAsset |
A Promotion asset. |
PromotionFeedItem |
Represents a Promotion extension. |
ProximityInfo |
A Proximity criterion. The geo point and radius determine what geographical area is included. The address is a description of the geo point that does not affect ad serving. There are two ways to create a proximity. First, by setting an address and radius. The geo point will be automatically computed. Second, by setting a geo point and radius. The address is an optional label that won't be validated. |
RealTimeBiddingSetting |
Settings for Real-Time Bidding, a feature only available for campaigns targeting the Ad Exchange network. |
ResponsiveDisplayAdControlSpec |
Specification for various creative controls for a responsive display ad. |
ResponsiveDisplayAdInfo |
A responsive display ad. |
ResponsiveSearchAdInfo |
A responsive search ad. Responsive search ads let you create an ad that adapts to show more text, and more relevant messages, to your customers. Enter multiple headlines and descriptions when creating a responsive search ad, and over time, Google Ads will automatically test different combinations and learn which combinations perform best. By adapting your ad's content to more closely match potential customers' search terms, responsive search ads may improve your campaign's performance. More information at https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7684791 |
RuleBasedUserListInfo |
Representation of a userlist that is generated by a rule. |
SearchThemeInfo |
A Search Theme criterion only on Performance Max campaign. Represents a keyword-like advertiser input. |
SearchVolumeRange |
Search volume range. Actual search volume falls within this range. |
Segments |
Segment only fields. |
ShoppingComparisonListingAdInfo |
A Shopping Comparison Listing ad. |
ShoppingLoyalty |
The shopping loyalty related data. Shopping utilizes this data to provide users with a better experience. Accessible only to merchants on the allow-list. |
ShoppingProductAdInfo |
A standard Shopping ad. |
ShoppingSmartAdInfo |
A Smart Shopping ad. |
SimilarUserListInfo |
SimilarUserList is a list of users which are similar to users from another UserList. These lists are read-only and automatically created by Google. |
SitelinkAsset |
A Sitelink asset. |
SitelinkFeedItem |
Represents a sitelink. |
SkAdNetworkSourceApp |
A SkAdNetworkSourceApp segment. |
SmartCampaignAdInfo |
A Smart campaign ad. |
StoreAttribute |
Store attributes of the transaction. |
StoreSalesMetadata |
Metadata for Store Sales Direct. |
StoreSalesThirdPartyMetadata |
Metadata for a third party Store Sales. This product is only for customers on the allow-list. Contact your Google business development representative for details on the upload configuration. |
StructuredSnippetAsset |
A Structured Snippet asset. |
StructuredSnippetFeedItem |
Represents a structured snippet extension. |
TagSnippet |
The site tag and event snippet pair for a TrackingCodeType. |
TargetCpa |
An automated bid strategy that sets bids to help get as many conversions as possible at the target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) you set. |
TargetCpaSimulationPoint |
Projected metrics for a specific target CPA amount. |
TargetCpaSimulationPointList |
A container for simulation points for simulations of type TARGET_CPA. |
TargetCpm |
Target CPM (cost per thousand impressions) is an automated bidding strategy that sets bids to optimize performance given the target CPM you set. |
TargetCpmTargetFrequencyGoal |
Target Frequency bidding goal details. |
TargetCpv |
Target CPV (cost per view) bidding strategy. An automated bidding strategy that sets bids to optimize performance given the target CPV you set. |
TargetImpressionShare |
An automated bidding strategy that sets bids so that a certain percentage of search ads are shown at the top of the first page (or other targeted location). |
TargetImpressionShareSimulationPoint |
Projected metrics for a specific target impression share value. |
TargetImpressionShareSimulationPointList |
A container for simulation points for simulations of type TARGET_IMPRESSION_SHARE. |
TargetRestriction |
The list of per-targeting-dimension targeting settings. |
TargetRestrictionOperation |
Operation to be performed on a target restriction list in a mutate. |
TargetRestrictionOperation.Operator |
The operator. |
TargetRoas |
An automated bidding strategy that helps you maximize revenue while averaging a specific target return on ad spend (ROAS). |
TargetRoasSimulationPoint |
Projected metrics for a specific target ROAS amount. |
TargetRoasSimulationPointList |
A container for simulation points for simulations of type TARGET_ROAS. |
TargetSpend |
An automated bid strategy that sets your bids to help get as many clicks as possible within your budget. |
TargetingSetting |
Settings for the targeting-related features, at the campaign and ad group levels. For more details about the targeting setting, visit https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7365594 |
TextAdInfo |
A text ad. |
TextAsset |
A Text asset. |
TextLabel |
A type of label displaying text on a colored background. |
TextMessageFeedItem |
An extension that users can click on to send a text message to the advertiser. |
TopicInfo |
A topic criterion. Use topics to target or exclude placements in the Google Display Network based on the category into which the placement falls (for example, "Pets & Animals/Pets/Dogs"). |
TransactionAttribute |
Attribute of the store sales transaction. |
TravelAdInfo |
A travel ad. |
UnknownListingDimensionInfo |
Unknown listing dimension. |
UrlCollection |
Collection of urls that is tagged with a unique identifier. |
UserAttribute |
User attribute, can only be used with CUSTOMER_MATCH_WITH_ATTRIBUTES job type. |
UserData |
User data holding user identifiers and attributes. |
UserIdentifier |
User identifying information. |
UserInterestInfo |
Represents a particular interest-based topic to be targeted. |
UserInterestSegment |
User interest segment. |
UserListActionInfo |
Represents an action type used for building remarketing user lists. |
UserListDateRuleItemInfo |
A rule item composed of a date operation. |
UserListInfo |
A User List criterion. Represents a user list that is defined by the advertiser to be targeted. |
UserListLogicalRuleInfo |
A user list logical rule. A rule has a logical operator (and/or/not) and a list of user lists as operands. |
UserListNumberRuleItemInfo |
A rule item composed of a number operation. |
UserListRuleInfo |
A client defined rule based on custom parameters sent by web sites or uploaded by the advertiser. |
UserListRuleItemGroupInfo |
A group of rule items. |
UserListRuleItemInfo |
An atomic rule item. |
UserListSegment |
User list segment. |
UserListStringRuleItemInfo |
A rule item composed of a string operation. |
Value |
A generic data container. |
VideoAdInfo |
A video ad. |
VideoBumperInStreamAdInfo |
Representation of video bumper in-stream ad format (very short in-stream non-skippable video ad). |
VideoNonSkippableInStreamAdInfo |
Representation of video non-skippable in-stream ad format (15 second in-stream non-skippable video ad). |
VideoOutstreamAdInfo |
Representation of video out-stream ad format (ad shown alongside a feed with automatic playback, without sound). |
VideoResponsiveAdInfo |
A video responsive ad. |
VideoTrueViewInStreamAdInfo |
Representation of video TrueView in-stream ad format (ad shown during video playback, often at beginning, which displays a skip button a few seconds into the video). |
WebhookDelivery |
Google notifies the advertiser of leads by making HTTP calls to an endpoint they specify. The requests contain JSON matching a schema that Google publishes as part of form ads documentation. |
WebpageConditionInfo |
Logical expression for targeting webpages of an advertiser's website. |
WebpageInfo |
Represents a criterion for targeting webpages of an advertiser's website. |
WebpageSampleInfo |
List of sample urls that match the website target |
YearMonth |
Year month. |
YearMonthRange |
The year month range inclusive of the start and end months. Eg: A year month range to represent Jan 2020 would be: (Jan 2020, Jan 2020). |
YouTubeChannelInfo |
A YouTube Channel criterion. |
YouTubeVideoInfo |
A YouTube Video criterion. |
YoutubeVideoAsset |
A YouTube asset. |
enums |
AccessInvitationStatus |
Possible access invitation status of a user |
AccessReason |
Enum describing possible access reasons. |
AccessRole |
Possible access role of a user. |
AccountBudgetProposalStatus |
The possible statuses of an AccountBudgetProposal. |
AccountBudgetProposalType |
The possible types of an AccountBudgetProposal. |
AccountBudgetStatus |
The possible statuses of an AccountBudget. |
AccountLinkStatus |
Describes the possible statuses for a link between a Google Ads customer and another account. |
AdCustomizerPlaceholderField |
Possible values for Ad Customizers placeholder fields. |
AdDestinationType |
Enumerates Google Ads destination types |
AdFormatType |
Enumerates Google Ads format types. Note that this segmentation is available only for Video and Discovery campaigns. For assets, only video assets are supported. |
AdGroupAdPrimaryStatus |
The possible statuses of an AdGroupAd. |
AdGroupAdPrimaryStatusReason |
Possible ad group ad status reasons. |
AdGroupAdRotationMode |
The possible ad rotation modes of an ad group. |
AdGroupAdStatus |
The possible statuses of an AdGroupAd. |
AdGroupCriterionApprovalStatus |
Enumerates AdGroupCriterion approval statuses. |
AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatus |
Enum describing the possible ad group criterion primary status. Provides insight into why an ad group criterion is not serving or not serving optimally. |
AdGroupCriterionPrimaryStatusReason |
Enum describing the possible Ad Group Criterion primary status reasons. Provides insight into why an Ad Group Criterion is not serving or not serving optimally. These reasons are aggregated to determine an overall Ad Group Criterion primary status. |
AdGroupCriterionStatus |
The possible statuses of an AdGroupCriterion. |
AdGroupPrimaryStatus |
The possible statuses of an AdGroup. |
AdGroupPrimaryStatusReason |
Possible ad group status reasons. |
AdGroupStatus |
The possible statuses of an ad group. |
AdGroupType |
Enum listing the possible types of an ad group. |
AdNetworkType |
Enumerates Google Ads network types. |
AdServingOptimizationStatus |
Enum describing possible serving statuses. |
AdStrength |
Enum listing the possible ad strengths. |
AdType |
The possible types of an ad. |
AdvertisingChannelSubType |
Enum describing the different channel subtypes. |
AdvertisingChannelType |
Enum describing the various advertising channel types. |
AffiliateLocationFeedRelationshipType |
Possible values for a relationship type for an affiliate location feed. |
AffiliateLocationPlaceholderField |
Possible values for Affiliate Location placeholder fields. |
AgeRangeType |
The type of demographic age ranges (for example, between 18 and 24 years old). |
AndroidPrivacyInteractionType |
Enumerates interaction types |
AndroidPrivacyNetworkType |
Enumerates network types |
AppBiddingGoal |
Represents the goal towards which the bidding strategy, of an app campaign, should optimize for. |
AppCampaignAppStore |
Enum describing app campaign app store. |
AppCampaignBiddingStrategyGoalType |
Goal type of App campaign BiddingStrategy. |
AppPaymentModelType |
Enum describing possible app payment models. |
AppPlaceholderField |
Possible values for App placeholder fields. |
AppStore |
App store type in an app extension. |
AppUrlOperatingSystemType |
Operating System |
AssetAutomationStatus |
The status of asset automation. |
AssetAutomationType |
The type of asset automation. |
AssetFieldType |
Enum describing the possible placements of an asset. |
AssetGroupPrimaryStatus |
Enum describing the possible asset group primary status. Provides insights into why an asset group is not serving or not serving optimally. |
AssetGroupPrimaryStatusReason |
Enum describing the possible asset group primary status reasons. Provides reasons into why an asset group is not serving or not serving optimally. It will be empty when the asset group is serving without issues. |
AssetGroupSignalApprovalStatus |
Enumerates AssetGroupSignal approval statuses, which are only used for Search Theme Signal. |
AssetGroupStatus |
The possible statuses of an asset group. |
AssetLinkPrimaryStatus |
Enum Provides insight into why an asset is not serving or not serving at full capacity for a particular link level. There could be one status with multiple reasons. For example, a sitelink might be paused by the user, but also limited in serving due to violation of an alcohol policy. In this case, the PrimaryStatus will be returned as PAUSED, since the asset's effective status is determined by its paused state. |
AssetLinkPrimaryStatusReason |
Enum Provides insight into why an asset is not serving or not serving at full capacity for a particular link level. These reasons are aggregated to determine a final PrimaryStatus. For example, a sitelink might be paused by the user, but also limited in serving due to violation of an alcohol policy. In this case, the PrimaryStatus will be returned as PAUSED, since the asset's effective status is determined by its paused state. |
AssetLinkStatus |
Enum describing statuses of an asset link. |
AssetOfflineEvaluationErrorReasons |
Enum describing the quality evaluation disapproval reason of an asset. |
AssetPerformanceLabel |
Enum describing the possible performance labels of an asset, usually computed in the context of a linkage. |
AssetSetAssetStatus |
The possible statuses of an asset set asset. |
AssetSetLinkStatus |
The possible statuses of the linkage between asset set and its container. |
AssetSetStatus |
The possible statuses of an asset set. |
AssetSetType |
Possible types of an asset set. |
AssetSource |
Enum describing possible source of asset. |
AssetType |
Enum describing possible types of asset. |
AsyncActionStatus |
The async action status of the experiment. |
AttributionModel |
The attribution model that describes how to distribute credit for a particular conversion across potentially many prior interactions. |
AudienceInsightsDimension |
Possible dimensions for use in generating insights. |
AudienceScope |
Enum containing possible audience scope values. |
AudienceStatus |
Enum containing possible audience status types. |
BatchJobStatus |
The batch job statuses. |
BidModifierSource |
Enum describing possible bid modifier sources. |
BiddingSource |
Indicates where a bid or target is defined. For example, an ad group criterion may define a cpc bid directly, or it can inherit its cpc bid from the ad group. |
BiddingStrategyStatus |
The possible statuses of a BiddingStrategy. |
BiddingStrategySystemStatus |
The possible system statuses of a BiddingStrategy. |
BiddingStrategyType |
Enum describing possible bidding strategy types. |
BillingSetupStatus |
The possible statuses of a BillingSetup. |
BrandRequestRejectionReason |
Enumeration of different brand request rejection reasons. |
BrandSafetySuitability |
3-Tier brand safety suitability control. |
BrandState |
Enumeration of different brand states. |
BudgetCampaignAssociationStatus |
Possible statuses of the association between the Budget and the Campaign. |
BudgetDeliveryMethod |
Possible delivery methods of a Budget. |
BudgetPeriod |
Possible period of a Budget. |
BudgetStatus |
Possible statuses of a Budget. |
BudgetType |
Possible Budget types. |
CallConversionReportingState |
Possible data types for a call conversion action state. |
CallPlaceholderField |
Possible values for Call placeholder fields. |
CallToActionType |
Enum describing possible types of call to action. |
CallTrackingDisplayLocation |
Possible call tracking display locations. |
CallType |
Possible types of property from where the call was made. |
CalloutPlaceholderField |
Possible values for Callout placeholder fields. |
CampaignCriterionStatus |
The possible statuses of a CampaignCriterion. |
CampaignDraftStatus |
Possible statuses of a campaign draft. |
CampaignExperimentType |
Indicates if this campaign is a normal campaign, a draft campaign, or an experiment campaign. |
CampaignGroupStatus |
Possible statuses of a CampaignGroup. |
CampaignKeywordMatchType |
Enum describing keyword match type of Campaign. |
CampaignPrimaryStatus |
Enum describing the possible campaign primary status. Provides insight into why a campaign is not serving or not serving optimally. Modification to the campaign and its related entities might take a while to be reflected in this status. |
CampaignPrimaryStatusReason |
Enum describing the possible campaign primary status reasons. Provides insight into why a campaign is not serving or not serving optimally. These reasons are aggregated to determine an overall campaign primary status. |
CampaignServingStatus |
Possible serving statuses of a campaign. |
CampaignSharedSetStatus |
Enum listing the possible campaign shared set statuses. |
CampaignStatus |
Possible statuses of a campaign. |
ChainRelationshipType |
Possible types of a relationship. |
ChangeClientType |
The source that the change_event resource was made through. |
ChangeEventResourceType |
Enum listing the resource types support by the ChangeEvent resource. |
ChangeStatusOperation |
Status of the changed resource |
ChangeStatusResourceType |
Enum listing the resource types support by the ChangeStatus resource. |
ClickType |
Enumerates Google Ads click types. |
CombinedAudienceStatus |
Enum containing possible combined audience status types. |
ConsentStatus |
Consent status |
ContentLabelType |
Enum listing the content label types supported by ContentLabel criterion. |
ConversionActionCategory |
The category of conversions that are associated with a ConversionAction. |
ConversionActionCountingType |
Indicates how conversions for this action will be counted. For more information, see https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/3438531. |
ConversionActionStatus |
Possible statuses of a conversion action. |
ConversionActionType |
Possible types of a conversion action. |
ConversionAdjustmentType |
The different actions advertisers can take to adjust the conversions that they already reported. Retractions negate a conversion. Restatements change the value of a conversion. |
ConversionAttributionEventType |
The event type of conversions that are attributed to. |
ConversionCustomVariableStatus |
Possible statuses of a conversion custom variable. |
ConversionEnvironment |
Conversion environment of the uploaded conversion. |
ConversionLagBucket |
Enum representing the number of days between impression and conversion. |
ConversionOrAdjustmentLagBucket |
Enum representing the number of days between the impression and the conversion or between the impression and adjustments to the conversion. |
ConversionOrigin |
The possible places where a conversion can occur. |
ConversionTrackingStatus |
Conversion Tracking status of the customer. |
ConversionValueRulePrimaryDimension |
Identifies the primary dimension for conversion value rule stats. |
ConversionValueRuleSetStatus |
Possible statuses of a conversion value rule set. |
ConversionValueRuleStatus |
Possible statuses of a conversion value rule. |
ConvertingUserPriorEngagementTypeAndLtvBucket |
Enumerates converting user prior engagement types and lifetime-value bucket |
CriterionCategoryChannelAvailabilityMode |
Enum containing the possible CriterionCategoryChannelAvailabilityMode. |
