[null,null,["最后更新时间 (UTC):2024-06-11。"],[[["Display & Video 360 API v2 is no longer in use."],["The environment targeting options allow advertisers to specify whether their ads should be displayed in web browsers (optimized or not optimized for the device) or in apps."],["When using environment targeting, `ENVIRONMENT_UNSPECIFIED` is the default and does not represent an actual environment, while `ENVIRONMENT_WEB_OPTIMIZED` and `ENVIRONMENT_WEB_NOT_OPTIMIZED` target web browsers, and `ENVIRONMENT_APP` targets app inventory."],["For web targeting, if you want to target both optimized and non-optimized inventory, you should target `ENVIRONMENT_WEB_OPTIMIZED` first and then add `ENVIRONMENT_WEB_NOT_OPTIMIZED`."]]],["The Display & Video 360 API v2 has been discontinued. The document details environment targeting options: `ENVIRONMENT_WEB_OPTIMIZED` targets browser inventory designed for the viewing device. `ENVIRONMENT_WEB_NOT_OPTIMIZED` targets browser inventory not designed for the device. `ENVIRONMENT_APP` targets in-app inventory. `ENVIRONMENT_UNSPECIFIED` is a default placeholder, not a real option. Specific targeting orders are outlined between optimized and not-optimized web environments.\n"]]