This service allows users to create charts using Google Charts Tools and render them server side. If you want to render charts in a web browser, use the Google Charts API instead.
This example creates a basic data table, populates an area chart with the data, and adds it to a web page as an image:
function doGet() {
var data = Charts.newDataTable()
.addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.STRING, 'Month')
.addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.NUMBER, 'In Store')
.addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.NUMBER, 'Online')
.addRow(['January', 10, 1])
.addRow(['February', 12, 1])
.addRow(['March', 20, 2])
.addRow(['April', 25, 3])
.addRow(['May', 30, 4])
var chart = Charts.newAreaChart()
.setRange(0, 40)
.setTitle('Sales per Month')
var htmlOutput = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput().setTitle('My Chart');
var imageData = Utilities.base64Encode(chart.getAs('image/png').getBytes());
var imageUrl = "data:image/png;base64," + encodeURI(imageData);
htmlOutput.append("Render chart server side: <br/>");
htmlOutput.append("<img border=\"1\" src=\"" + imageUrl + "\">");
return htmlOutput;
Name | Brief description |
AreaChartBuilder | Builder for area charts. |
BarChartBuilder | Builder for bar charts. |
Chart | A Chart object, which can be converted to a static image. |
ChartHiddenDimensionStrategy | An enumeration of how hidden dimensions in a source are expressed in a chart. |
ChartMergeStrategy | An enumeration of how multiple ranges in the source are expressed in a chart. |
ChartOptions | Exposes options currently configured for a Chart , such as height, color, etc. |
ChartType | Chart types supported by the Charts service. |
Charts | Entry point for creating Charts in scripts. |
ColumnChartBuilder | Builder for column charts. |
ColumnType | An enumeration of the valid data types for columns in a DataTable . |
CurveStyle | An enumeration of the styles for curves in a chart. |
DataTable | A Data Table to be used in charts. |
DataTableBuilder | Builder of DataTable objects. |
DataTableSource | Interface for objects that can represent their data as a DataTable . |
DataViewDefinition | A data view definition for visualizing chart data. |
DataViewDefinitionBuilder | Builder for DataViewDefinition objects. |
LineChartBuilder | Builder for line charts. |
MatchType | An enumeration of how a string value should be matched. |
NumberRangeFilterBuilder | A builder for number range filter controls. |
Orientation | An enumeration of the orientation of an object. |
PickerValuesLayout | An enumeration of how to display selected values in picker widget. |
PieChartBuilder | A builder for pie charts. |
PointStyle | An enumeration of the styles of points in a line. |
Position | An enumeration of legend positions within a chart. |
ScatterChartBuilder | Builder for scatter charts. |
StringFilterBuilder | A builder for string filter controls. |
TableChartBuilder | A builder for table charts. |
TextStyle | A text style configuration object. |
TextStyleBuilder | A builder used to create TextStyle objects. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
build() | Chart | Builds the chart. |
reverseCategories() | AreaChartBuilder | Reverses the drawing of series in the domain axis. |
setBackgroundColor(cssValue) | AreaChartBuilder | Sets the background color for the chart. |
setColors(cssValues) | AreaChartBuilder | Sets the colors for the lines in the chart. |
setDataSourceUrl(url) | AreaChartBuilder | Sets the data source URL that is used to pull data in from an external source, such as Google Sheets. |
setDataTable(tableBuilder) | AreaChartBuilder | Sets the data table to use for the chart using a DataTableBuilder. |
setDataTable(table) | AreaChartBuilder | Sets the data table which contains the lines for the chart, as well as the X-axis labels. |
setDataViewDefinition(dataViewDefinition) | AreaChartBuilder | Sets the data view definition to use for the chart. |
setDimensions(width, height) | AreaChartBuilder | Sets the dimensions for the chart. |
setLegendPosition(position) | AreaChartBuilder | Sets the position of the legend with respect to the chart. |
setLegendTextStyle(textStyle) | AreaChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart legend. |
setOption(option, value) | AreaChartBuilder | Sets advanced options for this chart. |
setPointStyle(style) | AreaChartBuilder | Sets the style for points in the line. |
