Enum AggregationType
一个枚举,用于定义可为 Field
属性 | 类型 | 说明 |
AVG | Enum | 平均。 |
COUNT | Enum | 计数。 |
COUNT_DISTINCT | Enum | 不同值计数。 |
MAX | Enum | “尽可能 |
MIN | Enum | 最低 |
SUM | Enum | 总和。 |
AUTO | Enum | 自动。对于引用汇总字段的计算字段,请使用“自动”。 |
属性 | 类型 | 说明 |
NO_AGGREGATION | Enum | 已弃用:请改用 AUTO 。无汇总。 |
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最后更新时间 (UTC):2024-12-02。
[null,null,["最后更新时间 (UTC):2024-12-02。"],[[["`AggregationType` is an enum used to define how data is aggregated within a [Field](/apps-script/reference/data-studio/field) in Data Studio."],["You can call an AggregationType enum through its parent class like so: `DataStudioApp.AggregationType.AVG`."],["Available aggregation types include `AVG`, `COUNT`, `COUNT_DISTINCT`, `MAX`, `MIN`, `SUM`, and `AUTO`, with `AUTO` recommended for calculated fields referencing an aggregated field."],["The `NO_AGGREGATION` enum is deprecated; use `AUTO` instead."]]],["`AggregationType` is an enum defining aggregation options for a `Field`. It includes properties like `AVG`, `COUNT`, `COUNT_DISTINCT`, `MAX`, `MIN`, `SUM`, and `AUTO`. These represent the types of calculations that can be applied to a field's data. `AUTO` is used for calculated fields that reference aggregated data. The `NO_AGGREGATION` property is deprecated and `AUTO` should be used instead. Each enum can be called by its parent class, name, and property.\n"]]