Service to manage batch jobs.
AddBatchJobOperations | |
Add operations to the batch job. List of thrown errors: AuthenticationError AuthorizationError BatchJobError HeaderError InternalError QuotaError RequestError ResourceCountLimitExceededError
ListBatchJobResults | |
Returns the results of the batch job. The job must be done. Supports standard list paging. List of thrown errors: AuthenticationError AuthorizationError BatchJobError HeaderError InternalError QuotaError RequestError
MutateBatchJob | |
Mutates a batch job. List of thrown errors: AuthenticationError AuthorizationError HeaderError InternalError QuotaError RequestError ResourceCountLimitExceededError
RunBatchJob | |
Runs the batch job. The Operation.metadata field type is BatchJobMetadata. When finished, the long running operation will not contain errors or a response. Instead, use ListBatchJobResults to get the results of the job. List of thrown errors: AuthenticationError AuthorizationError BatchJobError HeaderError InternalError QuotaError RequestError