Class BooleanCondition


Access boolean conditions in ConditionalFormatRules. Each conditional format rule may contain a single boolean condition. The boolean condition itself contains a boolean criteria (with values) and formatting settings. The criteria is evaluated against the content of a cell resulting in either a true or false value. If the criteria evaluates to true, the condition's formatting settings are applied to the cell.


MethodReturn typeBrief description
getBackgroundObject()ColorGets the background color for this boolean condition.
getBold()BooleanReturns true if this boolean condition bolds the text and returns false if this boolean condition removes bolding from the text.
getCriteriaType()BooleanCriteriaGets the rule's criteria type as defined in the BooleanCriteria enum.
getCriteriaValues()Object[]Gets an array of arguments for the rule's criteria.
getFontColorObject()ColorGets the font color for this boolean condition.
getItalic()BooleanReturns true if this boolean condition italicises the text and returns false if this boolean condition removes italics from the text.
getStrikethrough()BooleanReturns true if this boolean condition strikes through the text and returns false if this boolean condition removes strikethrough from the text.
getUnderline()BooleanReturns true if this boolean condition underlines the text and returns false if this boolean condition removes underlining from the text.
MethodReturn typeBrief description
getBackground()StringGets the background color string for this boolean condition.
getFontColor()StringGets the font color string for this boolean condition.

Detailed documentation


Gets the background color for this boolean condition. Returns null if not set.

// Logs the boolean condition background color for each conditional format rule
// on a sheet.
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
const rules = sheet.getConditionalFormatRules();
for (const rule of rules) {
  const color = rule.getBooleanCondition().getBackgroundObject();
  Logger.log(`Background color: ${color.asRgbColor().asHexString()}`);


Color — The background color, or null if not set for this condition.


Returns true if this boolean condition bolds the text and returns false if this boolean condition removes bolding from the text. Returns null if bolding is unaffected.

// Logs the boolean condition font weight for each conditional format rule on a
// sheet.
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
const rules = sheet.getConditionalFormatRules();
for (const rule of rules) {
  const bold = rule.getBooleanCondition().getBold();
  Logger.log(`Bold: ${bold}`);


Boolean — whether or not the boolean condition bolds the text, or null if bolding is unaffected


Gets the rule's criteria type as defined in the BooleanCriteria enum. To get the arguments for the criteria, use getCriteriaValues(). To use these values to create or modify a conditional formatting rule, see ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder.withCriteria(criteria, args).

// Log information about the conditional formats on the active sheet that use
// boolean conditions.

const formats = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet.getConditionalFormats();
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet.getConditionalFormats().forEach((format) => {
  const booleanCondition = format.getBooleanCondition();
  if (booleanCondition) {
    const criteria = booleanCondition.getCriteriaType();
    const args = booleanCondition.getCriteriaValues();
    Logger.log(`The conditional format rule is ${criteria} ${args}`);


BooleanCriteria — The type of conditional formatting criteria.


Gets an array of arguments for the rule's criteria. To get the criteria type, use getCriteriaType(). To use these values to create or modify a conditional formatting rule, see ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder.withCriteria(criteria, args).

// Log information about the conditional formats on the active sheet that use
// boolean conditions.

const formats = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet.getConditionalFormats();
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet.getConditionalFormats().forEach((format) => {
  const booleanCondition = format.getBooleanCondition();
  if (booleanCondition) {
    const criteria = booleanCondition.getCriteriaType();
    const args = booleanCondition.getCriteriaValues();
    Logger.log(`The conditional format rule is ${criteria} ${args}`);


Object[] — An array of arguments appropriate to the rule's criteria type; the number of arguments and their type match the corresponding when...() method of the ConditionalFormatRuleBuilder class.


Gets the font color for this boolean condition. Returns null if not set.

// Logs the boolean condition font color for each conditional format rule on a
// sheet.
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
const rules = sheet.getConditionalFormatRules();
for (const rule of rules) {
  const color = rule.getBooleanCondition().getFontColorObject();
  Logger.log(`Font color: ${color.asRgbColor().asHexString()}`);


Color — The font color, or null if not set for this condition.


Returns true if this boolean condition italicises the text and returns false if this boolean condition removes italics from the text. Returns null if italics are unaffected.

// Logs the boolean condition font style for each conditional format rule on a
// sheet.
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
const rules = sheet.getConditionalFormatRules();
for (const rule of rules) {
  const italic = rule.getBooleanCondition().getItalic();
  Logger.log(`Italic: ${italic}`);


Boolean — whether or not the boolean condition italicises the text, or null if italicising is unaffected


Returns true if this boolean condition strikes through the text and returns false if this boolean condition removes strikethrough from the text. Returns null if strikethrough is unaffected.

// Logs the boolean condition strikethrough setting for each conditional format
// rule on a sheet.
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
const rules = sheet.getConditionalFormatRules();
for (const rule of rules) {
  const strikethrough = rule.getBooleanCondition().getStrikethrough();
  Logger.log(`Strikethrough: ${strikethrough}`);


Boolean — whether or not the boolean condition strikes through the text, or null if strikethrough is unaffected


Returns true if this boolean condition underlines the text and returns false if this boolean condition removes underlining from the text. Returns null if underlining is unaffected.

// Logs the boolean condition underline setting for each conditional format rule
// on a sheet.
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
const rules = sheet.getConditionalFormatRules();
for (const rule of rules) {
  const underline = rule.getBooleanCondition().getUnderline();
  Logger.log(`Underline: ${underline}`);


Boolean — whether or not the boolean condition underlines the text, or null if underlining is unaffected

Deprecated methods

Deprecated. Replaced by getBackgroundObject()

Gets the background color string for this boolean condition. Returns null if not set.

// Logs the boolean condition background color for each conditional format rule
// on a sheet.
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
const rules = sheet.getConditionalFormatRules();
for (const rule of rules) {
  const color = rule.getBooleanCondition().getBackground();
  Logger.log(`Background color: ${color}`);


String — The background color string, or null if not set for this condition.

Deprecated. Replaced by getFontColorObject()

Gets the font color string for this boolean condition. Returns null if not set.

// Logs the boolean condition font color for each conditional format rule on a
// sheet.
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
const rules = sheet.getConditionalFormatRules();
for (const rule of rules) {
  Logger.log(`Font color: ${rule.getBooleanCondition().getFontColor()}`);


String — The font color string, or null if not set for this condition.