This service allows scripts to create, access, and modify Google Slides files. See also the Google Slides documentation for more details on the underlying features of the Slides service.
Name | Brief description |
Affine | A 3x3 matrix used to transform source coordinates (x1, y1) into destination coordinates (x2, y2)
according to matrix multiplication:
[ x2 ] [ scaleX shearX translateX ] [ x1 ] [ y2 ] = [ shearY scaleY translateY ] [ y1 ] [ 1 ] [ 0 0 1 ] [ 1 ] |
Affine | A builder for Affine objects. |
Alignment | The alignment position to apply. |
Arrow | The kinds of start and end forms with which linear geometry can be rendered. |
Auto | An element of text that is dynamically replaced with content that can change over time, such as a slide number. |
Auto | The types of auto text. |
Autofit | Describes the autofit settings of a shape. |
Autofit | The autofit types. |
Border | Describes the border around an element. |
Cell | The table cell merge states. |
Color | An opaque color |
Color | A color scheme defines a mapping from members of Theme to the actual colors used
to render them. |
Connection | The connection site on a Page that can connect to a connector . |
Content | The content alignments for a Shape or Table . |
Dash | The kinds of dashes with which linear geometry can be rendered. |
Fill | Describes the page element's background |
Fill | The kinds of fill. |
Group | A collection of Page s joined as a single unit. |
Image | A Page representing an image. |
Layout | A layout in a presentation. |
Line | A Page representing a line. |
Line | The line category. |
Line | Describes the fill of a line or outline |
Line | The kinds of line fill. |
Line | The line types. |
Link | A hypertext link. |
Link | The types of a Link . |
List | A list in the text. |
List | Preset patterns of glyphs for lists in text. |
List | The list styling for a range of text. |
Master | A master in a presentation. |
Notes | A notes master in a presentation. |
Notes | A notes page in a presentation. |
Page | A page in a presentation. |
Page | Describes the page's background |
Page | The kinds of page backgrounds. |
Page | A visual element rendered on a page. |
Page | A collection of one or more Page instances. |
Page | The page element type. |
Page | A collection of one or more Page instances. |
Page | The page types. |
Paragraph | A segment of text terminated by a newline character. |
Paragraph | The types of text alignment for a paragraph. |
Paragraph | The styles of text that apply to entire paragraphs. |
Picture | A fill that renders an image that's stretched to the dimensions of its container. |
Placeholder | The placeholder types. |
Point | A point representing a location. |
Predefined | Predefined layouts. |
Presentation | A presentation. |
Selection | The user's selection in the active presentation. |
Selection | Type of Selection . |
Shape | A Page representing a generic shape that does not have a more specific
classification. |
Shape | The shape types. |
Sheets | A Page representing a linked chart embedded from Google Sheets. |
Sheets | The Sheets chart's embed type. |
Slide | A slide in a presentation. |
Slide | The mode of links between slides. |
Slide | The relative position of a Slide . |
Slides | Creates and opens Presentations that can be edited. |
Solid | A solid color fill. |
Spacing | The different modes for paragraph spacing. |
Speaker | A Page representing a speaker spotlight. |
Table | A Page representing a table. |
Table | A cell in a table. |
Table | A collection of one or more Table instances. |
Table | A column in a table. |
Table | A row in a table. |
Text | The text vertical offset from its normal position. |
Text | The directions text can flow in. |
Text | A segment of the text contents of a Shape or a Table . |
Text | The style of text. |
Theme | A color that refers to an entry in the page's Color . |
Theme | The name of an entry in the page's color scheme. |
Video | A Page representing a video. |
Video | The video source types. |
Word | A Page representing word art. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Number | Gets the X coordinate scaling element. |
get | Number | Gets the Y coordinate scaling element. |
get | Number | Gets the X coordinate shearing element. |
get | Number | Gets the Y coordinate shearing element. |
get | Number | Gets the X coordinate translation element in points. |
get | Number | Gets the Y coordinate translation element in points. |
to | Affine | Returns a new Affine based on this transform. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
build() | Affine | Creates an Affine object initialized with the elements set in the builder. |
set | Affine | Sets the X coordinate scaling element and returns the builder. |
set | Affine | Sets the Y coordinate scaling element and returns the builder. |
set | Affine | Sets the X coordinate shearing element and returns the builder. |
set | Affine | Sets the Y coordinate shearing element and returns the builder. |
set | Affine | Sets the X coordinate translation element in points, and returns the builder. |
set | Affine | Sets the Y coordinate translation element in points, and returns the builder. |
Property | Type | Description |
CENTER | Enum | Align to the center. |
HORIZONTAL_CENTER | Enum | Align to the horizontal center. |
VERTICAL_CENTER | Enum | Align to the vertical center. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | An arrow style that is not supported. |
NONE | Enum | No arrow. |
STEALTH_ARROW | Enum | Arrow with notched back. |
FILL_ARROW | Enum | Filled arrow. |
FILL_CIRCLE | Enum | Filled circle. |
FILL_SQUARE | Enum | Filled square. |
FILL_DIAMOND | Enum | Filled diamond. |
OPEN_ARROW | Enum | Hollow arrow. |
OPEN_CIRCLE | Enum | Hollow circle. |
OPEN_SQUARE | Enum | Hollow square. |
OPEN_DIAMOND | Enum | Hollow diamond. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Auto | Returns the type of auto text. |
get | Integer | Returns the index of the auto text. |
get | Text | Returns a Text spanning the auto text. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | An auto text type that is not supported. |
SLIDE_NUMBER | Enum | A slide number. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
disable | Autofit | Sets the Autofit of a shape to Autofit . |
get | Autofit | Gets the Autofit of the shape. |
get | Number | Gets the font scale applied to the shape. |
get | Number | Gets the line spacing reduction applied to the shape. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | An autofit type that is not supported. |
NONE | Enum | Autofit isn't applied. |
TEXT_AUTOFIT | Enum | Shrinks the text on overflow. |
SHAPE_AUTOFIT | Enum | Resizes the shape to fit the text. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Dash | Gets the Dash of the border. |
get | Line | Gets the Line of the border. |
get | Number | Gets the thickness of the border in points. |
is | Boolean | Gets whether the border is visible or not. |
set | Border | Sets the Dash of the border. |
set | Border | Sets the border to be transparent. |
set | Border | Sets the thickness of the border in points. |
Property | Type | Description |
NORMAL | Enum | The cell is not merged. |
HEAD | Enum | The cell is merged and it is the head (i.e. |
MERGED | Enum | The cell is merged but is not the head (i.e. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
as | Rgb | Converts this color to an Rgb . |
as | Theme | Converts this color to a Theme . |
get | Color | Get the type of this color. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Color | Returns the concrete Color associated with the Theme in this color
scheme. |
get | Theme | Returns a list of all possible theme color types in a color scheme. |
set | Color | Sets the concrete color associated with the Theme in this color scheme to the
given color. |
set | Color | Sets the concrete color associated with the Theme in this color scheme to the
given color in RGB format. |
set | Color | Sets the concrete color associated with the Theme in this color scheme to the
given color in HEX format. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Integer | Returns the index of the connection site. |
get | Page | Returns the Page that the connection site is on. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A content alignment that is not supported. |
TOP | Enum | Aligns the content to the top of the content holder. |
MIDDLE | Enum | Aligns the content to the middle of the content holder. |
BOTTOM | Enum | Aligns the content to the bottom of the content holder. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A dash style that is not supported. |
SOLID | Enum | Solid line. |
DOT | Enum | Dotted line. |
DASH | Enum | Dashed line. |
DASH_DOT | Enum | Alternating dashes and dots. |
LONG_DASH | Enum | Line with large dashes. |
LONG_DASH_DOT | Enum | Alternating large dashes and dots. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Solid | Get the solid fill of this background, or null if the fill type is not Fill . |
get | Fill | Get the type of this fill. |
is | Boolean | Whether the background is visible. |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given Color . |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given alpha and Color . |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given RGB values. |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given alpha and RGB values. |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given hex color string. |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given alpha and hex color string. |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given Theme . |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given alpha and Theme . |
set | void | Sets the background to transparent. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A fill type that is not supported. |
NONE | Enum | No fill, so the background is transparent. |
SOLID | Enum | A solid color fill. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
align | Group | Aligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page. |
bring | Group | Brings the page element forward on the page by one element. |
bring | Group | Brings the page element to the front of the page. |
duplicate() | Page | Duplicates the page element. |
get | Page | Gets the collection of page elements in the group. |
get | Connection | Returns the list of Connection s on the page element, or an empty list if the page
element does not have any connection sites. |
get | String | Returns the page element's alt text description. |
get | Number | Gets the element's height in points, which is the height of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
get | Number | Returns the element's inherent height in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's inherent width in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
get | String | Returns the unique ID for this object. |
get | Page | Returns the page element's type, represented as a Page enum. |
get | Group | Returns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a
group. |
get | Page | Returns the page this page element is on. |
get | Number | Returns the element's clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation. |
get | String | Returns the page element's alt text title. |
get | Number | Gets the element's vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
get | Affine | Gets the page element's transform. |
get | Number | Returns the element's width in points, which is the width of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
preconcatenate | Group | Preconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element. |
remove() | void | Removes the page element. |
scale | Group | Scales the element's height by the specified ratio. |
scale | Group | Scales the element's width by the specified ratio. |
select() | void | Selects only the Page in the active presentation and removes any previous
selection. |
select(replace) | void | Selects the Page in the active presentation. |
send | Group | Sends the page element backward on the page by one element. |
send | Group | Sends the page element to the back of the page. |
set | Group | Sets the page element's alt text description. |
set | Group | Sets the element's height in points, which is the height of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
set | Group | Sets the element's horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
set | Group | Sets the element's clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees. |
set | Group | Sets the page element's alt text title. |
set | Group | Sets the element's vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
set | Group | Sets the transform of the page element with the provided transform. |
set | Group | Sets the element's width in points, which is the width of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