CriterionCategoryLocaleAvailabilityMode |
Enum containing the possible CriterionCategoryLocaleAvailabilityMode. |
CriterionSystemServingStatus |
Enumerates criterion system serving statuses. |
CriterionType |
Enum describing possible criterion types. |
CustomAudienceMemberType |
Enum containing possible custom audience member types. |
CustomAudienceStatus |
Enum containing possible custom audience statuses. |
CustomAudienceType |
Enum containing possible custom audience types. |
CustomConversionGoalStatus |
The possible statuses of a custom conversion goal. |
CustomInterestMemberType |
Enum containing possible custom interest member types. |
CustomInterestStatus |
Enum containing possible custom interest types. |
CustomInterestType |
Enum containing possible custom interest types. |
CustomPlaceholderField |
Possible values for Custom placeholder fields. |
CustomerAcquisitionOptimizationMode |
Possible optimization mode of a customer acquisition goal. |
CustomerMatchUploadKeyType |
Enum describing possible customer match upload key types. |
CustomerPayPerConversionEligibilityFailureReason |
Enum describing possible reasons a customer is not eligible to use PaymentMode.CONVERSIONS. |
CustomerStatus |
Possible statuses of a customer. |
CustomizerAttributeStatus |
The possible statuses of a customizer attribute. |
CustomizerAttributeType |
The possible types of a customizer attribute. |
CustomizerValueStatus |
The possible statuses of a customizer value. |
DataDrivenModelStatus |
Enumerates data driven model statuses. |
DayOfWeek |
Enumerates days of the week, for example, "Monday". |
Device |
Enumerates Google Ads devices available for targeting. |
DisplayAdFormatSetting |
Enumerates display ad format settings. |
DisplayUploadProductType |
Enumerates display upload product types. |
DistanceBucket |
The distance bucket for a user's distance from an advertiser's location extension. |
DsaPageFeedCriterionField |
Possible values for Dynamic Search Ad Page Feed criterion fields. |
EducationPlaceholderField |
Possible values for Education placeholder fields. |
ExperimentMetricDirection |
The type of experiment metric direction. |
ExperimentMetric |
The type of experiment metric. |
ExperimentStatus |
The status of the experiment. |
ExperimentType |
The type of the experiment. |
ExtensionSettingDevice |
Possible device types for an extension setting. |
ExtensionType |
Possible data types for an extension in an extension setting. |
ExternalConversionSource |
The external conversion source that is associated with a ConversionAction. |
FeedAttributeType |
Possible data types for a feed attribute. |
FeedItemQualityApprovalStatus |
The possible quality evaluation approval statuses of a feed item. |
FeedItemQualityDisapprovalReason |
The possible quality evaluation disapproval reasons of a feed item. |
FeedItemSetStatus |
Possible statuses of a feed item set. |
FeedItemSetStringFilterType |
describe the possible types for a FeedItemSetStringFilter. |
FeedItemStatus |
Possible statuses of a feed item. |
FeedItemTargetDevice |
Possible data types for a feed item target device. |
FeedItemTargetStatus |
Possible statuses of a feed item target. |
FeedItemTargetType |
Possible type of a feed item target. |
FeedItemValidationStatus |
The possible validation statuses of a feed item. |
FeedLinkStatus |
Possible statuses of a feed link. |
FeedMappingCriterionType |
Possible placeholder types for a feed mapping. |
FeedMappingStatus |
Possible statuses of a feed mapping. |
FeedOrigin |
Possible values for a feed origin. |
FeedStatus |
Possible statuses of a feed. |
FixedCpmGoal |
Enum describing the goal of the Fixed CPM bidding strategy. |
FixedCpmTargetFrequencyTimeUnit |
An enum describing the time window over which the bidding is optimized to meet the target frequency when using Fixed CPM bidding strategy. |
FlightPlaceholderField |
Possible values for Flight placeholder fields. |
FrequencyCapEventType |
The type of event that the cap applies to (for example, impression). |
FrequencyCapLevel |
The level on which the cap is to be applied (e.g ad group ad, ad group). Cap is applied to all the resources of this level. |
FrequencyCapTimeUnit |
Unit of time the cap is defined at (for example, day, week). |
GenderType |
The type of demographic genders (for example, female). |
GeoTargetConstantStatus |
The possible statuses of a geo target constant. |
GeoTargetingRestriction |
A restriction used to determine if the request context's geo should be matched. |
GeoTargetingType |
The possible geo targeting types. |
GoalConfigLevel |
The possible goal config levels. Campaigns automatically inherit the effective conversion account's customer goals unless they have been configured with their own set of campaign goals. |
GoogleAdsFieldCategory |
The category of the artifact. |
GoogleAdsFieldDataType |
These are the various types a GoogleAdsService artifact may take on. |
GoogleVoiceCallStatus |
Possible statuses of a google voice call. |
HotelAssetSuggestionStatus |
Possible statuses of a hotel asset suggestion. |
HotelDateSelectionType |
Enum describing possible hotel date selection types. |
HotelPlaceholderField |
Possible values for Hotel placeholder fields. |
HotelPriceBucket |
Enum describing possible hotel price buckets. |
HotelRateType |
Enum describing possible hotel rate types. |
HotelReconciliationStatus |
Status of the hotel booking reconciliation. |
IdentityVerificationProgram |
Type of identity verification program. |
IdentityVerificationProgramStatus |
Program status of identity verification. |
ImagePlaceholderField |
Possible values for Advertiser Provided Image placeholder fields. |
IncomeRangeType |
The type of demographic income ranges (for example, between 0% to 50%). |
InteractionEventType |
Enum describing possible types of payable and free interactions. |
InteractionType |
Enum describing possible interaction types. |
InvoiceType |
The possible type of invoices. |
JobPlaceholderField |
Possible values for Job placeholder fields. |
KeywordMatchType |
Possible Keyword match types. |
KeywordPlanAggregateMetricType |
Aggregate fields. |
KeywordPlanCompetitionLevel |
Competition level of a keyword. |
KeywordPlanConceptGroupType |
Enumerates keyword plan concept group types. |
KeywordPlanForecastInterval |
Forecast intervals. |
KeywordPlanKeywordAnnotation |
Enumerates keyword plan annotations that can be requested. |
KeywordPlanNetwork |
Enumerates keyword plan forecastable network types. |
LabelStatus |
Possible statuses of a label. |
LeadFormCallToActionType |
Enum describing the type of call-to-action phrases in a lead form. |
LeadFormDesiredIntent |
Enum describing the chosen level of intent of generated leads. |
LeadFormFieldUserInputType |
Enum describing the input type of a lead form field. |
LeadFormPostSubmitCallToActionType |
Enum describing the type of post-submit call-to-action phrases for a lead form. |
LegacyAppInstallAdAppStore |
App store type in a legacy app install ad. |
LinkedAccountType |
Describes the possible link types between a Google Ads customer and another account. |
LinkedProductType |
Describes the possible link types for a link between a Google Ads customer and another product. |
ListingGroupFilterCustomAttributeIndex |
The index of customer attributes. |
ListingGroupFilterListingSource |
The source of listings filtered by a listing group filter node. |
ListingGroupFilterProductCategoryLevel |
The level of the listing group filter product category. |
ListingGroupFilterProductChannel |
Enum describing the locality of a product offer. |
ListingGroupFilterProductCondition |
Enum describing the condition of a product offer. |
ListingGroupFilterProductTypeLevel |
Enum describing the level of the type of a product offer. |
ListingGroupFilterType |
The type of the listing group filter. |
ListingGroupType |
The type of the listing group. |
ListingType |
Possible listing types. |
LocalPlaceholderField |
Possible values for Local placeholder fields. |
LocalServicesBusinessRegistrationCheckRejectionReason |
Enums describing possible rejection reasons of a local services business registration check verification artifact. |
LocalServicesBusinessRegistrationType |
Enums describing possible registration types of a local services business registration check verification artifact. |
CreditState |
Possible credit states of a lead. |
LocalServicesEmployeeStatus |
Enums describing statuses of a local services employee. |
LocalServicesEmployeeType |
Enums describing types of a local services employee. |
LocalServicesInsuranceRejectionReason |
Enums describing possible rejection reasons of a local services insurance verification artifact. |
ConversationType |
Possible types of lead conversation. |
LeadStatus |
Possible statuses of lead. |
LeadType |
Possible types of lead. |
LocalServicesLicenseRejectionReason |
Enums describing possible rejection reasons of a local services license verification artifact. |
ParticipantType |
Possible types of lead conversation participant. |
LocalServicesVerificationArtifactStatus |
Enums describing statuses of a local services verification artifact. |
LocalServicesVerificationArtifactType |
Enums describing possible types of local services verification artifact. |
LocalServicesVerificationStatus |
Enum describing status of a particular Local Services Ads verification category. |
LocationExtensionTargetingCriterionField |
Possible values for Location Extension Targeting criterion fields. |
LocationGroupRadiusUnits |
The unit of radius distance in location group (for example, MILES) |
LocationOwnershipType |
Possible types of a location ownership. |
LocationPlaceholderField |
Possible values for Location placeholder fields. |
LocationSourceType |
The possible types of a location source. |
LocationStringFilterType |
Possible types of a location string filter. |
LookalikeExpansionLevel |
Expansion level, reflecting the size of the lookalike audience |
ManagerLinkStatus |
Possible statuses of a link. |
MatchingFunctionContextType |
Possible context types for an operand in a matching function. |
MatchingFunctionOperator |
Possible operators in a matching function. |
MediaType |
The type of media. |
MessagePlaceholderField |
Possible values for Message placeholder fields. |
MimeType |
The mime type |
MinuteOfHour |
Enumerates of quarter-hours. For example, "FIFTEEN" |
MobileAppVendor |
The type of mobile app vendor |
MobileDeviceType |
The type of mobile device. |
MonthOfYear |
Enumerates months of the year, for example, "January". |
NegativeGeoTargetType |
The possible negative geo target types. |
OfflineConversionDiagnosticStatus |
Possible statuses of the offline ingestion setup. |
OfflineEventUploadClient |
Type of client. |
OfflineUserDataJobFailureReason |
The failure reason of an offline user data job. |
OfflineUserDataJobMatchRateRange |
The match rate range of an offline user data job. |
OfflineUserDataJobStatus |
The status of an offline user data job. |
OfflineUserDataJobType |
The type of an offline user data job. |
OperatingSystemVersionOperatorType |
The type of operating system version. |
OptimizationGoalType |
The type of optimization goal |
ParentalStatusType |
The type of parental statuses (for example, not a parent). |
PaymentMode |
Enum describing possible payment modes. |
PerformanceMaxUpgradeStatus |
Performance Max Upgrade status enum for campaign. |
PlaceholderType |
Possible placeholder types for a feed mapping. |
PlacementType |
Possible placement types for a feed mapping. |
PolicyApprovalStatus |
The possible policy approval statuses. When there are several approval statuses available the most severe one will be used. The order of severity is DISAPPROVED, AREA_OF_INTEREST_ONLY, APPROVED_LIMITED and APPROVED. |
PolicyReviewStatus |
The possible policy review statuses. |
PolicyTopicEntryType |
The possible policy topic entry types. |
PolicyTopicEvidenceDestinationMismatchUrlType |
The possible policy topic evidence destination mismatch url types. |
PolicyTopicEvidenceDestinationNotWorkingDevice |
The possible policy topic evidence destination not working devices. |
PolicyTopicEvidenceDestinationNotWorkingDnsErrorType |
The possible policy topic evidence destination not working DNS error types. |
PositiveGeoTargetType |
The possible positive geo target types. |
PriceExtensionPriceQualifier |
Enums of price extension price qualifier. |
PriceExtensionPriceUnit |
Price extension price unit. |
PriceExtensionType |
Price extension type. |
PricePlaceholderField |
Possible values for Price placeholder fields. |
ProductAvailability |
Product availability. |
ProductCategoryLevel |
Enum describing the level of the product category. |
ProductCategoryState |
Enum describing the state of the product category. |
ProductChannel |
Enum describing the locality of a product offer. |
ProductChannelExclusivity |
Enum describing the availability of a product offer. |
ProductCondition |
Enum describing the condition of a product offer. |
ProductCustomAttributeIndex |
The index of the product custom attribute. |
ProductIssueSeverity |
Product issue severity. |
ProductLinkInvitationStatus |
Describes the possible statuses for an invitation between a Google Ads customer and another account. |
ProductStatus |
Enum describing the status of a product. |
ProductTypeLevel |
Enum describing the level of the type of a product offer. |
PromotionExtensionDiscountModifier |
A promotion extension discount modifier. |
PromotionExtensionOccasion |
A promotion extension occasion. |
PromotionPlaceholderField |
Possible values for Promotion placeholder fields. |
ProximityRadiusUnits |
The unit of radius distance in proximity (for example, MILES) |
QualityScoreBucket |
Enum listing the possible quality score buckets. |
ReachPlanAgeRange |
Possible plannable age range values. |
ReachPlanNetwork |
Possible plannable network values. |
ReachPlanSurface |
Surfaces available to target in reach forecasts. |
RealEstatePlaceholderField |
Possible values for Real Estate placeholder fields. |
RecommendationSubscriptionStatus |
Enum describing recommendation subscription statuses. |
RecommendationType |
Types of recommendations. |
ResourceChangeOperation |
The operation on the changed resource in change_event resource. |
ResourceLimitType |
Resource limit type. |
ResponseContentType |
Possible response content types. |
SearchEngineResultsPageType |
The type of the search engine results page. |
SearchTermMatchType |
Possible match types for a keyword triggering an ad, including variants. |
SearchTermTargetingStatus |
Indicates whether the search term is one of your targeted or excluded keywords. |
SeasonalityEventScope |
The possible scopes of a Seasonality Event. |
SeasonalityEventStatus |
The possible statuses of a Seasonality Event. |
ServedAssetFieldType |
The possible asset field types. |
SharedSetStatus |
Enum listing the possible shared set statuses. |
SharedSetType |
Enum listing the possible shared set types. |
Reason |
Issues that results in a shopping campaign targeting zero products. |
SimulationModificationMethod |
Enum describing the method by which a simulation modifies a field. |
SimulationType |
Enum describing the field a simulation modifies. |
SitelinkPlaceholderField |
Possible values for Sitelink placeholder fields. |
SkAdNetworkAdEventType |
Enumerates SkAdNetwork ad event types |
SkAdNetworkAttributionCredit |
Enumerates SkAdNetwork attribution credits. |
SkAdNetworkCoarseConversionValue |
Enumerates SkAdNetwork coarse conversion values |
SkAdNetworkSourceType |
Enumerates SkAdNetwork source types |
SkAdNetworkUserType |
Enumerates SkAdNetwork user types |
Slot |
Enumerates possible positions of the Ad. |
SmartCampaignNotEligibleReason |
Reasons for why a Smart campaign is not eligible to serve. |
SmartCampaignStatus |
Smart campaign statuses. |
SpendingLimitType |
The possible spending limit types used by certain resources as an alternative to absolute money values in micros. |
StructuredSnippetPlaceholderField |
Possible values for Structured Snippet placeholder fields. |
SummaryRowSetting |
Enum describing return summary row settings. |
SystemManagedResourceSource |
Enum listing the possible system managed entity sources. |
TargetCpaOptInRecommendationGoal |
Goal of TargetCpaOptIn recommendation. |
TargetFrequencyTimeUnit |
Enum describing time window over which we want to reach Target Frequency. |
TargetImpressionShareLocation |
Enum describing possible goals. |
TargetingDimension |
Enum describing possible targeting dimensions. |
TimeType |
The possible time types used by certain resources as an alternative to absolute timestamps. |
TrackingCodePageFormat |
The format of the web page where the tracking tag and snippet will be installed. |
TrackingCodeType |
The type of the generated tag snippets for tracking conversions. |
TravelPlaceholderField |
Possible values for Travel placeholder fields. |
UserIdentifierSource |
The type of user identifier source for offline Store Sales, click conversion, and conversion adjustment uploads. |
UserInterestTaxonomyType |
Enum containing the possible UserInterestTaxonomyTypes. |
UserListAccessStatus |
Enum containing possible user list access statuses. |
UserListClosingReason |
Enum describing possible user list closing reasons. |
UserListCrmDataSourceType |
Enum describing possible user list crm data source type. |
UserListCustomerTypeCategory |
Enum containing possible user list customer type categories. |
UserListDateRuleItemOperator |
Enum describing possible user list date rule item operators. |
UserListFlexibleRuleOperator |
Enum describing possible user list combined rule operators. |
UserListLogicalRuleOperator |
Enum describing possible user list logical rule operators. |
UserListMembershipStatus |
Enum containing possible user list membership statuses. |
UserListNumberRuleItemOperator |
Enum describing possible user list number rule item operators. |
UserListPrepopulationStatus |
Enum describing possible user list prepopulation status. |
UserListRuleType |
Enum describing possible user list rule types. |
UserListSizeRange |
Enum containing possible user list size ranges. |
UserListStringRuleItemOperator |
Enum describing possible user list string rule item operators. |
UserListType |
Enum containing possible user list types. |
ValueRuleDeviceType |
Possible device types used in conversion value rule. |
ValueRuleGeoLocationMatchType |
Possible geographic location matching types. |
ValueRuleOperation |
Possible operations of the action of a conversion value rule. |
ValueRuleSetAttachmentType |
Possible level where a value rule set is attached. |
ValueRuleSetDimension |
Possible dimensions of a conversion value rule set. |
VanityPharmaDisplayUrlMode |
Enum describing possible display modes for vanity pharma URLs. |
VanityPharmaText |
Enum describing possible text. |
VideoThumbnail |
Enum listing the possible types of a video thumbnail. |
WebpageConditionOperand |
The webpage condition operand in webpage criterion. |
WebpageConditionOperator |
The webpage condition operator in webpage criterion. |
errors |
AccessInvitationError |
Enum describing possible AccessInvitation errors. |
AccountBudgetProposalError |
Enum describing possible account budget proposal errors. |
AccountLinkError |
Enum describing possible account link errors. |
AdCustomizerError |
Enum describing possible ad customizer errors. |
AdError |
Enum describing possible ad errors. |
AdGroupAdError |
Enum describing possible ad group ad errors. |
AdGroupBidModifierError |
Enum describing possible ad group bid modifier errors. |
AdGroupCriterionCustomizerError |
