Class ScriptProperties


Deprecated. This class is deprecated and should not be used in new scripts.

Script Properties are key-value pairs stored by a script in a persistent store. Script Properties are scoped per script, regardless of which user runs the script.

MethodReturn typeBrief description
deleteAllProperties()ScriptPropertiesDeletes all properties.
deleteProperty(key)ScriptPropertiesDeletes the property with the given key.
getKeys()String[]Get all of the available keys.
getProperties()ObjectGet all of the available properties at once.
getProperty(key)StringReturns the value associated with the provided key, or null if there is no such value.
setProperties(properties)ScriptPropertiesBulk-sets all the properties drawn from the given object.
setProperties(properties, deleteAllOthers)ScriptPropertiesBulk-sets all the properties drawn from the given object.
setProperty(key, value)ScriptPropertiesPersists the specified in value with the provided key.

Deprecated methods

Deprecated. This function is deprecated and should not be used in new scripts.

Deletes all properties.



ScriptProperties — this object, for chaining

See also

Deprecated. This function is deprecated and should not be used in new scripts.

Deletes the property with the given key.



keyStringkey for property to delete


ScriptProperties — this object, for chaining

See also

Deprecated. This function is deprecated and should not be used in new scripts.

Get all of the available keys.



Deprecated. This function is deprecated and should not be used in new scripts.

Get all of the available properties at once.

This gives a copy, not a live view, so changing the properties on the returned object won't update them in storage and vice versa.

  "cow"     : "moo",
  "sheep"   : "baa",
  "chicken" : "cluck"

// Logs "A cow goes: moo"
Logger.log("A cow goes: %s", ScriptProperties.getProperty("cow"));

// This makes a copy. Any changes that happen here will not
// be written back to properties.
var animalSounds = ScriptProperties.getProperties();

// Logs:
// A chicken goes cluck!
// A cow goes moo!
// A sheep goes baa!
for(var kind in animalSounds) {
  Logger.log("A %s goes %s!", kind, animalSounds[kind]);


Object — a copy of the properties containing key-value pairs

Deprecated. This function is deprecated and should not be used in new scripts.

Returns the value associated with the provided key, or null if there is no such value.

const specialValue = ScriptProperties.getProperty('special');


keyStringkey for the value to retrieve


String — the value associated with the key

See also

Deprecated. This function is deprecated and should not be used in new scripts.

Bulk-sets all the properties drawn from the given object.

ScriptProperties.setProperties({special: 'sauce', 'meaning': 42});


propertiesObjectan object containing the properties to set.


ScriptProperties — this object, for chaining

See also

Deprecated. This function is deprecated and should not be used in new scripts.

Bulk-sets all the properties drawn from the given object.

// This deletes all other properties
ScriptProperties.setProperties({special: 'sauce', 'meaning': 42}, true);


propertiesObjectan object containing the properties to set.
deleteAllOthersBooleanwhether to delete all existing properties.


ScriptProperties — this object, for chaining

See also

Deprecated. This function is deprecated and should not be used in new scripts.

Persists the specified in value with the provided key. Any existing value associated with this key will be overwritten.

ScriptProperties.setProperty('special', 'sauce');


keyStringkey for property
valueStringvalue to associate with the key


ScriptProperties — this object, for chaining

See also