ungroup() | void | Ungroups the elements of the group. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
align | Image | Aligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page. |
bring | Image | Brings the page element forward on the page by one element. |
bring | Image | Brings the page element to the front of the page. |
duplicate() | Page | Duplicates the page element. |
get | Blob | Return the data inside this object as a blob converted to the specified content type. |
get | Blob | Return the data inside this image as a blob. |
get | Border | Returns the Border of the image. |
get | Connection | Returns the list of Connection s on the page element, or an empty list if the page
element does not have any connection sites. |
get | String | Gets a URL to the image. |
get | String | Returns the page element's alt text description. |
get | Number | Gets the element's height in points, which is the height of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
get | Number | Returns the element's inherent height in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's inherent width in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
get | Link | Returns the Link or null if there is no link. |
get | String | Returns the unique ID for this object. |
get | Page | Returns the page element's type, represented as a Page enum. |
get | Group | Returns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a
group. |
get | Page | Returns the page this page element is on. |
get | Page | Returns the parent page element of the placeholder. |
get | Integer | Returns the index of the placeholder image. |
get | Placeholder | Returns the placeholder type of the image, or Placeholder if the shape is not
a placeholder. |
get | Number | Returns the element's clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation. |
get | String | Gets the image's source URL, if available. |
get | String | Returns the page element's alt text title. |
get | Number | Gets the element's vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
get | Affine | Returns the page element's transform. |
get | Number | Returns the element's width in points, which is the width of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
preconcatenate | Image | Preconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element. |
remove() | void | Removes the page element. |
remove | void | Removes a Link . |
replace(blobSource) | Image | Replaces this image with an image described by a Blob object. |
replace(blobSource, crop) | Image | Replaces this image with an image described by a Image object, optionally cropping
the image to fit. |
replace(imageUrl) | Image | Replaces this image with another image downloaded from the provided URL. |
replace(imageUrl, crop) | Image | Replaces this image with another image downloaded from the provided URL, optionally cropping the image to fit. |
scale | Image | Scales the element's height by the specified ratio. |
scale | Image | Scales the element's width by the specified ratio. |
select() | void | Selects only the Page in the active presentation and removes any previous
selection. |
select(replace) | void | Selects the Page in the active presentation. |
send | Image | Sends the page element backward on the page by one element. |
send | Image | Sends the page element to the back of the page. |
set | Image | Sets the page element's alt text description. |
set | Image | Sets the element's height in points, which is the height of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
set | Image | Sets the element's horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
set | Link | Sets a Link to the given Slide using the zero-based index of the slide. |
set | Link | Sets a Link to the given Slide , the link is set by the given slide ID. |
set | Link | Sets a Link to the given Slide using the relative position of the slide. |
set | Link | Sets a Link to the given non-empty URL string. |
set | Image | Sets the element's clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees. |
set | Image | Sets the page element's alt text title. |
set | Image | Sets the element's vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
set | Image | Sets the transform of the page element with the provided transform. |
set | Image | Sets the element's width in points, which is the width of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Page | Gets the page's background. |
get | Color | Gets the Color associated with the page. |
get | Group[] | Returns the list of Group objects on the page. |
get | Image[] | Returns the list of Image objects on the page. |
get | String | Gets the name of the layout. |
get | Line[] | Returns the list of Line objects on the page. |
get | Master | Gets the master that the layout is based on. |
get | String | Gets the unique ID for the page. |
get | Page | Returns the Page on the page with the given ID, or null if none exists. |
get | Page | Returns the list of Page objects rendered on the page. |
get | Page | Gets the type of the page. |
get | Page | Returns the placeholder Page object for a specified Placeholder or
null if a matching placeholder is not present. |
get | Page | Returns the placeholder Page object for a specified Placeholder and
a placeholder index, or null if the placeholder is not present. |
get | Page | Returns the list of placeholder Page objects in the page. |
get | Shape[] | Returns the list of Shape objects on the page. |
get | Sheets | Returns the list of Sheets objects on the page. |
get | Table[] | Returns the list of Table objects on the page. |
get | Video[] | Returns the list of Video objects on the page. |
get | Word | Returns the list of Word objects on the page. |
group(pageElements) | Group | Groups all the specified page elements. |
insert | Group | Inserts a copy of the provided Group on the page. |
insert | Image | Inserts an image at the top left corner of the page with a default size from the specified image blob. |
insert | Image | Inserts an image on the page with the provided position and size from the specified image blob. |
insert | Image | Inserts a copy of the provided Image on the page. |
insert | Image | Inserts an image at the top left corner of the page with a default size from the provided URL. |
insert | Image | Inserts an image on the page with the provided position and size from the provided URL. |
insert | Line | Inserts a copy of the provided Line on the page. |
insert | Line | Inserts a line on the page connecting two connection sites . |
insert | Line | Inserts a line on the page. |
insert | Page | Inserts a copy of the provided Page on the page. |
insert | Shape | Inserts a copy of the provided Shape on the page. |
insert | Shape | Inserts a shape on the page. |
insert | Shape | Inserts a shape on the page. |
insert | Sheets | Inserts a Google Sheets chart on the page. |
insert | Sheets | Inserts a Google Sheets chart on the page with the provided position and size. |
insert | Sheets | Inserts a copy of the provided Sheets on the page. |
insert | Image | Inserts a Google Sheets chart as an Image on the page. |
insert | Image | Inserts a Google Sheets chart as an Image on the page with the provided position and
size. |
insert | Table | Inserts a table on the page. |
insert | Table | Inserts a table on the page with the provided position and size. |
insert | Table | Inserts a copy of the provided Table on the page. |
insert | Shape | Inserts a text box Shape containing the provided string on the page. |
insert | Shape | Inserts a text box Shape containing the provided string on the page. |
insert | Video | Inserts a video at the top left corner of the page with a default size. |
insert | Video | Inserts a video on the page with the provided position and size. |
insert | Video | Inserts a copy of the provided Video on the page. |
insert | Word | Inserts a copy of the provided Word on the page. |
remove() | void | Removes the page. |
replace | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
replace | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
select | void | Selects the Page in the active presentation as the current page selection and removes any previous selection. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
align | Line | Aligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page. |
bring | Line | Brings the page element forward on the page by one element. |
bring | Line | Brings the page element to the front of the page. |
duplicate() | Page | Duplicates the page element. |
get | Connection | Returns the list of Connection s on the page element, or an empty list if the page
element does not have any connection sites. |
get | Dash | Gets the Dash of the line. |
get | String | Returns the page element's alt text description. |
get | Point | Returns the end point of the line, measured from the upper-left corner of the page. |
get | Arrow | Gets the Arrow of the arrow at the end of the line. |
get | Connection | Returns the connection at the end of the line, or null if there is no connection. |
get | Number | Gets the element's height in points, which is the height of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
get | Number | Returns the element's inherent height in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's inherent width in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
get | Line | Gets the Line of the line. |
get | Line | Gets the Line of the line. |
get | Line | Gets the Line of the line. |
get | Link | Returns the Link or null if there is no link. |
get | String | Returns the unique ID for this object. |
get | Page | Returns the page element's type, represented as a Page enum. |
get | Group | Returns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a
group. |
get | Page | Returns the page this page element is on. |
get | Number | Returns the element's clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation. |
get | Point | Returns the start point of the line, measured from the upper-left corner of the page. |
get | Arrow | Gets the Arrow of the arrow at the beginning of the line. |
get | Connection | Returns the connection at the beginning of the line, or null if there is no connection. |
get | String | Returns the page element's alt text title. |
get | Number | Gets the element's vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
get | Affine | Returns the page element's transform. |
get | Number | Returns the thickness of the line in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's width in points, which is the width of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
is | Boolean | Returns true if the line is a connector, or false if not. |
preconcatenate | Line | Preconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element. |
remove() | void | Removes the page element. |
remove | void | Removes a Link . |
reroute() | Line | Reroutes the start and end of the line to the closest two connection sites on the connected page elements. |
scale | Line | Scales the element's height by the specified ratio. |
scale | Line | Scales the element's width by the specified ratio. |
select() | void | Selects only the Page in the active presentation and removes any previous
selection. |
select(replace) | void | Selects the Page in the active presentation. |
send | Line | Sends the page element backward on the page by one element. |
send | Line | Sends the page element to the back of the page. |
set | Line | Sets the Dash of the line. |
set | Line | Sets the page element's alt text description. |
set | Line | Sets the position of the end point of the line. |
set | Line | Sets the position of the end point of the line. |
set | Line | Sets the Arrow of the arrow at the end of the line. |
set | Line | Sets the connection at the end of the line. |
set | Line | Sets the element's height in points, which is the height of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
set | Line | Sets the element's horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
set | Line | Sets the Line of the line. |
set | Link | Sets a Link to the given Slide using the zero-based index of the slide. |
set | Link | Sets a Link to the given Slide , the link is set by the given slide ID. |
set | Link | Sets a Link to the given Slide using the relative position of the slide. |
set | Link | Sets a Link to the given non-empty URL string. |
set | Line | Sets the element's clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees. |
set | Line | Sets the position of the start point of the line. |
set | Line | Sets the position of the start point of the line. |
set | Line | Sets the Arrow of the arrow at the beginning of the line. |
set | Line | Sets the connection at the beginning of the line. |
set | Line | Sets the page element's alt text title. |
set | Line | Sets the element's vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
set | Line | Sets the transform of the page element with the provided transform. |
