Haz que los componentes de datos respondan a los eventos mousemove
y click
y utiliza esto para cambiar el aspecto de un componente según la interacción del usuario.
Cómo habilitar los eventos en una capa de conjunto de datos
Sigue estos pasos para habilitar los eventos en una capa de conjunto de datos:
Registra una capa de conjunto de datos para que reciba las notificaciones de evento. Para eso, llama a la función
en la capa de conjunto de datos para cada evento que desees registrar. En este ejemplo, también se agrega un objeto de escucha al mapa.datasetLayer = map.getDatasetFeatureLayer(datasetId); datasetLayer.style = applyStyle; datasetLayer.addListener('click', handleClick); datasetLayer.addListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove); // Map event listener. map.addListener('mousemove', () => { // If the map gets a mousemove, that means there are no feature layers // with listeners registered under the mouse, so we clear the last // interacted feature ids. if (lastInteractedFeatureIds?.length) { lastInteractedFeatureIds = []; datasetLayer.style = applyStyle; } });
datasetLayer = map.getDatasetFeatureLayer(datasetId); datasetLayer.style = applyStyle; datasetLayer.addListener("click", handleClick); datasetLayer.addListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove); // Map event listener. map.addListener("mousemove", () => { // If the map gets a mousemove, that means there are no feature layers // with listeners registered under the mouse, so we clear the last // interacted feature ids. if (lastInteractedFeatureIds?.length) { lastInteractedFeatureIds = []; datasetLayer.style = applyStyle; } });
Agrega código de controlador de eventos para aplicar diseño al componente seleccionado según el tipo de interacción.
// Note, 'globalid' is an attribute in this Dataset. function handleClick(/* MouseEvent */ e) { if (e.features) { lastClickedFeatureIds = e.features.map((f) => f.datasetAttributes['globalid']); } //@ts-ignore datasetLayer.style = applyStyle; } function handleMouseMove(/* MouseEvent */ e) { if (e.features) { lastInteractedFeatureIds = e.features.map((f) => f.datasetAttributes['globalid']); } //@ts-ignore datasetLayer.style = applyStyle; }
// Note, 'globalid' is an attribute in this Dataset. function handleClick(/* MouseEvent */ e) { if (e.features) { lastClickedFeatureIds = e.features.map( (f) => f.datasetAttributes["globalid"], ); } //@ts-ignore datasetLayer.style = applyStyle; } function handleMouseMove(/* MouseEvent */ e) { if (e.features) { lastInteractedFeatureIds = e.features.map( (f) => f.datasetAttributes["globalid"], ); } //@ts-ignore datasetLayer.style = applyStyle; }
Usa una función de diseño de componentes para aplicar diseños. La función que se muestra aquí aplica diseño de forma condicional según el tipo de interacción. Aquí se definen tres diseños: uno para que el borde se muestre en negrita cuando se mueve el mouse (
), uno para se cambie el fondo cuando se hace clic (click
) y uno predeterminado.const styleDefault = { strokeColor: 'green', strokeWeight: 2.0, strokeOpacity: 1.0, fillColor: 'green', fillOpacity: 0.3, }; const styleClicked = { ...styleDefault, strokeColor: 'blue', fillColor: 'blue', fillOpacity: 0.5, }; const styleMouseMove = { ...styleDefault, strokeWeight: 4.0 }; function applyStyle(/* FeatureStyleFunctionOptions */ params) { const datasetFeature = params.feature; // Note, 'globalid' is an attribute in this dataset. //@ts-ignore if (lastClickedFeatureIds.includes(datasetFeature.datasetAttributes['globalid'])) { return styleClicked; } //@ts-ignore if (lastInteractedFeatureIds.includes(datasetFeature.datasetAttributes['globalid'])) { return styleMouseMove; } return styleDefault; }
const styleDefault = { strokeColor: "green", strokeWeight: 2.0, strokeOpacity: 1.0, fillColor: "green", fillOpacity: 0.3, }; const styleClicked = { ...styleDefault, strokeColor: "blue", fillColor: "blue", fillOpacity: 0.5, }; const styleMouseMove = { ...styleDefault, strokeWeight: 4.0, }; function applyStyle(/* FeatureStyleFunctionOptions */ params) { const datasetFeature = params.feature; // Note, 'globalid' is an attribute in this dataset. //@ts-ignore if ( lastClickedFeatureIds.includes(datasetFeature.datasetAttributes["globalid"]) ) { return styleClicked; } //@ts-ignore if ( lastInteractedFeatureIds.includes( datasetFeature.datasetAttributes["globalid"], ) ) { return styleMouseMove; } return styleDefault; }
Ejemplo de código completo
