Create App Campaign


The focus of your campaign will determine the values for specific settings as well as which features you can use. Before you start coding, choose and expand one option from the following list and refer to its settings as you go through each step in the campaign creation process.

Check out the Google Ads Help article on App campaigns for more info on the different types of campaigns and goals.


Using the settings for the selected area of focus above, follow these steps to create an App campaign.

  1. Set the name.

  2. Set the advertising_channel_type to MULTI_CHANNEL.

  3. Set the campaign_budget to the resource name of an existing campaign budget. If you need to create a campaign budget, follow the code example in the Create Campaigns guide.

  4. Set the advertising_channel_sub_type based on the goal you chose above.

  5. Set the app_campaign_setting to an AppCampaignSetting with:

  6. Set the bidding strategy field according to the goal you chose above.

  7. Indicate the conversion types for which Google Ads should optimize your campaign by setting its selectiveOptimization, where the resource name of each conversion action is in the conversion_actions list.

    This is required if the campaign's advertising_channel_sub_type is APP_CAMPAIGN_FOR_ENGAGEMENT, but optional otherwise.

    Campaigns with the advertising_channel_sub_type of APP_CAMPAIGN_FOR_PRE_REGISTRATION will automatically have conversion actions added to them once the first user pre-registers, and can only track pre-registration conversions.

  8. (Optional) Refine your campaign's targeting by adding CampaignCriterion objects. App campaigns support campaign-level targeting by language and location.