setRange(start, end) | AreaChartBuilder | Sets the range for the chart. |
setStacked() | AreaChartBuilder | Uses stacked lines, meaning that line and bar values are stacked (accumulated). |
setTitle(chartTitle) | AreaChartBuilder | Sets the title of the chart. |
setTitleTextStyle(textStyle) | AreaChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart title. |
setXAxisTextStyle(textStyle) | AreaChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis text style. |
setXAxisTitle(title) | AreaChartBuilder | Adds a title to the horizontal axis. |
setXAxisTitleTextStyle(textStyle) | AreaChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis title text style. |
setYAxisTextStyle(textStyle) | AreaChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis text style. |
setYAxisTitle(title) | AreaChartBuilder | Adds a title to the vertical axis. |
setYAxisTitleTextStyle(textStyle) | AreaChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis title text style. |
useLogScale() | AreaChartBuilder | Makes the range axis into a logarithmic scale (requires all values to be positive). |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
build() | Chart | Builds the chart. |
reverseCategories() | BarChartBuilder | Reverses the drawing of series in the domain axis. |
reverseDirection() | BarChartBuilder | Reverses the direction in which the bars grow along the horizontal axis. |
setBackgroundColor(cssValue) | BarChartBuilder | Sets the background color for the chart. |
setColors(cssValues) | BarChartBuilder | Sets the colors for the lines in the chart. |
setDataSourceUrl(url) | BarChartBuilder | Sets the data source URL that is used to pull data in from an external source, such as Google Sheets. |
setDataTable(tableBuilder) | BarChartBuilder | Sets the data table to use for the chart using a DataTableBuilder. |
setDataTable(table) | BarChartBuilder | Sets the data table which contains the lines for the chart, as well as the X-axis labels. |
setDataViewDefinition(dataViewDefinition) | BarChartBuilder | Sets the data view definition to use for the chart. |
setDimensions(width, height) | BarChartBuilder | Sets the dimensions for the chart. |
setLegendPosition(position) | BarChartBuilder | Sets the position of the legend with respect to the chart. |
setLegendTextStyle(textStyle) | BarChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart legend. |
setOption(option, value) | BarChartBuilder | Sets advanced options for this chart. |
setRange(start, end) | BarChartBuilder | Sets the range for the chart. |
setStacked() | BarChartBuilder | Uses stacked lines, meaning that line and bar values are stacked (accumulated). |
setTitle(chartTitle) | BarChartBuilder | Sets the title of the chart. |
setTitleTextStyle(textStyle) | BarChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart title. |
setXAxisTextStyle(textStyle) | BarChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis text style. |
setXAxisTitle(title) | BarChartBuilder | Adds a title to the horizontal axis. |
setXAxisTitleTextStyle(textStyle) | BarChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis title text style. |
setYAxisTextStyle(textStyle) | BarChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis text style. |
setYAxisTitle(title) | BarChartBuilder | Adds a title to the vertical axis. |
setYAxisTitleTextStyle(textStyle) | BarChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis title text style. |
useLogScale() | BarChartBuilder | Makes the range axis into a logarithmic scale (requires all values to be positive). |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
getAs(contentType) | Blob | Return the data inside this object as a blob converted to the specified content type. |
getBlob() | Blob | Return the data inside this object as a blob. |
getOptions() | ChartOptions | Returns the options for this chart, such as height, colors, and axes. |
Property | Type | Description |
IGNORE_BOTH | Enum | Default; charts skips any hidden columns and hidden rows. |
IGNORE_ROWS | Enum | Charts skips hidden rows only. |
IGNORE_COLUMNS | Enum | Charts skips hidden columns only. |
SHOW_BOTH | Enum | Charts does not skip hidden columns or hidden rows. |
Property | Type | Description |
MERGE_COLUMNS | Enum | Default. |
MERGE_ROWS | Enum | Charts merges the rows of multiple ranges. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get(option) | Object | Returns a configured option for this chart. |
getOrDefault(option) | Object | Returns a configured option for this chart. |