set | Line | Sets the thickness of the line in points. |
set | Line | Sets the element's width in points, which is the width of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A line category that is not supported. |
STRAIGHT | Enum | Straight connectors, including straight connector 1. |
BENT | Enum | Bent connectors, including bent connector 2 to 5. |
CURVED | Enum | Curved connectors, including curved connector 2 to 5. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Line | Gets the type of the line fill. |
get | Solid | Gets the solid fill of the line, or null if the fill type is not Line . |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given Color . |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given alpha and Color . |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given RGB values. |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given alpha and RGB values. |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given hex color string. |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given alpha and hex color string. |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given Theme . |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given alpha and Theme . |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A line fill type that is not supported. |
NONE | Enum | No fill, so the line or outline is transparent. |
SOLID | Enum | A solid color fill. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A line type that is not supported. |
STRAIGHT_CONNECTOR_1 | Enum | Straight connector 1 form. |
BENT_CONNECTOR_2 | Enum | Bent connector 2 form. |
BENT_CONNECTOR_3 | Enum | Bent connector 3 form. |
BENT_CONNECTOR_4 | Enum | Bent connector 4 form. |
BENT_CONNECTOR_5 | Enum | Bent connector 5 form. |
CURVED_CONNECTOR_2 | Enum | Curved connector 2 form. |
CURVED_CONNECTOR_3 | Enum | Curved connector 3 form. |
CURVED_CONNECTOR_4 | Enum | Curved connector 4 form. |
CURVED_CONNECTOR_5 | Enum | Curved connector 5 form. |
STRAIGHT_LINE | Enum | Straight line. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Link | Returns the Link . |
get | Slide | Returns the linked Slide for non-URL links types, if it exists. |
get | String | Returns the ID of the linked Slide or null if the Link is not
Link . |
get | Integer | Returns the zero-based index of the linked Slide or null if the Link is not Link . |
get | Slide | Returns the Slide of the linked Slide or null if the Link is not Link . |
get | String | Returns the URL to the external web page or null if the Link is not Link . |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A link type that is not supported. |
URL | Enum | A link to an external web page. |
SLIDE_POSITION | Enum | A link to a specific slide in this presentation, addressed by its position. |
SLIDE_ID | Enum | A link to a specific slide in this presentation, addressed by its ID. |
SLIDE_INDEX | Enum | A link to a specific slide in this presentation, addressed by its zero-based index. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | String | Returns the ID of the list. |
get | Paragraph[] | Returns all the Paragraphs in the list. |
Property | Type | Description |
DISC_CIRCLE_SQUARE | Enum | A list with a `DISC`, `CIRCLE` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels. |
DIAMONDX_ARROW3D_SQUARE | Enum | A list with a `DIAMONDX`, `ARROW3D` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels. |
CHECKBOX | Enum | A list with `CHECKBOX` glyphs for all list nesting levels. |
ARROW_DIAMOND_DISC | Enum | A list with a `ARROW`, `DIAMOND` and `DISC` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels. |
STAR_CIRCLE_SQUARE | Enum | A list with a `STAR`, `CIRCLE` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels. |
ARROW3D_CIRCLE_SQUARE | Enum | A list with a `ARROW3D`, `CIRCLE` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels. |
LEFTTRIANGLE_DIAMOND_DISC | Enum | A list with a `LEFTTRIANGLE`, `DIAMOND` and `DISC` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels. |
DIAMONDX_HOLLOWDIAMOND_SQUARE | Enum | A list with a `DIAMONDX`, `HOLLOWDIAMOND` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels. |
DIAMOND_CIRCLE_SQUARE | Enum | A list with a `DIAMOND`, `CIRCLE` and `SQUARE` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels. |
DIGIT_ALPHA_ROMAN | Enum | A list with `DIGIT`, `ALPHA` and `ROMAN` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels, followed by periods. |
DIGIT_ALPHA_ROMAN_PARENS | Enum | A list with `DIGIT`, `ALPHA` and `ROMAN` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels, followed by parenthesis. |
DIGIT_NESTED | Enum | A list with `DIGIT` glyphs separated by periods, where each nesting level uses the previous nesting level's glyph as a prefix. |
UPPERALPHA_ALPHA_ROMAN | Enum | A list with `UPPERALPHA`, `ALPHA` and `ROMAN` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels, followed by periods. |
UPPERROMAN_UPPERALPHA_DIGIT | Enum | A list with `UPPERROMAN`, `UPPERALPHA` and `DIGIT` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels, followed by periods. |
ZERODIGIT_ALPHA_ROMAN | Enum | A list with `ZERODIGIT`, `ALPHA` and `ROMAN` glyphs for the first 3 list nesting levels, followed by periods. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
apply | List | Applies the specified List to all of the paragraphs that overlap with the text. |
get | String | Returns the rendered glyph for the text. |
get | List | Returns the List the text is in, or null if none of the text is in a list, or
part of the text is in a list, or the text is in multiple lists. |
get | Integer | Returns the 0-based nesting level of the text. |
is | Boolean | Returns true if the text is in exactly one list, false if none of the text is
in a list, and null if only some of the text is in a list or if the text is in multiple
lists. |
remove | List | Removes the paragraphs that overlap with the text from any lists. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Page | Gets the page's background. |
get | Color | Gets the Color associated with the page. |
get | Group[] | Returns the list of Group objects on the page. |
get | Image[] | Returns the list of Image objects on the page. |
get | Layout[] | Gets this master's layouts. |
get | Line[] | Returns the list of Line objects on the page. |
get | String | Gets the unique ID for the page. |
get | Page | Returns the Page on the page with the given ID, or null if none exists. |
get | Page | Returns the list of Page objects rendered on the page. |
get | Page | Gets the type of the page. |
get | Page | Returns the placeholder Page object for a specified Placeholder or
null if a matching placeholder is not present. |
get | Page | Returns the placeholder Page object for a specified Placeholder and
a placeholder index, or null if the placeholder is not present. |
get | Page | Returns the list of placeholder Page objects in the page. |
get | Shape[] | Returns the list of Shape objects on the page. |
get | Sheets | Returns the list of Sheets objects on the page. |
get | Table[] | Returns the list of Table objects on the page. |
get | Video[] | Returns the list of Video objects on the page. |
get | Word | Returns the list of Word objects on the page. |
group(pageElements) | Group | Groups all the specified page elements. |
insert | Group | Inserts a copy of the provided Group on the page. |
insert | Image | Inserts an image at the top left corner of the page with a default size from the specified image blob. |
insert | Image | Inserts an image on the page with the provided position and size from the specified image blob. |
insert | Image | Inserts a copy of the provided Image on the page. |
insert | Image | Inserts an image at the top left corner of the page with a default size from the provided URL. |
insert | Image | Inserts an image on the page with the provided position and size from the provided URL. |
insert | Line | Inserts a copy of the provided Line on the page. |
insert | Line | Inserts a line on the page connecting two connection sites . |
insert | Line | Inserts a line on the page. |
insert | Page | Inserts a copy of the provided Page on the page. |
insert | Shape | Inserts a copy of the provided Shape on the page. |
insert | Shape | Inserts a shape on the page. |
insert | Shape | Inserts a shape on the page. |
insert | Sheets | Inserts a Google Sheets chart on the page. |
insert | Sheets | Inserts a Google Sheets chart on the page with the provided position and size. |
insert | Sheets | Inserts a copy of the provided Sheets on the page. |
insert | Image | Inserts a Google Sheets chart as an Image on the page. |
insert | Image | Inserts a Google Sheets chart as an Image on the page with the provided position and
size. |
insert | Table | Inserts a table on the page. |
insert | Table | Inserts a table on the page with the provided position and size. |
insert | Table | Inserts a copy of the provided Table on the page. |
insert | Shape | Inserts a text box Shape containing the provided string on the page. |
insert | Shape | Inserts a text box Shape containing the provided string on the page. |
insert | Video | Inserts a video at the top left corner of the page with a default size. |
insert | Video | Inserts a video on the page with the provided position and size. |
insert | Video | Inserts a copy of the provided Video on the page. |
insert | Word | Inserts a copy of the provided Word on the page. |
remove() | void | Removes the page. |
replace | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
replace | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
select | void | Selects the Page in the active presentation as the current page selection and removes any previous selection. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Group[] | Returns the list of Group objects on the page. |
get | Image[] | Returns the list of Image objects on the page. |
get | Line[] | Returns the list of Line objects on the page. |
get | String | Gets the unique ID for the page. |
get | Page | Returns the Page on the page with the given ID, or null if none exists. |
get | Page | Returns the list of Page objects rendered on the page. |
get | Page | Returns the placeholder Page object for a specified Placeholder or
null if a matching placeholder is not present. |
get | Page | Returns the placeholder Page object for a specified Placeholder and
a placeholder index, or null if the placeholder is not present. |
get | Page | Returns the list of placeholder Page objects in the page. |
get | Shape[] | Returns the list of Shape objects on the page. |
get | Sheets | Returns the list of Sheets objects on the page. |
get | Table[] | Returns the list of Table objects on the page. |
get | Video[] | Returns the list of Video objects on the page. |
get | Word | Returns the list of Word objects on the page. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Group[] | Returns the list of Group objects on the page. |
get | Image[] | Returns the list of Image objects on the page. |
get | Line[] | Returns the list of Line objects on the page. |
get | String | Gets the unique ID for the page. |
get | Page | Returns the Page on the page with the given ID, or null if none exists. |
get | Page | Returns the list of Page objects rendered on the page. |
get | Page | Returns the placeholder Page object for a specified Placeholder or
null if a matching placeholder is not present. |
get | Page | Returns the placeholder Page object for a specified Placeholder and
a placeholder index, or null if the placeholder is not present. |
get | Page | Returns the list of placeholder Page objects in the page. |
get | Shape[] | Returns the list of Shape objects on the page. |
get | Sheets | Returns the list of Sheets objects on the page. |
get | Shape | Gets the shape containing the speaker notes on the page. |
get | Table[] | Returns the list of Table objects on the page. |
get | Video[] | Returns the list of Video objects on the page. |
get | Word | Returns the list of Word objects on the page. |
replace | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
replace | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
as | Layout | Returns the page as a layout. |
as | Master | Returns the page as a master. |
as | Slide | Returns the page as a slide. |
get | Page | Gets the page's background. |
get | Color | Gets the Color associated with the page. |
get | Group[] | Returns the list of Group objects on the page. |
get | Image[] | Returns the list of Image objects on the page. |
get | Line[] | Returns the list of Line objects on the page. |
get | String | Gets the unique ID for the page. |
get | Page | Returns the Page on the page with the given ID, or null if none exists. |
get | Page | Returns the list of Page objects rendered on the page. |
get | Page | Gets the type of the page. |
get | Page | Returns the placeholder Page object for a specified Placeholder or
