Class Service


Access and manipulate script publishing.


MethodReturn typeBrief description
getUrl()StringReturns the URL of the web app, if it has been deployed; otherwise returns null.
isEnabled()BooleanReturns true if the script is accessible as a web app.
MethodReturn typeBrief description
disable()voidDisables the script from being accessed as a web app.

Detailed documentation


Returns the URL of the web app, if it has been deployed; otherwise returns null. If you are running the development mode web app, this returns the development mode url.

// Mail the URL of the published web app.
    'My Snazzy App',
    `My new app is now available at ${ScriptApp.getService().getUrl()}`,


String — the URL of the web app


Returns true if the script is accessible as a web app.


Booleantrue if the script is published as a web app; false if not

Deprecated methods

Deprecated. This function is deprecated and should not be used in new scripts.

Disables the script from being accessed as a web app. This method is equivalent to opening the "Publish > Deploy as web app" dialog and clicking "disable web app".