Property | Type | Description |
TIMELINE | Enum | Timeline chart. |
AREA | Enum | Area chart |
BAR | Enum | Bar chart |
BUBBLE | Enum | Bubble chart. |
CANDLESTICK | Enum | Candlestick chart. |
COLUMN | Enum | Column chart |
COMBO | Enum | Combo chart |
GAUGE | Enum | Gauge chart. |
GEO | Enum | Geo chart. |
HISTOGRAM | Enum | Histogram |
RADAR | Enum | Radar chart. |
LINE | Enum | Line chart |
ORG | Enum | Org chart. |
PIE | Enum | Pie chart |
SCATTER | Enum | Scatter chart |
SPARKLINE | Enum | Sparkline chart. |
STEPPED_AREA | Enum | Stepped area chart. |
TABLE | Enum | Table chart |
TREEMAP | Enum | Treemap chart. |
WATERFALL | Enum | Waterfall chart. |
Property | Type | Description |
ChartHiddenDimensionStrategy | ChartHiddenDimensionStrategy | An enumeration of how hidden dimensions in a source are expressed in a chart. |
ChartMergeStrategy | ChartMergeStrategy | An enumeration of how multiple ranges in the source are expressed in a chart. |
ChartType | ChartType | An enumeration of chart types supported by the Charts service. |
ColumnType | ColumnType | An enumeration of the valid data types for columns in a DataTable . |
CurveStyle | CurveStyle | An enumeration of the styles for curves in a chart. |
PointStyle | PointStyle | An enumeration of the styles of points in a line. |
Position | Position | An enumeration of legend positions within a chart. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
newAreaChart() | AreaChartBuilder | Starts building an area chart, as described in the Google Chart Tools documentation. |
newBarChart() | BarChartBuilder | Starts building a bar chart, as described in the Google Chart Tools documentation. |
newColumnChart() | ColumnChartBuilder | Starts building a column chart, as described in the Google Chart Tools documentation. |
newDataTable() | DataTableBuilder | Creates an empty data table, which can have its values set manually. |
newDataViewDefinition() | DataViewDefinitionBuilder | Creates a new data view definition. |
newLineChart() | LineChartBuilder | Starts building a line chart, as described in the Google Chart Tools documentation. |
newPieChart() | PieChartBuilder | Starts building a pie chart, as described in the Google Chart Tools documentation. |
newScatterChart() | ScatterChartBuilder | Starts building a scatter chart, as described in the Google Chart Tools documentation. |
newTableChart() | TableChartBuilder | Starts building a table chart, as described in the Google Chart Tools documentation. |
newTextStyle() | TextStyleBuilder | Creates a new text style builder. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
build() | Chart | Builds the chart. |
reverseCategories() | ColumnChartBuilder | Reverses the drawing of series in the domain axis. |
setBackgroundColor(cssValue) | ColumnChartBuilder | Sets the background color for the chart. |
setColors(cssValues) | ColumnChartBuilder | Sets the colors for the lines in the chart. |
setDataSourceUrl(url) | ColumnChartBuilder | Sets the data source URL that is used to pull data in from an external source, such as Google Sheets. |
setDataTable(tableBuilder) | ColumnChartBuilder | Sets the data table to use for the chart using a DataTableBuilder. |
setDataTable(table) | ColumnChartBuilder | Sets the data table which contains the lines for the chart, as well as the X-axis labels. |
setDataViewDefinition(dataViewDefinition) | ColumnChartBuilder | Sets the data view definition to use for the chart. |
setDimensions(width, height) | ColumnChartBuilder | Sets the dimensions for the chart. |
setLegendPosition(position) | ColumnChartBuilder | Sets the position of the legend with respect to the chart. |
setLegendTextStyle(textStyle) | ColumnChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart legend. |
setOption(option, value) | ColumnChartBuilder | Sets advanced options for this chart. |
setRange(start, end) | ColumnChartBuilder | Sets the range for the chart. |
setStacked() | ColumnChartBuilder | Uses stacked lines, meaning that line and bar values are stacked (accumulated). |
setTitle(chartTitle) | ColumnChartBuilder | Sets the title of the chart. |
setTitleTextStyle(textStyle) | ColumnChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart title. |
setXAxisTextStyle(textStyle) | ColumnChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis text style. |
setXAxisTitle(title) | ColumnChartBuilder | Adds a title to the horizontal axis. |
setXAxisTitleTextStyle(textStyle) | ColumnChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis title text style. |
