Class TextStyle


The rendered style of text in a cell.

Text styles can have a corresponding RichTextValue. If the RichTextValue spans multiple text runs that have different values for a given text style read method, the method returns null. To avoid this, query for text styles using the Rich Text values returned by the RichTextValue.getRuns() method.


MethodReturn typeBrief description
copy()TextStyleBuilderCreates a text style builder initialized with the values of this text style.
getFontFamily()StringGets the font family of the text.
getFontSize()IntegerGets the font size of the text in points.
getForegroundColorObject()ColorGets the font color of the text.
isBold()BooleanGets whether or not the text is bold.
isItalic()BooleanGets whether or not the cell is italic.
isStrikethrough()BooleanGets whether or not the cell has strikethrough.
isUnderline()BooleanGets whether or not the cell is underlined.
MethodReturn typeBrief description
getForegroundColor()StringGets the font color of the text.

Detailed documentation


Creates a text style builder initialized with the values of this text style.


TextStyleBuilder — A builder from this text style.


Gets the font family of the text. Returns null if the font family isn't set or the corresponding RichTextValue has multiple runs with different font families.


String — The font family of the text (for example, "Arial") or null.


Gets the font size of the text in points. Returns null if the font size isn't set or the corresponding RichTextValue has multiple runs with different font sizes.


Integer — The font size of the text or null.


Gets the font color of the text. Returns null if the font color isn't set or the corresponding RichTextValue has multiple runs with different font colors.


Color — The font color of the text or null.


Gets whether or not the text is bold. Returns null if bold isn't set or the corresponding RichTextValue has multiple runs with different bold settings.


Boolean — Whether or not the cell is bold, or null.


Gets whether or not the cell is italic. Returns null if italic isn't set or the corresponding RichTextValue has multiple runs with different italic settings.


Boolean — Whether or not the cell is italic, or null.


Gets whether or not the cell has strikethrough. Returns null if strikethrough isn't set or the corresponding RichTextValue has multiple runs with different strikethrough settings.


Boolean — Whether or not the cell has strikethrough, or null.


Gets whether or not the cell is underlined. Returns null if underline isn't set or the corresponding RichTextValue has multiple runs with different underline settings.


Boolean — Whether or not the cell is underlined, or null.

Deprecated methods

Deprecated. Replaced by getForegroundColorObject()

Gets the font color of the text. Returns null if the font color isn't set or the corresponding RichTextValue has multiple runs with different font colors.


String — The font color of the text as a hex CSS value (for example, "#ff0000") or null.