Display- und Video 360 API Version 2 wird eingestellt. Verwenden Sie Display- und Video 360 API v3. Eine Anleitung zur Migration von Version 2 zu Version 3 finden Sie in unserer Migrationsanleitung.
[null,null,["Zuletzt aktualisiert: 2024-06-11 (UTC)."],[[["Display & Video 360 API v2 is sunset and this documentation details creating FirstAndThirdPartyAudiences using the API."],["The API only supports `CUSTOMER_MATCH_CONTACT_INFO` and `CUSTOMER_MATCH_DEVICE_ID` audience types."],["To create an audience, send a POST request to the specified endpoint with the advertiser ID and audience details in the request body."],["Successful requests will return the newly created FirstAndThirdPartyAudience object in the response body."],["Authorization requires the `https://www.googleapis.com/auth/display-video` OAuth scope."]]],[]]