let map: google.maps.Map; let lastInteractedFeatureIds = []; let lastClickedFeatureIds = []; let datasetLayer; // Note, 'globalid' is an attribute in this Dataset. function handleClick(/* MouseEvent */ e) { if (e.features) { lastClickedFeatureIds = e.features.map((f) => f.datasetAttributes['globalid']); } //@ts-ignore datasetLayer.style = applyStyle; } function handleMouseMove(/* MouseEvent */ e) { if (e.features) { lastInteractedFeatureIds = e.features.map((f) => f.datasetAttributes['globalid']); } //@ts-ignore datasetLayer.style = applyStyle; } async function initMap() { // Request needed libraries. const { Map } = await google.maps.importLibrary('maps') as google.maps.MapsLibrary; const position = {lat: 40.780101, lng: -73.967780}; map = new Map(document.getElementById('map') as HTMLElement, { zoom: 13, center: position, mapId: 'b98e588c46685dd7', mapTypeControl: false, }); // Dataset ID for NYC park data. const datasetId = '6fe13aa9-b900-45e7-b636-3236672c3f4f'; //@ts-ignore datasetLayer = map.getDatasetFeatureLayer(datasetId); datasetLayer.style = applyStyle; datasetLayer.addListener('click', handleClick); datasetLayer.addListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove); // Map event listener. map.addListener('mousemove', () => { // If the map gets a mousemove, that means there are no feature layers // with listeners registered under the mouse, so we clear the last // interacted feature ids. if (lastInteractedFeatureIds?.length) { lastInteractedFeatureIds = []; datasetLayer.style = applyStyle; } }); const attributionDiv = document.createElement('div'); const attributionControl = createAttribution(map); attributionDiv.appendChild(attributionControl); map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_BOTTOM].push(attributionDiv); } const styleDefault = { strokeColor: 'green', strokeWeight: 2.0, strokeOpacity: 1.0, fillColor: 'green', fillOpacity: 0.3, }; const styleClicked = { ...styleDefault, strokeColor: 'blue', fillColor: 'blue', fillOpacity: 0.5, }; const styleMouseMove = { ...styleDefault, strokeWeight: 4.0 }; function applyStyle(/* FeatureStyleFunctionOptions */ params) { const datasetFeature = params.feature; // Note, 'globalid' is an attribute in this dataset. //@ts-ignore if (lastClickedFeatureIds.includes(datasetFeature.datasetAttributes['globalid'])) { return styleClicked; } //@ts-ignore if (lastInteractedFeatureIds.includes(datasetFeature.datasetAttributes['globalid'])) { return styleMouseMove; } return styleDefault; } function createAttribution(map) { const attributionLabel = document.createElement('div'); // Define CSS styles. attributionLabel.style.backgroundColor = '#fff'; attributionLabel.style.opacity = '0.7'; attributionLabel.style.fontFamily = 'Roboto,Arial,sans-serif'; attributionLabel.style.fontSize = '10px'; attributionLabel.style.padding = '2px'; attributionLabel.style.margin = '2px'; attributionLabel.textContent = 'Data source: NYC Open Data'; return attributionLabel; } initMap();
let map; let lastInteractedFeatureIds = []; let lastClickedFeatureIds = []; let datasetLayer; // Note, 'globalid' is an attribute in this Dataset. function handleClick(/* MouseEvent */ e) { if (e.features) { lastClickedFeatureIds = e.features.map( (f) => f.datasetAttributes["globalid"], ); } //@ts-ignore datasetLayer.style = applyStyle; } function handleMouseMove(/* MouseEvent */ e) { if (e.features) { lastInteractedFeatureIds = e.features.map( (f) => f.datasetAttributes["globalid"], ); } //@ts-ignore datasetLayer.style = applyStyle; } async function initMap() { // Request needed libraries. const { Map } = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps"); const position = { lat: 40.780101, lng: -73.96778 }; map = new Map(document.getElementById("map"), { zoom: 13, center: position, mapId: "b98e588c46685dd7", mapTypeControl: false, }); // Dataset ID for NYC park data. const datasetId = "6fe13aa9-b900-45e7-b636-3236672c3f4f"; //@ts-ignore datasetLayer = map.getDatasetFeatureLayer(datasetId); datasetLayer.style = applyStyle; datasetLayer.addListener("click", handleClick); datasetLayer.addListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove); // Map event listener. map.addListener("mousemove", () => { // If the map gets a mousemove, that means there are no feature layers // with listeners registered under the mouse, so we clear the last // interacted feature ids. if (lastInteractedFeatureIds?.length) { lastInteractedFeatureIds = []; datasetLayer.style = applyStyle; } }); const attributionDiv = document.createElement("div"); const attributionControl = createAttribution(map); attributionDiv.appendChild(attributionControl); map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_BOTTOM].push(attributionDiv); } const styleDefault = { strokeColor: "green", strokeWeight: 2.0, strokeOpacity: 1.0, fillColor: "green", fillOpacity: 0.3, }; const styleClicked = { ...styleDefault, strokeColor: "blue", fillColor: "blue", fillOpacity: 0.5, }; const styleMouseMove = { ...styleDefault, strokeWeight: 4.0, }; function applyStyle(/* FeatureStyleFunctionOptions */ params) { const datasetFeature = params.feature; // Note, 'globalid' is an attribute in this dataset. //@ts-ignore if ( lastClickedFeatureIds.includes(datasetFeature.datasetAttributes["globalid"]) ) { return styleClicked; } //@ts-ignore if ( lastInteractedFeatureIds.includes( datasetFeature.datasetAttributes["globalid"], ) ) { return styleMouseMove; } return styleDefault; } function createAttribution(map) { const attributionLabel = document.createElement("div"); // Define CSS styles. attributionLabel.style.backgroundColor = "#fff"; attributionLabel.style.opacity = "0.7"; attributionLabel.style.fontFamily = "Roboto,Arial,sans-serif"; attributionLabel.style.fontSize = "10px"; attributionLabel.style.padding = "2px"; attributionLabel.style.margin = "2px"; attributionLabel.textContent = "Data source: NYC Open Data"; return attributionLabel; } initMap();