Enum describing possible ad group criterion customizer errors. |
AdGroupCriterionError |
Enum describing possible ad group criterion errors. |
AdGroupCustomizerError |
Enum describing possible ad group customizer errors. |
AdGroupError |
Enum describing possible ad group errors. |
AdGroupFeedError |
Enum describing possible ad group feed errors. |
AdParameterError |
Enum describing possible ad parameter errors. |
AdSharingError |
Enum describing possible ad sharing errors. |
AdxError |
Enum describing possible adx errors. |
AssetError |
Enum describing possible asset errors. |
AssetGroupAssetError |
Enum describing possible asset group asset errors. |
AssetGroupError |
Enum describing possible asset group errors. |
AssetGroupListingGroupFilterError |
Enum describing possible asset group listing group filter errors. |
AssetGroupSignalError |
Enum describing possible asset group signal errors. |
AssetLinkError |
Enum describing possible asset link errors. |
AssetSetAssetError |
Enum describing possible asset set asset errors. |
AssetSetError |
Enum describing possible asset set errors. |
AssetSetLinkError |
Enum describing possible asset set link errors. |
AudienceError |
Enum describing possible audience errors. |
AudienceInsightsError |
Enum describing possible errors from AudienceInsightsService. |
AuthenticationError |
Enum describing possible authentication errors. |
AuthorizationError |
Enum describing possible authorization errors. |
AutomaticallyCreatedAssetRemovalError |
Enum describing possible automatically created asset removal errors. |
BatchJobError |
Enum describing possible request errors. |
BiddingError |
Enum describing possible bidding errors. |
BiddingStrategyError |
Enum describing possible bidding strategy errors. |
BillingSetupError |
Enum describing possible billing setup errors. |
CampaignBudgetError |
Enum describing possible campaign budget errors. |
CampaignConversionGoalError |
Enum describing possible campaign conversion goal errors. |
CampaignCriterionError |
Enum describing possible campaign criterion errors. |
CampaignCustomizerError |
Enum describing possible campaign customizer errors. |
CampaignDraftError |
Enum describing possible campaign draft errors. |
CampaignError |
Enum describing possible campaign errors. |
CampaignExperimentError |
Enum describing possible campaign experiment errors. |
CampaignFeedError |
Enum describing possible campaign feed errors. |
CampaignLifecycleGoalError |
Enum describing possible campaign lifecycle goal errors. |
CampaignSharedSetError |
Enum describing possible campaign shared set errors. |
ChangeEventError |
Enum describing possible change event errors. |
ChangeStatusError |
Enum describing possible change status errors. |
CollectionSizeError |
Enum describing possible collection size errors. |
ContextError |
Enum describing possible context errors. |
ConversionActionError |
Enum describing possible conversion action errors. |
ConversionAdjustmentUploadError |
Enum describing possible conversion adjustment upload errors. |
ConversionCustomVariableError |
Enum describing possible conversion custom variable errors. |
ConversionGoalCampaignConfigError |
Enum describing possible conversion goal campaign config errors. |
ConversionUploadError |
Enum describing possible conversion upload errors. |
ConversionValueRuleError |
Enum describing possible conversion value rule errors. |
ConversionValueRuleSetError |
Enum describing possible conversion value rule set errors. |
CountryCodeError |
Enum describing country code errors. |
CriterionError |
Enum describing possible criterion errors. |
CurrencyCodeError |
Enum describing possible currency code errors. |
CurrencyError |
Enum describing possible currency errors. |
CustomAudienceError |
Enum describing possible custom audience errors. |
CustomConversionGoalError |
Enum describing possible custom conversion goal errors. |
CustomInterestError |
Enum describing possible custom interest errors. |
CustomerClientLinkError |
Enum describing possible CustomerClientLink errors. |
CustomerCustomizerError |
Enum describing possible customer customizer errors. |
CustomerError |
Set of errors that are related to requests dealing with Customer. |
CustomerFeedError |
Enum describing possible customer feed errors. |
CustomerLifecycleGoalError |
Enum describing possible customer lifecycle goal errors. |
CustomerManagerLinkError |
Enum describing possible CustomerManagerLink errors. |
CustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchemaError |
Enum describing possible CustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema errors. |
CustomerUserAccessError |
Enum describing possible customer user access errors. |
CustomizerAttributeError |
Enum describing possible customizer attribute errors. |
DatabaseError |
Enum describing possible database errors. |
DateError |
Enum describing possible date errors. |
DateRangeError |
Enum describing possible date range errors. |
DistinctError |
Enum describing possible distinct errors. |
EnumError |
Enum describing possible enum errors. |
ErrorCode |
The error reason represented by type and enum. |
ErrorDetails |
Additional error details. |
ErrorLocation |
Describes the part of the request proto that caused the error. |
ErrorLocation.FieldPathElement |
A part of a field path. |
ExperimentArmError |
Enum describing possible experiment arm errors. |
ExperimentError |
Enum describing possible experiment errors. |
ExtensionFeedItemError |
Enum describing possible extension feed item errors. |
ExtensionSettingError |
Enum describing possible extension setting errors. |
FeedAttributeReferenceError |
Enum describing possible feed attribute reference errors. |
FeedError |
Enum describing possible feed errors. |
FeedItemError |
Enum describing possible feed item errors. |
FeedItemSetError |
Enum describing possible feed item set errors. |
FeedItemSetLinkError |
Enum describing possible feed item set link errors. |
FeedItemTargetError |
Enum describing possible feed item target errors. |
FeedItemValidationError |
The possible validation errors of a feed item. |
FeedMappingError |
Enum describing possible feed item errors. |
FieldError |
Enum describing possible field errors. |
FieldMaskError |
Enum describing possible field mask errors. |
FunctionError |
Enum describing possible function errors. |
FunctionParsingError |
Enum describing possible function parsing errors. |
GeoTargetConstantSuggestionError |
Enum describing possible geo target constant suggestion errors. |
GoogleAdsError |
GoogleAds-specific error. |
GoogleAdsFailure |
Describes how a GoogleAds API call failed. It's returned inside google.rpc.Status.details when a call fails. |
HeaderError |
Enum describing possible header errors. |
IdError |
Enum describing possible ID errors. |
IdentityVerificationError |
Enum describing possible identity verification errors. |
ImageError |
Enum describing possible image errors. |
InternalError |
Enum describing possible internal errors. |
InvoiceError |
Enum describing possible invoice errors. |
KeywordPlanAdGroupError |
Enum describing possible errors from applying a keyword plan ad group. |
KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordError |
Enum describing possible errors from applying a keyword plan ad group keyword or keyword plan campaign keyword. |
KeywordPlanCampaignError |
Enum describing possible errors from applying a keyword plan campaign. |
KeywordPlanCampaignKeywordError |
Enum describing possible errors from applying a keyword plan campaign keyword. |
KeywordPlanError |
Enum describing possible errors from applying a keyword plan. |
KeywordPlanIdeaError |
Enum describing possible errors from KeywordPlanIdeaService. |
LabelError |
Enum describing possible label errors. |
LanguageCodeError |
Enum describing language code errors. |
ListOperationError |
Enum describing possible list operation errors. |
ManagerLinkError |
Enum describing possible ManagerLink errors. |
MediaBundleError |
Enum describing possible media bundle errors. |
MediaFileError |
Enum describing possible media file errors. |
MediaUploadError |
Enum describing possible media uploading errors. |
MerchantCenterError |
Enum describing Merchant Center errors. |
MultiplierError |
Enum describing possible multiplier errors. |
MutateError |
Enum describing possible mutate errors. |
NewResourceCreationError |
Enum describing possible new resource creation errors. |
NotAllowlistedError |
Enum describing possible not allowlisted errors. |
NotEmptyError |
Enum describing possible not empty errors. |
NullError |
Enum describing possible null errors. |
OfflineUserDataJobError |
Enum describing possible request errors. |
OperationAccessDeniedError |
Enum describing possible operation access denied errors. |
OperatorError |
Enum describing possible operator errors. |
PartialFailureError |
Enum describing possible partial failure errors. |
PaymentsAccountError |
Enum describing possible errors in payments account service. |
PolicyFindingDetails |
Error returned as part of a mutate response. This error indicates one or more policy findings in the fields of a resource. |
PolicyFindingError |
Enum describing possible policy finding errors. |
PolicyValidationParameterError |
Enum describing possible policy validation parameter errors. |
PolicyViolationDetails |
Error returned as part of a mutate response. This error indicates single policy violation by some text in one of the fields. |
PolicyViolationError |
Enum describing possible policy violation errors. |
ProductLinkError |
Enum describing possible ProductLink errors. |
ProductLinkInvitationError |
Enum describing possible product link invitation errors. |
QueryError |
Enum describing possible query errors. |
QuotaErrorDetails |
Additional quota error details when there is QuotaError. |
QuotaErrorDetails.QuotaRateScope |
Enum of possible scopes that quota buckets belong to. |
QuotaError |
Enum describing possible quota errors. |
RangeError |
Enum describing possible range errors. |
ReachPlanError |
Enum describing possible errors from ReachPlanService. |
RecommendationError |
Enum describing possible errors from applying a recommendation. |
RecommendationSubscriptionError |
Enum describing possible recommendation subscription errors. |
RegionCodeError |
Enum describing possible region code errors. |
RequestError |
Enum describing possible request errors. |
ResourceAccessDeniedError |
Enum describing possible resource access denied errors. |
ResourceCountDetails |
Error details returned when an resource count limit was exceeded. |
ResourceCountLimitExceededError |
Enum describing possible resource count limit exceeded errors. |
SearchTermInsightError |
Enum describing possible search term insight errors. |
SettingError |
Enum describing possible setting errors. |
ShareablePreviewError |
Enum describing possible shareable preview errors. |
SharedCriterionError |
Enum describing possible shared criterion errors. |
SharedSetError |
Enum describing possible shared set errors. |
ShoppingProductError |
Enum describing possible errors querying shopping product. |
SizeLimitError |
Enum describing possible size limit errors. |
SmartCampaignError |
Enum describing possible Smart campaign errors. |
StringFormatError |
Enum describing possible string format errors. |
StringLengthError |
Enum describing possible string length errors. |
ThirdPartyAppAnalyticsLinkError |
Enum describing possible third party app analytics link errors. |
TimeZoneError |
Enum describing possible currency code errors. |
UrlFieldError |
Enum describing possible url field errors. |
UserDataError |
Enum describing possible request errors. |
UserListCustomerTypeError |
Enum describing possible user list customer type errors. |
UserListError |
Enum describing possible user list errors. |
VideoCampaignError |
Enum describing possible video campaign errors. |
YoutubeVideoRegistrationError |
Enum describing YouTube video registration errors. |
misc |
AccountBudgetProposalOperation |
A single operation to propose the creation of a new account-level budget or edit/end/remove an existing one. |
AccountLinkOperation |
A single update on an account link. |
AdGroupAdLabelOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on an ad group ad label. |
AdGroupAdOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on an ad group ad. |
AdGroupAssetOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on an ad group asset. |
AdGroupAssetSetOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on an ad group asset set. |
AdGroupBidModifierOperation |
A single operation (create, remove, update) on an ad group bid modifier. |
AdGroupCriterionCustomizerOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on a customizer attribute. |
AdGroupCriterionLabelOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on an ad group criterion label. |
AdGroupCriterionOperation |
A single operation (create, remove, update) on an ad group criterion. |
AdGroupCustomizerOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on a customizer attribute. |
AdGroupExtensionSettingOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on an ad group extension setting. |
AdGroupFeedOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on an ad group feed. |
AdGroupKeywordSuggestion |
The suggested text and AdGroup/Campaign pairing for a given keyword. |
AdGroupLabelOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on an ad group label. |
AdGroupOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on an ad group. |
AdOperation |
A single update operation on an ad. |
AdParameterOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on ad parameter. |
AddBatchJobOperationsRequest |
Request message for |
AddBatchJobOperationsResponse |
Response message for |
AddOfflineUserDataJobOperationsRequest |
Request message for |
AddOfflineUserDataJobOperationsResponse |
Response message for |
AdvancedProductTargeting |
Advanced targeting settings for products. |
AppendLeadConversationRequest |
Request message for |
AppendLeadConversationResponse |
Response message for |
ApplyRecommendationOperation |
Information about the operation to apply a recommendation and any parameters to customize it. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.AdAssetApplyParameters |
Common parameters used when applying ad asset recommendations. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.AdAssetApplyParameters.ApplyScope |
Scope to apply the assets to. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.CallAssetParameters |
Parameters to use when applying call asset recommendations. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.CallExtensionParameters |
Parameters to use when applying call extension recommendation. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.CalloutAssetParameters |
Parameters to use when applying callout asset recommendations. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.CalloutExtensionParameters |
Parameters to use when applying callout extension recommendation. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.CampaignBudgetParameters |
Parameters to use when applying a campaign budget recommendation. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.ForecastingSetTargetCpaParameters |
Parameters to use when applying a set target CPA recommendation. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.ForecastingSetTargetRoasParameters |
Parameters to use when applying a forecasting set target roas recommendation. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.KeywordParameters |
Parameters to use when applying keyword recommendation. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.LeadFormAssetParameters |
Parameters to use when applying a lead form asset recommendation. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.LowerTargetRoasParameters |
Parameters to use when applying lower Target ROAS recommendations. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.MoveUnusedBudgetParameters |
Parameters to use when applying move unused budget recommendation. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.RaiseTargetCpaBidTooLowParameters |
Parameters to use when applying a raise target CPA bid too low recommendation. The apply is asynchronous and can take minutes depending on the number of ad groups there is in the related campaign.. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.RaiseTargetCpaParameters |
Parameters to use when applying raise Target CPA recommendations. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.ResponsiveSearchAdAssetParameters |
Parameters to use when applying a responsive search ad asset recommendation. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.ResponsiveSearchAdImproveAdStrengthParameters |
Parameters to use when applying a responsive search ad improve ad strength recommendation. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.ResponsiveSearchAdParameters |
Parameters to use when applying a responsive search ad recommendation. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.SitelinkAssetParameters |
Parameters to use when applying sitelink asset recommendations. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.SitelinkExtensionParameters |
Parameters to use when applying sitelink recommendation. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.TargetCpaOptInParameters |
Parameters to use when applying Target CPA recommendation. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.TargetRoasOptInParameters |
Parameters to use when applying a Target ROAS opt-in recommendation. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.TextAdParameters |
Parameters to use when applying a text ad recommendation. |
ApplyRecommendationOperation.UseBroadMatchKeywordParameters |
Parameters to use when applying a use broad match keyword recommendation. |
ApplyRecommendationRequest |
Request message for |
ApplyRecommendationResponse |
Response message for |
ApplyRecommendationResult |
The result of applying a recommendation. |
AssetGroupAssetOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on an asset group asset. |
AssetGroupIdentifier |
Asset group of the shareable preview. |
AssetGroupListingGroupFilterOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on an asset group listing group filter. |
AssetGroupOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on an asset group. |
AssetGroupSignalOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on an asset group signal. |
AssetOperation |
A single operation to create an asset. Supported asset types are YoutubeVideoAsset, MediaBundleAsset, ImageAsset, LeadFormAsset, LocationAsset, and ImageAsset. TextAsset can be created with an Ad inline, but it can also be created apart from an Ad like other assets. |
AssetSetAssetOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on an asset set asset. |
AssetSetOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on an asset set. |
AssetsWithFieldType |
The combination of system asset and field type to remove. |
AudienceCompositionAttribute |
An audience attribute with metadata and metrics. |
AudienceCompositionAttributeCluster |
A collection of related attributes, with metadata and metrics, in an audience composition insights report. |
AudienceCompositionMetrics |
The share and index metrics associated with an attribute in an audience composition insights report. |
AudienceCompositionSection |
A collection of related attributes of the same type in an audience composition insights report. |
AudienceInsightsAttribute |
An audience attribute that can be used to request insights about the audience. |
