List Accessible Accounts

You can list customers accessible to you with the ListAccessibleCustomers method in CustomerService. However, it is necessary to understand which customers are returned in this type of request.

Listing accessible customers is one of the few requests in the Google Ads API that does not require you to specify a customer ID in the request, and will ignore any supplied login-customer-id.

The resulting list of customers is based on your OAuth credentials. The request returns a list of all accounts that you are able to act upon directly given your current credentials. This will not necessarily include all accounts within the account hierarchy; rather, it will only include accounts where your authenticated user has been added with admin or other rights in the account.

Imagine you are user A who is an admin for M1 and C3 in the two hierarchies pictured above. If you were to make a call to the Google Ads API, for example to GoogleAdsService, you could access information for accounts M1, C1, C2, and C3. However, a call to CustomerService.ListAccessibleCustomers would return only M1 and C3 since those are the only accounts where user A has direct access.

Here is a code example illustrating the use of the CustomerService.ListAccessibleCustomers method:


private void runExample(GoogleAdsClient client) {
  // Optional: Change credentials to use a different refresh token, to retrieve customers
  //           available for a specific user.
  // UserCredentials credentials =
  //     UserCredentials.newBuilder()
  //         .setClientId("INSERT_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID")
  //         .setClientSecret("INSERT_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET")
  //         .setRefreshToken("INSERT_REFRESH_TOKEN")
  //         .build();
  // client = client.toBuilder().setCredentials(credentials).build();

  try (CustomerServiceClient customerService =
      client.getLatestVersion().createCustomerServiceClient()) {
    ListAccessibleCustomersResponse response =

    System.out.printf("Total results: %d%n", response.getResourceNamesCount());

    for (String customerResourceName : response.getResourceNamesList()) {
      System.out.printf("Customer resource name: %s%n", customerResourceName);


public void Run(GoogleAdsClient client)
    // Get the CustomerService.
    CustomerServiceClient customerService = client.GetService(Services.V18.CustomerService);

        // Retrieve the list of customer resources.
        string[] customerResourceNames = customerService.ListAccessibleCustomers();

        // Display the result.
        foreach (string customerResourceName in customerResourceNames)
                $"Found customer with resource name = '{customerResourceName}'.");
    catch (GoogleAdsException e)
        Console.WriteLine($"Message: {e.Message}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Failure: {e.Failure}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Request ID: {e.RequestId}");


public static function runExample(GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient)
    $customerServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getCustomerServiceClient();

    // Issues a request for listing all accessible customers.
    $accessibleCustomers =
        $customerServiceClient->listAccessibleCustomers(new ListAccessibleCustomersRequest());
    print 'Total results: ' . count($accessibleCustomers->getResourceNames()) . PHP_EOL;

    // Iterates over all accessible customers' resource names and prints them.
    foreach ($accessibleCustomers->getResourceNames() as $resourceName) {
        /** @var string $resourceName */
        printf("Customer resource name: '%s'%s", $resourceName, PHP_EOL);


def main(client):
    customer_service = client.get_service("CustomerService")

    accessible_customers = customer_service.list_accessible_customers()
    result_total = len(accessible_customers.resource_names)
    print(f"Total results: {result_total}")

    resource_names = accessible_customers.resource_names
    for resource_name in resource_names:
        print(f'Customer resource name: "{resource_name}"')


def list_accessible_customers()
  # GoogleAdsClient will read a config file from
  # ENV['HOME']/google_ads_config.rb when called without parameters
  client =

  accessible_customers = client.service.customer.list_accessible_customers().resource_names

  accessible_customers.each do |resource_name|
    puts "Customer resource name: #{resource_name}"


sub list_accessible_customers {
  my ($api_client) = @_;

  my $list_accessible_customers_response =

  printf "Total results: %d.\n",
    scalar @{$list_accessible_customers_response->{resourceNames}};

    my $resource_name (@{$list_accessible_customers_response->{resourceNames}})
    printf "Customer resource name: '%s'.\n", $resource_name;

  return 1;

List cancelled accounts

The Google Ads API doesn't provide a direct way to list the cancelled accounts under a Manager account. However, you can use the following workaround to retrieve this list.

  1. Retrieve the list of ACTIVE links using the customer_client_link resource and make a list of customers using the customer_client_link.client_customer field.

    SELECT customer_client_link.client_customer, customer_client_link.status FROM
        customer_client_link WHERE customer_client_link.status = ACTIVE
  2. Retrieve the list of ENABLED accounts using the customer_client resource.

    SELECT, customer_client.descriptive_name FROM customer_client
  3. The difference between the two lists gives you the list of cancelled accounts.