null if a matching placeholder is not present. |
get | Page | Returns the placeholder Page object for a specified Placeholder and
a placeholder index, or null if the placeholder is not present. |
get | Page | Returns the list of placeholder Page objects in the page. |
get | Shape[] | Returns the list of Shape objects on the page. |
get | Sheets | Returns the list of Sheets objects on the page. |
get | Table[] | Returns the list of Table objects on the page. |
get | Video[] | Returns the list of Video objects on the page. |
get | Word | Returns the list of Word objects on the page. |
group(pageElements) | Group | Groups all the specified page elements. |
insert | Group | Inserts a copy of the provided Group on the page. |
insert | Image | Inserts an image at the top left corner of the page with a default size from the specified image blob. |
insert | Image | Inserts an image on the page with the provided position and size from the specified image blob. |
insert | Image | Inserts a copy of the provided Image on the page. |
insert | Image | Inserts an image at the top left corner of the page with a default size from the provided URL. |
insert | Image | Inserts an image on the page with the provided position and size from the provided URL. |
insert | Line | Inserts a copy of the provided Line on the page. |
insert | Line | Inserts a line on the page connecting two connection sites . |
insert | Line | Inserts a line on the page. |
insert | Page | Inserts a copy of the provided Page on the page. |
insert | Shape | Inserts a copy of the provided Shape on the page. |
insert | Shape | Inserts a shape on the page. |
insert | Shape | Inserts a shape on the page. |
insert | Sheets | Inserts a Google Sheets chart on the page. |
insert | Sheets | Inserts a Google Sheets chart on the page with the provided position and size. |
insert | Sheets | Inserts a copy of the provided Sheets on the page. |
insert | Image | Inserts a Google Sheets chart as an Image on the page. |
insert | Image | Inserts a Google Sheets chart as an Image on the page with the provided position and
size. |
insert | Table | Inserts a table on the page. |
insert | Table | Inserts a table on the page with the provided position and size. |
insert | Table | Inserts a copy of the provided Table on the page. |
insert | Shape | Inserts a text box Shape containing the provided string on the page. |
insert | Shape | Inserts a text box Shape containing the provided string on the page. |
insert | Video | Inserts a video at the top left corner of the page with a default size. |
insert | Video | Inserts a video on the page with the provided position and size. |
insert | Video | Inserts a copy of the provided Video on the page. |
insert | Word | Inserts a copy of the provided Word on the page. |
remove() | void | Removes the page. |
replace | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
replace | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
select | void | Selects the Page in the active presentation as the current page selection and removes any previous selection. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Picture | Get the stretched picture fill of this background, or null if the background fill type
is not Page . |
get | Solid | Get the solid fill of this background, or null if the background fill type is not
Page . |
get | Page | Get the type of this page background. |
is | Boolean | Whether the background is visible. |
set | void | Sets an image from the specified image blob as the page background. |
set | void | Sets the image at the provided URL as the page background. |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given Color . |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given alpha and Color . |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given RGB values. |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given alpha and RGB values. |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given hex color string. |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given alpha and hex color string. |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given Theme . |
set | void | Sets the solid fill to the given alpha and Theme . |
set | void | Sets the background to transparent. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A page background type that is not supported. |
NONE | Enum | No fill, so the background is rendered white. |
SOLID | Enum | A solid color fill. |
PICTURE | Enum | A picture that is stretched to fill the page. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
align | Page | Aligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page. |
as | Group | Returns the page element as a group. |
as | Image | Returns the page element as an image. |
as | Line | Returns the page element as a line. |
as | Shape | Returns the page element as a shape. |
as | Sheets | Returns the page element as a linked chart embedded from Google Sheets. |
as | Speaker | Returns the page element as a speaker spotlight. |
as | Table | Returns the page element as a table. |
as | Video | Returns the page element as a video. |
as | Word | Returns the page element as word art. |
bring | Page | Brings the page element forward on the page by one element. |
bring | Page | Brings the page element to the front of the page. |
duplicate() | Page | Duplicates the page element. |
get | Connection | Returns the list of Connection s on the page element, or an empty list if the page
element does not have any connection sites. |
get | String | Returns the page element's alt text description. |
get | Number | Gets the element's height in points, which is the height of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
get | Number | Returns the element's inherent height in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's inherent width in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
get | String | Returns the unique ID for this object. |
get | Page | Returns the page element's type, represented as a Page enum. |
get | Group | Returns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a
group. |
get | Page | Returns the page this page element is on. |
get | Number | Returns the element's clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation. |
get | String | Returns the page element's alt text title. |
get | Number | Gets the element's vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
get | Affine | Returns the page element's transform. |
get | Number | Returns the element's width in points, which is the width of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
preconcatenate | Page | Preconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element. |
remove() | void | Removes the page element. |
scale | Page | Scales the element's height by the specified ratio. |
scale | Page | Scales the element's width by the specified ratio. |
select() | void | Selects only the Page in the active presentation and removes any previous
selection. |
select(replace) | void | Selects the Page in the active presentation. |
send | Page | Sends the page element backward on the page by one element. |
send | Page | Sends the page element to the back of the page. |
set | Page | Sets the page element's alt text description. |
set | Page | Sets the element's height in points, which is the height of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
set | Page | Sets the element's horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
set | Page | Sets the element's clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees. |
set | Page | Sets the page element's alt text title. |
set | Page | Sets the element's vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
set | Page | Sets the transform of the page element with the provided transform. |
set | Page | Sets the element's width in points, which is the width of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Page | Returns the list of Page instances. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | Represents a page element that is not supported and cannot be further classified. |
SHAPE | Enum | Represents a generic shape that does not have a more specific classification. |
IMAGE | Enum | Represents an image. |
VIDEO | Enum | Represents a video. |
TABLE | Enum | Represents a table. |
GROUP | Enum | Represents a collection of page elements joined as a single unit. |
LINE | Enum | Represents a line. |
WORD_ART | Enum | Represents word art. |
SHEETS_CHART | Enum | Represents a linked chart embedded from Google Sheets. |
SPEAKER_SPOTLIGHT | Enum | Represents a speaker spotlight. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Page[] | Returns the list of Page instances. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A page type that is not supported. |
SLIDE | Enum | A slide page. |
LAYOUT | Enum | A layout page. |
MASTER | Enum | A master page. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Integer | Returns the index of the paragraph's newline. |
get | Text | Returns a Text spanning the text in the paragraph ended by this object's newline
character. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A paragraph alignment that is not supported. |
START | Enum | The paragraph is aligned to the start of the line. |
CENTER | Enum | The paragraph is centered. |
END | Enum | The paragraph is aligned to the end of the line. |
JUSTIFIED | Enum | The paragraph is justified. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Number | Returns the text end indentation for paragraphs in the Text in points, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text. |
get | Number | Returns the indentation for the first line of paragraphs in the Text in points, or
null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text. |
get | Number | Returns the text start indentation for paragraphs in the Text in points, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text. |
get | Number | Returns the line spacing, or null if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given
text. |
get | Paragraph | Returns the Paragraph of paragraphs in the Text , or null
if there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text. |
get | Number | Returns the extra space above paragraphs in the Text in points, or null if
there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text. |
get | Number | Returns the extra space below paragraphs in the Text in points, or null if
there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text. |
get | Spacing | Returns the Spacing for paragraphs in the Text , or null if
there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text. |
get | Text | Returns the Text for paragraphs in the Text , or null if
there are multiple paragraph styles on the given text. |
set | Paragraph | Sets the text end indentation for paragraphs in the Text in points. |
set | Paragraph | Sets the indentation for the first line of paragraphs in the Text in points. |
set | Paragraph | Sets the text start indentation for paragraphs in the Text in points. |
set | Paragraph | Sets the line spacing. |
set | Paragraph | Sets the Paragraph of paragraphs in the Text . |
set | Paragraph | Sets the extra space above paragraphs in the Text in points. |
set | Paragraph | Sets the extra space below paragraphs in the Text in points. |
set | Paragraph | Sets the Spacing for paragraphs in the Text . |
set | Paragraph | Sets the Text for paragraphs in the Text . |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Blob | Return the data inside this object as a blob converted to the specified content type. |
get | Blob | Return the data inside this object as a blob. |
get | String | Gets a URL to the image. |
get | String | Gets the image's source URL, if available. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A placeholder type that is not supported. |
NONE | Enum | Not a Placeholder. |
BODY | Enum | Body text. |
CHART | Enum | Chart or graph. |
CLIP_ART | Enum | Clip art image. |
CENTERED_TITLE | Enum | Title centered. |
DIAGRAM | Enum | Diagram. |
DATE_AND_TIME | Enum | Date and time. |
FOOTER | Enum | Footer text. |
HEADER | Enum | Header text. |
MEDIA | Enum | Multimedia. |
OBJECT | Enum | Any content type. |
PICTURE | Enum | Picture. |
SLIDE_NUMBER | Enum | Number of a slide. |
SUBTITLE | Enum | Subtitle. |
TABLE | Enum | Table. |
TITLE | Enum | Slide title. |
SLIDE_IMAGE | Enum | Slide image. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A layout that is not supported. |
BLANK | Enum | Blank layout, with no placeholders. |
CAPTION_ONLY | Enum | Layout with a caption at the bottom. |
TITLE | Enum | Layout with a title and a subtitle. |
TITLE_AND_BODY | Enum | Layout with a title and body. |
TITLE_AND_TWO_COLUMNS | Enum | Layout with a title and two columns. |
TITLE_ONLY | Enum | Layout with only a title. |
SECTION_HEADER | Enum | Layout with a section title. |