AudienceInsightsAttributeMetadata |
An audience attribute, with metadata about it, returned in response to a search. |
AudienceInsightsCategory |
A Product and Service category. |
AudienceInsightsDynamicLineup |
A YouTube Dynamic Lineup. |
AudienceInsightsEntity |
A Knowledge Graph entity, represented by its machine id. |
AudienceInsightsTopic |
An entity or category representing a topic that defines an audience. |
AudienceOperation |
A single operation (create, update) on an audience. |
AudienceOverlapItem |
An audience attribute, with metadata including the overlap between this attribute's potential YouTube reach and that of a primary attribute. |
AudienceTargeting |
Audience targeting for reach forecast. |
BasicInsightsAudience |
A description of an audience used for requesting insights. |
BatchJobOperation |
A single operation on a batch job. |
BatchJobResult |
An individual batch job result. |
BiddableKeyword |
A biddable keyword part of an ad group. |
BiddingDataExclusionOperation |
A single operation (create, remove, update) on a data exclusion. |
BiddingSeasonalityAdjustmentOperation |
A single operation (create, remove, update) on a seasonality adjustment. |
BiddingStrategyOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a bidding strategy. |
BillingSetupOperation |
A single operation on a billing setup, which describes the cancellation of an existing billing setup. |
BrandSuggestion |
Information of brand suggestion. |
CallConversion |
A call conversion. |
CallConversionResult |
Identifying information for a successfully processed CallConversionUpload. |
CampaignAssetOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a campaign asset. |
CampaignAssetSetOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on a campaign asset set. |
CampaignBidModifierOperation |
A single operation (create, remove, update) on a campaign bid modifier. |
CampaignBudgetMapping |
The mapping of experiment campaign and budget to be graduated. |
CampaignBudgetOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a campaign budget. |
CampaignConversionGoalOperation |
A single operation (update) on a campaign conversion goal. |
CampaignCriterionOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a campaign criterion. |
CampaignCustomizerOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on a customizer attribute. |
CampaignDraftOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a campaign draft. |
CampaignDuration |
The duration of a planned campaign. |
CampaignExtensionSettingOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a campaign extension setting. |
CampaignFeedOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a campaign feed. |
CampaignGroupOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a campaign group. |
CampaignLabelOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on a campaign-label relationship. |
CampaignLifecycleGoalOperation |
A single operation on a campaign lifecycle goal. |
CampaignOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a campaign. |
CampaignSharedSetOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on a campaign shared set. |
CampaignToForecast |
A campaign to do a keyword campaign forecast. |
CampaignToForecast.CampaignBiddingStrategy |
Supported bidding strategies for new campaign forecasts. |
CartData |
Contains additional information about cart data. |
CartData.Item |
Contains data of the items purchased. |
ClickConversion |
A click conversion. |
ClickConversionResult |
Identifying information for a successfully processed ClickConversion. |
ConfigureCampaignLifecycleGoalsRequest |
Request message for [CampaignLifecycleGoalService.configureCampaignLifecycleGoals][]. |
ConfigureCampaignLifecycleGoalsResponse |
Response message for [CampaignLifecycleGoalService.configureCampaignLifecycleGoals][]. |
ConfigureCampaignLifecycleGoalsResult |
The result for the campaign lifecycle goal configuration. |
ConfigureCustomerLifecycleGoalsRequest |
Request message for [CustomerLifecycleGoalService.configureCustomerLifecycleGoals][]. |
ConfigureCustomerLifecycleGoalsResponse |
Response message for [CustomerLifecycleGoalService.configureCustomerLifecycleGoals][]. |
ConfigureCustomerLifecycleGoalsResult |
The result for the customer lifecycle goal configuration. |
Conversation |
Details of the conversation that needs to be appended. |
ConversationOrError |
Result of the append conversation operation. |
ConversionActionOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a conversion action. |
ConversionAdjustment |
A conversion adjustment. |
ConversionAdjustmentResult |
Information identifying a successfully processed ConversionAdjustment. |
ConversionCustomVariableOperation |
A single operation (create, update) on a conversion custom variable. |
ConversionGoalCampaignConfigOperation |
A single operation (update) on a conversion goal campaign config. |
ConversionValueRuleOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a conversion value rule. |
ConversionValueRuleSetOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a conversion value rule set. |
CreateAccountLinkRequest |
Request message for |
CreateAccountLinkResponse |
Response message for |
CreateCustomerClientRequest |
Request message for |
CreateCustomerClientResponse |
Response message for CreateCustomerClient mutate. |
CreateOfflineUserDataJobRequest |
Request message for |
CreateOfflineUserDataJobResponse |
Response message for |
CreateProductLinkInvitationRequest |
Request message for |
CreateProductLinkInvitationResponse |
Response message for product link invitation create. |
CreateProductLinkRequest |
Request message for |
CreateProductLinkResponse |
Response message for |
CriterionBidModifier |
Location Criterion bid modifier. |
CustomAudienceOperation |
A single operation (create, update) on a custom audience. |
CustomConversionGoalOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on a custom conversion goal. |
CustomInterestOperation |
A single operation (create, update) on a custom interest. |
CustomVariable |
A custom variable. |
CustomerAssetOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a customer asset. |
CustomerAssetSetOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on a customer asset set. |
CustomerClientLinkOperation |
A single operation (create, update) on a CustomerClientLink. |
CustomerConversionGoalOperation |
A single operation (update) on a customer conversion goal. |
CustomerCustomizerOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on a customizer attribute. |
CustomerExtensionSettingOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a customer extension setting. |
CustomerFeedOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a customer feed. |
CustomerLabelOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on a customer-label relationship. |
CustomerLifecycleGoalOperation |
A single operation on a customer lifecycle goal. |
CustomerManagerLinkOperation |
Updates the status of a CustomerManagerLink. The following actions are possible: 1. Update operation with status ACTIVE accepts a pending invitation. 2. Update operation with status REFUSED declines a pending invitation. 3. Update operation with status INACTIVE terminates link to manager. |
CustomerNegativeCriterionOperation |
A single operation (create or remove) on a customer level negative criterion. |
CustomerOperation |
A single update on a customer. |
CustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchemaOperation |
A single update operation for a CustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema. |
CustomerUserAccessInvitationOperation |
A single operation (create or remove) on customer user access invitation. |
CustomerUserAccessOperation |
A single operation (update, remove) on customer user access. |
CustomizerAttributeOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on a customizer attribute. |
DimensionOverlapResult |
A list of audience attributes of a single dimension, including their overlap with a primary attribute, returned as part of a |
DismissRecommendationRequest |
Request message for |
DismissRecommendationRequest.DismissRecommendationOperation |
Operation to dismiss a single recommendation identified by resource_name. |
DismissRecommendationResponse |
Response message for |
DismissRecommendationResponse.DismissRecommendationResult |
The result of dismissing a recommendation. |
DynamicLineupAttributeMetadata |
Metadata associated with a Dynamic Lineup attribute. |
DynamicLineupAttributeMetadata.SampleChannel |
A YouTube channel returned as an example of the content in a lineup. |
EffectiveFrequencyBreakdown |
A breakdown of the number of unique people reached at a given effective frequency. |
EffectiveFrequencyLimit |
Effective frequency limit. |
EndExperimentRequest |
Request message for |
ExperimentArmOperation |
A single operation on an experiment arm. |
ExperimentOperation |
A single operation on an experiment. |
ExtensionFeedItemOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on an extension feed item. |
ExternalAttributionData |
Contains additional information about externally attributed conversions. |
FeedItemOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on an feed item. |
FeedItemSetLinkOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a feed item set link. |
FeedItemSetOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on an feed item set. |
FeedItemTargetOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on an feed item target. |
FeedMappingOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on a feed mapping. |
FeedOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on an feed. |
Forecast |
Forecasted traffic metrics for the planned products and targeting. |
ForecastAdGroup |
An ad group that is part of a campaign to be forecasted. |
ForecastMetricOptions |
Controls forecast metrics to return. |
FrequencyCap |
A rule specifying the maximum number of times an ad can be shown to a user over a particular time period. |
GclidDateTimePair |
Uniquely identifies a conversion that was reported without an order ID specified. |
GenerateAdGroupThemesRequest |
Request message for |
GenerateAdGroupThemesResponse |
Response message for |
GenerateAudienceCompositionInsightsRequest |
Request message for |
GenerateAudienceCompositionInsightsResponse |
Response message for |
GenerateAudienceOverlapInsightsRequest |
Request message for |
GenerateAudienceOverlapInsightsResponse |
Response message for |
GenerateInsightsFinderReportRequest |
Request message for |
GenerateInsightsFinderReportResponse |
The response message for |
GenerateKeywordForecastMetricsRequest |
Request message for [KeywordPlanIdeaService.GenerateKeywordForecastMetrics]. |
GenerateKeywordForecastMetricsResponse |
Response message for [KeywordPlanIdeaService.GenerateKeywordForecastMetrics]. |
GenerateKeywordHistoricalMetricsRequest |
Request message for |
GenerateKeywordHistoricalMetricsResponse |
Response message for |
GenerateKeywordHistoricalMetricsResult |
The result of generating keyword historical metrics. |
GenerateKeywordIdeaResponse |
Response message for |
GenerateKeywordIdeaResult |
The result of generating keyword ideas. |
GenerateKeywordIdeasRequest |
Request message for |
GenerateReachForecastRequest |
Request message for |
GenerateReachForecastResponse |
Response message containing the generated reach curve. |
GenerateRecommendationsRequest |
Request message for |
GenerateRecommendationsRequest.AdGroupInfo |
Current AdGroup Information of the campaign. |
GenerateRecommendationsRequest.BiddingInfo |
Current bidding information of the campaign. Provides a wrapper for bidding-related signals that inform recommendations. |
GenerateRecommendationsRequest.SeedInfo |
A keyword seed and a specific url to generate keywords from. |
GenerateRecommendationsResponse |
Response message for |
GenerateShareablePreviewsRequest |
Request message for |
GenerateShareablePreviewsResponse |
Response message for |
GenerateSuggestedTargetingInsightsRequest |
Request message for |
GenerateSuggestedTargetingInsightsResponse |
Response message for |
GeoTargetConstantSuggestion |
A geo target constant suggestion. |
GetGoogleAdsFieldRequest |
Request message for |
GetIdentityVerificationRequest |
Request message for [IdentityVerificationService.GetIdentityVerification]. |
GetIdentityVerificationResponse |
Response message for [IdentityVerificationService.GetIdentityVerification]. |
GetSmartCampaignStatusRequest |
Request message for |
GetSmartCampaignStatusResponse |
Response message for |
GoogleAdsRow |
A returned row from the query. |
GraduateExperimentRequest |
Request message for |
HotelAssetSuggestion |
Message containing the asset suggestions for a hotel. |
HotelImageAsset |
A single image asset suggestion for a hotel. |
HotelTextAsset |
A single text asset suggestion for a hotel. |
IdentityVerification |
An identity verification for a customer. |
IdentityVerificationProgress |
Information regarding the verification progress for a verification program type. |
IdentityVerificationRequirement |
Information regarding the verification requirement for a verification program type. |
InsightsAudience |
A set of users, defined by various characteristics, for which insights can be requested in AudienceInsightsService. |
InsightsAudienceAttributeGroup |
A list of AudienceInsightsAttributes. |
KeywordAndUrlSeed |
Keyword And Url Seed |
KeywordForecastMetrics |
The forecast metrics for the planless keyword campaign. |
KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a Keyword Plan ad group keyword. |
KeywordPlanAdGroupOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a Keyword Plan ad group. |
KeywordPlanCampaignKeywordOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a Keyword Plan campaign keyword. |
KeywordPlanCampaignOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a Keyword Plan campaign. |
KeywordPlanOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a keyword plan. |
KeywordSeed |
Keyword Seed |
LabelOperation |
A single operation (create, remove, update) on a label. |
ListAccessibleCustomersRequest |
Request message for |
ListAccessibleCustomersResponse |
Response message for |
ListAudienceInsightsAttributesRequest |
Request message for |
ListAudienceInsightsAttributesResponse |
Response message for |
ListBatchJobResultsRequest |
Request message for |
ListBatchJobResultsResponse |
Response message for |
ListCampaignDraftAsyncErrorsRequest |
Request message for |
ListCampaignDraftAsyncErrorsResponse |
Response message for |
ListExperimentAsyncErrorsRequest |
Request message for |
ListExperimentAsyncErrorsResponse |
Response message for |
ListInsightsEligibleDatesRequest |
Request message for |
ListInsightsEligibleDatesResponse |
Response message for |
ListInvoicesRequest |
Request message for fetching the invoices of a given billing setup that were issued during a given month. |
ListInvoicesResponse |
Response message for |
ListPaymentsAccountsRequest |
Request message for fetching all accessible payments accounts. |
ListPaymentsAccountsResponse |
Response message for |
ListPlannableLocationsRequest |
Request message for |
ListPlannableLocationsResponse |
The list of plannable locations. |
ListPlannableProductsRequest |
Request to list available products in a given location. |
ListPlannableProductsResponse |
A response with all available products. |
LocationAttributeMetadata |
Metadata associated with a Location attribute. |
ManualCpcBiddingStrategy |
Manual CPC Bidding Strategy. |
MaximizeClicksBiddingStrategy |
Maximize Clicks Bidding Strategy. |
MaximizeConversionsBiddingStrategy |
Maximize Conversions Bidding Strategy. |
MoveManagerLinkRequest |
Request message for |
MoveManagerLinkResponse |
Response message for a CustomerManagerLink moveManagerLink. |
MutateAccountBudgetProposalRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAccountBudgetProposalResponse |
Response message for account-level budget mutate operations. |
MutateAccountBudgetProposalResult |
The result for the account budget proposal mutate. |
MutateAccountLinkRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAccountLinkResponse |
Response message for account link mutate. |
MutateAccountLinkResult |
The result for the account link mutate. |
MutateAdGroupAdLabelResult |
The result for an ad group ad label mutate. |
MutateAdGroupAdLabelsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAdGroupAdLabelsResponse |
Response message for an ad group ad labels mutate. |
MutateAdGroupAdResult |
The result for the ad mutate. |
MutateAdGroupAdsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAdGroupAdsResponse |
Response message for an ad group ad mutate. |
MutateAdGroupAssetResult |
The result for the ad group asset mutate. |
MutateAdGroupAssetSetResult |
The result for the ad group asset set mutate. |
MutateAdGroupAssetSetsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAdGroupAssetSetsResponse |
Response message for an ad group asset set mutate. |
MutateAdGroupAssetsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAdGroupAssetsResponse |
Response message for an ad group asset mutate. |
MutateAdGroupBidModifierResult |
The result for the criterion mutate. |
MutateAdGroupBidModifiersRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAdGroupBidModifiersResponse |
Response message for ad group bid modifiers mutate. |
MutateAdGroupCriteriaRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAdGroupCriteriaResponse |
Response message for an ad group criterion mutate. |
MutateAdGroupCriterionCustomizerResult |
The result for the ad group criterion customizer mutate. |
MutateAdGroupCriterionCustomizersRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAdGroupCriterionCustomizersResponse |
Response message for an ad group criterion customizer mutate. |
MutateAdGroupCriterionLabelResult |
The result for an ad group criterion label mutate. |
MutateAdGroupCriterionLabelsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAdGroupCriterionLabelsResponse |
Response message for an ad group criterion labels mutate. |
MutateAdGroupCriterionResult |
The result for the criterion mutate. |
MutateAdGroupCustomizerResult |
The result for the ad group customizer mutate. |
MutateAdGroupCustomizersRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAdGroupCustomizersResponse |
Response message for an ad group customizer mutate. |
MutateAdGroupExtensionSettingResult |
The result for the ad group extension setting mutate. |
MutateAdGroupExtensionSettingsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAdGroupExtensionSettingsResponse |
Response message for an ad group extension setting mutate. |
MutateAdGroupFeedResult |
The result for the ad group feed mutate. |
MutateAdGroupFeedsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAdGroupFeedsResponse |
Response message for an ad group feed mutate. |
MutateAdGroupLabelResult |
The result for an ad group label mutate. |
MutateAdGroupLabelsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAdGroupLabelsResponse |
Response message for an ad group labels mutate. |
MutateAdGroupResult |
The result for the ad group mutate. |
MutateAdGroupsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAdGroupsResponse |
Response message for an ad group mutate. |
MutateAdParameterResult |
The result for the ad parameter mutate. |
MutateAdParametersRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAdParametersResponse |
Response message for an ad parameter mutate. |
MutateAdResult |
The result for the ad mutate. |
MutateAdsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAdsResponse |
