GVRHeadTransform Class

GVRHeadTransform Class Reference


Defines a class to represent the head transformation for a render frame.

Inherits NSObject.

Instance Method Summary

(CGRect) - viewportForEye:
 Returns the screen viewport for a given eye. More...
(GLKMatrix4) - projectionMatrixForEye:near:far:
 Returns the projection matrix for the specified eye. More...
(GLKMatrix4) - eyeFromHeadMatrix:
 Returns the transformation matrix used to convert from Head Space to Eye Space for the given eye. More...
(GLKMatrix4) - headPoseInStartSpace
 Returns the reference matrix of the head pose in start space. More...
(GVRFieldOfView- fieldOfViewForEye:
 Returns the field of view for the specified eye. More...

Method Detail

- (CGRect) viewportForEye: (GVREye)  eye

Returns the screen viewport for a given eye.

- (GLKMatrix4) projectionMatrixForEye: (GVREye)  eye
near: (CGFloat)  near
far: (CGFloat)  far 

Returns the projection matrix for the specified eye.

- (GLKMatrix4) eyeFromHeadMatrix: (GVREye)  eye

Returns the transformation matrix used to convert from Head Space to Eye Space for the given eye.

- (GLKMatrix4) headPoseInStartSpace

Returns the reference matrix of the head pose in start space.

- (GVRFieldOfView) fieldOfViewForEye: (GVREye)  eye

Returns the field of view for the specified eye.