setYAxisTextStyle(textStyle) | ColumnChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis text style. |
setYAxisTitle(title) | ColumnChartBuilder | Adds a title to the vertical axis. |
setYAxisTitleTextStyle(textStyle) | ColumnChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis title text style. |
useLogScale() | ColumnChartBuilder | Makes the range axis into a logarithmic scale (requires all values to be positive). |
Property | Type | Description |
DATE | Enum | Corresponds to date values. |
NUMBER | Enum | Corresponds to number values. |
STRING | Enum | Corresponds to string values. |
Property | Type | Description |
NORMAL | Enum | Straight lines without curve. |
SMOOTH | Enum | The angles of the line are smoothed. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
addColumn(type, label) | DataTableBuilder | Adds a column to the data table. |
addRow(values) | DataTableBuilder | Adds a row to the data table. |
build() | DataTable | Builds and returns a data table. |
setValue(row, column, value) | DataTableBuilder | Sets a specific value in the table. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
getDataTable() | DataTable | Return the data inside this object as a DataTable. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
build() | DataViewDefinition | Builds and returns the data view definition object that was built using this builder. |
setColumns(columns) | DataViewDefinitionBuilder | Sets the indexes of the columns to include in the data view as well as specifying role-column information. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
build() | Chart | Builds the chart. |
reverseCategories() | LineChartBuilder | Reverses the drawing of series in the domain axis. |
setBackgroundColor(cssValue) | LineChartBuilder | Sets the background color for the chart. |
setColors(cssValues) | LineChartBuilder | Sets the colors for the lines in the chart. |
setCurveStyle(style) | LineChartBuilder | Sets the style to use for curves in the chart. |
setDataSourceUrl(url) | LineChartBuilder | Sets the data source URL that is used to pull data in from an external source, such as Google Sheets. |
setDataTable(tableBuilder) | LineChartBuilder | Sets the data table to use for the chart using a DataTableBuilder. |
setDataTable(table) | LineChartBuilder | Sets the data table which contains the lines for the chart, as well as the X-axis labels. |
setDataViewDefinition(dataViewDefinition) | LineChartBuilder | Sets the data view definition to use for the chart. |
setDimensions(width, height) | LineChartBuilder | Sets the dimensions for the chart. |
setLegendPosition(position) | LineChartBuilder | Sets the position of the legend with respect to the chart. |
setLegendTextStyle(textStyle) | LineChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart legend. |
setOption(option, value) | LineChartBuilder | Sets advanced options for this chart. |
setPointStyle(style) | LineChartBuilder | Sets the style for points in the line. |
setRange(start, end) | LineChartBuilder | Sets the range for the chart. |
setTitle(chartTitle) | LineChartBuilder | Sets the title of the chart. |
setTitleTextStyle(textStyle) | LineChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart title. |
setXAxisTextStyle(textStyle) | LineChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis text style. |
setXAxisTitle(title) | LineChartBuilder | Adds a title to the horizontal axis. |
setXAxisTitleTextStyle(textStyle) | LineChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis title text style. |
setYAxisTextStyle(textStyle) | LineChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis text style. |
setYAxisTitle(title) | LineChartBuilder | Adds a title to the vertical axis. |
setYAxisTitleTextStyle(textStyle) | LineChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis title text style. |
useLogScale() | LineChartBuilder | Makes the range axis into a logarithmic scale (requires all values to be positive). |
Property | Type | Description |
EXACT | Enum | Match exact values only |
PREFIX | Enum | Match prefixes starting from the beginning of the value |
ANY | Enum | Match any substring |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
getName() | String | Returns the name of the match type to be used in the options JSON. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
setMaxValue(maxValue) | NumberRangeFilterBuilder | Sets the maximum allowed value for the range lower extent. |