Response message for an ad mutate. |
MutateAssetGroupAssetResult |
The result for the asset group asset mutate. |
MutateAssetGroupAssetsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAssetGroupAssetsResponse |
Response message for an asset group asset mutate. |
MutateAssetGroupListingGroupFilterResult |
The result for the asset group listing group filter mutate. |
MutateAssetGroupListingGroupFiltersRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAssetGroupListingGroupFiltersResponse |
Response message for an asset group listing group filter mutate. |
MutateAssetGroupResult |
The result for the asset group mutate. |
MutateAssetGroupSignalResult |
The result for the asset group signal mutate. |
MutateAssetGroupSignalsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAssetGroupSignalsResponse |
Response message for an asset group signal mutate. |
MutateAssetGroupsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAssetGroupsResponse |
Response message for an asset group mutate. |
MutateAssetResult |
The result for the asset mutate. |
MutateAssetSetAssetResult |
The result for the asset set asset mutate. |
MutateAssetSetAssetsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAssetSetAssetsResponse |
Response message for an asset set asset mutate. |
MutateAssetSetResult |
The result for the asset set mutate. |
MutateAssetSetsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAssetSetsResponse |
Response message for an asset set mutate. |
MutateAssetsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAssetsResponse |
Response message for an asset mutate. |
MutateAudienceResult |
The result for the audience mutate. |
MutateAudiencesRequest |
Request message for |
MutateAudiencesResponse |
Response message for an audience mutate. |
MutateBatchJobRequest |
Request message for |
MutateBatchJobResponse |
Response message for |
MutateBatchJobResult |
The result for the batch job mutate. |
MutateBiddingDataExclusionsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateBiddingDataExclusionsResponse |
Response message for data exlusions mutate. |
MutateBiddingDataExclusionsResult |
The result for the data exclusion mutate. |
MutateBiddingSeasonalityAdjustmentsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateBiddingSeasonalityAdjustmentsResponse |
Response message for seasonality adjustments mutate. |
MutateBiddingSeasonalityAdjustmentsResult |
The result for the seasonality adjustment mutate. |
MutateBiddingStrategiesRequest |
Request message for |
MutateBiddingStrategiesResponse |
Response message for bidding strategy mutate. |
MutateBiddingStrategyResult |
The result for the bidding strategy mutate. |
MutateBillingSetupRequest |
Request message for billing setup mutate operations. |
MutateBillingSetupResponse |
Response message for a billing setup operation. |
MutateBillingSetupResult |
Result for a single billing setup mutate. |
MutateCampaignAssetResult |
The result for the campaign asset mutate. |
MutateCampaignAssetSetResult |
The result for the campaign asset set mutate. |
MutateCampaignAssetSetsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCampaignAssetSetsResponse |
Response message for a campaign asset set mutate. |
MutateCampaignAssetsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCampaignAssetsResponse |
Response message for a campaign asset mutate. |
MutateCampaignBidModifierResult |
The result for the criterion mutate. |
MutateCampaignBidModifiersRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCampaignBidModifiersResponse |
Response message for campaign bid modifiers mutate. |
MutateCampaignBudgetResult |
The result for the campaign budget mutate. |
MutateCampaignBudgetsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCampaignBudgetsResponse |
Response message for campaign budget mutate. |
MutateCampaignConversionGoalResult |
The result for the campaign conversion goal mutate. |
MutateCampaignConversionGoalsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCampaignConversionGoalsResponse |
Response message for a campaign conversion goal mutate. |
MutateCampaignCriteriaRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCampaignCriteriaResponse |
Response message for campaign criterion mutate. |
MutateCampaignCriterionResult |
The result for the criterion mutate. |
MutateCampaignCustomizerResult |
The result for the campaign customizer mutate. |
MutateCampaignCustomizersRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCampaignCustomizersResponse |
Response message for a campaign customizer mutate. |
MutateCampaignDraftResult |
The result for the campaign draft mutate. |
MutateCampaignDraftsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCampaignDraftsResponse |
Response message for campaign draft mutate. |
MutateCampaignExtensionSettingResult |
The result for the campaign extension setting mutate. |
MutateCampaignExtensionSettingsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCampaignExtensionSettingsResponse |
Response message for a campaign extension setting mutate. |
MutateCampaignFeedResult |
The result for the campaign feed mutate. |
MutateCampaignFeedsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCampaignFeedsResponse |
Response message for a campaign feed mutate. |
MutateCampaignGroupResult |
The result for the campaign group mutate. |
MutateCampaignGroupsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCampaignGroupsResponse |
Response message for campaign group mutate. |
MutateCampaignLabelResult |
The result for a campaign label mutate. |
MutateCampaignLabelsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCampaignLabelsResponse |
Response message for a campaign labels mutate. |
MutateCampaignResult |
The result for the campaign mutate. |
MutateCampaignSharedSetResult |
The result for the campaign shared set mutate. |
MutateCampaignSharedSetsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCampaignSharedSetsResponse |
Response message for a campaign shared set mutate. |
MutateCampaignsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCampaignsResponse |
Response message for campaign mutate. |
MutateConversionActionResult |
The result for the conversion action mutate. |
MutateConversionActionsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateConversionActionsResponse |
Response message for |
MutateConversionCustomVariableResult |
The result for the conversion custom variable mutate. |
MutateConversionCustomVariablesRequest |
Request message for |
MutateConversionCustomVariablesResponse |
Response message for |
MutateConversionGoalCampaignConfigResult |
The result for the conversion goal campaign config mutate. |
MutateConversionGoalCampaignConfigsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateConversionGoalCampaignConfigsResponse |
Response message for a conversion goal campaign config mutate. |
MutateConversionValueRuleResult |
The result for the conversion value rule mutate. |
MutateConversionValueRuleSetResult |
The result for the conversion value rule set mutate. |
MutateConversionValueRuleSetsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateConversionValueRuleSetsResponse |
Response message for |
MutateConversionValueRulesRequest |
Request message for |
MutateConversionValueRulesResponse |
Response message for |
MutateCustomAudienceResult |
The result for the custom audience mutate. |
MutateCustomAudiencesRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCustomAudiencesResponse |
Response message for custom audience mutate. |
MutateCustomConversionGoalResult |
The result for the custom conversion goal mutate. |
MutateCustomConversionGoalsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCustomConversionGoalsResponse |
Response message for a custom conversion goal mutate. |
MutateCustomInterestResult |
The result for the custom interest mutate. |
MutateCustomInterestsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCustomInterestsResponse |
Response message for custom interest mutate. |
MutateCustomerAssetResult |
The result for the customer asset mutate. |
MutateCustomerAssetSetResult |
The result for the customer asset set mutate. |
MutateCustomerAssetSetsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCustomerAssetSetsResponse |
Response message for a customer asset set mutate. |
MutateCustomerAssetsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCustomerAssetsResponse |
Response message for a customer asset mutate. |
MutateCustomerClientLinkRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCustomerClientLinkResponse |
Response message for a CustomerClientLink mutate. |
MutateCustomerClientLinkResult |
The result for a single customer client link mutate. |
MutateCustomerConversionGoalResult |
The result for the customer conversion goal mutate. |
MutateCustomerConversionGoalsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCustomerConversionGoalsResponse |
Response message for a customer conversion goal mutate. |
MutateCustomerCustomizerResult |
The result for the customizer attribute mutate. |
MutateCustomerCustomizersRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCustomerCustomizersResponse |
Response message for a customizer attribute mutate. |
MutateCustomerExtensionSettingResult |
The result for the customer extension setting mutate. |
MutateCustomerExtensionSettingsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCustomerExtensionSettingsResponse |
Response message for a customer extension setting mutate. |
MutateCustomerFeedResult |
The result for the customer feed mutate. |
MutateCustomerFeedsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCustomerFeedsResponse |
Response message for a customer feed mutate. |
MutateCustomerLabelResult |
The result for a customer label mutate. |
MutateCustomerLabelsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCustomerLabelsResponse |
Response message for a customer labels mutate. |
MutateCustomerManagerLinkRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCustomerManagerLinkResponse |
Response message for a CustomerManagerLink mutate. |
MutateCustomerManagerLinkResult |
The result for the customer manager link mutate. |
MutateCustomerNegativeCriteriaRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCustomerNegativeCriteriaResponse |
Response message for customer negative criterion mutate. |
MutateCustomerNegativeCriteriaResult |
The result for the criterion mutate. |
MutateCustomerRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCustomerResponse |
Response message for customer mutate. |
MutateCustomerResult |
The result for the customer mutate. |
MutateCustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchemaRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchemaResponse |
Response message for MutateCustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema. |
MutateCustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchemaResult |
The result for the CustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema mutate. |
MutateCustomerUserAccessInvitationRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCustomerUserAccessInvitationResponse |
Response message for access invitation mutate. |
MutateCustomerUserAccessInvitationResult |
The result for the access invitation mutate. |
MutateCustomerUserAccessRequest |
Mutate Request for |
MutateCustomerUserAccessResponse |
Response message for customer user access mutate. |
MutateCustomerUserAccessResult |
The result for the customer user access mutate. |
MutateCustomizerAttributeResult |
The result for the customizer attribute mutate. |
MutateCustomizerAttributesRequest |
Request message for |
MutateCustomizerAttributesResponse |
Response message for a customizer attribute mutate. |
MutateExperimentArmResult |
The result for the experiment arm mutate. |
MutateExperimentArmsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateExperimentArmsResponse |
Response message for experiment arm mutate. |
MutateExperimentResult |
The result for the campaign experiment mutate. |
MutateExperimentsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateExperimentsResponse |
Response message for experiment mutate. |
MutateExtensionFeedItemResult |
The result for the extension feed item mutate. |
MutateExtensionFeedItemsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateExtensionFeedItemsResponse |
Response message for an extension feed item mutate. |
MutateFeedItemResult |
The result for the feed item mutate. |
MutateFeedItemSetLinkResult |
The result for the feed item set link mutate. |
MutateFeedItemSetLinksRequest |
Request message for |
MutateFeedItemSetLinksResponse |
Response message for a feed item set link mutate. |
MutateFeedItemSetResult |
The result for the feed item set mutate. |
MutateFeedItemSetsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateFeedItemSetsResponse |
Response message for an feed item set mutate. |
MutateFeedItemTargetResult |
The result for the feed item target mutate. |
MutateFeedItemTargetsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateFeedItemTargetsResponse |
Response message for an feed item target mutate. |
MutateFeedItemsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateFeedItemsResponse |
Response message for an feed item mutate. |
MutateFeedMappingResult |
The result for the feed mapping mutate. |
MutateFeedMappingsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateFeedMappingsResponse |
Response message for a feed mapping mutate. |
MutateFeedResult |
The result for the feed mutate. |
MutateFeedsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateFeedsResponse |
Response message for an feed mutate. |
MutateGoogleAdsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateGoogleAdsResponse |
Response message for |
MutateKeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordResult |
The result for the Keyword Plan ad group keyword mutate. |
MutateKeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateKeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordsResponse |
Response message for a Keyword Plan ad group keyword mutate. |
MutateKeywordPlanAdGroupResult |
The result for the Keyword Plan ad group mutate. |
MutateKeywordPlanAdGroupsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateKeywordPlanAdGroupsResponse |
Response message for a Keyword Plan ad group mutate. |
MutateKeywordPlanCampaignKeywordResult |
The result for the Keyword Plan campaign keyword mutate. |
MutateKeywordPlanCampaignKeywordsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateKeywordPlanCampaignKeywordsResponse |
Response message for a Keyword Plan campaign keyword mutate. |
MutateKeywordPlanCampaignResult |
The result for the Keyword Plan campaign mutate. |
MutateKeywordPlanCampaignsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateKeywordPlanCampaignsResponse |
Response message for a Keyword Plan campaign mutate. |
MutateKeywordPlansRequest |
Request message for |
MutateKeywordPlansResponse |
Response message for a keyword plan mutate. |
MutateKeywordPlansResult |
The result for the keyword plan mutate. |
MutateLabelResult |
The result for a label mutate. |
MutateLabelsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateLabelsResponse |
Response message for a labels mutate. |
MutateOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on a resource. |
MutateOperationResponse |
Response message for the resource mutate. |
MutateRecommendationSubscriptionRequest |
Request message for [RecommendationSubscriptionService.MutateRecommendationSubscription] |
MutateRecommendationSubscriptionResponse |
Response message for [RecommendationSubscriptionService.MutateRecommendationSubscription] |
MutateRecommendationSubscriptionResult |
Result message for [RecommendationSubscriptionService.MutateRecommendationSubscription] |
MutateRemarketingActionResult |
The result for the remarketing action mutate. |
MutateRemarketingActionsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateRemarketingActionsResponse |
Response message for remarketing action mutate. |
MutateSharedCriteriaRequest |
Request message for |
MutateSharedCriteriaResponse |
Response message for a shared criterion mutate. |
MutateSharedCriterionResult |
The result for the shared criterion mutate. |
MutateSharedSetResult |
The result for the shared set mutate. |
MutateSharedSetsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateSharedSetsResponse |
Response message for a shared set mutate. |
MutateSmartCampaignSettingResult |
The result for the Smart campaign setting mutate. |
MutateSmartCampaignSettingsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateSmartCampaignSettingsResponse |
Response message for campaign mutate. |
MutateUserListCustomerTypeResult |
The result for the user list customer type mutate. |
MutateUserListCustomerTypesRequest |
Request message for |
MutateUserListCustomerTypesResponse |
Response message for a user list customer type mutate. |
MutateUserListResult |
The result for the user list mutate. |
MutateUserListsRequest |
Request message for |
MutateUserListsResponse |
Response message for user list mutate. |
OfflineUserDataJobOperation |
Operation to be made for the AddOfflineUserDataJobOperationsRequest. |
OnTargetAudienceMetrics |
Audience metrics for the planned products. These metrics consider the following targeting dimensions:
PlannableLocation |
A plannable location: country, metro region, province, etc. |
PlannableTargeting |
The targeting for which traffic metrics will be reported. |
PlannedProduct |
A product being planned for reach. |
PlannedProductForecast |
Forecasted traffic metrics for a planned product. |
PlannedProductReachForecast |
The forecasted allocation and traffic metrics for a specific product at a point on the reach curve. |
ProductMetadata |
The metadata associated with an available plannable product. |
PromoteCampaignDraftRequest |
Request message for |
PromoteExperimentMetadata |
The metadata of the promoted experiment. |
PromoteExperimentRequest |
Request message for |
ReachCurve |
The reach curve for the planned products. |
ReachForecast |
A point on reach curve. |
RecommendationSubscriptionOperation |
A single operation (create, update) on a recommendation subscription. [RecommendationSubscriptionService.MutateRecommendationSubscription] |
RegenerateShareableLinkIdRequest |
Request message for |
RegenerateShareableLinkIdResponse |
Response message for |
RemarketingActionOperation |
A single operation (create, update) on a remarketing action. |
RemoveAutomaticallyCreatedAssetsRequest |
Request message for [AdGroupAdService.RemoveAutomaticallyCreatedAssetsRequest][]. |
RemoveProductLinkInvitationRequest |
Request message for [ProductLinkinvitationService.RemoveProductLinkInvitation][]. |
RemoveProductLinkInvitationResponse |
Response message for product link invitation removeal. |
RemoveProductLinkRequest |
Request message for |
RemoveProductLinkResponse |
Response message for product link removal. |
RestatementValue |
Contains information needed to restate a conversion's value. |
RunBatchJobRequest |
Request message for |
RunOfflineUserDataJobRequest |
Request message for |
ScheduleExperimentMetadata |
The metadata of the scheduled experiment. |
ScheduleExperimentRequest |
Request message for |
SearchGoogleAdsFieldsRequest |
Request message for |
SearchGoogleAdsFieldsResponse |
Response message for |
SearchGoogleAdsRequest |
Request message for |
SearchGoogleAdsResponse |
Response message for |
SearchGoogleAdsStreamRequest |
Request message for |
SearchGoogleAdsStreamResponse |
Response message for |
ShareablePreview |
A shareable preview with its identifier. |