SECTION_TITLE_AND_DESCRIPTION | Enum | Layout with a title and subtitle on one side and description on the other. |
ONE_COLUMN_TEXT | Enum | Layout with one title and one body, arranged in a single column. |
MAIN_POINT | Enum | Layout with a main point. |
BIG_NUMBER | Enum | Layout with a big number heading. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
add | Presentation | Adds the given user to the list of editors for the Presentation . |
add | Presentation | Adds the given user to the list of editors for the Presentation . |
add | Presentation | Adds the given array of users to the list of editors for the Presentation . |
add | Presentation | Adds the given user to the list of viewers for the Presentation . |
add | Presentation | Adds the given user to the list of viewers for the Presentation . |
add | Presentation | Adds the given array of users to the list of viewers for the Presentation . |
append | Slide | Appends a slide to the end of the presentation using the Predefined
predefined layout based on the current master. |
append | Slide | Appends a slide to the end of the presentation using the specified layout based on the current master. |
append | Slide | Appends a slide to the end of the presentation using the specified predefined layout based on the current master. |
append | Slide | Appends a copy of the provided Slide to the end of the presentation. |
append | Slide | Appends a copy of the provided Slide from the source presentation to the end of the
current presentation, and sets the slide link as specified by the Slide . |
get | User[] | Gets the list of editors for this Presentation . |
get | String | Gets the presentation's unique identifier. |
get | Layout[] | Gets the layouts in the presentation. |
get | Master[] | Gets the masters in the presentation. |
get | String | Gets the name or title of the presentation. |
get | Notes | Gets the notes master of the presentation. |
get | Number | Gets the page height of the notes master and notes pages in the presentation in points. |
get | Number | Gets the page width of the notes master and notes pages in the presentation in points. |
get | Page | Returns the Page with the given ID, or null if none exists. |
get | Number | Gets the page height of the slides, layouts, and masters in the presentation in points. |
get | Number | Gets the page width of the slides, layouts, and masters in the presentation in points. |
get | Selection | Gets the user’s selection in the active presentation. |
get | Slide | Returns the Slide with the given ID, or null if none exists. |
get | Slide[] | Gets the slides in the presentation. |
get | String | Retrieves the URL to access this presentation. |
get | User[] | Gets the list of viewers and commenters for this Presentation . |
insert | Slide | Inserts a slide at the specified index in the presentation using the Predefined predefined layout based on the current master. |
insert | Slide | Inserts a slide at the specified index in the presentation using the specified layout based on the current master. |
insert | Slide | Inserts a slide at the specified index in the presentation using the specified predefined layout based on the current master. |
insert | Slide | Inserts a copy of the provided Slide at the specified index in the presentation. |
insert | Slide | Inserts a copy of the provided Slide from the source presentation into the specified
index in the current presentation, and sets the slide link as specified by the Slide . |
remove | Presentation | Removes the given user from the list of editors for the Presentation . |
remove | Presentation | Removes the given user from the list of editors for the Presentation . |
remove | Presentation | Removes the given user from the list of viewers and commenters for the Presentation . |
remove | Presentation | Removes the given user from the list of viewers and commenters for the Presentation . |
replace | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
replace | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
save | void | Saves the current Presentation . |
set | void | Sets the name or title of the presentation. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Page | Returns the currently active Page or null if there is no active page. |
get | Page | Returns the Page collection of Page instances that are
selected or null if there are no Page instances selected. |
get | Page | Returns the Page a collection of Page instances in the flimstrip that are
selected or null if the selection is not of type Selection . |
get | Selection | Returns the Selection . |
get | Table | Returns the Table collection of Table instances that are selected
or null if there are no Table instances selected. |
get | Text | Returns the Text that is selected or null if the selection is not of type
Selection . |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A selection type that is not supported. |
NONE | Enum | No selection. |
TEXT | Enum | Text selection. |
TABLE_CELL | Enum | Table cell selection. |
PAGE | Enum | Page selection in the thumbnail flimstrip. |
PAGE_ELEMENT | Enum | Page element selection. |
CURRENT_PAGE | Enum | Current page selection. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
align | Shape | Aligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page. |
bring | Shape | Brings the page element forward on the page by one element. |
bring | Shape | Brings the page element to the front of the page. |
duplicate() | Page | Duplicates the page element. |
get | Autofit | Returns the Autofit of the text within this shape. |
get | Border | Returns the Border of the shape. |
get | Connection | Returns the list of Connection s on the page element, or an empty list if the page
element does not have any connection sites. |
get | Content | Returns the Content of the text in the shape. |
get | String | Returns the page element's alt text description. |
get | Fill | Returns the Fill of the shape. |
get | Number | Gets the element's height in points, which is the height of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
get | Number | Returns the element's inherent height in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's inherent width in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
get | Link | Returns the Link or null if there is no link. |
get | String | Returns the unique ID for this object. |
get | Page | Returns the page element's type, represented as a Page enum. |
get | Group | Returns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a
group. |
get | Page | Returns the page this page element is on. |
get | Page | Returns the parent page element of the placeholder. |
get | Integer | Returns the placeholder index of the shape. |
get | Placeholder | Returns the placeholder type of the shape, or Placeholder if the shape is not
a placeholder. |
get | Number | Returns the element's clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation. |
get | Shape | Returns the type of the shape. |
get | Text | Returns the text content of the shape. |
get | String | Returns the page element's alt text title. |
get | Number | Gets the element's vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
get | Affine | Returns the page element's transform. |
get | Number | Returns the element's width in points, which is the width of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
preconcatenate | Shape | Preconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element. |
remove() | void | Removes the page element. |
remove | void | Removes a Link . |
replace | Image | Replaces this shape with an image provided by a Blob . |
replace | Image | Replaces this shape with an image provided by a Blob . |
replace | Image | Replaces this shape with an image. |
replace | Image | Replaces this shape with an image. |
replace | Sheets | Replaces this shape with a Google Sheets chart. |
replace | Image | Replaces this shape with an image of a Google Sheets chart. |
scale | Shape | Scales the element's height by the specified ratio. |
scale | Shape | Scales the element's width by the specified ratio. |
select() | void | Selects only the Page in the active presentation and removes any previous
selection. |
select(replace) | void | Selects the Page in the active presentation. |
send | Shape | Sends the page element backward on the page by one element. |
send | Shape | Sends the page element to the back of the page. |
set | Shape | Sets the Content of the text in the shape. |
set | Shape | Sets the page element's alt text description. |
set | Shape | Sets the element's height in points, which is the height of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
set | Shape | Sets the element's horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
set | Link | Sets a Link to the given Slide using the zero-based index of the slide. |
set | Link | Sets a Link to the given Slide , the link is set by the given slide ID. |
set | Link | Sets a Link to the given Slide using the relative position of the slide. |
set | Link | Sets a Link to the given non-empty URL string. |
set | Shape | Sets the element's clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees. |
set | Shape | Sets the page element's alt text title. |
set | Shape | Sets the element's vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
set | Shape | Sets the transform of the page element with the provided transform. |
set | Shape | Sets the element's width in points, which is the width of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A shape type that is not supported. |
TEXT_BOX | Enum | Text box shape. |
RECTANGLE | Enum | Rectangle shape. |
ROUND_RECTANGLE | Enum | Round corner rectangle shape. |
ELLIPSE | Enum | Ellipse shape. |
ARC | Enum | Curved arc shape. |
BENT_ARROW | Enum | Bent arrow shape. |
BENT_UP_ARROW | Enum | Bent up arrow shape. |
BEVEL | Enum | Bevel shape. |
BLOCK_ARC | Enum | Block arc shape. |
BRACE_PAIR | Enum | Brace pair shape. |
BRACKET_PAIR | Enum | Bracket pair shape. |
CAN | Enum | Can shape. |
CHEVRON | Enum | Chevron shape. |
CHORD | Enum | Chord shape. |
CLOUD | Enum | Cloud shape. |
CORNER | Enum | Corner shape. |
CUBE | Enum | Cube shape. |
CURVED_DOWN_ARROW | Enum | Curved down arrow shape. |
CURVED_LEFT_ARROW | Enum | Curved left arrow shape. |
CURVED_RIGHT_ARROW | Enum | Curved right arrow shape. |
CURVED_UP_ARROW | Enum | Curved up arrow shape. |
DECAGON | Enum | Decagon shape. |
DIAGONAL_STRIPE | Enum | Diagonal stripe shape. |
DIAMOND | Enum | Diamond shape. |
DODECAGON | Enum | Dodecagon shape. |
DONUT | Enum | Donut shape. |
DOUBLE_WAVE | Enum | Double wave shape. |
DOWN_ARROW | Enum | Down arrow shape. |
DOWN_ARROW_CALLOUT | Enum | Callout down arrow shape. |
FOLDED_CORNER | Enum | Folded corner shape. |
FRAME | Enum | Frame shape. |
HALF_FRAME | Enum | Half frame shape. |
HEART | Enum | Heart shape. |
HEPTAGON | Enum | Heptagon shape. |
HEXAGON | Enum | Hexagon shape. |
HOME_PLATE | Enum | Home plate shape. |
HORIZONTAL_SCROLL | Enum | Horizontal scroll shape. |
IRREGULAR_SEAL_1 | Enum | Irregular seal 1 shape. |
IRREGULAR_SEAL_2 | Enum | Irregular seal 2 shape. |
LEFT_ARROW | Enum | Left arrow shape. |
LEFT_ARROW_CALLOUT | Enum | Callout left arrow shape. |
LEFT_BRACE | Enum | Left brace shape. |
LEFT_BRACKET | Enum | Left bracket shape. |
LEFT_RIGHT_ARROW | Enum | Left right arrow shape. |
LEFT_RIGHT_ARROW_CALLOUT | Enum | Callout left right arrow shape. |
LEFT_RIGHT_UP_ARROW | Enum | Left right up arrow shape. |
LEFT_UP_ARROW | Enum | Left up arrow shape. |
LIGHTNING_BOLT | Enum | Lightning bolt shape. |
MATH_DIVIDE | Enum | Divide math shape. |
MATH_EQUAL | Enum | Equal math shape. |
MATH_MINUS | Enum | Minus math shape. |
MATH_MULTIPLY | Enum | Multiply math shape. |
MATH_NOT_EQUAL | Enum | Not equal math shape. |
MATH_PLUS | Enum | Plus math shape. |
MOON | Enum | Moon shape. |
NO_SMOKING | Enum | No smoking shape. |
NOTCHED_RIGHT_ARROW | Enum | Notched right arrow shape. |
OCTAGON | Enum | Octagon shape. |
PARALLELOGRAM | Enum | Parallelogram shape. |
PENTAGON | Enum | Pentagon shape. |
PIE | Enum | Pie shape. |
PLAQUE | Enum | Plaque shape. |
PLUS | Enum | Plus shape. |
QUAD_ARROW | Enum | Quad-arrow shape. |
QUAD_ARROW_CALLOUT | Enum | Callout quad-arrow shape. |
RIBBON | Enum | Ribbon shape. |
RIBBON_2 | Enum | Ribbon 2 shape. |
RIGHT_ARROW | Enum | Right arrow shape. |
RIGHT_ARROW_CALLOUT | Enum | Callout right arrow shape. |
RIGHT_BRACE | Enum | Right brace shape. |
RIGHT_BRACKET | Enum | Right bracket shape. |
ROUND_1_RECTANGLE | Enum | One round corner rectangle shape. |
ROUND_2_DIAGONAL_RECTANGLE | Enum | Two diagonal round corner rectangle shape. |
ROUND_2_SAME_RECTANGLE | Enum | Two same-side round corner rectangle shape. |
RIGHT_TRIANGLE | Enum | Right triangle shape. |
SMILEY_FACE | Enum | Smiley face shape. |
SNIP_1_RECTANGLE | Enum | One snip corner rectangle shape. |
SNIP_2_DIAGONAL_RECTANGLE | Enum | Two diagonal snip corner rectangle shape. |
