System Limits

This page lists various limits in the Google Ads API along with the corresponding error that is thrown when the limit is exceeded.

See About your Google Ads account limits for product limits such as the maximum number of campaigns per account.


Maximum number of Google Ads accounts in a manager account hierarchy
Maximum number of test accounts in a manager account hierarchy
Value 50
Error ManagerLinkError.TOO_MANY_ACCOUNTS
Prevention --
Maximum number of manager accounts a Google Ads account can be managed by
Value 5
Error ManagerLinkError.TOO_MANY_MANAGERS
Prevention See About manager linking errors for more details.
Maximum number of levels in a hierarchy, from top-level manager account to bottom-most Google Ads account
Value 6
Error ManagerLinkError.MAX_DEPTH_EXCEEDED
Prevention See About manager linking errors for more details.
Maximum number of pending manager account invitations in the same hierarchy
Value 20
Error ManagerLinkError.TOO_MANY_INVITES
Prevention See About manager linking errors for more details.
Name length
Value 255 characters
Error StringLengthError.TOO_LONG
Prevention --


Headline length
Value 30 characters
Prevention See About text ads for more details.
Description1 or description2 length
Value 90 characters
Prevention See above.
Path1 or path2 length
Value 15 characters
Prevention See above.
Final URL length
Value 2,084 bytes
Error StringLengthError.TOO_LONG
Prevention A protocol prefix (such as "https://") is required for final URLs and is counted against this limit.

Ad group

Name length
Value 256 characters
Prevention --

Campaign budget

Maximum number of shared budgets in an account
Value 11,000
Error ResourceCountLimitExceededError.ACCOUNT_LIMIT
Prevention The budgets limit is 1,000 more than the number of campaigns limit to allow for some room in reassigning budgets if needed. There is no restriction on the number of campaigns that can share a budget.
Maximum number of unshared budgets in an account
Value 20,000
Error ResourceCountLimitExceededError.ACCOUNT_LIMIT
Prevention These are budgets that are associated with a specific campaign, and cannot be shared between campaigns.


Maximum number of bidding strategies attached to ad groups per campaign
Value 1,000
Error ResourceCountLimitExceededError.CAMPAIGN_LIMIT
Prevention --
Name length
Value 256 characters
Error StringLengthError.TOO_LONG
Prevention --

Conversion upload

Maximum number of offline click conversions that can be uploaded per API call
Value 2,000
Prevention For performance reasons, we limit the number of conversions that can be uploaded per API request to 2,000.


Keyword length
Value 80 characters
Error CriterionError.KEYWORD_TEXT_TOO_LONG
Prevention --
Placement URL length
Value 250 characters
Prevention Protocol prefixes (such as "http://") are stripped from placement URLs and are not counted towards this limit.
Final URL length
Value 2,047 bytes
Error StringLengthError.TOO_LONG
Prevention The protocol prefix (such as "http://") is counted towards this limit.
Proximity radius
Value 800 km / 500 mi
Prevention --
Maximum number of Shopping ad groups in a single request that modifies the structure of the ProductPartition tree.
Value 2
Prevention This limit does not apply to operations on ProductPartition criteria changes that do not modify the structure of the tree. For example, a request that only modifies the bids of existing partitions can contain operations for more than two Shopping ad groups.If you want to modify the structure of the ProductPartition tree for more than two Shopping ad groups, consider using batch jobs, where this restriction does not apply.
Excluded IP blocks per campaign
Value 500
Error ResourceCountLimitExceededError.CAMPAIGN_LIMIT
Prevention --


Feeds per account
Value 100
Error ResourceCountLimitExceededError.ACCOUNT_LIMIT
Prevention We recommend using only one feed per extension type whenever possible.
Feed items per account
Value 5,000,000
Error ResourceCountLimitExceededError.ACCOUNT_LIMIT
Prevention --
Feed attributes per feed
Value 30
Error ResourceCountLimitExceededError.ACCOUNT_LIMIT
Prevention --
Feed items per matching function
Value 20
Error ResourceCountLimitExceededError.ACCOUNT_LIMIT
Prevention --


Maximum number of labels that can be applied to accounts by a manager account
Value 200
Error ResourceCountLimitExceededError.ACCOUNT_LIMIT
Prevention --
Maximum number of accounts a label can be applied to
Value 1,000
Error ResourceCountLimitExceededError.ACCOUNT_LIMIT
Prevention --
Maximum number of labels that can be applied to entities (campaigns, ad groups, etc.) per account
Value 100,000
Error ResourceCountLimitExceededError.CAMPAIGN_LIMIT, ADGROUP_LIMIT, etc.
Prevention Labels for all entity types count towards the same limit.
Maximum number of labels that can be applied to a single entity (campaign, ad group, etc.)

Listing groups

Maximum number of listing groups per ad group
Value 20,000
Error ResourceCountLimitExceededError.RESOURCE_LIMIT
Prevention --

Payments account

Maximum number of billing setups that can be linked to a payments account
Value 75,000
Prevention --

Performance Max

Maximum number of Performance Max campaigns in an account
Value 100
Error ResourceCountLimitExceededError.ACCOUNT_LIMIT
Prevention See maximum account limits for more details. Contact your Google business development representative for a possibly higher limit.
Maximum number of asset groups in a campaign
Value 100
Error ResourceCountLimitExceededError.RESOURCE_LIMIT
Prevention --
Maximum number of listing group filters in an asset group
Value 1,000
Error ResourceCountLimitExceededError.RESOURCE_LIMIT
Prevention --
Maximum number of listing group filter subdivisions in a campaign

There are rare cases where you may receive an INTERNAL_ERROR even though you have not exceeded any of the above limits. This occurs when the internal resources are marshaled and there is a fan-out of dependencies that exceeds internal limits. Try reducing the size or complexity of the query. You may need to execute more than one query to obtain your required result.