ShareablePreviewOrError |
Result of the generate shareable preview. |
ShareablePreviewResult |
Message to hold a shareable preview result. |
SharedCriterionOperation |
A single operation (create, remove) on an shared criterion. |
SharedSetOperation |
A single operation (create, update, remove) on an shared set. |
SiteSeed |
Site Seed |
SmartCampaignEligibleDetails |
Details related to Smart campaigns that are eligible to serve. |
SmartCampaignEndedDetails |
Details related to Smart campaigns that have ended. |
SmartCampaignNotEligibleDetails |
Details related to Smart campaigns that are not eligible to serve. |
SmartCampaignPausedDetails |
Details related to paused Smart campaigns. |
SmartCampaignRemovedDetails |
Details related to removed Smart campaigns. |
SmartCampaignSettingOperation |
A single operation to update Smart campaign settings for a campaign. |
SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo |
Information needed to get suggestion for Smart Campaign. More information provided will help the system to derive better suggestions. |
SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo.BusinessContext |
A context that describes a business. |
SmartCampaignSuggestionInfo.LocationList |
A list of locations. |
StartIdentityVerificationRequest |
Request message for [IdentityVerificationService.StartIdentityVerification]. |
SuggestBrandsRequest |
Request message for |
SuggestBrandsResponse |
Response message for |
SuggestGeoTargetConstantsRequest |
Request message for |
SuggestGeoTargetConstantsRequest.GeoTargets |
A list of geo target constant resource names. |
SuggestGeoTargetConstantsRequest.LocationNames |
A list of location names. |
SuggestGeoTargetConstantsResponse |
Response message for |
SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsRequest |
Request message for |
SuggestKeywordThemeConstantsResponse |
Response message for |
SuggestKeywordThemesRequest |
Request message for |
SuggestKeywordThemesResponse |
Response message for |
SuggestKeywordThemesResponse.KeywordTheme |
A Smart campaign keyword theme suggestion. |
SuggestSmartCampaignAdRequest |
Request message for |
SuggestSmartCampaignAdResponse |
Response message for |
SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsRequest |
Request message for |
SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsResponse |
Response message for |
SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsResponse.BudgetOption |
Smart Campaign budget option. |
SuggestSmartCampaignBudgetOptionsResponse.Metrics |
Performance metrics for a given budget option. |
SuggestTravelAssetsRequest |
Request message for |
SuggestTravelAssetsResponse |
Response message for |
SurfaceTargeting |
Container for surfaces for a product. Surfaces refer to the available types of ad inventories such as In-Feed, In-Stream, and Shorts. |
SurfaceTargetingCombinations |
The surface targeting combinations available for an ad product. |
TargetFrequencySettings |
Target Frequency settings for a supported product. |
Targeting |
The targeting for which traffic metrics will be reported. |
TargetingSuggestionMetrics |
A suggested targetable audience relevant to the requested audience. |
UnusableAdGroup |
An AdGroup/Campaign pair that could not be used as a suggestion for keywords. AdGroups may not be usable if the AdGroup
UpdateProductLinkInvitationRequest |
Request message for |
UpdateProductLinkInvitationResponse |
Response message for product link invitation update. |
UploadCallConversionsRequest |
Request message for |
UploadCallConversionsResponse |
Response message for |
UploadClickConversionsRequest |
Request message for |
UploadClickConversionsResponse |
Response message for |
UploadConversionAdjustmentsRequest |
Request message for |
UploadConversionAdjustmentsResponse |
Response message for |
UploadUserDataRequest |
Request message for |
UploadUserDataResponse |
Response message for |
UrlSeed |
Url Seed |
UserDataOperation |
Operation to be made for the UploadUserDataRequest. |
UserListCustomerTypeOperation |
A single mutate operation on the user list customer type. |
UserListOperation |
A single operation (create, update) on a user list. |
YouTubeChannelAttributeMetadata |
Metadata associated with a YouTube channel attribute. |
YouTubeSelectLineUp |
A Plannable YouTube Select Lineup for product targeting. |
YouTubeSelectSettings |
Request settings for YouTube Select Lineups |
resources |
AccessibleBiddingStrategy |
Represents a view of BiddingStrategies owned by and shared with the customer. In contrast to BiddingStrategy, this resource includes strategies owned by managers of the customer and shared with this customer - in addition to strategies owned by this customer. This resource does not provide metrics and only exposes a limited subset of the BiddingStrategy attributes. |
AccessibleBiddingStrategy.MaximizeConversionValue |
An automated bidding strategy to help get the most conversion value for your campaigns while spending your budget. |
AccessibleBiddingStrategy.MaximizeConversions |
An automated bidding strategy to help get the most conversions for your campaigns while spending your budget. |
AccessibleBiddingStrategy.TargetCpa |
An automated bid strategy that sets bids to help get as many conversions as possible at the target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) you set. |
AccessibleBiddingStrategy.TargetImpressionShare |
An automated bidding strategy that sets bids so that a certain percentage of search ads are shown at the top of the first page (or other targeted location). |
AccessibleBiddingStrategy.TargetRoas |
An automated bidding strategy that helps you maximize revenue while averaging a specific target return on ad spend (ROAS). |
AccessibleBiddingStrategy.TargetSpend |
An automated bid strategy that sets your bids to help get as many clicks as possible within your budget. |
AccountBudget |
An account-level budget. It contains information about the budget itself, as well as the most recently approved changes to the budget and proposed changes that are pending approval. The proposed changes that are pending approval, if any, are found in 'pending_proposal'. Effective details about the budget are found in fields prefixed 'approved_', 'adjusted_' and those without a prefix. Since some effective details may differ from what the user had originally requested (for example, spending limit), these differences are juxtaposed through 'proposed_', 'approved_', and possibly 'adjusted_' fields. This resource is mutated using AccountBudgetProposal and cannot be mutated directly. A budget may have at most one pending proposal at any given time. It is read through pending_proposal. Once approved, a budget may be subject to adjustments, such as credit adjustments. Adjustments create differences between the 'approved' and 'adjusted' fields, which would otherwise be identical. |
AccountBudget.PendingAccountBudgetProposal |
A pending proposal associated with the enclosing account-level budget, if applicable. |
AccountBudgetProposal |
An account-level budget proposal. All fields prefixed with 'proposed' may not necessarily be applied directly. For example, proposed spending limits may be adjusted before their application. This is true if the 'proposed' field has an 'approved' counterpart, for example, spending limits. Note that the proposal type (proposal_type) changes which fields are required and which must remain empty. |
AccountLink |
Represents the data sharing connection between a Google Ads account and another account |
Ad |
An ad. |
AdGroup |
An ad group. |
AdGroup.AudienceSetting |
Settings for the audience targeting. |
AdGroupAd |
An ad group ad. |
AdGroupAdAssetCombinationView |
A view on the usage of ad group ad asset combination. Now we only support AdGroupAdAssetCombinationView for Responsive Search Ads, with more ad types planned for the future. |
AdGroupAdAssetPolicySummary |
Contains policy information for an ad group ad asset. |
AdGroupAdAssetView |
A link between an AdGroupAd and an Asset. AdGroupAdAssetView supports AppAds, Demand Gen camapaigns, and Responsive Search Ads. |
AdGroupAdLabel |
A relationship between an ad group ad and a label. |
AdGroupAdPolicySummary |
Contains policy information for an ad. |
AdGroupAsset |
A link between an ad group and an asset. |
AdGroupAssetSet |
AdGroupAssetSet is the linkage between an ad group and an asset set. Creating an AdGroupAssetSet links an asset set with an ad group. |
AdGroupAudienceView |
An ad group audience view. Includes performance data from interests and remarketing lists for Display Network and YouTube Network ads, and remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA), aggregated at the audience level. |
AdGroupBidModifier |
Represents an ad group bid modifier. |
AdGroupCriterion |
An ad group criterion. The ad_group_criterion report only returns criteria that were explicitly added to the ad group. |
AdGroupCriterion.PositionEstimates |
Estimates for criterion bids at various positions. |
AdGroupCriterion.QualityInfo |
A container for ad group criterion quality information. |
AdGroupCriterionCustomizer |
A customizer value for the associated CustomizerAttribute at the AdGroupCriterion level. |
AdGroupCriterionLabel |
A relationship between an ad group criterion and a label. |
AdGroupCriterionSimulation |
An ad group criterion simulation. Supported combinations of advertising channel type, criterion type, simulation type, and simulation modification method are detailed below respectively. Hotel AdGroupCriterion simulation operations starting in V5.
AdGroupCustomizer |
A customizer value for the associated CustomizerAttribute at the AdGroup level. |
AdGroupExtensionSetting |
An ad group extension setting. |
AdGroupFeed |
An ad group feed. |
AdGroupLabel |
A relationship between an ad group and a label. |
AdGroupSimulation |
An ad group simulation. Supported combinations of advertising channel type, simulation type and simulation modification method is detailed below respectively.
AdParameter |
An ad parameter that is used to update numeric values (such as prices or inventory levels) in any text line of an ad (including URLs). There can be a maximum of two AdParameters per ad group criterion. (One with parameter_index = 1 and one with parameter_index = 2.) In the ad the parameters are referenced by a placeholder of the form "{param#:value}". For example, "{param1:$17}" |
AdScheduleView |
An ad schedule view summarizes the performance of campaigns by AdSchedule criteria. |
AdvertisingPartnerIdentifier |
The identifier for the Advertising Partner Google Ads account. |
AdvertisingPartnerLinkInvitationIdentifier |
The identifier for the Advertising Partner Google Ads account. |
AgeRangeView |
An age range view. |
AndroidPrivacySharedKeyGoogleAdGroup |
An Android privacy shared key view for Google ad group key. |
AndroidPrivacySharedKeyGoogleCampaign |
An Android privacy shared key view for Google campaign key. |
AndroidPrivacySharedKeyGoogleNetworkType |
An Android privacy shared key view for Google network type key. |
Asset |
Asset is a part of an ad which can be shared across multiple ads. It can be an image (ImageAsset), a video (YoutubeVideoAsset), etc. Assets are immutable and cannot be removed. To stop an asset from serving, remove the asset from the entity that is using it. |
AssetFieldTypePolicySummary |
Contains policy information for an asset under AssetFieldType context. |
AssetFieldTypeView |
An asset field type view. This view reports non-overcounted metrics for each asset field type when the asset is used as extension. |
AssetGroup |
An asset group. AssetGroupAsset is used to link an asset to the asset group. AssetGroupSignal is used to associate a signal to an asset group. |
AssetGroupAsset |
AssetGroupAsset is the link between an asset and an asset group. Adding an AssetGroupAsset links an asset with an asset group. |
AssetGroupAssetCombinationData |
Asset group asset combination data |
AssetGroupListingGroupFilter |
AssetGroupListingGroupFilter represents a listing group filter tree node in an asset group. |
AssetGroupProductGroupView |
An asset group product group view. |
AssetGroupSignal |
AssetGroupSignal represents a signal in an asset group. The existence of a signal tells the performance max campaign who's most likely to convert. Performance Max uses the signal to look for new people with similar or stronger intent to find conversions across Search, Display, Video, and more. |
AssetGroupTopCombinationView |
A view on the usage of asset group asset top combinations. |
AssetPolicySummary |
Contains policy information for an asset. |
AssetSet |
An asset set representing a collection of assets. Use AssetSetAsset to link an asset to the asset set. |
AssetSet.HotelPropertyData |
For Performance Max for travel goals campaigns with a Hotel Center account link. Read-only. |
AssetSet.MerchantCenterFeed |
Merchant ID and Feed Label from Google Merchant Center. |
AssetSetAsset |
AssetSetAsset is the link between an asset and an asset set. Adding an AssetSetAsset links an asset with an asset set. |
AssetSetTypeView |
An asset set type view. This view reports non-overcounted metrics for each asset set type. Child asset set types are not included in this report. Their stats are aggregated under the parent asset set type. |
AttributeFieldMapping |
Maps from feed attribute id to a placeholder or criterion field id. |
Audience |
Audience is an effective targeting option that lets you intersect different segment attributes, such as detailed demographics and affinities, to create audiences that represent sections of your target segments. |
BackgroundCheckVerificationArtifact |
A proto holding information specific to local services background check. |
BatchJob |
A list of mutates being processed asynchronously. The mutates are uploaded by the user. The mutates themselves aren't readable and the results of the job can only be read using BatchJobService.ListBatchJobResults. |
BatchJob.BatchJobMetadata |
Additional information about the batch job. This message is also used as metadata returned in batch job Long Running Operations. |
BiddingDataExclusion |
Represents a bidding data exclusion. Cannot be used in manager accounts. See "About data exclusions" at https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/10370710. |
BiddingSeasonalityAdjustment |
Represents a bidding seasonality adjustment. Cannot be used in manager accounts. See "About seasonality adjustments" at https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/10369906. |
BiddingStrategy |
A bidding strategy. |
BiddingStrategySimulation |
A bidding strategy simulation. Supported combinations of simulation type and simulation modification method are detailed below respectively.
BillingSetup |
A billing setup, which associates a payments account and an advertiser. A billing setup is specific to one advertiser. |
BillingSetup.PaymentsAccountInfo |
Container of payments account information for this billing. |
BusinessRegistrationCheckVerificationArtifact |
A proto holding information specific to a local services business registration check. |
BusinessRegistrationDocument |
A proto holding information specific to a local services business registration document. |
BusinessRegistrationNumber |
A proto holding information specific to a local services business registration number. |
CallReportingSetting |
Call reporting setting for a customer. Only mutable in an |
CallView |
A call view that includes data for call tracking of call-only ads or call extensions. |
Campaign |
A campaign. |
Campaign.AppCampaignSetting |
Campaign-level settings for App Campaigns. |
Campaign.AssetAutomationSetting |
Asset automation setting contains pair of AssetAutomationType and the asset automation opt-in/out status |
Campaign.AudienceSetting |
Settings for the audience targeting. |
Campaign.CategoryBid |
Category bids in LocalServicesReportingCampaignSettings. |
Campaign.DemandGenCampaignSettings |
Settings for Demand Gen campaign. |
Campaign.DynamicSearchAdsSetting |
The setting for controlling Dynamic Search Ads (DSA). |
Campaign.GeoTargetTypeSetting |
Represents a collection of settings related to ads geotargeting. |
Campaign.HotelSettingInfo |
Campaign-level settings for hotel ads. |
Campaign.LocalCampaignSetting |
Campaign setting for local campaigns. |
Campaign.LocalServicesCampaignSettings |
Settings for LocalServicesCampaign subresource. |
Campaign.NetworkSettings |
The network settings for the campaign. |
Campaign.OptimizationGoalSetting |
Optimization goal setting for this campaign, which includes a set of optimization goal types. |
Campaign.PerformanceMaxUpgrade |
Information about a campaign being upgraded to Performance Max. |
Campaign.SelectiveOptimization |
Selective optimization setting for this campaign, which includes a set of conversion actions to optimize this campaign towards. This feature only applies to app campaigns that use MULTI_CHANNEL as AdvertisingChannelType and APP_CAMPAIGN or APP_CAMPAIGN_FOR_ENGAGEMENT as AdvertisingChannelSubType. |
Campaign.ShoppingSetting |
The setting for Shopping campaigns. Defines the universe of products that can be advertised by the campaign, and how this campaign interacts with other Shopping campaigns. |
Campaign.TrackingSetting |
Campaign-level settings for tracking information. |
Campaign.TravelCampaignSettings |
Settings for Travel campaign. |
Campaign.VanityPharma |
Describes how unbranded pharma ads will be displayed. |
Campaign.VideoCampaignSettings |
Settings for Video campaign. |
Campaign.VideoCampaignSettings.VideoAdInventoryControl |
For campaigns using responsive ad containers inventory controls determine on which inventories the ads can be shown. This only applies for campaigns with the bidding strategies TARGET_CPM and FIXED_CPM. |
CampaignAggregateAssetView |
A campaign-level aggregate asset view that shows where the asset is linked, performamce of the asset and stats. |
CampaignAsset |
A link between a Campaign and an Asset. |
CampaignAssetSet |
CampaignAssetSet is the linkage between a campaign and an asset set. Adding a CampaignAssetSet links an asset set with a campaign. |
CampaignAudienceView |
A campaign audience view. Includes performance data from interests and remarketing lists for Display Network and YouTube Network ads, and remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA), aggregated by campaign and audience criterion. This view only includes audiences attached at the campaign level. |
CampaignBidModifier |
Represents a bid-modifiable only criterion at the campaign level. |
CampaignBudget |
A campaign budget. |
CampaignConversionGoal |
The biddability setting for the specified campaign only for all conversion actions with a matching category and origin. |
CampaignCriterion |
A campaign criterion. |
CampaignCustomizer |
A customizer value for the associated CustomizerAttribute at the Campaign level. |
CampaignDraft |
A campaign draft. |
CampaignExtensionSetting |
A campaign extension setting. |
CampaignFeed |
A campaign feed. |
CampaignGroup |
A campaign group. |
CampaignLabel |
Represents a relationship between a campaign and a label. |
CampaignLifecycleGoal |
Campaign level customer lifecycle goal settings. |
CampaignSearchTermInsight |
A Campaign search term view. Historical data is available starting March 2023. |
CampaignSharedSet |
CampaignSharedSets are used for managing the shared sets associated with a campaign. |
CampaignSimulation |
A campaign simulation. Supported combinations of advertising channel type, simulation type and simulation modification method is detailed below respectively.
