Class CheckboxValidation
Convalida delle caselle di controllo
Un controllo dati per un CheckboxItem
// Add a checkBox item to a form and require exactly two selections.
const form = FormApp.create('My Form');
const checkBoxItem = form.addCheckboxItem();
checkBoxItem.setTitle('What two condiments would you like on your hot dog?');
const checkBoxValidation = FormApp.createCheckboxValidation()
.setHelpText('Select two condiments.')
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Ultimo aggiornamento 2024-12-02 UTC.
[null,null,["Ultimo aggiornamento 2024-12-02 UTC."],[[["`CheckboxValidation` is used to set validation rules specifically for checkbox items within Google Forms."],["It allows you to define requirements like the number of choices a user must select using methods like `requireSelectExactly()`."],["A help text can be associated with the validation to guide the user using `setHelpText()`."]]],[]]