setMinValue(minValue) | NumberRangeFilterBuilder | Sets the minimum allowed value for the range lower extent. |
setOrientation(orientation) | NumberRangeFilterBuilder | Sets the slider orientation. |
setShowRangeValues(showRangeValues) | NumberRangeFilterBuilder | Sets whether to have labels next to the slider displaying extents of the selected range. |
setTicks(ticks) | NumberRangeFilterBuilder | Sets the number of ticks (fixed positions in a range bar) a number range filter slider thumbs can fall in. |
Property | Type | Description |
HORIZONTAL | Enum | Horizontal orientation. |
VERTICAL | Enum | Vertical orientation. |
Property | Type | Description |
ASIDE | Enum | Selected values display in a single text line next to the value picker widget. |
BELOW | Enum | Selected values display in a single text line below the widget. |
BELOW_WRAPPING | Enum | Similar to below, but entries that cannot fit in the picker wrap to a new line. |
BELOW_STACKED | Enum | Selected values display in a column below the widget. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
build() | Chart | Builds the chart. |
reverseCategories() | PieChartBuilder | Reverses the drawing of series in the domain axis. |
set3D() | PieChartBuilder | Sets the chart to be three-dimensional. |
setBackgroundColor(cssValue) | PieChartBuilder | Sets the background color for the chart. |
setColors(cssValues) | PieChartBuilder | Sets the colors for the lines in the chart. |
setDataSourceUrl(url) | PieChartBuilder | Sets the data source URL that is used to pull data in from an external source, such as Google Sheets. |
setDataTable(tableBuilder) | PieChartBuilder | Sets the data table to use for the chart using a DataTableBuilder. |
setDataTable(table) | PieChartBuilder | Sets the data table which contains the lines for the chart, as well as the X-axis labels. |
setDataViewDefinition(dataViewDefinition) | PieChartBuilder | Sets the data view definition to use for the chart. |
setDimensions(width, height) | PieChartBuilder | Sets the dimensions for the chart. |
setLegendPosition(position) | PieChartBuilder | Sets the position of the legend with respect to the chart. |
setLegendTextStyle(textStyle) | PieChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart legend. |
setOption(option, value) | PieChartBuilder | Sets advanced options for this chart. |
setTitle(chartTitle) | PieChartBuilder | Sets the title of the chart. |
setTitleTextStyle(textStyle) | PieChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart title. |
Property | Type | Description |
NONE | Enum | Do not display line points. |
TINY | Enum | Use tiny line points. |
MEDIUM | Enum | Use medium sized line points. |
LARGE | Enum | Use large sized line points. |
HUGE | Enum | Use largest sized line points. |
Property | Type | Description |
TOP | Enum | Above the chart. |
RIGHT | Enum | To the right of the chart. |
BOTTOM | Enum | Below the chart. |
NONE | Enum | No legend is displayed. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
build() | Chart | Builds the chart. |
setBackgroundColor(cssValue) | ScatterChartBuilder | Sets the background color for the chart. |
setColors(cssValues) | ScatterChartBuilder | Sets the colors for the lines in the chart. |
setDataSourceUrl(url) | ScatterChartBuilder | Sets the data source URL that is used to pull data in from an external source, such as Google Sheets. |
setDataTable(tableBuilder) | ScatterChartBuilder | Sets the data table to use for the chart using a DataTableBuilder. |
setDataTable(table) | ScatterChartBuilder | Sets the data table which contains the lines for the chart, as well as the X-axis labels. |
setDataViewDefinition(dataViewDefinition) | ScatterChartBuilder | Sets the data view definition to use for the chart. |
setDimensions(width, height) | ScatterChartBuilder | Sets the dimensions for the chart. |
setLegendPosition(position) | ScatterChartBuilder | Sets the position of the legend with respect to the chart. |
setLegendTextStyle(textStyle) | ScatterChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart legend. |
setOption(option, value) | ScatterChartBuilder | Sets advanced options for this chart. |
setPointStyle(style) | ScatterChartBuilder | Sets the style for points in the line. |
setTitle(chartTitle) | ScatterChartBuilder | Sets the title of the chart. |
setTitleTextStyle(textStyle) | ScatterChartBuilder | Sets the text style of the chart title. |