SNIP_2_SAME_RECTANGLE | Enum | Two same-side snip corner rectangle shape. |
SNIP_ROUND_RECTANGLE | Enum | One snip one round corner rectangle shape. |
STAR_10 | Enum | Ten pointed star shape. |
STAR_12 | Enum | Twelve pointed star shape. |
STAR_16 | Enum | Sixteen pointed star shape. |
STAR_24 | Enum | Twenty four pointed star shape. |
STAR_32 | Enum | Thirty two pointed star shape. |
STAR_4 | Enum | Four pointed star shape. |
STAR_5 | Enum | Five pointed star shape. |
STAR_6 | Enum | Six pointed star shape. |
STAR_7 | Enum | Seven pointed star shape. |
STAR_8 | Enum | Eight pointed star shape. |
STRIPED_RIGHT_ARROW | Enum | Striped right arrow shape. |
SUN | Enum | Sun shape. |
TRAPEZOID | Enum | Trapezoid shape. |
TRIANGLE | Enum | Triangle shape. |
UP_ARROW | Enum | Up arrow shape. |
UP_ARROW_CALLOUT | Enum | Callout up arrow shape. |
UP_DOWN_ARROW | Enum | Up down arrow shape. |
UTURN_ARROW | Enum | U-turn arrow shape. |
VERTICAL_SCROLL | Enum | Vertical scroll shape. |
WAVE | Enum | Wave shape. |
WEDGE_ELLIPSE_CALLOUT | Enum | Callout wedge ellipse shape. |
WEDGE_RECTANGLE_CALLOUT | Enum | Callout wedge rectangle shape. |
WEDGE_ROUND_RECTANGLE_CALLOUT | Enum | Callout wedge round rectangle shape. |
FLOW_CHART_ALTERNATE_PROCESS | Enum | Alternate process flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_COLLATE | Enum | Collate flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_CONNECTOR | Enum | Connector flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_DECISION | Enum | Decision flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_DELAY | Enum | Delay flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_DISPLAY | Enum | Display flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_DOCUMENT | Enum | Document flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_EXTRACT | Enum | Extract flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_INPUT_OUTPUT | Enum | Input output flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_INTERNAL_STORAGE | Enum | Internal storage flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_MAGNETIC_DISK | Enum | Magnetic disk flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_MAGNETIC_DRUM | Enum | Magnetic drum flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_MAGNETIC_TAPE | Enum | Magnetic tape flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_MANUAL_INPUT | Enum | Manual input flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_MANUAL_OPERATION | Enum | Manual operation flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_MERGE | Enum | Merge flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_MULTIDOCUMENT | Enum | Multi-document flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_OFFLINE_STORAGE | Enum | Offline storage flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_OFFPAGE_CONNECTOR | Enum | Off-page connector flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_ONLINE_STORAGE | Enum | Online storage flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_OR | Enum | Or flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_PREDEFINED_PROCESS | Enum | Predefined process flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_PREPARATION | Enum | Preparation flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_PROCESS | Enum | Process flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_PUNCHED_CARD | Enum | Punched card flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_PUNCHED_TAPE | Enum | Punched tape flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_SORT | Enum | Sort flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_SUMMING_JUNCTION | Enum | Summing junction flow shape. |
FLOW_CHART_TERMINATOR | Enum | Terminator flow shape. |
ARROW_EAST | Enum | East arrow shape. |
ARROW_NORTH_EAST | Enum | Northeast arrow shape. |
ARROW_NORTH | Enum | North arrow shape. |
SPEECH | Enum | Speech shape. |
STARBURST | Enum | Star burst shape. |
TEARDROP | Enum | Teardrop shape. |
ELLIPSE_RIBBON | Enum | Ellipse ribbon shape. |
ELLIPSE_RIBBON_2 | Enum | Ellipse ribbon 2 shape. |
CLOUD_CALLOUT | Enum | Callout cloud shape. |
CUSTOM | Enum | Custom shape. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
align | Sheets | Aligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page. |
as | Image | Returns the chart as an image or null if the chart is not an embedded image. |
bring | Sheets | Brings the page element forward on the page by one element. |
bring | Sheets | Brings the page element to the front of the page. |
duplicate() | Page | Duplicates the page element. |
get | Integer | Gets the ID of the specific chart in the Google Sheets spreadsheet that is embedded. |
get | Connection | Returns the list of Connection s on the page element, or an empty list if the page
element does not have any connection sites. |
get | String | Returns the page element's alt text description. |
get | Sheets | Returns the embed type of the Sheets chart. |
get | Number | Gets the element's height in points, which is the height of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
get | Number | Returns the element's inherent height in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's inherent width in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
get | Link | Returns the Link or null if there is no link. |
get | String | Returns the unique ID for this object. |
get | Page | Returns the page element's type, represented as a Page enum. |
get | Group | Returns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a
group. |
get | Page | Returns the page this page element is on. |
get | Number | Returns the element's clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation. |
get | String | Gets the ID of the Google Sheets spreadsheet that contains the source chart. |
get | String | Returns the page element's alt text title. |
get | Number | Gets the element's vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
get | Affine | Returns the page element's transform. |
get | Number | Returns the element's width in points, which is the width of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
preconcatenate | Sheets | Preconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element. |
refresh() | void | Refreshes the chart by replacing it with the latest version of the chart from Google Sheets. |
remove() | void | Removes the page element. |
remove | void | Removes a Link . |
scale | Sheets | Scales the element's height by the specified ratio. |
scale | Sheets | Scales the element's width by the specified ratio. |
select() | void | Selects only the Page in the active presentation and removes any previous
selection. |
select(replace) | void | Selects the Page in the active presentation. |
send | Sheets | Sends the page element backward on the page by one element. |
send | Sheets | Sends the page element to the back of the page. |
set | Sheets | Sets the page element's alt text description. |
set | Sheets | Sets the element's height in points, which is the height of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
set | Sheets | Sets the element's horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
set | Link | Sets a Link to the given Slide using the zero-based index of the slide. |
set | Link | Sets a Link to the given Slide , the link is set by the given slide ID. |
set | Link | Sets a Link to the given Slide using the relative position of the slide. |
set | Link | Sets a Link to the given non-empty URL string. |
set | Sheets | Sets the element's clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees. |
set | Sheets | Sets the page element's alt text title. |
set | Sheets | Sets the element's vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
set | Sheets | Sets the transform of the page element with the provided transform. |
set | Sheets | Sets the element's width in points, which is the width of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | Represents a chart that is not supported and cannot be further classified. |
IMAGE | Enum | Indicates that the chart is embedded as an image. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
duplicate() | Slide | Duplicates the slide. |
get | Page | Gets the page's background. |
get | Color | Gets the Color associated with the page. |
get | Group[] | Returns the list of Group objects on the page. |
get | Image[] | Returns the list of Image objects on the page. |
get | Layout | Gets the layout that the slide is based on or null if the slide is not based on a
layout. |
get | Line[] | Returns the list of Line objects on the page. |
get | Notes | Returns the notes page associated with the slide. |
get | String | Gets the unique ID for the page. |
get | Page | Returns the Page on the page with the given ID, or null if none exists. |
get | Page | Returns the list of Page objects rendered on the page. |
get | Page | Gets the type of the page. |
get | Page | Returns the placeholder Page object for a specified Placeholder or
null if a matching placeholder is not present. |
get | Page | Returns the placeholder Page object for a specified Placeholder and
a placeholder index, or null if the placeholder is not present. |
get | Page | Returns the list of placeholder Page objects in the page. |
get | Shape[] | Returns the list of Shape objects on the page. |
get | Sheets | Returns the list of Sheets objects on the page. |
get | Slide | Returns a Slide indicating if the slide is linked to another slide. |
get | String | Returns the source Presentation ID or null if the slide is not linked. |
get | String | Returns the source slide ID or null if the slide is not linked. |
get | Table[] | Returns the list of Table objects on the page. |
get | Video[] | Returns the list of Video objects on the page. |
get | Word | Returns the list of Word objects on the page. |
group(pageElements) | Group | Groups all the specified page elements. |
insert | Group | Inserts a copy of the provided Group on the page. |
insert | Image | Inserts an image at the top left corner of the page with a default size from the specified image blob. |
insert | Image | Inserts an image on the page with the provided position and size from the specified image blob. |
insert | Image | Inserts a copy of the provided Image on the page. |
insert | Image | Inserts an image at the top left corner of the page with a default size from the provided URL. |
insert | Image | Inserts an image on the page with the provided position and size from the provided URL. |
insert | Line | Inserts a copy of the provided Line on the page. |
insert | Line | Inserts a line on the page connecting two connection sites . |
insert | Line | Inserts a line on the page. |
insert | Page | Inserts a copy of the provided Page on the page. |
insert | Shape | Inserts a copy of the provided Shape on the page. |
insert | Shape | Inserts a shape on the page. |
insert | Shape | Inserts a shape on the page. |
insert | Sheets | Inserts a Google Sheets chart on the page. |
insert | Sheets | Inserts a Google Sheets chart on the page with the provided position and size. |
insert | Sheets | Inserts a copy of the provided Sheets on the page. |
insert | Image | Inserts a Google Sheets chart as an Image on the page. |
insert | Image | Inserts a Google Sheets chart as an Image on the page with the provided position and
size. |
insert | Table | Inserts a table on the page. |
insert | Table | Inserts a table on the page with the provided position and size. |
insert | Table | Inserts a copy of the provided Table on the page. |
insert | Shape | Inserts a text box Shape containing the provided string on the page. |
insert | Shape | Inserts a text box Shape containing the provided string on the page. |
insert | Video | Inserts a video at the top left corner of the page with a default size. |
insert | Video | Inserts a video on the page with the provided position and size. |
insert | Video | Inserts a copy of the provided Video on the page. |
insert | Word | Inserts a copy of the provided Word on the page. |
is | Boolean | Returns whether the slide is skipped in the presentation mode. |
move(index) | void | Move the slide to the specified index. |
refresh | void | Refreshes the slide to reflect any changes made to the linked source slide. |
remove() | void | Removes the page. |
replace | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
replace | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
select | void | Selects the Page in the active presentation as the current page selection and removes any previous selection. |
set | void | Sets whether the slide is skipped in the presentation mode. |
unlink() | void | Unlinks the current Slide from its source slide. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A slide linking mode that isn't supported. |
LINKED | Enum | Indicates that slides are linked. |
NOT_LINKED | Enum | Indicates that slides aren't linked. |
