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App Campaigns
App campaigns allow you to
promote your app based on a specific area of focus. The campaign creation
workflow differs slightly from other campaign types, and consists of the
following high-level steps:
- Create a campaign, specifying your app information and the campaign's
advertising channel sub-type, goal type, budget, and bidding strategy. You
can also add targeting criteria such as languages or locations.
- Create an ad group. If the goal of the campaign is to drive in-app actions
or in-app action value, you can also add ad group criteria for user lists.
- Create ads using the asset-based ad type
that corresponds to your campaign's advertising channel sub-type.
Google Ads will automate targeting and bidding according to the specified goal
and show ads based on the assets you
App Campaign Legacy (installs) are not supported in the Google Ads API but are
supported in the UI. This applies to both geographic and non-geographic
reporting as well.
Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Last updated 2025-01-28 UTC.
[null,null,["Last updated 2025-01-28 UTC."],[[["App campaigns promote your app focusing on a specific area, differing slightly in campaign creation from other campaign types."],["Campaign creation involves setting app details, campaign goals, budget, bidding, targeting, and ad group criteria if needed."],["Asset-based ads are created based on the campaign's advertising channel sub-type, with Google Ads automating targeting and bidding for specified goals."],["Legacy App Campaigns for installs are not supported through the Google Ads API but can be accessed through the UI."]]],[]]