Class UpdateDraftActionResponse


Представляет действие, которое обновляет черновик электронного письма, который в данный момент редактирует пользователь.

// An UpdateDraftActionResponse that inserts a list of To recipients into an email draft
var updateDraftActionResponse = CardService.newUpdateDraftActionResponseBuilder()
.addUpdateToRecipients(["", ""]))

// An UpdateDraftActionResponse that inserts a list of Cc recipients into an email draft
var updateDraftActionResponse = CardService.newUpdateDraftActionResponseBuilder()
.addUpdateCcRecipients(["", ""]))

// An UpdateDraftActionResponse that inserts a list of Bcc recipients into an email draft
.addUpdateBccRecipients(["", ""]))

// An UpdateDraftActionResponse that inserts a subject line into an email draft
var updateDraftActionResponse = CARD_SERVICE.newUpdateDraftActionResponseBuilder()
.addUpdateSubject("example subject"))

// An UpdateDraftActionResponse that inserts non-editable content (a link in this case) into an
// email draft.
var updateDraftActionResponse = CardService.newUpdateDraftActionResponseBuilder()
"<a href=\"\">Google</a>",

// An UpdateDraftActionResponse that inserts a link into an email draft. The added content can be
// edited further.
var updateDraftActionResponse = CardService.newUpdateDraftActionResponseBuilder()
"<a href=\"\">Google</a>",

// An UpdateDraftActionResponse that inserts multiple values of different types.
// The example action response inserts two lines next to each other in the email
// draft, at the cursor position. Each line contains the content added by
// {@link UpdateDraftActionResponseBuilder#addUpdateContent}.
var updateDraftActionResponse = CardService.newUpdateDraftActionResponseBuilder()
"<a href=\"\">Google</a>",
.addUpdateContent("Above is a google link.", ContentType.PLAIN_TEXT)


Метод Тип возврата Краткое описание
printJson() String Печатает JSON-представление этого объекта.

Подробная документация


Печатает JSON-представление этого объекта. Это только для отладки.

