--- v16/errors/campaign_criterion_error.proto 2024-04-18 17:10:00.000000000 +0000 +++ v16-1/errors/campaign_criterion_error.proto 2024-04-18 17:10:09.000000000 +0000 @@ -124,5 +124,12 @@ // exclusive targeting, broad match campaigns for inclusive targeting or // PMax generated campaigns. CANNOT_ATTACH_BRAND_LIST_TO_NON_QUALIFIED_SEARCH_CAMPAIGN = 26; + + // Campaigns that target all countries and territories are limited to a + // certain number of top-level location exclusions. If removing a criterion + // causes the campaign to target all countries and territories and the + // campaign has more top-level location exclusions than the limit allows, + // then this error is returned. + CANNOT_REMOVE_ALL_LOCATIONS_DUE_TO_TOO_MANY_COUNTRY_EXCLUSIONS = 27; } }
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