Property | Type | Description |
NEXT_SLIDE | Enum | The next slide. |
PREVIOUS_SLIDE | Enum | The previous slide. |
FIRST_SLIDE | Enum | The first slide in the presentation. |
LAST_SLIDE | Enum | The last slide in the presentation. |
Property | Type | Description |
Alignment | Alignment | An enumeration of the types of alignment positions. |
Arrow | Arrow | An enumeration of the different arrow styles that a Line can have. |
Auto | Auto | An enumeration of the types of auto text. |
Autofit | Autofit | An enumeration of autofit types. |
Cell | Cell | An enumeration of the different merge states of a table cell. |
Color | Color | An enumeration of color types. |
Content | Content | An enumeration of values used to specify content alignment. |
Dash | Dash | An enumeration of the different dash styles that a Line can have. |
Fill | Fill | An enumeration of fill types. |
Line | Line | An enumeration of the categories of Line . |
Line | Line | An enumeration of the types of Line . |
Line | Line | An enumeration of the types of Line . |
Link | Link | An enumeration of the types of links. |
List | List | An enumeration of the types of list presets. |
Page | Page | An enumeration of the types of page backgrounds. |
Page | Page | An enumeration of the types of page elements. |
Page | Page | An enumeration of the types of pages. |
Paragraph | Paragraph | An enumeration of the types of paragraph alignment. |
Placeholder | Placeholder | An enumeration of the types of placeholders. |
Predefined | Predefined | An enumeration of the predefined layouts. |
Selection | Selection | An enumeration of the types of selections. |
Shape | Shape | An enumeration of the types of shapes. |
Sheets | Sheets | An enumeration of Sheets chart embed types. |
Slide | Slide | An enumeration of the ways Slides can be linked. |
Slide | Slide | An enumeration of the types of slide positions. |
Spacing | Spacing | An enumeration of the types of spacing modes. |
Text | Text | An enumeration of the types of text baseline offset. |
Text | Text | An enumeration of the types of text directions. |
Theme | Theme | An enumeration of theme colors. |
Video | Video | An enumeration of the types of video source. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
create(name) | Presentation | Creates and opens a new Presentation . |
get | Presentation | Returns the currently active presentation to which the script is container-bound, or null if there is no
active presentation. |
get | Ui | Returns an instance of the presentation's user-interface environment that allows the script to add features like menus, dialogs, and sidebars. |
new | Affine | Returns a new Affine to build an Affine . |
open | Presentation | Opens the Presentation with the given ID. |
open | Presentation | Opens the Presentation with the given URL. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Number | Get the opacity of the color, in the interval from [0, 1.0], where 1.0 means fully opaque. |
get | Color | Get the color of the fill. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A spacing mode that is not supported. |
NEVER_COLLAPSE | Enum | Paragraph spacing is always rendered. |
COLLAPSE_LISTS | Enum | Paragraph spacing is skipped between list elements. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
align | Speaker | Aligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page. |
bring | Speaker | Brings the page element forward on the page by one element. |
bring | Speaker | Brings the page element to the front of the page. |
duplicate() | Page | Duplicates the page element. |
get | Border | Returns the Border of the speaker spotlight. |
get | Connection | Returns the list of Connection s on the page element, or an empty list if the page
element does not have any connection sites. |
get | String | Returns the page element's alt text description. |
get | Number | Gets the element's height in points, which is the height of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
get | Number | Returns the element's inherent height in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's inherent width in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
get | Shape | Returns the Shape of the mask applied to the speaker spotlight, or null if
there is no mask. |
get | String | Returns the unique ID for this object. |
get | Page | Returns the page element's type, represented as a Page enum. |
get | Group | Returns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a
group. |
get | Page | Returns the page this page element is on. |
get | Number | Returns the element's clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation. |
get | String | Returns the page element's alt text title. |
get | Number | Gets the element's vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
get | Affine | Returns the page element's transform. |
get | Number | Returns the element's width in points, which is the width of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
preconcatenate | Speaker | Preconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element. |
remove() | void | Removes the page element. |
scale | Speaker | Scales the element's height by the specified ratio. |
scale | Speaker | Scales the element's width by the specified ratio. |
select() | void | Selects only the Page in the active presentation and removes any previous
selection. |
select(replace) | void | Selects the Page in the active presentation. |
send | Speaker | Sends the page element backward on the page by one element. |
send | Speaker | Sends the page element to the back of the page. |
set | Speaker | Sets the page element's alt text description. |
set | Speaker | Sets the element's height in points, which is the height of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
set | Speaker | Sets the element's horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
set | Speaker | Sets the element's clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees. |
set | Speaker | Sets the page element's alt text title. |
set | Speaker | Sets the element's vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
set | Speaker | Sets the transform of the page element with the provided transform. |
set | Speaker | Sets the element's width in points, which is the width of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
align | Table | Aligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page. |
append | Table | Appends a new column to the right of the last column of the table. |
append | Table | Appends a new row below the last row of the table. |
bring | Table | Brings the page element forward on the page by one element. |
bring | Table | Brings the page element to the front of the page. |
duplicate() | Page | Duplicates the page element. |
get | Table | Returns the specified cell in the table. |
get | Table | Returns the specified column in the table. |
get | Connection | Returns the list of Connection s on the page element, or an empty list if the page
element does not have any connection sites. |
get | String | Returns the page element's alt text description. |
get | Number | Gets the element's height in points, which is the height of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
get | Number | Returns the element's inherent height in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's inherent width in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
get | Integer | Returns the number of columns in the table. |
get | Integer | Returns the number of rows in the table. |
get | String | Returns the unique ID for this object. |
get | Page | Returns the page element's type, represented as a Page enum. |
get | Group | Returns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a
group. |
get | Page | Returns the page this page element is on. |
get | Number | Returns the element's clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation. |
get | Table | Returns the specified row in the table. |
get | String | Returns the page element's alt text title. |
get | Number | Gets the element's vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
get | Affine | Returns the page element's transform. |
get | Number | Returns the element's width in points, which is the width of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
insert | Table | Inserts a new column at the specified index of the table. |
insert | Table | Inserts a new row at the specified index of the table. |
preconcatenate | Table | Preconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element. |
remove() | void | Removes the page element. |
scale | Table | Scales the element's height by the specified ratio. |
scale | Table | Scales the element's width by the specified ratio. |
select() | void | Selects only the Page in the active presentation and removes any previous
selection. |
select(replace) | void | Selects the Page in the active presentation. |
send | Table | Sends the page element backward on the page by one element. |
send | Table | Sends the page element to the back of the page. |
set | Table | Sets the page element's alt text description. |
set | Table | Sets the element's height in points, which is the height of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
set | Table | Sets the element's horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
set | Table | Sets the element's clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees. |
set | Table | Sets the page element's alt text title. |
set | Table | Sets the element's vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
set | Table | Sets the transform of the page element with the provided transform. |
set | Table | Sets the element's width in points, which is the width of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Integer | Returns the 0-based column index of the table cell. |
get | Integer | Returns the column span of the table cell. |
get | Content | Returns the Content of the text in the table cell. |
get | Fill | Returns the fill of the table cell. |
get | Table | Returns the head cell of this table cell. |
get | Cell | Returns the merge state of the table cell. |
get | Table | Returns the table column containing the current cell. |
get | Table | Returns the table row containing the current cell. |
get | Table | Returns the table containing the current cell. |
get | Integer | Returns the 0-based row index of the table cell. |
get | Integer | Returns the row span of the table cell. |
get | Text | Returns the text content of the table cell. |
set | Table | Sets the Content of the text in the table cell. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Table | Returns the list of Table instances. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Table | Returns the cell at the specified index. |
get | Integer | Returns the 0-based index of the column. |
get | Integer | Returns the number of cells in this column. |
get | Table | Returns the table containing the current column. |
get | Number | Returns the width of the column in points. |
remove() | void | Removes the table column. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Table | Returns the cell at the specified index. |
get | Integer | Returns the 0-based index of the row. |
get | Number | Returns the minimum height of the row in points. |
get | Integer | Returns the number of cells in this row. |
get | Table | Returns the table containing the current row. |
remove() | void | Removes the table row. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | An text baseline offset that is not supported. |
NONE | Enum | The text is not vertically offset. |
SUPERSCRIPT | Enum | The text is vertically offset upwards. |
SUBSCRIPT | Enum | The text is vertically offset downwards. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A text direction that is not supported. |
LEFT_TO_RIGHT | Enum | The text goes from left to right. |
RIGHT_TO_LEFT | Enum | The text goes from right to left. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
append | Paragraph | Appends a paragraph at the end of the text range. |
append | Text | Appends a copy of the provided text range to the end of the current text range. |
append | Text | Appends a copy of the provided text range to the end of the current text range. |
append | Text | Appends text at the end of the text range. |
as | String | Returns the rendered text bounded by this range of the associated shape or table cell in a format appropriate to display to end users. |
as | String | Returns the raw text bounded by this range of the associated shape or table cell. |
clear() | void | Clears the text bounded by this range. |
clear(startOffset, endOffset) | void | Clears the text bounded by the start and end offsets in the range. |
find(pattern) | Text | Returns all the ranges matching the search pattern in the current text range. |
find(pattern, startOffset) | Text | Returns all the ranges matching the search pattern in the current text range starting from the start offset. |