CarrierConstant |
A carrier criterion that can be used in campaign targeting. |
ChangeEvent |
Describes the granular change of returned resources of certain resource types. Changes made through the UI or API in the past 30 days are included. Previous and new values of the changed fields are shown. ChangeEvent could have up to 3 minutes delay to reflect a new change. |
ChangeEvent.ChangedResource |
A wrapper proto presenting all supported resources. Only the resource of the change_resource_type will be set. |
ChangeStatus |
Describes the status of returned resource. ChangeStatus could have up to 3 minutes delay to reflect a new change. |
ChannelAggregateAssetView |
A channel-level aggregate asset view that shows where the asset is linked, performamce of the asset and stats. |
ClickView |
A click view with metrics aggregated at each click level, including both valid and invalid clicks. For non-Search campaigns, metrics.clicks represents the number of valid and invalid interactions. Queries including ClickView must have a filter limiting the results to one day and can be requested for dates back to 90 days before the time of the request. |
CombinedAudience |
Describe a resource for combined audiences which includes different audiences. |
ContactDetails |
Fields containing consumer contact details. |
ConversionAction |
A conversion action. |
ConversionAction.AttributionModelSettings |
Settings related to this conversion action's attribution model. |
ConversionAction.FirebaseSettings |
Settings related to a Firebase conversion action. |
ConversionAction.GoogleAnalytics4Settings |
Settings related to a Google Analytics 4 conversion action. |
ConversionAction.ThirdPartyAppAnalyticsSettings |
Settings related to a third party app analytics conversion action. |
ConversionAction.ValueSettings |
Settings related to the value for conversion events associated with this conversion action. |
ConversionCustomVariable |
A conversion custom variable See "About custom variables for conversions" at https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/9964350 |
ConversionGoalCampaignConfig |
Conversion goal settings for a Campaign. |
ConversionTrackingSetting |
A collection of customer-wide settings related to Google Ads Conversion Tracking. |
ConversionValueRule |
A conversion value rule |
ConversionValueRule.ValueRuleAction |
Action applied when rule is applied. |
ConversionValueRule.ValueRuleAudienceCondition |
Condition on Audience dimension. |
ConversionValueRule.ValueRuleDeviceCondition |
Condition on Device dimension. |
ConversionValueRule.ValueRuleGeoLocationCondition |
Condition on Geo dimension. |
ConversionValueRuleSet |
A conversion value rule set |
CreditDetails |
Represents the credit details of a lead. |
CurrencyConstant |
A currency constant. |
CustomAudience |
A custom audience. This is a list of users by interest. |
CustomAudienceMember |
A member of custom audience. A member can be a KEYWORD, URL, PLACE_CATEGORY or APP. It can only be created or removed but not changed. |
CustomConversionGoal |
Custom conversion goal that can make arbitrary conversion actions biddable. |
CustomInterest |
A custom interest. This is a list of users by interest. |
CustomInterestMember |
A member of custom interest audience. A member can be a keyword or url. It is immutable, that is, it can only be created or removed but not changed. |
CustomLeadFormSubmissionField |
Fields in the submitted custom question |
Customer |
A customer. |
CustomerAcquisitionGoalSettings |
The customer acquisition goal settings for the campaign. |
CustomerAgreementSetting |
Customer Agreement Setting for a customer. |
CustomerAsset |
A link between a customer and an asset. |
CustomerAssetSet |
CustomerAssetSet is the linkage between a customer and an asset set. Adding a CustomerAssetSet links an asset set with a customer. |
CustomerClient |
A link between the given customer and a client customer. CustomerClients only exist for manager customers. All direct and indirect client customers are included, as well as the manager itself. |
CustomerClientLink |
Represents customer client link relationship. |
CustomerConversionGoal |
Biddability control for conversion actions with a matching category and origin. |
CustomerCustomizer |
A customizer value for the associated CustomizerAttribute at the Customer level. |
CustomerExtensionSetting |
A customer extension setting. |
CustomerFeed |
A customer feed. |
CustomerLabel |
Represents a relationship between a customer and a label. This customer may not have access to all the labels attached to it. Additional CustomerLabels may be returned by increasing permissions with login-customer-id. |
CustomerLifecycleGoal |
Account level customer lifecycle goal settings. |
CustomerManagerLink |
Represents customer-manager link relationship. |
CustomerNegativeCriterion |
A negative criterion for exclusions at the customer level. |
CustomerSearchTermInsight |
A Customer search term view. Historical data is available starting March 2023. |
CustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema |
A CustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema. |
CustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema.SkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema |
The CustomerLink specific SkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema. |
CustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema.SkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema.CoarseGrainedConversionValueMappings |
Mappings for coarse grained conversion values. |
CustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema.SkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema.ConversionValueMapping |
Represents mapping from one conversion value to one or more conversion events. |
CustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema.SkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema.Event |
Defines a Google conversion event that the conversion value is mapped to. |
CustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema.SkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema.Event.EventOccurrenceRange |
Defines a range for event counter values. |
CustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema.SkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema.Event.RevenueRange |
Defines a range for revenue values. |
CustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema.SkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema.FineGrainedConversionValueMappings |
Mappings for fine grained conversion value. |
CustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema.SkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema.PostbackMapping |
Mappings for each postback in multiple conversion windows. |
CustomerUserAccess |
Represents the permission of a single user onto a single customer. |
CustomerUserAccessInvitation |
Represent an invitation to a new user on this customer account. |
CustomizerAttribute |
A customizer attribute. Use CustomerCustomizer, CampaignCustomizer, AdGroupCustomizer, or AdGroupCriterionCustomizer to associate a customizer attribute and set its value at the customer, campaign, ad group, or ad group criterion level, respectively. |
DataPartnerIdentifier |
The identifier for Data Partner account. |
DetailPlacementView |
A view with metrics aggregated by ad group and URL or YouTube video. |
DetailedDemographic |
A detailed demographic: a particular interest-based vertical to be targeted to reach users based on long-term life facts. |
DisplayKeywordView |
A display keyword view. |
DistanceView |
A distance view with metrics aggregated by the user's distance from an advertiser's location extensions. Each DistanceBucket includes all impressions that fall within its distance and a single impression will contribute to the metrics for all DistanceBuckets that include the user's distance. |
DomainCategory |
A category generated automatically by crawling a domain. If a campaign uses the DynamicSearchAdsSetting, then domain categories will be generated for the domain. The categories can be targeted using WebpageConditionInfo. See: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/2471185 |
DynamicSearchAdsSearchTermView |
A dynamic search ads search term view. |
ExpandedLandingPageView |
A landing page view with metrics aggregated at the expanded final URL level. |
Experiment |
A Google ads experiment for users to experiment changes on multiple campaigns, compare the performance, and apply the effective changes. |
ExperimentArm |
A Google ads experiment for users to experiment changes on multiple campaigns, compare the performance, and apply the effective changes. |
ExtensionFeedItem |
An extension feed item. |
Feed |
A feed. |
Feed.AffiliateLocationFeedData |
Data used to configure an affiliate location feed populated with the specified chains. |
Feed.PlacesLocationFeedData |
Data used to configure a location feed populated from Business Profile. |
Feed.PlacesLocationFeedData.OAuthInfo |
Data used for authorization using OAuth. |
FeedAttribute |
FeedAttributes define the types of data expected to be present in a Feed. A single FeedAttribute specifies the expected type of the FeedItemAttributes with the same FeedAttributeId. Optionally, a FeedAttribute can be marked as being part of a FeedItem's unique key. |
FeedAttributeOperation |
Operation to be performed on a feed attribute list in a mutate. |
FeedAttributeOperation.Operator |
The operator. |
FeedItem |
A feed item. |
FeedItemAttributeValue |
A feed item attribute value. |
FeedItemPlaceholderPolicyInfo |
Policy, validation, and quality approval info for a feed item for the specified placeholder type. |
FeedItemSet |
Represents a set of feed items. The set can be used and shared among certain feed item features. For instance, the set can be referenced within the matching functions of CustomerFeed, CampaignFeed, and AdGroupFeed. |
FeedItemSetLink |
Represents a link between a FeedItem and a FeedItemSet. |
FeedItemTarget |
A feed item target. |
FeedItemValidationError |
Stores a validation error and the set of offending feed attributes which together are responsible for causing a feed item validation error. |
FeedMapping |
A feed mapping. |
FeedPlaceholderView |
A feed placeholder view. |
Fellowship |
Details about the employee's medical Fellowship. Fellowship is a period of medical training that the professional undertakes after finishing their residency. |
GenderView |
A gender view. The gender_view resource reflects the effective serving state, rather than what criteria were added. An ad group without gender criteria by default shows to all genders, so all genders appear in gender_view with stats. |
GeoTargetConstant |
A geo target constant. |
GeographicView |
A geographic view. Geographic View includes all metrics aggregated at the country level, one row per country. It reports metrics at either actual physical location of the user or an area of interest. If other segment fields are used, you may get more than one row per country. |
GoogleAdsField |
A field or resource (artifact) used by GoogleAdsService. |
GoogleAdsIdentifier |
The identifier for Google Ads account. |
GranularInsuranceStatus |
Insurance status at geo + vertical level. |
GranularLicenseStatus |
License status at geo + vertical level. |
GroupPlacementView |
A group placement view. |
HotelCenterLinkInvitationIdentifier |
The identifier for Hotel account. |
HotelGroupView |
A hotel group view. |
HotelPerformanceView |
A hotel performance view. |
HotelReconciliation |
A hotel reconciliation. It contains conversion information from Hotel bookings to reconcile with advertiser records. These rows may be updated or canceled before billing through Bulk Uploads. |
IncomeRangeView |
An income range view. |
InsuranceVerificationArtifact |
A proto holding information specific to a local services insurance. |
Invoice |
An invoice. All invoice information is snapshotted to match the PDF invoice. For invoices older than the launch of InvoiceService, the snapshotted information may not match the PDF invoice. |
Invoice.AccountBudgetSummary |
Represents a summarized account budget billable cost. |
Invoice.AccountSummary |
Represents a summarized view at account level. |
Invoice.InvalidActivitySummary |
Details about the invalid activity for the invoice that contain additional details about invoice against which corrections are made. |
KeywordPlan |
A Keyword Planner plan. Max number of saved keyword plans: 10000. It's possible to remove plans if limit is reached. |
KeywordPlanAdGroup |
A Keyword Planner ad group. Max number of keyword plan ad groups per plan: 200. |
KeywordPlanAdGroupKeyword |
A Keyword Plan ad group keyword. Max number of keyword plan keywords per plan: 10000. |
KeywordPlanCampaign |
A Keyword Plan campaign. Max number of keyword plan campaigns per plan allowed: 1. |
KeywordPlanCampaignKeyword |
A Keyword Plan Campaign keyword. Only negative keywords are supported for Campaign Keyword. |
KeywordPlanForecastPeriod |
The forecasting period associated with the keyword plan. |
KeywordPlanGeoTarget |
A geo target. |
KeywordThemeConstant |
A Smart Campaign keyword theme constant. |
KeywordView |
A keyword view. |
Label |
A label. |
LandingPageView |
A landing page view with metrics aggregated at the unexpanded final URL level. |
LanguageConstant |
A language. |
LeadFormSubmissionData |
Data from lead form submissions. |
LeadFormSubmissionField |
Fields in the submitted lead form. |
LicenseVerificationArtifact |
A proto holding information specific to a local services license. |
LifeEvent |
A life event: a particular interest-based vertical to be targeted to reach users when they are in the midst of important life milestones. |
ListingGroupFilterDimension |
Listing dimensions for the asset group listing group filter. |
ListingGroupFilterDimension.ProductBrand |
Brand of the product. |
ListingGroupFilterDimension.ProductCategory |
One element of a category at a certain level. Top-level categories are at level 1, their children at level 2, and so on. We currently support up to 5 levels. The user must specify a dimension type that indicates the level of the category. All cases of the same subdivision must have the same dimension type (category level). |
ListingGroupFilterDimension.ProductChannel |
Locality of a product offer. |
ListingGroupFilterDimension.ProductCondition |
Condition of a product offer. |
ListingGroupFilterDimension.ProductCustomAttribute |
Custom attribute of a product offer. |
ListingGroupFilterDimension.ProductItemId |
Item id of a product offer. |
ListingGroupFilterDimension.ProductType |
Type of a product offer. |
ListingGroupFilterDimension.Webpage |
Filters for URLs in a page feed and URLs from the advertiser web domain. Several root nodes with this dimension are allowed in an asset group and their conditions are considered in OR. |
ListingGroupFilterDimension.WebpageCondition |
Matching condition for URL filtering. |
ListingGroupFilterDimensionPath |
The path defining of dimensions defining a listing group filter. |
LocalServicesEmployee |
A local services employee resource. |
LocalServicesLead |
Data from Local Services Lead. Contains details of Lead which is generated when user calls, messages or books service from advertiser. More info: https://ads.google.com/local-services-ads |
LocalServicesLeadConversation |
Data from Local Services Lead Conversation. Contains details of Lead Conversation which is generated when user calls, messages or books service from advertiser. These are appended to a Lead. More info: https://ads.google.com/local-services-ads |
LocalServicesSettings |
Settings for Local Services customer. |
LocalServicesVerificationArtifact |
A local services verification resource. |
LocationView |
A location view summarizes the performance of campaigns by a Location criterion. If no Location criterion is set, no results are returned; instead, use geographic_view or user_location_view for visitor location data. |
ManagedPlacementView |
A managed placement view. |
MediaAudio |
Encapsulates an Audio. |
MediaBundle |
Represents a ZIP archive media the content of which contains HTML5 assets. |
MediaFile |
A media file. |
MediaImage |
Encapsulates an Image. |
MediaVideo |
Encapsulates a Video. |
MerchantCenterIdentifier |
The identifier for Google Merchant Center account |
MerchantCenterLinkInvitationIdentifier |
The identifier for Merchant Center Account. |
MessageDetails |
Represents details of text message in case of email, message or SMS. |
MobileAppCategoryConstant |
A mobile application category constant. |
MobileDeviceConstant |
A mobile device constant. |
Note |
Represents a note added to a lead by the advertiser. Advertisers can edit notes, which will reset edit time and change description. |
OfflineConversionAlert |
Alert for offline conversion client summary. |
OfflineConversionError |
Possible errors for offline conversion client summary. |
OfflineConversionSummary |
Historical upload summary, grouped by upload date or job. |
OfflineConversionUploadClientSummary |
Offline conversion upload summary at customer level. |
OfflineConversionUploadConversionActionSummary |
Offline conversion upload summary at conversion action level. |
OfflineUserDataJob |
A job containing offline user data of store visitors, or user list members that will be processed asynchronously. The uploaded data isn't readable and the processing results of the job can only be read using GoogleAdsService.Search/SearchStream. |
OfflineUserDataJobMetadata |
Metadata of offline user data job. |
OperatingSystemVersionConstant |
A mobile operating system version or a range of versions, depending on |
PaidOrganicSearchTermView |
A paid organic search term view providing a view of search stats across ads and organic listings aggregated by search term at the ad group level. |
ParentalStatusView |
A parental status view. |
PaymentsAccount |
A payments account, which can be used to set up billing for an Ads customer. |
PerStoreView |
A per store view. This view provides per store impression reach and local action conversion stats for advertisers. |
PhoneCallDetails |
Represents details of a phone call conversation. |
ProductCategoryConstant |
A Product Category. |
ProductCategoryConstant.ProductCategoryLocalization |
Localization for the product category. |
ProductGroupView |
A product group view. |
ProductLink |
Represents the data sharing connection between a Google Ads customer and another product. |
ProductLinkInvitation |
Represents an invitation for data sharing connection between a Google Ads account and another account. |
QualifyingQuestion |
Qualifying Questions for Lead Form. |
Recommendation |
A recommendation. |
Recommendation.AccountInfo |
Wrapper for information about a Google Ads account. |
Recommendation.CallAssetRecommendation |
The call asset recommendation. |
Recommendation.CalloutAssetRecommendation |
The callout asset recommendation. |
Recommendation.CampaignBudget |
A campaign budget shared amongst various budget recommendation types. |
Recommendation.CampaignBudgetRecommendation |
The budget recommendation for budget constrained campaigns. |
Recommendation.CampaignBudgetRecommendation.CampaignBudgetRecommendationOption |
The impact estimates for a given budget amount. |
Recommendation.CustomAudienceOptInRecommendation |
The Custom Audience Opt In recommendation. |