setXAxisLogScale() | ScatterChartBuilder | Makes the horizontal axis into a logarithmic scale (requires all values to be positive). |
setXAxisRange(start, end) | ScatterChartBuilder | Sets the range for the horizontal axis of the chart. |
setXAxisTextStyle(textStyle) | ScatterChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis text style. |
setXAxisTitle(title) | ScatterChartBuilder | Adds a title to the horizontal axis. |
setXAxisTitleTextStyle(textStyle) | ScatterChartBuilder | Sets the horizontal axis title text style. |
setYAxisLogScale() | ScatterChartBuilder | Makes the vertical axis into a logarithmic scale (requires all values to be positive). |
setYAxisRange(start, end) | ScatterChartBuilder | Sets the range for the vertical axis of the chart. |
setYAxisTextStyle(textStyle) | ScatterChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis text style. |
setYAxisTitle(title) | ScatterChartBuilder | Adds a title to the vertical axis. |
setYAxisTitleTextStyle(textStyle) | ScatterChartBuilder | Sets the vertical axis title text style. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
setCaseSensitive(caseSensitive) | StringFilterBuilder | Sets whether matching should be case sensitive or not. |
setMatchType(matchType) | StringFilterBuilder | Sets whether the control should match exact values only (MatchType.EXACT ), prefixes
starting from the beginning of the value (MatchType.PREFIX ), or any substring
(MatchType.ANY ). |
setRealtimeTrigger(realtimeTrigger) | StringFilterBuilder | Sets whether the control should match any time a key is pressed or only when the input field 'changes' (loss of focus or pressing the Enter key). |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
build() | Chart | Builds the chart. |
enablePaging(enablePaging) | TableChartBuilder | Sets whether to enable paging through the data. |
enablePaging(pageSize) | TableChartBuilder | Enables paging and sets the number of rows in each page. |
enablePaging(pageSize, startPage) | TableChartBuilder | Enables paging, sets the number of rows in each page and the first table page to display (page numbers are zero based). |
enableRtlTable(rtlEnabled) | TableChartBuilder | Adds basic support for right-to-left languages (such as Arabic or Hebrew) by reversing the column order of the table, so that column zero is the right-most column, and the last column is the left-most column. |
enableSorting(enableSorting) | TableChartBuilder | Sets whether to sort columns when the user clicks a column heading. |
setDataSourceUrl(url) | TableChartBuilder | Sets the data source URL that is used to pull data in from an external source, such as Google Sheets. |
setDataTable(tableBuilder) | TableChartBuilder | Sets the data table to use for the chart using a DataTableBuilder. |
setDataTable(table) | TableChartBuilder | Sets the data table which contains the lines for the chart, as well as the X-axis labels. |
setDataViewDefinition(dataViewDefinition) | TableChartBuilder | Sets the data view definition to use for the chart. |
setDimensions(width, height) | TableChartBuilder | Sets the dimensions for the chart. |
setFirstRowNumber(number) | TableChartBuilder | Sets the row number for the first row in the data table. |
setInitialSortingAscending(column) | TableChartBuilder | Sets the index of the column according to which the table should be initially sorted (ascending). |
setInitialSortingDescending(column) | TableChartBuilder | Sets the index of the column according to which the table should be initially sorted (descending). |
setOption(option, value) | TableChartBuilder | Sets advanced options for this chart. |
showRowNumberColumn(showRowNumber) | TableChartBuilder | Sets whether to show the row number as the first column of the table. |
useAlternatingRowStyle(alternate) | TableChartBuilder | Sets whether alternating color style is assigned to odd and even rows of a table chart. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
getColor() | String | Gets the color of the text style. |
getFontName() | String | Gets the font name of the text style. |
getFontSize() | Number | Gets the font size of the text style. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
build() | TextStyle | Builds and returns a text style configuration object that was built using this builder. |
setColor(cssValue) | TextStyleBuilder | Sets the color of the text style. |
setFontName(fontName) | TextStyleBuilder | Sets the font name of the text style |
setFontSize(fontSize) | TextStyleBuilder | Sets the font size of the text style. |