get | Auto | Returns the auto texts within the current text range. |
get | Integer | Returns the exclusive, 0-based index for the last character in this range. |
get | Integer | Returns the number of characters in this range. |
get | Text | Returns a collection of text ranges that correspond to all Link s within the current
text range or overlapping the current text range. |
get | Paragraph[] | Returns the paragraphs in lists that overlap the current text range. |
get | List | Returns the List of the current text range. |
get | Paragraph | Returns the Paragraph of the current text range. |
get | Paragraph[] | Returns the paragraphs that overlap the current text range. |
get | Text | Returns a new Text covering part of the range from which it is derived. |
get | Text | Returns the text runs that overlap the current text range. |
get | Integer | Returns the inclusive, 0-based index for the first character in this range. |
get | Text | Returns the text style of the range, or null if the range is empty. |
insert | Paragraph | Inserts a paragraph at the start offset. |
insert | Text | Inserts a copy of the provided text range at the start offset. |
insert | Text | Inserts a copy of the provided text range at the start offset. |
insert | Text | Inserts text at the start offset. |
is | Boolean | Returns true if there are no characters in this range, and returns false
otherwise. |
replace | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
replace | Integer | Replaces all instances of text matching find text with replace text. |
select() | void | Selects only the Text in the active presentation and removes any previous
selection. |
set | Text | Sets the text bounded by this range of the associated shape or table cell. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Color | Returns the background color of the text, or null if there are multiple styles on the
text. |
get | Text | Returns the vertical offset of text from its normal position, or null if there are
multiple styles on the text. |
get | String | Returns the font family of the text, or null if there are multiple styles on the text. |
get | Number | Returns the font size of the text in points, or null if there are multiple styles on
the text. |
get | Integer | Returns the font weight of the text, or null if there are multiple styles on the text. |
get | Color | Returns the foreground color of the text, or null if there are multiple styles on the
text. |
get | Link | Returns the Link on the text, or null if there is no link or if the link is on
part of the text or if there are multiple links. |
has | Boolean | Returns true if there is link on the text, false if not, or null if the
link is on part of the text or there are multiple links. |
is | Boolean | Returns true if the background of the text is transparent, false if not, or
null if there are multiple styles on the text. |
is | Boolean | Returns true if the text is rendered as bold, false if not, or null if
there are multiple styles on the text. |
is | Boolean | Returns true if the text is italicized, false if not, or null if there
are multiple styles on the text. |
is | Boolean | Returns true if the text is in small capital letters, false if not, or null if there are multiple styles on the text. |
is | Boolean | Returns true if the text is struck through, false if not, or null if
there are multiple styles on the text. |
is | Boolean | Returns true if the text is underlined, false if not, or null if there
are multiple styles on the text. |
remove | Text | Removes a Link . |
set | Text | Sets the background color of the text. |
set | Text | Sets the background color of the text to the given RGB values from 0 to 255. |
set | Text | Sets the background color of the text to the given hex color string. |
set | Text | Sets the background color of the text to the given Theme . |
set | Text | Sets the background color of the text to transparent. |
set | Text | Sets the vertical offset of the text relative to its normal position. |
set | Text | Sets whether the text should be rendered as bold. |
set | Text | Sets the font family of the text . |
set | Text | Sets the font family and weight of the text. |
set | Text | Sets the font size of the text, in points. |
set | Text | Sets the foreground color of the text. |
set | Text | Sets the foreground color of the text to the given RGB values from 0 to 255. |
set | Text | Sets the foreground color of the text to the given hex color string. |
set | Text | Sets the foreground color of the text to the given Theme . |
set | Text | Sets the whether the text is italicized. |
set | Text | Sets a Link to the given Slide using the zero-based index of the slide. |
set | Text | Sets a Link to the given Slide , the link is set by the given slide ID. |
set | Text | Sets a Link to the given Slide using the relative position of the slide. |
set | Text | Sets a Link to the given non-empty URL string. |
set | Text | Sets whether the text is rendered in small capital letters. |
set | Text | Sets whether the text is struck through. |
set | Text | Sets whether the text is underlined. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
get | Color | Get the type of this color. |
get | Theme | Get the theme color type of this color. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | Represents a theme color that is not supported. |
DARK1 | Enum | Represents the first dark color. |
LIGHT1 | Enum | Represents the first light color. |
DARK2 | Enum | Represents the second dark color. |
LIGHT2 | Enum | Represents the second light color. |
ACCENT1 | Enum | Represents the first accent color. |
ACCENT2 | Enum | Represents the second accent color. |
ACCENT3 | Enum | Represents the third accent color. |
ACCENT4 | Enum | Represents the fourth accent color. |
ACCENT5 | Enum | Represents the fifth accent color. |
ACCENT6 | Enum | Represents the sixth accent color. |
HYPERLINK | Enum | Represents the color to use for hyperlinks. |
FOLLOWED_HYPERLINK | Enum | Represents the color to use for visited hyperlinks. |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
align | Video | Aligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page. |
bring | Video | Brings the page element forward on the page by one element. |
bring | Video | Brings the page element to the front of the page. |
duplicate() | Page | Duplicates the page element. |
get | Border | Returns the Border of the video. |
get | Connection | Returns the list of Connection s on the page element, or an empty list if the page
element does not have any connection sites. |
get | String | Returns the page element's alt text description. |
get | Number | Gets the element's height in points, which is the height of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
get | Number | Returns the element's inherent height in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's inherent width in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
get | String | Returns the unique ID for this object. |
get | Page | Returns the page element's type, represented as a Page enum. |
get | Group | Returns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a
group. |
get | Page | Returns the page this page element is on. |
get | Number | Returns the element's clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation. |
get | Video | Gets the video source. |
get | String | Gets an URL to the video thumbnail. |
get | String | Returns the page element's alt text title. |
get | Number | Gets the element's vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
get | Affine | Returns the page element's transform. |
get | String | Gets an URL to the video. |
get | String | Gets the video source's unique identifier for this video. |
get | Number | Returns the element's width in points, which is the width of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
preconcatenate | Video | Preconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element. |
remove() | void | Removes the page element. |
scale | Video | Scales the element's height by the specified ratio. |
scale | Video | Scales the element's width by the specified ratio. |
select() | void | Selects only the Page in the active presentation and removes any previous
selection. |
select(replace) | void | Selects the Page in the active presentation. |
send | Video | Sends the page element backward on the page by one element. |
send | Video | Sends the page element to the back of the page. |
set | Video | Sets the page element's alt text description. |
set | Video | Sets the element's height in points, which is the height of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
set | Video | Sets the element's horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
set | Video | Sets the element's clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees. |
set | Video | Sets the page element's alt text title. |
set | Video | Sets the element's vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
set | Video | Sets the transform of the page element with the provided transform. |
set | Video | Sets the element's width in points, which is the width of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
Property | Type | Description |
UNSUPPORTED | Enum | A video source type that is not supported. |
YOUTUBE | Enum | You |
Method | Return type | Brief description |
align | Word | Aligns the element to the specified alignment position on the page. |
bring | Word | Brings the page element forward on the page by one element. |
bring | Word | Brings the page element to the front of the page. |
duplicate() | Page | Duplicates the page element. |
get | Connection | Returns the list of Connection s on the page element, or an empty list if the page
element does not have any connection sites. |
get | String | Returns the page element's alt text description. |
get | Number | Gets the element's height in points, which is the height of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
get | Number | Returns the element's inherent height in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's inherent width in points. |
get | Number | Returns the element's horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
get | Link | Returns the Link or null if there is no link. |
get | String | Returns the unique ID for this object. |
get | Page | Returns the page element's type, represented as a Page enum. |
get | Group | Returns the group this page element belongs to, or null if the element is not in a
group. |
get | Page | Returns the page this page element is on. |
get | String | Gets the text that is rendered as word art. |
get | Number | Returns the element's clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees, where zero degrees means no rotation. |
get | String | Returns the page element's alt text title. |
get | Number | Gets the element's vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
get | Affine | Returns the page element's transform. |
get | Number | Returns the element's width in points, which is the width of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
preconcatenate | Word | Preconcatenates the provided transform to the existing transform of the page element. |
remove() | void | Removes the page element. |
remove | void | Removes a Link . |
scale | Word | Scales the element's height by the specified ratio. |
scale | Word | Scales the element's width by the specified ratio. |
select() | void | Selects only the Page in the active presentation and removes any previous
selection. |
select(replace) | void | Selects the Page in the active presentation. |
send | Word | Sends the page element backward on the page by one element. |
send | Word | Sends the page element to the back of the page. |
set | Word | Sets the page element's alt text description. |
set | Word | Sets the element's height in points, which is the height of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |
set | Word | Sets the element's horizontal position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
set | Link | Sets a Link to the given Slide using the zero-based index of the slide. |
set | Link | Sets a Link to the given Slide , the link is set by the given slide ID. |
set | Link | Sets a Link to the given Slide using the relative position of the slide. |
set | Link | Sets a Link to the given non-empty URL string. |
set | Word | Sets the element's clockwise rotation angle around its center in degrees. |
set | Word | Sets the page element's alt text title. |
set | Word | Sets the element's vertical position in points, measured from the upper-left corner of the page when the element has no rotation. |
set | Word | Sets the transform of the page element with the provided transform. |
set | Word | Sets the element's width in points, which is the width of the element's bounding box when the element has no rotation. |