Service to manage ads.
GetAd | |
Returns the requested ad in full detail. List of thrown errors: AuthenticationError AuthorizationError HeaderError InternalError QuotaError RequestError
MutateAds | |
Updates ads. Operation statuses are returned. Updating ads is not supported for TextAd, ExpandedDynamicSearchAd, GmailAd and ImageAd. List of thrown errors: AdCustomizerError AdError AdSharingError AdxError AssetError AssetLinkError AuthenticationError AuthorizationError CollectionSizeError DatabaseError DateError DistinctError FeedAttributeReferenceError FieldError FieldMaskError FunctionError FunctionParsingError HeaderError IdError ImageError InternalError ListOperationError MediaBundleError MediaFileError MutateError NewResourceCreationError NotEmptyError NullError OperatorError PolicyFindingError PolicyViolationError QuotaError RangeError RequestError SizeLimitError StringFormatError StringLengthError UrlFieldError