Class CheckboxGridValidation
Case à cocherGrilleValidation
Une validation des données pour un CheckboxGridItem
// Add a checkbox grid item to a form and require one response per column.
const form = FormApp.openById('123abc');
const checkboxGridItem = form.addCheckboxGridItem();
checkboxGridItem.setTitle('Where did you celebrate New Years?')
.setRows(['New York', 'San Francisco', 'London'])
.setColumns(['2014', '2015', '2016', '2017']);
const checkboxGridValidation = FormApp.createCheckboxGridValidation()
.setHelpText('Select one item per column.')
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Dernière mise à jour le 2024/12/22 (UTC).
[null,null,["Dernière mise à jour le 2024/12/22 (UTC)."],[[["`CheckboxGridValidation` is used to set validation rules specifically for `CheckboxGridItem` within Google Forms."],["It allows you to enforce constraints like requiring exactly one response per column in a checkbox grid, enhancing data integrity and user experience."],["You can customize the validation with help text to guide users on expected input."]]],["This content demonstrates creating and validating a checkbox grid item within a form. It outlines adding a checkbox grid with titles, rows (e.g., \"New York\"), and columns (e.g., \"2014\"). The example then builds a `CheckboxGridValidation` to enforce a limit of one response per column, including setting custom help text. Finally, it applies this validation to the checkbox grid, ensuring responses adhere to the set criteria.\n"]]