Recommendation.DisplayExpansionOptInRecommendation |
The Display Expansion opt-in recommendation. |
Recommendation.DynamicImageExtensionOptInRecommendation |
Recommendation to enable dynamic image extensions on the account, allowing Google to find the best images from ad landing pages and complement text ads. |
Recommendation.EnhancedCpcOptInRecommendation |
The Enhanced Cost-Per-Click Opt-In recommendation. |
Recommendation.ForecastingSetTargetCpaRecommendation |
The set target CPA recommendations. |
Recommendation.ForecastingSetTargetRoasRecommendation |
The forecasting set target ROAS recommendation. |
Recommendation.ImproveDemandGenAdStrengthRecommendation |
The improve Demand Gen ad strength recommendation. |
Recommendation.ImproveGoogleTagCoverageRecommendation |
Recommendation to deploy Google Tag on more pages. |
Recommendation.ImprovePerformanceMaxAdStrengthRecommendation |
Recommendation to improve the asset group strength of a Performance Max campaign to an "Excellent" rating. |
Recommendation.KeywordMatchTypeRecommendation |
The keyword match type recommendation. |
Recommendation.KeywordRecommendation |
The keyword recommendation. |
Recommendation.KeywordRecommendation.SearchTerm |
Information about a search term as related to a keyword recommendation. |
Recommendation.LeadFormAssetRecommendation |
The lead form asset recommendation. |
Recommendation.LowerTargetRoasRecommendation |
Recommendation to lower Target ROAS. |
Recommendation.MaximizeClicksOptInRecommendation |
The Maximize Clicks opt-in recommendation. |
Recommendation.MaximizeConversionValueOptInRecommendation |
Recommendation to opt into Maximize Conversion Value bidding strategy. |
Recommendation.MaximizeConversionsOptInRecommendation |
The Maximize Conversions Opt-In recommendation. |
Recommendation.MerchantInfo |
The Merchant Center account details. |
Recommendation.MigrateDynamicSearchAdsCampaignToPerformanceMaxRecommendation |
The Dynamic Search Ads to Performance Max migration recommendation. |
Recommendation.MoveUnusedBudgetRecommendation |
The move unused budget recommendation. |
Recommendation.OptimizeAdRotationRecommendation |
The Optimize Ad Rotation recommendation. |
Recommendation.PerformanceMaxFinalUrlOptInRecommendation |
Recommendation to turn on Final URL expansion for your Performance Max campaigns. |
Recommendation.PerformanceMaxOptInRecommendation |
The Performance Max Opt In recommendation. |
Recommendation.RaiseTargetCpaBidTooLowRecommendation |
The raise target CPA bid too low recommendation. |
Recommendation.RaiseTargetCpaRecommendation |
Recommendation to raise Target CPA. |
Recommendation.RecommendationImpact |
The impact of making the change as described in the recommendation. Some types of recommendations may not have impact information. |
Recommendation.RecommendationMetrics |
Weekly account performance metrics. For some recommendation types, these are averaged over the past 90-day period and hence can be fractional. |
Recommendation.RefreshCustomerMatchListRecommendation |
The recommendation to update a customer list that hasn't been updated in the last 90 days. The customer receiving the recommendation is not necessarily the owner account. The owner account should update the customer list. |
Recommendation.ResponsiveSearchAdAssetRecommendation |
The add responsive search ad asset recommendation. |
Recommendation.ResponsiveSearchAdImproveAdStrengthRecommendation |
The responsive search ad improve ad strength recommendation. |
Recommendation.ResponsiveSearchAdRecommendation |
The add responsive search ad recommendation. |
Recommendation.SearchPartnersOptInRecommendation |
The Search Partners Opt-In recommendation. |
Recommendation.ShoppingAddProductsToCampaignRecommendation |
The shopping recommendation to add products to a Shopping Campaign Inventory. |
Recommendation.ShoppingFixDisapprovedProductsRecommendation |
The shopping recommendation to fix disapproved products in a Shopping Campaign Inventory. |
Recommendation.ShoppingMerchantCenterAccountSuspensionRecommendation |
The shopping recommendation to fix Merchant Center account suspension issues. |
Recommendation.ShoppingMigrateRegularShoppingCampaignOffersToPerformanceMaxRecommendation |
The shopping recommendation to migrate Regular Shopping Campaign targeted offers to Performance Max campaigns. |
Recommendation.ShoppingOfferAttributeRecommendation |
The shopping recommendation to add an attribute to offers that are demoted because it is missing. |
Recommendation.ShoppingTargetAllOffersRecommendation |
The shopping recommendation to create a catch-all campaign that targets all offers. |
Recommendation.SitelinkAssetRecommendation |
The sitelink asset recommendation. |
Recommendation.TargetAdjustmentInfo |
Information of a target adjustment recommendation. |
Recommendation.TargetCpaOptInRecommendation |
The Target CPA opt-in recommendation. |
Recommendation.TargetCpaOptInRecommendation.TargetCpaOptInRecommendationOption |
The Target CPA opt-in option with impact estimate. |
Recommendation.TargetRoasOptInRecommendation |
The Target ROAS opt-in recommendation. |
Recommendation.TextAdRecommendation |
The text ad recommendation. |
Recommendation.UpgradeLocalCampaignToPerformanceMaxRecommendation |
The Upgrade Local campaign to Performance Max campaign recommendation. |
Recommendation.UpgradeSmartShoppingCampaignToPerformanceMaxRecommendation |
The upgrade a Smart Shopping campaign to a Performance Max campaign recommendation. |
Recommendation.UseBroadMatchKeywordRecommendation |
The use broad match keyword recommendation. |
RecommendationSubscription |
Recommendation Subscription resource |
RemarketingAction |
A remarketing action. A snippet of JavaScript code that will collect the product id and the type of page people visited (product page, shopping cart page, purchase page, general site visit) on an advertiser's website. |
RemarketingSetting |
Remarketing setting for a customer. |
Residency |
Details about the employee's medical residency. Residency is a stage of graduate medical education in which a qualified medical professional practices under the supervision of a senior clinician. |
SearchTermView |
A search term view with metrics aggregated by search term at the ad group level. |
SharedCriterion |
A criterion belonging to a shared set. |
SharedSet |
SharedSets are used for sharing criterion exclusions across multiple campaigns. |
ShoppingPerformanceView |
Shopping performance view. Provides Shopping campaign statistics aggregated at several product dimension levels. Product dimension values from Merchant Center such as brand, category, custom attributes, product condition and product type will reflect the state of each dimension as of the date and time when the corresponding event was recorded. |
ShoppingProduct |
A shopping product from Google Merchant Center that can be advertised by campaigns. The resource returns currently existing products from Google Merchant Center accounts linked with the customer. A campaign includes a product by specifying its merchant id (or, if available, the Multi Client Account id of the merchant) in the Queries to this resource specify a scope: Account: - Filters on campaigns or ad groups are not specified. - All products from the linked Google Merchant Center accounts are returned. - Metrics and some fields (see the per-field documentation) are aggregated across all Shopping and Performance Max campaigns that include a product. Campaign: - An equality filter on |
ShoppingProduct.ProductIssue |
An issue affecting whether a product can show in ads. |
SmartCampaignSearchTermView |
A Smart campaign search term view. |
SmartCampaignSetting |
Settings for configuring Smart campaigns. |
SmartCampaignSetting.AdOptimizedBusinessProfileSetting |
Settings for configuring a business profile optimized for ads as this campaign's landing page. |
SmartCampaignSetting.PhoneNumber |
Phone number and country code in smart campaign settings. |
ThirdPartyAppAnalyticsLink |
A data sharing connection, allowing the import of third party app analytics into a Google Ads Customer. |
ThirdPartyAppAnalyticsLinkIdentifier |
The identifiers of a Third Party App Analytics Link. |
TopicConstant |
Use topics to target or exclude placements in the Google Display Network based on the category into which the placement falls (for example, "Pets & Animals/Pets/Dogs"). |
TopicView |
A topic view. |
TravelActivityGroupView |
A travel activity group view. |
TravelActivityPerformanceView |
A travel activity performance view. |
UniversityDegree |
A list of degrees this employee has obtained, and wants to feature. |
UserInterest |
A user interest: a particular interest-based vertical to be targeted. |
UserList |
A user list. This is a list of users a customer may target. |
UserListCustomerType |
A user list customer type |
UserLocationView |
A user location view. User Location View includes all metrics aggregated at the country level, one row per country. It reports metrics at the actual physical location of the user by targeted or not targeted location. If other segment fields are used, you may get more than one row per country. |
Video |
A video. |
WebpageView |
A webpage view. |
services |
AccountBudgetProposalService |
A service for managing account-level budgets through proposals. A proposal is a request to create a new budget or make changes to an existing one. Mutates: The CREATE operation creates a new proposal. UPDATE operations aren't supported. The REMOVE operation cancels a pending proposal. |
AccountLinkService |
This service allows management of links between Google Ads accounts and other accounts. |
AdGroupAdLabelService |
Service to manage labels on ad group ads. |
AdGroupAdService |
Service to manage ads in an ad group. |
AdGroupAssetService |
Service to manage ad group assets. |
AdGroupAssetSetService |
Service to manage ad group asset set |
AdGroupBidModifierService |
Service to manage ad group bid modifiers. |
AdGroupCriterionCustomizerService |
Service to manage ad group criterion customizer |
AdGroupCriterionLabelService |
Service to manage labels on ad group criteria. |
AdGroupCriterionService |
Service to manage ad group criteria. |
AdGroupCustomizerService |
Service to manage ad group customizer |
AdGroupExtensionSettingService |
Service to manage ad group extension settings. |
AdGroupFeedService |
Service to manage ad group feeds. |
AdGroupLabelService |
Service to manage labels on ad groups. |
AdGroupService |
Service to manage ad groups. |
AdParameterService |
Service to manage ad parameters. |
AdService |
Service to manage ads. |
AssetGroupAssetService |
Service to manage asset group asset. |
AssetGroupListingGroupFilterService |
Service to manage asset group listing group filter. |
AssetGroupService |
Service to manage asset group |
AssetGroupSignalService |
Service to manage asset group signal. |
AssetService |
Service to manage assets. Asset types can be created with AssetService are YoutubeVideoAsset, MediaBundleAsset and ImageAsset. TextAsset should be created with Ad inline. |
AssetSetAssetService |
Service to manage asset set asset. |
AssetSetService |
Service to manage asset set |
AudienceInsightsService |
Audience Insights Service helps users find information about groups of people and how they can be reached with Google Ads. Accessible to allowlisted customers only. |
AudienceService |
Service to manage audiences. |
BatchJobService |
Service to manage batch jobs. |
BiddingDataExclusionService |
Service to manage bidding data exclusions. |
BiddingSeasonalityAdjustmentService |
Service to manage bidding seasonality adjustments. |
BiddingStrategyService |
Service to manage bidding strategies. |
BillingSetupService |
A service for designating the business entity responsible for accrued costs. A billing setup is associated with a payments account. Billing-related activity for all billing setups associated with a particular payments account will appear on a single invoice generated monthly. Mutates: The REMOVE operation cancels a pending billing setup. The CREATE operation creates a new billing setup. |
BrandSuggestionService |
This service will suggest brands based on a prefix. |
CampaignAssetService |
Service to manage campaign assets. |
CampaignAssetSetService |
Service to manage campaign asset set |
CampaignBidModifierService |
Service to manage campaign bid modifiers. |
CampaignBudgetService |
Service to manage campaign budgets. |
CampaignConversionGoalService |
Service to manage campaign conversion goal. |
CampaignCriterionService |
Service to manage campaign criteria. |
CampaignCustomizerService |
Service to manage campaign customizer |
CampaignDraftService |
Service to manage campaign drafts. |
CampaignExtensionSettingService |
Service to manage campaign extension settings. |
CampaignFeedService |
Service to manage campaign feeds. |
CampaignGroupService |
Service to manage campaign groups. |
CampaignLabelService |
Service to manage labels on campaigns. |
CampaignLifecycleGoalService |
Service to configure campaign lifecycle goals. |
CampaignService |
Service to manage campaigns. |
CampaignSharedSetService |
Service to manage campaign shared sets. |
ConversionActionService |
Service to manage conversion actions. |
ConversionAdjustmentUploadService |
Service to upload conversion adjustments. |
ConversionCustomVariableService |
Service to manage conversion custom variables. |
ConversionGoalCampaignConfigService |
Service to manage conversion goal campaign config. |
ConversionUploadService |
Service to upload conversions. |
ConversionValueRuleService |
Service to manage conversion value rules. |
ConversionValueRuleSetService |
Service to manage conversion value rule sets. |
CustomAudienceService |
Service to manage custom audiences. |
CustomConversionGoalService |
Service to manage custom conversion goal. |
CustomInterestService |
Service to manage custom interests. |
CustomerAssetService |
Service to manage customer assets. |
CustomerAssetSetService |
Service to manage customer asset set |
CustomerClientLinkService |
Service to manage customer client links. |
CustomerConversionGoalService |
Service to manage customer conversion goal. |
CustomerCustomizerService |
Service to manage customer customizer |
CustomerExtensionSettingService |
Service to manage customer extension settings. |
CustomerFeedService |
Service to manage customer feeds. |
CustomerLabelService |
Service to manage labels on customers. |
CustomerLifecycleGoalService |
Service to configure customer lifecycle goals. |
CustomerManagerLinkService |
Service to manage customer-manager links. |
CustomerNegativeCriterionService |
Service to manage customer negative criteria. |
CustomerService |
Service to manage customers. |
CustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchemaService |
Service to manage CustomerSkAdNetworkConversionValueSchema. |
CustomerUserAccessInvitationService |
This service manages the access invitation extended to users for a given customer. |
CustomerUserAccessService |
This service manages the permissions of a user on a given customer. |
CustomizerAttributeService |
Service to manage customizer attribute |
ExperimentArmService |
Service to manage experiment arms. |
ExperimentService |
Service to manage experiments. |
ExtensionFeedItemService |
Service to manage extension feed items. |
FeedItemService |
Service to manage feed items. |
FeedItemSetLinkService |
Service to manage feed item set links. |
FeedItemSetService |
Service to manage feed Item Set |
FeedItemTargetService |
Service to manage feed item targets. |
FeedMappingService |
Service to manage feed mappings. |
FeedService |
Service to manage feeds. |
GeoTargetConstantService |
Service to fetch geo target constants. |
GoogleAdsFieldService |
Service to fetch Google Ads API fields. |
GoogleAdsService |
Service to fetch data and metrics across resources. |
IdentityVerificationService |
A service for managing Identity Verification Service. |
InvoiceService |
A service to fetch invoices issued for a billing setup during a given month. |
KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordService |
Service to manage Keyword Plan ad group keywords. KeywordPlanAdGroup is required to add ad group keywords. Positive and negative keywords are supported. A maximum of 10,000 positive keywords are allowed per keyword plan. A maximum of 1,000 negative keywords are allower per keyword plan. This includes campaign negative keywords and ad group negative keywords. |
KeywordPlanAdGroupService |
Service to manage Keyword Plan ad groups. |
KeywordPlanCampaignKeywordService |
Service to manage Keyword Plan campaign keywords. KeywordPlanCampaign is required to add the campaign keywords. Only negative keywords are supported. A maximum of 1000 negative keywords are allowed per plan. This includes both campaign negative keywords and ad group negative keywords. |
KeywordPlanCampaignService |
Service to manage Keyword Plan campaigns. |
KeywordPlanIdeaService |
Service to generate keyword ideas. |
KeywordPlanService |
Service to manage keyword plans. |
KeywordThemeConstantService |
Service to fetch Smart Campaign keyword themes. |
LabelService |
Service to manage labels. |
LocalServicesLeadService |
This service allows management of LocalServicesLead resources. |
OfflineUserDataJobService |
Service to manage offline user data jobs. |
PaymentsAccountService |
Service to provide payments accounts that can be used to set up consolidated billing. |
ProductLinkInvitationService |
This service allows management of product link invitations from Google Ads accounts to other accounts. |
ProductLinkService |
This service allows management of links between a Google Ads customer and another product. |
ReachPlanService |
Reach Plan Service gives users information about audience size that can be reached through advertisement on YouTube. In particular, GenerateReachForecast provides estimated number of people of specified demographics that can be reached by an ad in a given market by a campaign of certain duration with a defined budget. |
RecommendationService |
Service to manage recommendations. |
RecommendationSubscriptionService |
Service to manage recommendation subscriptions. |
RemarketingActionService |
Service to manage remarketing actions. |
ShareablePreviewService |
Service to generate Shareable Previews. |
SharedCriterionService |
Service to manage shared criteria. |
SharedSetService |
Service to manage shared sets. |
SmartCampaignSettingService |
Service to manage Smart campaign settings. |
SmartCampaignSuggestService |
Service to get suggestions for Smart Campaigns. |
ThirdPartyAppAnalyticsLinkService |
This service allows management of links between Google Ads and third party app analytics. |
TravelAssetSuggestionService |
Service to retrieve Travel asset suggestions. |
UserDataService |
Service to manage user data uploads. Any uploads made to a Customer Match list through this service will be eligible for matching as per the customer matching process. See https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7474263. However, the uploads made through this service will not be visible under the 'Segment members' section for the Customer Match List in the Google Ads UI. |
UserListCustomerTypeService |
Service to manage user list customer types. |
UserListService |
Service to manage user lists. |