
通过高级文档服务,您可以使用 Apps 脚本中的 Google 文档 API。与 Apps 脚本非常相似 内置的文档服务、 此 API 允许脚本读取、编辑 Google 文档中的内容以及设置其格式。在 内置服务在大多数情况下更易于使用,但这种高级服务 提供了几项额外的功能


有关此服务的详细信息,请参阅 参考文档。 与 Apps 脚本中的所有高级服务一样,高级文档服务使用 对象、方法和参数与公共 API 相同。如需了解详情,请参阅如何确定方法签名

如需报告问题和寻求其他支持,请参阅 Google 文档 API 支持指南


以下示例代码使用了该 API 的版本 1



 * Create a new document.
 * @see https://developers.google.com/docs/api/reference/rest/v1/documents/create
 * @return {string} documentId
function createDocument() {
  try {
    // Create document with title
    const document = Docs.Documents.create({'title': 'My New Document'});
    console.log('Created document with ID: ' + document.documentId);
    return document.documentId;
  } catch (e) {
    // TODO (developer) - Handle exception
    console.log('Failed with error %s', e.message);


此示例查找并替换文档中的文本对。这对于 将模板文档副本中的占位符替换为 数据库。

 * Performs "replace all".
 * @param {string} documentId The document to perform the replace text operations on.
 * @param {Object} findTextToReplacementMap A map from the "find text" to the "replace text".
 * @return {Object} replies
 * @see https://developers.google.com/docs/api/reference/rest/v1/documents/batchUpdate
function findAndReplace(documentId, findTextToReplacementMap) {
  const requests = [];
  for (const findText in findTextToReplacementMap) {
    const replaceText = findTextToReplacementMap[findText];
    const request = {
      replaceAllText: {
        containsText: {
          text: findText,
          matchCase: true
        replaceText: replaceText
  try {
    const response = Docs.Documents.batchUpdate({'requests': requests}, documentId);
    const replies = response.replies;
    for (const [index] of replies.entries()) {
      const numReplacements = replies[index].replaceAllText.occurrencesChanged || 0;
      console.log('Request %s performed %s replacements.', index, numReplacements);
    return replies;
  } catch (e) {
    // TODO (developer) - Handle exception
    console.log('Failed with error : %s', e.message);


此示例会在文档开头插入新文本,并设置 特定的字体和大小请注意,如果可能的话 将多项操作整合到单个 batchUpdate 调用中,以提高效率。

 * Insert text at the beginning of the document and then style the inserted
 * text.
 * @param {string} documentId The document the text is inserted into.
 * @param {string} text The text to insert into the document.
 * @return {Object} replies
 * @see https://developers.google.com/docs/api/reference/rest/v1/documents/batchUpdate
function insertAndStyleText(documentId, text) {
  const requests = [{
    insertText: {
      location: {
        index: 1
      text: text
    updateTextStyle: {
      range: {
        startIndex: 1,
        endIndex: text.length + 1
      textStyle: {
        fontSize: {
          magnitude: 12,
          unit: 'PT'
        weightedFontFamily: {
          fontFamily: 'Calibri'
      fields: 'weightedFontFamily, fontSize'
  try {
    const response =Docs.Documents.batchUpdate({'requests': requests}, documentId);
    return response.replies;
  } catch (e) {
    // TODO (developer) - Handle exception
    console.log('Failed with an error %s', e.message);


此示例记录文档中第一个段落的文本。由于 Google 文档 API 中段落的结构化性质,其中涉及将 多个子元素的文本。

 * Read the first paragraph of the body of a document.
 * @param {string} documentId The ID of the document to read.
 * @return {Object} paragraphText
 * @see https://developers.google.com/docs/api/reference/rest/v1/documents/get
function readFirstParagraph(documentId) {
  try {
    // Get the document using document ID
    const document = Docs.Documents.get(documentId);
    const bodyElements = document.body.content;
    for (let i = 0; i < bodyElements.length; i++) {
      const structuralElement = bodyElements[i];
      // Print the first paragraph text present in document
      if (structuralElement.paragraph) {
        const paragraphElements = structuralElement.paragraph.elements;
        let paragraphText = '';

        for (let j = 0; j < paragraphElements.length; j++) {
          const paragraphElement = paragraphElements[j];
          if (paragraphElement.textRun !== null) {
            paragraphText += paragraphElement.textRun.content;
        return paragraphText;
  } catch (e) {
    // TODO (developer) - Handle exception
    console.log('Failed with error %s', e.message);



使用高级文档服务时,将多个请求合并到一个数组中 而不是在循环中调用 batchUpdate

错误做法 - 循环调用 batchUpdate

var textToReplace = ['foo', 'bar'];
for (var i = 0; i < textToReplace.length; i++) {
    requests: [{
      replaceAllText: ...
  }, docId);

正确做法 - 使用一组数组来调用 batchUpdate 更新。

var requests = [];
var textToReplace = ['foo', 'bar'];
for (var i = 0; i < textToReplace.length; i++) {
  requests.push({ replaceAllText: ... });

  requests: requests
}, docId);